Germany Watch: German Racism and Hate Highlighted at World Cup

I thought it was more left leaning or in the middle. I have found some incredible articles on this site.

Go to Wiki and read the background on it. It is a conservative tabloid.

It appears you are right. I have found some very informative articles in it. They had one article I remember that touted the fact that Black people had the highest literacy rate in England. I dont have a big problem with conservatives. I have a problem with racism.

I think the essential thing to keep in mind is the New Statesman criticizing Merkle. First, the UK is very sceptical of the EU. They UK does not want to be under the thumb of EU central. The UK wants to maintain their individual power. Germany is possibly the biggest and strongest economy in the EU, except perhaps for the UK. Given those dynamics, the UK has concern for Merkel's and Germany's power as far as the EU. So, I would be sceptical about the article in the New Statesman. And, in general, I'd be sceptical about anything a tabloid like the Mail publishes.
There is hope:


Pic taken from another thread posted by a member who cannot be mentioned because of the color of her name.
The UK has taken a severe decline since the fall of their empire post 1945. They would fare better under Germanic guidance at this point.

Instead of flooding their country with africans, pakistanis, and pollacks, they need an injection of quality german stock.

Nigel Farage is already on that with his german wife.
It isnt 1940. The only genocide happening today is in Africa, but you dont have the integrity to mention that.

No one is talking about Africa but since you brought it up all the genocides in Africa are due to European countries colonizing and dividing up African countries without respect to traditional borders. Learn your history.

Nope, its Africans killing Africans. No matter how much fake history you spew, nothing can change that fact. They have no one but themselves to blame.
:lol: Because I am talking about Germany. Any attempted genocide is horrific...whether Africa or Germany. African genocide doesn't really threaten the world though...German hate and bloodlust has been proven throughout history.

But speaking of doesn't seem as if you have enough to talk about Germany and their rise of hate.

It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

:lol: IF I wanted to attack white people, I wouldn't have to point to Germany. As for muslim and African nations...WE TALK ABOUT IT EVERYDAY!!!! We talk about how Islam is a threat to humanity everyday on this forum!

Then again, if you were so concerned about it, why haven't you started any threads?

If you talk about it all the time (which we all know is a lie), then direct us to these discussions you speak of. Let us see where YOU discussed it. Prove that you arent a complete liar, on top of being a rabid racist.
:lol: Because I am talking about Germany. Any attempted genocide is horrific...whether Africa or Germany. African genocide doesn't really threaten the world though...German hate and bloodlust has been proven throughout history.

But speaking of doesn't seem as if you have enough to talk about Germany and their rise of hate.

It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

Another ad hominem has arrived!!! :party:

Stop painting my friend Nutz with slurs based on your ignorance of him.

He's been my friend here awhile now, and I know he has no interest(s) whatsoever in "demoniz(ing) white people".

For the record, I am myself a blue-eyed, sandy-blond haired white American of mostly Scottish and a little German descent.
Are you fucking retarded or something?
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Do you have a link to that. My understanding is that there are very few people of faith in Germany.

Religion in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religion in Germany |
Thank you for the link...but I would argue there is certainly a difference between those who claim religion (faith) and those who actually practice it.

Germany's 'Cold Religion' | Christianity Today

How is church life in Germany different than it is in the United States?

The Protestant state church is fairly dead. The percent of committed Christians in Germany is maybe at 3 or 4 percent. Eighty percent belong to a church nominally, Protestant or Catholic. A mere 0.5 percent belong to a free evangelical church. The percent of people believing in life after death is fewer than 50 percent. It's what a German philosopher, Ruediger Safranski, calls "cold religion," very left-brained, very cognitive, focused on rituals and membership but not on personal commitment. Sometimes the mainline bishops say we need to be more mission minded. But they don't put any money into it.

My church has missions to is pretty much a Godless nation.

I agree many people will identify as being part of a religion, but in truth rarely or never actually practice it.

I'm agnostic, but acknowledge, and am proud of my Christian heritage, and the fact that America has always been a Christian nation.
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Germany’s recent record on blackface isn’t good. Die Tageszeitung, a left-leaning newspaper known for its progressiveness and work on inequality, referred to the White House as “Uncle Barack’s Cabin” in 2008. Editors defended the cover, saying it was satirical.

In 2011, Martin Sonneborn, a print satirist, comedian and current member of European Parliament lathered himself in blackface in order to compare himself to Obama.
The satyrical “Die Partei” (The Party) party featuring candidate Martin Sonneborn made to look like US President Barack Obama, in Berlin September 16, 2011, ahead of regional elections. John MacDougall/Getty Images

The backlash in English-speaking media was ferocious, but Sonneborn was unapologetic. “No, I didn’t know [the history of blackface],” he said. “If Americans associate it with that, then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to take it down,” Sonneborn told The Local at the time.

