Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante
Quote: Originally Posted by Asclepias
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
The PERCEIVED thought that "Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Yes, all us Tea Party people are against him because NUTZ has a PERCIEVED THOUGHT that we oppose him because he's BLACK, instead of his "NOT RIGHTEOUS" policies, law breaking, agenda's, Unconstitutional acts, and .....


You failed to show that by saying that he actually said one race was better or superior to another. Why did you fail to do that?

You hear whites all the time stating they are better than blacks, so that makes them racist?

Yes, I am a "non-Jew white". So as a non-Jew white living in Germany, I can tell you I've never heard other non-Jew whites talk about how much they hate jews or non-whites. Haven't been invited to any secret Nazi rallies either.

So yea, it's hard to experience something that doesn't exist.

All of the documented attacks and examples of racism and anti-semitism are lies? Is that what you are saying because you don't see it in your bubble? I have never seen to gay guys buttfuck...does that mean they don't? Neither have I ever been invited to a gay sex party, does that mean they don't exist?

I didn't say it doesn't exist. I am saying it is not nearly as widespread as you fear. You've opened a few of these anti-Germany threads with the intent of protraying all of Germany as a bunch of racists Nazis. You are the one living in a bubble, you've never even been to Germany, yet you think you are some expert on the subject. I at least live in Germany at this time so I have a little more insight than you. I know plenty of minorities that live here and have lived here for many more years than I, and I trust their insight over your limited "I read it on the internetz so it must be tru" mentality.

Carry on, Nutbreath, you obviously have an agenda and will stop at nothing to spew it.

Who said I have never been to Germany? That is irrelevant. Hell, my father was born in Germany. My grandmother on my mothers side IS German (yes, she married a black man).
Yes, but if you look at their entire history...they are still full of hate and bloodlust. Oh, and black servicemen in Germany...they tend to stay near they get the best of Deutschland.

"They tend to stay near base"? What the fuck does that mean? We all live in the economy well outside the base, not everyone here is military, we're civilians that work for the military, so not everyone here is a "serviceman". Like I said, many have German wives, speak the language, have kids in German schools. You think they are "sheltered" from Germans? LOL, your ignorance knows no bounds.

Well yeah...they live in cities that cater to American soldiers. Does that not make sense?

LOL, well then I guess that would be almost half of Germany since we have bases all over the place. Your ignorance is shinning through again.


Carry on, dipshit.
My best friend is a German immigrate, he's been my friend since 1976. I was the Best Man in his wedding and he was mine when I got married. He's like my brother, I know him that well. I have also met his brothers and sisters several times when they have come to the states for extended visits.
I can guarantee you that that some folks are painting the German people with a mighty wide brush and that's wrong.
Therefore, I disapprove of this thread.

Nutz has some sort of irrational hatred of Germany and paints the entire population out of the actions of a few. The fact of the matter, the crime rate is twenty times better than the states, and they have been a very peaceful people similar to Japan.
Action of a few...the attempted genocide of the Jews was a concerted effort by the German population. The nationalism and xenophobia that led to 2 WORLD WARS was a concerted effort by the entire population. can talk about crime rate, but that is nothing more than deflection! Stay tuned, I will post more examples of German hate and bloodlust.
Why anybody would consider the reunification of East and West Germany as anywhere near a dangerous thing in the world we live in is borderline insane. We have nuclear proliferation, terrorism, global warming. The last problem on Earth for the United States is Germany.
It isn't a problem for the is a problem for HUMANITY. Look at what an unchecked Germany did during the 20th Century!
Nutz is clearly nuts. Go Germany!!! If they win, I look forward to his head exploding out of rage.

I am sure they will intimidate their opponents with black faces, racist chants, Nazi flags and overall hooliganism.

WW2 was the culmination of the previous 100 years. Nationalism, colonialism and Western culture hubris. The Western powers were fighting each other for the spoils of War. And none of them were innocent. Including the US, Russia..and definitely not England

If you think Nationalism, colonialism and Western culture hubris are some of the more dangerous things to worry about in this world. Well ok. I think you are living in the past by at least 75-100 years. I wouldn't lose sleep over it. But if you want to worry you should probably be more worried about the United States than Germany,

I'm a little more concerned about terrorist states, nuclear proliferation, over population, scarcer resources, rising global temperatures, etc. But that's just me.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante
Quote: Originally Posted by Asclepias
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
The PERCEIVED thought that "Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Yes, all us Tea Party people are against him because NUTZ has a PERCIEVED THOUGHT that we oppose him because he's BLACK, instead of his "NOT RIGHTEOUS" policies, law breaking, agenda's, Unconstitutional acts, and .....


You failed to show that by saying that he actually said one race was better or superior to another. Why did you fail to do that?

You hear whites all the time stating they are better than blacks, so that makes them racist?

So Vigilante, you don't like my thread about you call me a racist?????

:lmao: Come on, man. You are better than that. You are pretty much getting to be pretty hypocritical. It is okay for you to attack all blacks, but I can't point to German history without you calling me a racist?

Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante
Quote: Originally Posted by Asclepias
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
The PERCEIVED thought that "Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Yes, all us Tea Party people are against him because NUTZ has a PERCIEVED THOUGHT that we oppose him because he's BLACK, instead of his "NOT RIGHTEOUS" policies, law breaking, agenda's, Unconstitutional acts, and .....
Like I have said before...I only see one impeachable offense by Obama, and that is the IRS scandal if it can be linked to him. The other nonsense is simply nonsense. From the birther argument to Benghazi to all of the other manufactured controversies.

