Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

Do I have your permission to post one of your PM's with me? I don't know if that is allowed, but it would shine a lot of light on your thoughts about the dreaded Tea Partiers!
It was posted on my Message Board, so everyone has access to read it anyway! Thanks for asking permission though, I appreciate that.

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.
It was posted on my Message Board, so everyone has access to read it anyway! Thanks for asking permission though, I appreciate that.

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!
Obviously, you haven't read the entire thread. Many, many examples have been given of German hate and bloodlust. You are trying to limit the discussion to blacks...that is just one small part of German hate and bloodlust.

Read, learn some more...then comment again.

You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

My cousin was stationed in Germany and he told me that there were entire parts of Germany he as a Black person would be killed if he went there. I myself experienced no racism but as someone pointed out I was there for sports and probably sheltered from it.

I have worked for the military for a long time, and know plenty of blacks and hispanics that have lived here for long periods of time. All of them, and I mean ALL of them spoke very highly of Germany. I work with plenty of black Americans that speak German, and have been living here for decades. I am sure there have been isolated cases of German racism, but to say they are more racist than anyone else in the world is just pure ignorance.

Germans are generally very ashamed of what happened in the Nazi era. To them it is a stain on their history and heratige, much like slavery was a stain on American history. There is much more to German heritage than the Nazi era, German culture has been around for a thousand years. But idiots like Nutz are too sheltered and too dumb to undestand that.
"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
Do I have your permission to post one of your PM's with me? I don't know if that is allowed, but it would shine a lot of light on your thoughts about the dreaded Tea Partiers!
It was posted on my Message Board, so everyone has access to read it anyway! Thanks for asking permission though, I appreciate that.

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

I miss your point. Or is it more deflection to the topic at hand? You are more than welcome to start a thread on Teapers.
You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

My cousin was stationed in Germany and he told me that there were entire parts of Germany he as a Black person would be killed if he went there. I myself experienced no racism but as someone pointed out I was there for sports and probably sheltered from it.

I have worked for the military for a long time, and know plenty of blacks and hispanics that have lived here for long periods of time. All of them, and I mean ALL of them spoke very highly of Germany. I work with plenty of black Americans that speak German, and have been living here for decades. I am sure there have been isolated cases of German racism, but to say they are more racist than anyone else in the world is just pure ignorance.

Germans are generally very ashamed of what happened in the Nazi era. To them it is a stain on their history and heratige, much like slavery was a stain on American history. There is much more to German heritage than the Nazi era, German culture has been around for a thousand years. But idiots like Nutz are too sheltered and too dumb to undestand that.

I'm pretty sure there are Black and Hispanics that live in Germany. I know some of them. I loved it while I was there as well. My point is that if there are entire sections of the country they cant go to then that means there is an issue. Given its past aggression and genocide its is a warning bell. Ive talked with plenty of German people and they do seem very contrite about what happened. Thats why its been pointed out again and again this is in reference to Germany as a country not all of is people.
Obviously, you haven't read the entire thread. Many, many examples have been given of German hate and bloodlust. You are trying to limit the discussion to blacks...that is just one small part of German hate and bloodlust.

Read, learn some more...then comment again.

You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

You must be a non-Jew and white. Of course you don't experience the racism and hate...DUH! But, I guess you know better than those who experience it first hand.

Yes, I am a "non-Jew white". So as a non-Jew white living in Germany, I can tell you I've never heard other non-Jew whites talk about how much they hate jews or non-whites. Haven't been invited to any secret Nazi rallies either.

So yea, it's hard to experience something that doesn't exist.
You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

My cousin was stationed in Germany and he told me that there were entire parts of Germany he as a Black person would be killed if he went there. I myself experienced no racism but as someone pointed out I was there for sports and probably sheltered from it.

I have worked for the military for a long time, and know plenty of blacks and hispanics that have lived here for long periods of time. All of them, and I mean ALL of them spoke very highly of Germany. I work with plenty of black Americans that speak German, and have been living here for decades. I am sure there have been isolated cases of German racism, but to say they are more racist than anyone else in the world is just pure ignorance.

Germans are generally very ashamed of what happened in the Nazi era. To them it is a stain on their history and heratige, much like slavery was a stain on American history. There is much more to German heritage than the Nazi era, German culture has been around for a thousand years. But idiots like Nutz are too sheltered and too dumb to undestand that.

Yes, but if you look at their entire history...they are still full of hate and bloodlust. Oh, and black servicemen in Germany...they tend to stay near they get the best of Deutschland.
You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

You must be a non-Jew and white. Of course you don't experience the racism and hate...DUH! But, I guess you know better than those who experience it first hand.