Neo-Nazi sympathizer invades the field

Also during the match between Ghana and Germany, a man covered in Nazi markings—including an “HH” for “Heil HItler”—invaded the field, and evaded stewards. It fell to Ghanaian midfielder Sulley Muntari to remove him.
Ghana's Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the pitch during the 2014 World Cup Group G soccer match between Germany and Ghana at the Castelao arenaGhana’s Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the field during the 2014 World Cup soccer match between Germany and Ghana on June 21, 2014. Eddie Keogh/Reuters

According to AP, the incident is being referred to the FIFA Disciplinary committee. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer told reporters: ”We do not respect any discriminatory messages. We are always taking any evidence or submissions to our disciplinary committee.”

According to Football Against Racism in Europe director Piara Powar “The question becomes how does one control an individual fan who chooses to mark his body and jumps on the pitch to propagate his neo-Nazi views.” He added: ”It’s a failure in the FIFA system to get as far as he did.”

Deutschland über alles
[ame=]Deutsche Nationalhymne, German National Anthem With Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Crush Brazil!
How can it lose its meaning when the people that you are alerting know exactly what it means?

As for an example. Getting pulled over for nothing because I happen to be driving a very expensive car with a white girl in it. Just pulled over for no reason at all. I put him on the phone with my attorney and he quickly apologized. Can you think of a reason he pulled me over besides racism if i was doing nothing wrong?

Perhaps I should have said STRENGTH of the meaning. It is used so often that it's negative connotation has lost it's power to end a debate. It's often made fun of, as in here, and can easily be turned into a instrument of ridicule to those supposedly offended.

What STATE did that happen in? Most police that spots a black man in an expensive car, thinks GLA, (yes, it's a stereotype, but few would expect a black man to be driving an expensive car...You a Rap Star, look QUESTIONABLE, flaunt your wealth and position, all thing a seasoned police officer would immediately take into account) and not about the white woman he's with.

I think you badly misunderstand the use of the word. If I call you a racist its not in an attempt to end a argument. i dont know where you picked that up. if I call you a racist its because I think you are one. No amount of ridicule is going to change my opinion. In fact it will only confirm it.

Even without a white woman in my car it would still be an example of racism no matter the locale' to pull me over because you think a black man couldn't afford it. Why would you think that and what does that have to do with being pulled over? I make more in a month than most people make in a year and you cant discern that by just looking at me.

Let's try and get this straight, I couldn't care less if you called me a racist, but you care to paint me in a bad light so you do! I can't read your mind, I can only explain what that bullshit words means to many of us!

As to the police pulling you over, there are many logical reasons, since most drug dealers are thought to be black, perhaps he thinks your a drug dealer driving some of his profits! BTW, congratulations on being a rich guy, I'm sure you worked for it, and didn't milk the welfare, and entitlement system's to get there!
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Germany’s recent record on blackface isn’t good. Die Tageszeitung, a left-leaning newspaper known for its progressiveness and work on inequality, referred to the White House as “Uncle Barack’s Cabin” in 2008. Editors defended the cover, saying it was satirical.

In 2011, Martin Sonneborn, a print satirist, comedian and current member of European Parliament lathered himself in blackface in order to compare himself to Obama.
The satyrical “Die Partei” (The Party) party featuring candidate Martin Sonneborn made to look like US President Barack Obama, in Berlin September 16, 2011, ahead of regional elections. John MacDougall/Getty Images

The backlash in English-speaking media was ferocious, but Sonneborn was unapologetic. “No, I didn’t know [the history of blackface],” he said. “If Americans associate it with that, then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to take it down,” Sonneborn told The Local at the time.

Neo-Nazi sympathizer invades the field

Also during the match between Ghana and Germany, a man covered in Nazi markings—including an “HH” for “Heil HItler”—invaded the field, and evaded stewards. It fell to Ghanaian midfielder Sulley Muntari to remove him.
Ghana's Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the pitch during the 2014 World Cup Group G soccer match between Germany and Ghana at the Castelao arenaGhana’s Sulley Muntari helps a spectator off the field during the 2014 World Cup soccer match between Germany and Ghana on June 21, 2014. Eddie Keogh/Reuters

According to AP, the incident is being referred to the FIFA Disciplinary committee. FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer told reporters: ”We do not respect any discriminatory messages. We are always taking any evidence or submissions to our disciplinary committee.”

According to Football Against Racism in Europe director Piara Powar “The question becomes how does one control an individual fan who chooses to mark his body and jumps on the pitch to propagate his neo-Nazi views.” He added: ”It’s a failure in the FIFA system to get as far as he did.”

Deutschland über alles

SICK, I heard an 75+ year old German woman, in the US for almost 40 years, sing that in the early 80s; I cringed at the sound. She said "the children were so beautiful, we were happy...."
Perhaps I should have said STRENGTH of the meaning. It is used so often that it's negative connotation has lost it's power to end a debate. It's often made fun of, as in here, and can easily be turned into a instrument of ridicule to those supposedly offended.

What STATE did that happen in? Most police that spots a black man in an expensive car, thinks GLA, (yes, it's a stereotype, but few would expect a black man to be driving an expensive car...You a Rap Star, look QUESTIONABLE, flaunt your wealth and position, all thing a seasoned police officer would immediately take into account) and not about the white woman he's with.

I think you badly misunderstand the use of the word. If I call you a racist its not in an attempt to end a argument. i dont know where you picked that up. if I call you a racist its because I think you are one. No amount of ridicule is going to change my opinion. In fact it will only confirm it.

