Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Germany’s recent record on blackface isn’t good. Die Tageszeitung, a left-leaning newspaper known for its progressiveness and work on inequality, referred to the White House as “Uncle Barack’s Cabin” in 2008. Editors defended the cover, saying it was satirical.

In 2011, Martin Sonneborn, a print satirist, comedian and current member of European Parliament lathered himself in blackface in order to compare himself to Obama.
The satyrical “Die Partei” (The Party) party featuring candidate Martin Sonneborn made to look like US President Barack Obama, in Berlin September 16, 2011, ahead of regional elections. John MacDougall/Getty Images

The backlash in English-speaking media was ferocious, but Sonneborn was unapologetic. “No, I didn’t know [the history of blackface],” he said. “If Americans associate it with that, then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to take it down,” Sonneborn told The Local at the time.

Neo-Nazi sympathizer invades the field

Also during the match between Ghana and Germany, a man covered in Nazi markings—including an “HH” for “Heil HItler”—invaded the field, and evaded stewards. It fell to Ghanaian midfielder Sulley Muntari to remove him.
Ghana's Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the pitch during the 2014 World Cup Group G soccer match between Germany and Ghana at the Castelao arenaGhana’s Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the field during the 2014 World Cup soccer match between Germany and Ghana on June 21, 2014. Eddie Keogh/Reuters

According to AP, the incident is being referred to the FIFA Disciplinary committee. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer told reporters: ”We do not respect any discriminatory messages. We are always taking any evidence or submissions to our disciplinary committee.”

According to Football Against Racism in Europe director Piara Powar “The question becomes how does one control an individual fan who chooses to mark his body and jumps on the pitch to propagate his neo-Nazi views.” He added: ”It’s a failure in the FIFA system to get as far as he did.”

There is and always will be a certain percentage of Germans who are true racists and believe in German superiority. We do need to watch these people, but that does not make all of Germany a threat. Germany is not the only country in the world with racists though.
It isnt 1940. The only genocide happening today is in Africa, but you dont have the integrity to mention that.

:lol: Because I am talking about Germany. Any attempted genocide is horrific...whether Africa or Germany. African genocide doesn't really threaten the world though...German hate and bloodlust has been proven throughout history.

But speaking of doesn't seem as if you have enough to talk about Germany and their rise of hate.

It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

:lol: IF I wanted to attack white people, I wouldn't have to point to Germany. As for muslim and African nations...WE TALK ABOUT IT EVERYDAY!!!! We talk about how Islam is a threat to humanity everyday on this forum!

Then again, if you were so concerned about it, why haven't you started any threads?
I believe many blacks have be CONDITIONED to see racism, where there is nothing more than entertainment, comedy, but not racism by blackface. Remember when Ted Danson got HUNG when he was fucking Whoppie Goldberg, and put on blackface to ENTERTAIN her at a party? If SOME people can't be offended, others certainly pick up the gauntlet and run with it. Yelling racism, really means less than shit to many of the boy yelling Wolf, after awhile it loses all effect!

You would be conditioned to see racism if it was always practised against you. Just like a quarterback can see a play develop before anyone else. It comes with practice. Practically everyone knows that.

What do you mean by effect? Do you really think people point out racism for the benefit of the racist?

effect = Meaning

Perhaps I would, but I travel in a wide circle, and rarely see it mentioned. I deal with people, not a color of skin. Give me some recent examples of racism against you. What area of this country does this occur? What brings it on, or is it just simply because your black?

How can it lose its meaning when the people that you are alerting know exactly what it means?

As for an example. Getting pulled over for nothing because I happen to be driving a very expensive car with a white girl in it. Just pulled over for no reason at all. I put him on the phone with my attorney and he quickly apologized. Can you think of a reason he pulled me over besides racism if i was doing nothing wrong?
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Germany’s recent record on blackface isn’t good. Die Tageszeitung, a left-leaning newspaper known for its progressiveness and work on inequality, referred to the White House as “Uncle Barack’s Cabin” in 2008. Editors defended the cover, saying it was satirical.

