Get ready for the Kamala Harris 24/7 gaslighting campaign brought to you by our corrupt Media.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
We will see a non-stop blitz of the wonderful and brilliant and Presidential Kamala Harris. Pay no attention to her ACTUAL RECORD of doing nothing as Border Czar and her numerous idiotic cackling embarrassing speeches. Oh no, forget all that, just allow yourself to be manipulated by the gaslighting campaign. The Democrats are counting on you to be a slack jawed mindless idiot and believe their shiny new packaging of the DEI disaster that is Kamala Harris. Don't fall for it, but you've been warned it's coming and it's starting this week.
Will we ever see Biden eat ice cream again or will he make a final speech and disappear?

These are scary times and the "elite" think it's always the year end dance.
We will see a non-stop blitz of the wonderful and brilliant and Presidential Kamala Harris. Pay no attention to her ACTUAL RECORD of doing nothing as Border Czar and her numerous idiotic cackling embarrassing speeches. Oh no, forget all that, just allow yourself to be manipulated by the gaslighting campaign. The Democrats are counting on you to be a slack jawed mindless idiot and believe their shiny new packaging of the DEI disaster that is Kamala Harris. Don't fall for it, but you've been warned it's coming and it's starting this week.
They're Glamour-Shotting her up right now!
CNN was questioning why it's oaky to go after a woman for laughing.
It's not the laughing; it's her tell that she doesn't understand how to respond. Just like Karine Pierre tell when she starts the rapid blinking. When she's not confident with the topic, she cackles and breaks into her word salads.

Kamala will be burdened by what has been.
Cry harder.

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