Does that mean everyone who disagrees with you is a racist?

So all these scandals, except the IRS one means nothing to Obama?

not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Do you have answers now for the missing EPA Hard drives? Or why Potus wrote a special E.O. to PROTECT HOLDER from disclosing information asked for by Congress? That's a DIRECT intervention!
"They tend to stay near base"? What the fuck does that mean? We all live in the economy well outside the base, not everyone here is military, we're civilians that work for the military, so not everyone here is a "serviceman". Like I said, many have German wives, speak the language, have kids in German schools. You think they are "sheltered" from Germans? LOL, your ignorance knows no bounds.

Well yeah...they live in cities that cater to American soldiers. Does that not make sense?

LOL, well then I guess that would be almost half of Germany since we have bases all over the place. Your ignorance is shinning through again.


Carry on, dipshit.

Scale. What about Northern Germany?
Or relatives who died fighting the Germans.

I had one of those, too, yeah.

Pilot. Shot down over France in '43.

But I think that having a relative who died in a concentration camp would hafta be a much tougher thing to forgive.

At least our relatives who fought the Nazis/ Axis Powers had weapons. At least they theoretically had a fighting chance.

The thousands of poor souls who died in the camps did not.

Just my two cents, that.

Absolutely, I agree. And the Germans said they were unaware of concentration their own backyard! Then, they said they had no idea the Jews were being sent to concentration camps...but they had no problem moving into a Jews house after they were sent away. Germany turned this world upside down. They should never be forgiven and their actions should never be forgotten.

You cannot make it to heaven if you don't forgive people, man.

Now forgetting the things they've done and using that memory to facilitate awareness of preventative measures to take so as to ensure the things they've done can and will never happen to you, me and our neighbors ever again — that's a whole 'nutha animal, right there.

But as Christians, we have to forgive people.

Nutz said:
Today we see an increase in the very attitudes that led to 2 WORLD WARS that cost the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of people!

What I see is an ever-widening gap between the super-rich and the underclass, and less reverence toward The Almighty and understanding of the Bible — not just in Germany, but also in the United States.

That is a dangerous combination.

Like I said in another post on this thread, when occultic secret societies begin to flourish in Germany and the USA, look out: it could get ugly.
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So all these scandals, except the IRS one means nothing to Obama?

not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Do you have answers now for the missing EPA Hard drives? Or why Potus wrote a special E.O. to PROTECT HOLDER from disclosing information asked for by Congress? That's a DIRECT intervention!

No, all of the scandals except the IRS scandal mean nothing to ME. I am not the defender of Obama...the only scandal I believe that has teeth is the IRS scandal...nothing more. You think he is a Kenyan, a Muslim, yada, yada, yada. I don't agree with all of your conspiracies...neither does much of America. Why does that make me a racist?
This may be the most hypocritical thread ever.

It takes some hypocrisy sometimes to get a good online discussion going, though, does it not?

Even if this thread is in your view crude, it has nonetheless been especially effective, yes?

Well, I don't quite see how the thread is hypocritical...but look at who is pointing their finger. I am amazed we have gone this far without flaming and personal attacks!
You cannot make it to heaven if you don't forgive people, man.

Now forgetting the things they've done and using that memory to facilitate awareness of preventative measures to take so as to ensure the things they've done can and will never happen to you, me and our neighbors ever again — that's a whole 'nutha animal, right there.

But as Christians, we have to forgive people.
You are right.

What I see is an ever-widening gap between the super-rich and the underclass, and less reverence toward The Almighty and understanding of the Bible — not just in Germany, but also in the United States.

Germany has all but given up on much of Europe
Like I said in another post on this thread, when occultic secret societies begin to flourish in Germany and the USA, look out: it could get ugly.
I am not certain about secret societies...but if Europe doesn't take hold of the EU and let the Germans dominate it...there will be big trouble.
So all these scandals, except the IRS one means nothing to Obama?

not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Do you have answers now for the missing EPA Hard drives? Or why Potus wrote a special E.O. to PROTECT HOLDER from disclosing information asked for by Congress? That's a DIRECT intervention!

No, all of the scandals except the IRS scandal mean nothing to ME. I am not the defender of Obama...the only scandal I believe that has teeth is the IRS scandal...nothing more. You think he is a Kenyan, a Muslim, yada, yada, yada. I don't agree with all of your conspiracies...neither does much of America. Why does that make me a racist?

We know he's a muslim, he was one in Indonesia in his young years, wrote about it in his book, and the muslim religion will not permit someone to reject that religion and change to Christianity! Your painting all tea party members as opposing a black president because he's simply black, as you stated, is racist in and of itself! ....
Well yeah...they live in cities that cater to American soldiers. Does that not make sense?

LOL, well then I guess that would be almost half of Germany since we have bases all over the place. Your ignorance is shinning through again.


Carry on, dipshit.

Scale. What about Northern Germany?

What about it? We don't have too much in the north. Maybe that's where all your racist Germans are!
Who said I have never been to Germany? That is irrelevant. Hell, my father was born in Germany. My grandmother on my mothers side IS German (yes, she married a black man).

Sounds like you're suffering from the same insecurites as Obama does.

"And yet, even as I imagined myself following Malcolm’s call, one line in the book stayed me. He spoke of a wish he’d once had, the wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act of violence, might somehow be expunged." --Barack Obama, Dreams of My Father.

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