In 2011, Martin Sonneborn, a print satirist, comedian and current member of European Parliament lathered himself in blackface in order to compare himself to Obama.
The satyrical “Die Partei” (The Party) party featuring candidate Martin Sonneborn made to look like US President Barack Obama, in Berlin September 16, 2011, ahead of regional elections. John MacDougall/Getty Images

The backlash in English-speaking media was ferocious, but Sonneborn was unapologetic. “No, I didn’t know [the history of blackface],” he said. “If Americans associate it with that, then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to take it down,” Sonneborn told The Local at the time.

Neo-Nazi sympathizer invades the field

Also during the match between Ghana and Germany, a man covered in Nazi markings—including an “HH” for “Heil HItler”—invaded the field, and evaded stewards. It fell to Ghanaian midfielder Sulley Muntari to remove him.
Ghana's Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the pitch during the 2014 World Cup Group G soccer match between Germany and Ghana at the Castelao arenaGhana’s Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the field during the 2014 World Cup soccer match between Germany and Ghana on June 21, 2014. Eddie Keogh/Reuters

According to AP, the incident is being referred to the FIFA Disciplinary committee. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer told reporters: ”We do not respect any discriminatory messages. We are always taking any evidence or submissions to our disciplinary committee.”

According to Football Against Racism in Europe director Piara Powar “The question becomes how does one control an individual fan who chooses to mark his body and jumps on the pitch to propagate his neo-Nazi views.” He added: ”It’s a failure in the FIFA system to get as far as he did.”

There is and always will be a certain percentage of Germans who are true racists and believe in German superiority. We do need to watch these people, but that does not make all of Germany a threat. Germany is not the only country in the world with racists though.

They are the only country in the world that started 2 World Wars and attempted to exterminate Jewish AND African people. Any rise in racism and anti-semitism is noteworthy when it comes from a nation with such a history.
Currently, the Germans are helping Jew hating Ukrainians to funnel weapons to Jew hating Jihadis in Syria. Yes...the people that tried to exterminate the Jews are in bed with Jew hating Ukrainians and Jew hating Muslims...who want to exterminate the Jews. It is sickening that the Germans would even associate with Jew haters...given their history and given they claim they no longer hold hate and bloodlust for the Jewry.

It doesn't matter if you think Syrian rebels are the good guys or the bad is the point that Germany is in bed with factions that want to destroy the Jews.

“According to information obtained by Der Spiegel, a Ukrainian state enterprise is delivering rifles to Germany. The German federal government allegedly doesn’t know what is happening with the weapons. Are they being used in the war in Syria?

According to information obtained by SPIEGEL, the Ukraine is apparently doing arms deals through Germany. As the German Foreign Office acknowledged in response to a request by Die Linke (the Left party), the Ukrainian state company Ukroboronprom has been exporting semi-automatic rifles of the SKS Simonov variety to Germany. These imports were approved by the responsible government agencies.

The Foreign Office however is concealing where the weapons are ending up in Germany: The delivery terms of the German contract partner are “a business and a trade secret.” The rifles, it says evasively, are being delivered to Germany “for the purpose of modification.” The American Jamestown Foundation think-tank, which is said to enjoy strong historical ties to U.S. intelligence agencies, believes that the weapons are being delivered from Germany to Syrian rebels. Jamestown estimates the delivery of 54,000 small arms in the years 2011 and 2012. These could have been used for ” covert operations ” in Syria.

Ukraine Denies Funneling Arms To Jihadis In Syria | Zero Hedge
Ukraine liefert Waffen an Deutschland: Kommen Gewehre nach Syrien? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Phantom Report » Ukraine Funnels Arms to Jihadis in Syria via Germany
It isnt 1940. The only genocide happening today is in Africa, but you dont have the integrity to mention that.

:lol: Because I am talking about Germany. Any attempted genocide is horrific...whether Africa or Germany. African genocide doesn't really threaten the world though...German hate and bloodlust has been proven throughout history.

But speaking of doesn't seem as if you have enough to talk about Germany and their rise of hate.

It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

Another ad hominem has arrived!!! :party:

Stop painting my friend Nutz with slurs based on your ignorance of him.

He's been my friend here awhile now, and I know he has no interest(s) whatsoever in "demoniz(ing) white people".

For the record, I am myself a blue-eyed, sandy-blond haired white American of mostly Scottish and a little German descent.
My best friend is a German immigrate, he's been my friend since 1976. I was the Best Man in his wedding and he was mine when I got married. He's like my brother, I know him that well. I have also met his brothers and sisters several times when they have come to the states for extended visits.
I can guarantee you that that some folks are painting the German people with a mighty wide brush and that's wrong.
Therefore, I disapprove of this thread.