Even without a white woman in my car it would still be an example of racism no matter the locale' to pull me over because you think a black man couldn't afford it. Why would you think that and what does that have to do with being pulled over? I make more in a month than most people make in a year and you cant discern that by just looking at me.

Let's try and get this straight, I couldn't care less if you called me a racist, but you care to paint me in a bad light so you do! I can't read your mind, I can only explain what that bullshit words means to many of us!

As to the police pulling you over, there are many logical reasons, since most drug dealers are thought to be black, perhaps he thinks your a drug dealer driving some of his profits! BTW, congratulations on being a rich guy, I'm sure you worked for it, and didn't milk the welfare, and entitlement system's to get there!

You keep missing the reason I may call you a racist. Its not to make you care because I could care less if you care. Its to let you and others know that I see you. its like spraying you with neon spray paint. Your sensitivity or insensitivity to the usage is irrelevant.

Regardless of if a cop thinks I am a drug dealer or not its still a form of racism. He cannot bring his prejudice into his decision making. Its also the reason for the divide in this country. You cant pull me over because I am Black and driving an expensive car. You pull me over because I committed an infraction. Until your decision making logic follows the same pattern for everyone what you are doing is racist.
It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

Another ad hominem has arrived!!! :party:

Stop painting my friend Nutz with slurs based on your ignorance of him.

He's been my friend here awhile now, and I know he has no interest(s) whatsoever in "demoniz(ing) white people".

For the record, I am myself a blue-eyed, sandy-blond haired white American of mostly Scottish and a little German descent.
Are you fucking retarded or something?

We know that you are!
World Cup: Germany?s Campaign Haunted by Racism, Nazism - TIME

This is a continuation of my Public Service Announcements, educating the world about German hate and bloodlust. Many people believe that WWII somehow magically ended German hate...but as it is obvious, their hate and bloodlust has never been extinguished...only hidden by the German people. We should never trust Germans...they have committed some of the greatest atrocities known to humankind. For the sake of humanity, pay attention and be very cautious when it comes to the German people...whether it is a Teaper racist who is proud of his German heritage or a native German...BE CAREFUL - especially if you are Jewish or a minority.

Deutschland über alles

SICK, I heard an 75+ year old German woman, in the US for almost 40 years, sing that in the early 80s; I cringed at the sound. She said "the children were so beautiful, we were happy...."

What is is about the German national anthem that you find "sick"? Please be specific. Why would it make you cringe?
It is quite entertaining though, how you claim to be going after Germany for their historical "bloodlust", yet you're not posting threads on current bloodlust happening in Africa. When was the last time Germany engaged in bloodlust? Nearly 70 years. Yet you appear to be more worried about a bunch of Germans that grew up in a pacified post-WWII era than the thugs in Muslim and African countries that engage in genocide today.

So, enough with the phoney outrage over "bloodlust." You have an agenda, and that is to demonize white people. Progressive dupes like you are so transparent. :eusa_whistle:

:lol: IF I wanted to attack white people, I wouldn't have to point to Germany. As for muslim and African nations...WE TALK ABOUT IT EVERYDAY!!!! We talk about how Islam is a threat to humanity everyday on this forum!

Then again, if you were so concerned about it, why haven't you started any threads?

If you talk about it all the time (which we all know is a lie), then direct us to these discussions you speak of. Let us see where YOU discussed it. Prove that you arent a complete liar, on top of being a rabid racist.

The Forgotten Holocaust


The Polish people were systematically executed by the Nazis; 40 % of professors, 57% of lawyers, the majority of
journalists, and 20% of the Catholic clergy. All were subjected to the most sadistic treatment by the Nazis.

In Hitlers plan of Lebensraum, he de-Polonized the territory. Hundreds of thousands of Christian and Jewish Poles
were deported to central Poland where they were to be enslaved in the service of the German race. Over 110,000
Poles in Lublin were forced out of their homes to make room for incoming German settlers. Many Poles were
deported to Germany as slave labor for factories and farms.

The Germans outlawed all Polish education, closing down universities, and schools, leaving open only primary
schools of education. Even speaking Polish was forbidden. Also banned were Polish music, literature, and
museums. In the process of Germanization of the Polish nation, thousands of blond, blue-eyed Polish children
were forcibly taken away from their families and deported to Germany. They were given falsified birth certificates,
and placed with German families. Many of these children have never been found. The Germans confiscated Polish
property to finance their war efforts. Poles were subjected to such meager food rations that they were being
slowly starved to death. In order to survive many Poles obtained fake ration cards entitling them to more food than
was normally allotted to each person.

I guess I am racist because I care about these Poles and find the German massacre of them to be outrageous.
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The German people claim they didn't see or smell or hear this:


The screams must have been blood curdling.
And the German hate continues today. As there is a documented rise in Nazism...a German wish to repeat history like this:


But I am a racist?
The German people claim they didn't see or smell or hear this:


The screams must have been blood curdling.

Most of the German populace, through WWII, were "RADISHES"*.

*Gunter Grass.
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