Yes, I am a "non-Jew white". So as a non-Jew white living in Germany, I can tell you I've never heard other non-Jew whites talk about how much they hate jews or non-whites. Haven't been invited to any secret Nazi rallies either.

So yea, it's hard to experience something that doesn't exist.

You are making the same mistake people made the last time. Open your eyes

For restaurant owner Uwe Dziuballa, every year from early March the phone calls come with chilling regularity – callers try to book a table for Adolf Hitler for April 18 – the Fuhrer’s birthday.

Since Uwe opened his Kosher restaurant in the eastern German city of Chemnitz in 2000, he has endured hatred and abuse – from pigs’ heads nailed to his door, to “You Jew pig” screamed down the phone and people urinating through the letterbox.

Rise of neo-Nazis in Germany seven decades after the downfall of the Third Reich - Mirror Online
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“After an estimated 180 racist killings in Germany since unification in 1990, after countless assaults, cases of intimidation... the conclusion has to be that Germany is losing the battle against the violent far right,” said authoritative news magazine Der Spiegel this week.
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You have absolutely no experience with Germans, and that is quite obvious. How much time have you spent in Germany? How much have you experienced day-to-day life in Germany? Obviously not one fucking day. I don't need to read any of the bullshit on this thread because I live in Germany, and I can see for myself how much "racism" exists here and how much minorities enjoy it here.

Posting a picture of a couple of spray painted swastikas on gravestones in no way symbolizes how the entire country feels about Jews. That kind of shit happens in the US does it not? Is that how all Americans feel about Jews then? The only thing your thread proves is just how ignorant you are and how much YOU stereotype others by the actions of a very few select individuals. Yea, there's always going to be some skinhead idiot lurking around, whether it be in Berlin or New York, but you don't get to condemn a whole country because of it.

You must be a non-Jew and white. Of course you don't experience the racism and hate...DUH! But, I guess you know better than those who experience it first hand.

Yes, I am a "non-Jew white". So as a non-Jew white living in Germany, I can tell you I've never heard other non-Jew whites talk about how much they hate jews or non-whites. Haven't been invited to any secret Nazi rallies either.

So yea, it's hard to experience something that doesn't exist.

All of the documented attacks and examples of racism and anti-semitism are lies? Is that what you are saying because you don't see it in your bubble? I have never seen to gay guys buttfuck...does that mean they don't? Neither have I ever been invited to a gay sex party, does that mean they don't exist?
Thank you Hawk. The issue is a freaking scam.

Got an Andrew Jackson says you wouldn't say that if you had relatives who died in The Holocaust.

Or relatives who died fighting the Germans.

I had one of those, too, yeah.

Pilot. Shot down over France in '43.

But I think that having a relative who died in a concentration camp would hafta be a much tougher thing to forgive.

At least our relatives who fought the Nazis/ Axis Powers had weapons. At least they theoretically had a fighting chance.

The thousands of poor souls who died in the camps did not.

Just my two cents, that.
My cousin was stationed in Germany and he told me that there were entire parts of Germany he as a Black person would be killed if he went there. I myself experienced no racism but as someone pointed out I was there for sports and probably sheltered from it.

I have worked for the military for a long time, and know plenty of blacks and hispanics that have lived here for long periods of time. All of them, and I mean ALL of them spoke very highly of Germany. I work with plenty of black Americans that speak German, and have been living here for decades. I am sure there have been isolated cases of German racism, but to say they are more racist than anyone else in the world is just pure ignorance.

Germans are generally very ashamed of what happened in the Nazi era. To them it is a stain on their history and heratige, much like slavery was a stain on American history. There is much more to German heritage than the Nazi era, German culture has been around for a thousand years. But idiots like Nutz are too sheltered and too dumb to undestand that.

Yes, but if you look at their entire history...they are still full of hate and bloodlust. Oh, and black servicemen in Germany...they tend to stay near they get the best of Deutschland.

"They tend to stay near base"? What the fuck does that mean? We all live in the economy well outside the base, not everyone here is military, we're civilians that work for the military, so not everyone here is a "serviceman". Like I said, many have German wives, speak the language, have kids in German schools. You think they are "sheltered" from Germans? LOL, your ignorance knows no bounds.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante
Quote: Originally Posted by Asclepias
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
The PERCEIVED thought that "Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Yes, all us Tea Party people are against him because NUTZ has a PERCIEVED THOUGHT that we oppose him because he's BLACK, instead of his "NOT RIGHTEOUS" policies, law breaking, agenda's, Unconstitutional acts, and .....

Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante
Quote: Originally Posted by Asclepias
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
The PERCEIVED thought that "Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Yes, all us Tea Party people are against him because NUTZ has a PERCIEVED THOUGHT that we oppose him because he's BLACK, instead of his "NOT RIGHTEOUS" policies, law breaking, agenda's, Unconstitutional acts, and .....


You failed to show that by saying that he actually said one race was better or superior to another. Why did you fail to do that?
Got an Andrew Jackson says you wouldn't say that if you had relatives who died in The Holocaust.

Or relatives who died fighting the Germans.

I had one of those, too, yeah.

Pilot. Shot down over France in '43.

But I think that having a relative who died in a concentration camp would hafta be a much tougher thing to forgive.

At least our relatives who fought the Nazis/ Axis Powers had weapons. At least they theoretically had a fighting chance.

The thousands of poor souls who died in the camps did not.

Just my two cents, that.

Absolutely, I agree. And the Germans said they were unaware of concentration their own backyard! Then, they said they had no idea the Jews were being sent to concentration camps...but they had no problem moving into a Jews house after they were sent away. Germany turned this world upside down. They should never be forgiven and their actions should never be forgotten.

Today we see an increase in the very attitudes that led to 2 WORLD WARS that cost the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of people!
I have worked for the military for a long time, and know plenty of blacks and hispanics that have lived here for long periods of time. All of them, and I mean ALL of them spoke very highly of Germany. I work with plenty of black Americans that speak German, and have been living here for decades. I am sure there have been isolated cases of German racism, but to say they are more racist than anyone else in the world is just pure ignorance.

Germans are generally very ashamed of what happened in the Nazi era. To them it is a stain on their history and heratige, much like slavery was a stain on American history. There is much more to German heritage than the Nazi era, German culture has been around for a thousand years. But idiots like Nutz are too sheltered and too dumb to undestand that.

Yes, but if you look at their entire history...they are still full of hate and bloodlust. Oh, and black servicemen in Germany...they tend to stay near they get the best of Deutschland.

"They tend to stay near base"? What the fuck does that mean? We all live in the economy well outside the base, not everyone here is military, we're civilians that work for the military, so not everyone here is a "serviceman". Like I said, many have German wives, speak the language, have kids in German schools. You think they are "sheltered" from Germans? LOL, your ignorance knows no bounds.

Well yeah...they live in cities that cater to American soldiers. Does that not make sense?
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante
Quote: Originally Posted by Asclepias
Quote: Originally Posted by Vigilante

"Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President."

I believe I told you that that was RACIST!

Thats probably because you are clueless as to what racist means.

Then please give us YOUR definition!

My definition is the same as the one in the dictionary. Look it up for yourself. How is that statement racist? Please show your chain of logic.
The PERCEIVED thought that "Don't get me started on the Tea Party. For the most part, low information, low education buffoons who have no individual/ original thought who band together to fight age old fights...not in an effort to be righteous, but in an effort to oppose a black President.

Yes, all us Tea Party people are against him because NUTZ has a PERCIEVED THOUGHT that we oppose him because he's BLACK, instead of his "NOT RIGHTEOUS" policies, law breaking, agenda's, Unconstitutional acts, and .....
Like I have said before...I only see one impeachable offense by Obama, and that is the IRS scandal if it can be linked to him. The other nonsense is simply nonsense. From the birther argument to Benghazi to all of the other manufactured controversies.

Does that mean everyone who disagrees with you is a racist?
You must be a non-Jew and white. Of course you don't experience the racism and hate...DUH! But, I guess you know better than those who experience it first hand.

Yes, I am a "non-Jew white". So as a non-Jew white living in Germany, I can tell you I've never heard other non-Jew whites talk about how much they hate jews or non-whites. Haven't been invited to any secret Nazi rallies either.

So yea, it's hard to experience something that doesn't exist.

All of the documented attacks and examples of racism and anti-semitism are lies? Is that what you are saying because you don't see it in your bubble? I have never seen to gay guys buttfuck...does that mean they don't? Neither have I ever been invited to a gay sex party, does that mean they don't exist?

I didn't say it doesn't exist. I am saying it is not nearly as widespread as you fear. You've opened a few of these anti-Germany threads with the intent of protraying all of Germany as a bunch of racists Nazis. You are the one living in a bubble, you've never even been to Germany, yet you think you are some expert on the subject. I at least live in Germany at this time so I have a little more insight than you. I know plenty of minorities that live here and have lived here for many more years than I, and I trust their insight over your limited "I read it on the internetz so it must be tru" mentality.

Carry on, Nutbreath, you obviously have an agenda and will stop at nothing to spew it.

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