Agree. I've lived in Germany and have very good friends there, people I've known for nearly 25 years. I've traveled all over Germany as well.

The people in this thread are painting a picture of Germany based on exploitive media bites that do not give a true picture of the country as a whole. It is like deciding what America is like based on a few widely published incidents in the media. For example, assuming all Americans are racists and/or gun nuts based on the Martin-Zimmerman case, or that all black men in America are murderers based on OJ Simpson.

This thread is bigotry and ignorance at its best. I'll bet most of you have never even been to Germany. How would you know what it's really like? And fearing a united Germany? What absolute nonsense. Again, based on bigoty and ignorance.

You should read the entire thread. It is more than a few inflammatory media bites. It is a demonstration of history and how the same attitudes that led to some of the most brutal acts in humanity are being manifested in present day Germany. Do you want to say you were willfully ignorant if history repeats itself (as it often does)
:lol: Because I am talking about Germany. Any attempted genocide is horrific...whether Africa or Germany. African genocide doesn't really threaten the world though...German hate and bloodlust has been proven throughout history.

But speaking of doesn't seem as if you have enough to talk about Germany and their rise of hate.

It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

Another ad hominem has arrived!!! :party:

Stop painting my friend Nutz with slurs based on your ignorance of him.

He's been my friend here awhile now, and I know he has no interest(s) whatsoever in "demoniz(ing) white people".

For the record, I am myself a blue-eyed, sandy-blond haired white American of mostly Scottish and a little German descent.

There really hasn't been any flaming in this thread, so I will refrain from my initial thoughts...thank you, Shart!
You would be conditioned to see racism if it was always practised against you. Just like a quarterback can see a play develop before anyone else. It comes with practice. Practically everyone knows that.

What do you mean by effect? Do you really think people point out racism for the benefit of the racist?

effect = Meaning

Perhaps I would, but I travel in a wide circle, and rarely see it mentioned. I deal with people, not a color of skin. Give me some recent examples of racism against you. What area of this country does this occur? What brings it on, or is it just simply because your black?

How can it lose its meaning when the people that you are alerting know exactly what it means?

As for an example. Getting pulled over for nothing because I happen to be driving a very expensive car with a white girl in it. Just pulled over for no reason at all. I put him on the phone with my attorney and he quickly apologized. Can you think of a reason he pulled me over besides racism if i was doing nothing wrong?

Perhaps I should have said STRENGTH of the meaning. It is used so often that it's negative connotation has lost it's power to end a debate. It's often made fun of, as in here, and can easily be turned into a instrument of ridicule to those supposedly offended.

What STATE did that happen in? Most police that spots a black man in an expensive car, thinks GLA, (yes, it's a stereotype, but few would expect a black man to be driving an expensive car...You a Rap Star, look QUESTIONABLE, flaunt your wealth and position, all thing a seasoned police officer would immediately take into account) and not about the white woman he's with.

If she's really HOT, the cop would think she's a hooker, or your her PIMP with that $100K Mercedes!
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Damn there are so many articles. It seems to be a pretty everyday issue there. I had no idea. The women certainly love Black men. I wonder why I never even detected it?

Germany grapples with day-to-day racism | Germany | DW.DE | 02.09.2013

We would like to address this open letter to you as the artistic director and the executive director of the Heimathafen Neukölln theater in Berlin (Germany). We are shocked to learn, that a highly offensive image was displayed in your exhibition “I love NK,” despite ongoing complaints and opposition for an extended period of time. In this photo, a blond white woman in a white Heimathafen-t-shirt with the phrase “I love NK” oddly stands in an apparent east-Asian park. The grinning woman pulls her fingers at the corners of her eyes, producing “chinky-eyes,” while perpetuating an old, disturbing and belittling racist icon.

Oh gawd, give it up. Every black person I know, and I know quite a few out here, LOVE living in Germany. Your links provide no actual evidence of racism existing, just stupid accusations. Just because a Nazi era soccer jersey was displayed in Brazil, that means Germans are racist? My favorite from your link above is the reference of polizei doing random checks "for no apparent reason". Yes, they do that shit quite often, I have been a "victim" of that as well. EVERYONE is a victim of that bullshit, not just blacks. They call it a "routine check", and that shit wouldn't fly in the States, but guess what, this isn't America, it's Germany. Germans have their own way of doing things, some of it I will never understand, but it is their country and they can do whatever they want. Keep in mind they do NOT have the same freedoms as Americans, such as freedom of speech, your own links even say that it is ILLEGAL to engage in racism. For a so-called "racist country" they sure do allow lots of immigrants from Africa and Turkey in.

