Gerrymandering: Its like bad or something and only fun when Dems do it

I'm on record here as saying that gerrymandering is bad, no matter who is doing it. Have you seen the map of the district that Luis Gutierrez represents? Absurd!
If I had my druthers, I would required that all districts had to be made of entire counties where possible, but never include more than one county unless it was to be made up or two entire counties. If a county had to be divided, the district line would not run through a town or population center, but would include the whole of it. The width had to be proportional to the length, no 1/2 mile wide and 100 mile long districts.
It's only bad when Republicans do it.

Personally, I would love to be able to draw these lines... Everyone would hate me.'s bad when anyone does it.

One the only things I agreed with Reagan about..was getting rid of the Gerrymandering.
Bloomberg woke from their 40 year coma and suddenly realized that Gerrymandering, perfected by the Democrats, is like bad or something -- only because Republicans now have a majority and are using it to their advantage

Republicans Foil What Majority Wants by Gerrymandering - Bloomberg


Only Democrats.

That's gotta be why upstate New York is consistently Republican.

Because of Democratic Gerrymandering.

And of course it's also why the GOoPers control one house of Congress while getting the MINORITY of votes nationwide for said house.
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