'Get America Out Of Ukraine!': at Heritage Foundation, Senator JD Vance Proposes Massive Change In US Foreign Policy, focus on the real enemy: China

The only enemy America has itself and its opinion leaders .
They are the people that allowed it to happen.
Look at the supply shortages we had, if China cuts all trade with the US, we will be doomed for years and possibly never recover.
Probably too late to save this backward sub species from fatal self harm , and what you sew , you invariably reap .
Or rape , if you are into global terrorism .
I'm wondering how long it will take for this worm to turn... our country has a bad habit of going to war "tommorrow", with the countries we are arming "today". I could reasonably forsee an outcome where Ukraine capitulated, and goes back with Russia, thus putting Russia on NATOs border. Then invariably the US, and it's NATO lackeys will be clutching their pearls, and fearmongering for war... It's happened before.
Europe has to do more but the crooked politicians there will continue to arm their enemies (usually through $$) until these enemies are on their doorstep. Guess what the will do then? Cry for America to come to their defense. It's a never ending cycle with them. Ukraine has to be protected and yes, China is Americas #1 challenge. China will win eventually it is sad to.say, I have little doubt of this.

Europe is doing quite a bit. The Germans are allowing Leopard tanks to be sent to Ukraine. That is what the purpose of Biden agreeing to send M-1 tanks to Ukraine. Most of the tanks being sent are Leopard tanks. China is a second rate economic power.
If Trump won he would have handed Ukraine over to Putin on a silver platter just to take out his revenge on Zelensky. Zelensky would be sitting in a Russian gulag for the rest of his life or worse while the cult would cheer on Trump & probably Putin also.

This Country is gone to hell & by the end of this decade Democracy will be destroyed & we will be led by people who do the bidding of billionaires like Crow who have had a Supreme Court justice in his back pocket for years. Imagine that. When those bastards on the SC allowed Citizens United to become law was the beginning of the end.

The signs are all there but millions are too stupid to realize what's coming.
Revenge for what? Have you gone stupid again?
Vance may rock, though Putin has already heard RFK Jr.'s Boston speech. Putin likely also knows that Trump is now flipped to CIA for the upcoming elections (his distance from the Chappaqua Blue Racer was an illusion after all). Intelligently, Putin will vote for RFK Jr. You should, too.
There will be no arguing the substance of his remarks. There is absolutely no justification for the level of involvement that the public knows about. let alone troops on the ground that are secret.

Or an act of war by blowing up a pipeline.
Revenge for what? Have you gone stupid again?
Up yours, halftard. Remember how your assbuddy Trump got himself impeached for trying to blackmail Zelensky who wouldn't go along with the program? Or is that just another scandal involving your retard god that you orange ass sniffing cultists like to predend didn't happen?

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