It is also my experience that African Americans like living in Germany. There are many black Americans who live in Germany because of their military duty as there are a lot of bases there. There are also a lot of students and other people from the States who are African American who live in Germany. I have never met any who dislike it there; any black Americans I've met in Germany loved it.

As has been noted: it is a peaceful country, clean and well organzed, concerned about the environment, and safe.

As far as Neo-Nazis. I had an experience with that. One time I was in Munich on a Sunday. I was in the city center and most of the shops were closed, except the cafes and restaurants. I was wandering around looking at the sights.

Outside the city hall, there was an area marked off by police with those crime sceen like tape barriers. A crowd was gathering outside the barrier. I asked a policeman what was going on. He said there was going to be a demonstration by neo-Nazis. I wandered around a bit more and came back when the scheduled time was near for the neo-Nazis to appear. The crowd outside the barrier had grown considerably larger.

When the Nazis finally appeared, there were only a few of them, compared to the one to two hundred average Germans outside the barrier. When the Nazis appeared and began speaking, the crowed of average Germans started shouting at them to go away and that they were not wanted in Germany. The German people who were against the Nazis far outnumbered those who identified as neo-Nazis ,of whom there were only about 10-12.

I watched this for a while and then left as I had other things to do. The small group of Nazis were pathetic and without any kind of power or support from the average Germans.

I went down into the underground. There were a few neo-Nazis wandering around there and the police were telling them to leave the underground area. The police were actively moving them on, telling them to get on a train and get out of there. The police did not allow them to speak or show their signs, etc. These Nazis looked like teenagers. They looked pathetic and without any power at all. They were kids whose political vision seemed to be very shallow. They looked bedraggled, and looking in their eyes, they looked stupid. They were truly pathetic.

Up above in the town square, the crowd of average Germans easily shouted down the neo-Nazis.

That is the reality of racism in Germany. You see a few people on the news and think the whole country thinks like that: it is not true.
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This is interesting.

The Left-leaning magazine the New Statesman simply labelled Merkel ‘the most dangerous German leader since Hitler’. The language may seem inflammatory, but ever more citizens in the Mediterranean countries of the eurozone in particular argue that for the third time in less than 100 years Germany is trying to take control of Europe.

Read more: Could Germany spark another war? I fear it's all too possible, says Dominic Sandbrook | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
effect = Meaning

Perhaps I would, but I travel in a wide circle, and rarely see it mentioned. I deal with people, not a color of skin. Give me some recent examples of racism against you. What area of this country does this occur? What brings it on, or is it just simply because your black?

How can it lose its meaning when the people that you are alerting know exactly what it means?

As for an example. Getting pulled over for nothing because I happen to be driving a very expensive car with a white girl in it. Just pulled over for no reason at all. I put him on the phone with my attorney and he quickly apologized. Can you think of a reason he pulled me over besides racism if i was doing nothing wrong?

Perhaps I should have said STRENGTH of the meaning. It is used so often that it's negative connotation has lost it's power to end a debate. It's often made fun of, as in here, and can easily be turned into a instrument of ridicule to those supposedly offended.

What STATE did that happen in? Most police that spots a black man in an expensive car, thinks GLA, (yes, it's a stereotype, but few would expect a black man to be driving an expensive car...You a Rap Star, look QUESTIONABLE, flaunt your wealth and position, all thing a seasoned police officer would immediately take into account) and not about the white woman he's with.

I think you badly misunderstand the use of the word. If I call you a racist its not in an attempt to end a argument. i dont know where you picked that up. if I call you a racist its because I think you are one. No amount of ridicule is going to change my opinion. In fact it will only confirm it.

Even without a white woman in my car it would still be an example of racism no matter the locale' to pull me over because you think a black man couldn't afford it. Why would you think that and what does that have to do with being pulled over? I make more in a month than most people make in a year and you cant discern that by just looking at me.
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This is interesting.

The Left-leaning magazine the New Statesman simply labelled Merkel ‘the most dangerous German leader since Hitler’. The language may seem inflammatory, but ever more citizens in the Mediterranean countries of the eurozone in particular argue that for the third time in less than 100 years Germany is trying to take control of Europe.

Read more: Could Germany spark another war? I fear it's all too possible, says Dominic Sandbrook | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The 'Mail' is a conservative tabloid. I would read it with a lot of scepticism. As far as the New Statesman: it is typical of the UK to have negative feelings about the EU and Germany.
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Hopefully Germany win the World Cup. A boost to Germany's national pride would be a very good thing, they have a great history and amazing culture. They have been so demonized for years irrationally, they deserve a victory.

Germany hasn't won a world Cup since before unification(West Germany won three). This would be a great thing for all of the country to be a part of.
This is interesting.

The Left-leaning magazine the New Statesman simply labelled Merkel ‘the most dangerous German leader since Hitler’. The language may seem inflammatory, but ever more citizens in the Mediterranean countries of the eurozone in particular argue that for the third time in less than 100 years Germany is trying to take control of Europe.

Read more: Could Germany spark another war? I fear it's all too possible, says Dominic Sandbrook | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

That is a good article. This goes much deeper with the EU and Germany's control. Part of the reason the UK wants out.

Renee, is that you?
Seven decades after Holocaust, neo-Nazis use soccer to preach Hitler's hate - World News

Nearly seven decades after the Holocaust, young soccer fans in Germany have become targets of neo-Nazis who preach the hatred of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.

“Again and again we see neo-Nazi presence in [sports] fan clubs and my office asks that action be taken against them,” said Winfriede Schreiber, head of the Brandenburg branch of the German government’s intelligence service. “For example, we see the fan club in [the German city] Cottbus consisting of a lot of neo-Nazis. We asked the football club to do something about this.”

At her office in Brandenburg, a state in eastern Germany, Schreiber monitors extremism and reports evidence of hate crimes to prosecutors.

“The neo-Nazis now look like everyone else,” Schreiber said. “Gone are the jackboots and black leather jackets that used to make it easy to expose them. Now they blend into the local population.”

According to Schreiber, the neo-Nazis subscribe to Hitler’s views and extol his one-time deputy, Rudolf Hess.

“The danger the neo-Nazis pose is that they are against democracy and they work to alienate young people from democracy,” she said. “They have made ‘Juden’ [Jews] a curse word even if there are no Jews playing on the soccer field.”

Jens Teschke, a spokesman for Germany's interior ministry, which is responsible for domestic security, said neo-Nazi activities are visible throughout Germany, but strongest in the country's east.

“Neo-Nazis take young soccer fans to homes built in the Nazi times as holiday retreats for elite members of Hitler’s party,” Teschke said. “They laud the Nazi era and the legacy of this era.”

According to Teschke, the German government launched programs in January 2011 to make soccer coaches more aware of neo-Nazi tactics.
This is interesting.

The Left-leaning magazine the New Statesman simply labelled Merkel ‘the most dangerous German leader since Hitler’. The language may seem inflammatory, but ever more citizens in the Mediterranean countries of the eurozone in particular argue that for the third time in less than 100 years Germany is trying to take control of Europe.

Read more: Could Germany spark another war? I fear it's all too possible, says Dominic Sandbrook | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

The 'Mail' is a conservative tabloid. I would read it with a lot of scepticism.

I thought it was more left leaning or in the middle. I have found some incredible articles on this site.
I would very much like a Germany Argentina World Cup. Argentina was once a great country a wealthy country at one point, wealthier than the US. They can still can be great again, unfortunately like the USA, this traditional European country in South America(With German, Italian, and Spanish influence) is being swamped with illegals and failed left wing governments.

They are a great people and Messi is a fantastic soccer player. The country, after the turmoil it has been through with it's great culture deserves something to be proud of at an international level.
The 'Mail' is a conservative tabloid. I would read it with a lot of scepticism.

I thought it was more left leaning or in the middle. I have found some incredible articles on this site.

Go to Wiki and read the background on it. It is a conservative tabloid.

It appears you are right. I have found some very informative articles in it. They had one article I remember that touted the fact that Black people had the highest literacy rate in England. I dont have a big problem with conservatives. I have a problem with racism.

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