Get ready to meet GOD. Eternity is a very long time.

I obviously do not know the Bible as well as you. Anytime you see something I write where you see a connection/relation I would be very interested. For me God has always been very external. Some speak of a feeling from within. For me it has always been a sign before my eyes, so to speak. Does the Bible say anything about this? One reason for this might be my hard headedness and I would explain away any internal feeling as imagined whereas something seen and felt makes one ask the question, "Do I really want to be beat over the head with a stick?"

when Moses first encountered God he saw a burning bush when he was some distance away, when he went closer he heard a voice and felt a presence that identified itself as God..

What was first perceived without became a perception within signifying an altered state of consciousness.
(Should there be any doubt I use man for the human race. It is a shame that there is not a basic word for both sexes but I do not know of one.)

Cool video. Your post gives me a great opportunity to illustrate the variations of what you presented, GISMYS's logic, and my own. In your logic you take the Bible and look at natural events and present a scenario. You actually leave God out all together. GISMYS takes the Bible, looks at natural events, and explains God. I was raised in a very atheist household. God came knocking on my door and kept knocking until I came to believe in Him completely. I would say this makes me a believer with an extremely hardened sense of logic. I look at God, I look at natural disasters, and then I look at the Bible. I have had a hard time finding the Bible anything more than a vague abstraction. Whereas for GISMYS it is the other way around. From what little God has revealed to me and from what little I know of what is going on in the world and from the even less of what I know about the Bible the logical conclusion is that the disasters which are foretold in the Bible are about to take place, actually are taking place. And from this little information I have I would say we are much, much further along than most rational men are will to grasp. I do not believe this is a religious battle but a battle between good and evil. No religion has the monopoly on good. Why now, whose who, and just how much we do or can know I do not know. Have no doubt that I realize just how insane all this sounds to a rational man however as long as He is with me than I am with Him. (I am going to keep saying that because it makes me feel better.)

thank you for that.

when I was very young my parents who were believers but not very religious at all told me about God who is spirit and the source of all life and that his life was in me. This I readily accepted and reveled in life knowing that life itself was good and much greater than my ability to perceive and I felt what I understood to be Gods presence in me and with me every day. Then I was exposed to formal religious instruction and saw nuns go ape shit on children and spoke about some angry judgmental God who sent people to burn in hell etc, etc, making the class memorize the ten commandments. Then, to my complete astonishment, as the very first act as a confirmed catholic everyone was told to violate the first commandment that they beat and threatened everyone with death and hellfire to memorize. Needless to say I became convinced that they were insane and I began to question my own beliefs about God that I once was absolutely sure of and became agnostic for quite some time until one very dark and cold winter night I felt that presence in me and with me again and decided to read the bible for myself to try and decide one way or the other about what was written inside. what became obvious to me at the onset was that the bible read like a fairy tale which immediately alerted me to the fact that there was a moral or teaching hidden like buried treasure in the metaphors and figurative language used.

So if you look and look for that hidden teaching you will find it and when you do everything will be opened to you and natural and man made disasters that are bound to occur will be inconsequential because you will have attained comprehension and knowledge of the right course to take in any given situation by eating of the fruit of the tree of life.........

I obviously do not know the Bible as well as you. Anytime you see something I write where you see a connection/relation I would be very interested. For me God has always been very external. Some speak of a feeling from within. For me it has always been a sign before my eyes, so to speak. Does the Bible say anything about this? One reason for this might be my hard headedness and I would explain away any internal feeling as imagined whereas something seen and felt makes one ask the question, "Do I really want to be beat over the head with a stick?"

When a person becomes a believer he has the Holyspirit that begins to live inside him to guide and help him seek and find all truth.
I obviously do not know the Bible as well as you. Anytime you see something I write where you see a connection/relation I would be very interested. For me God has always been very external. Some speak of a feeling from within. For me it has always been a sign before my eyes, so to speak. Does the Bible say anything about this? One reason for this might be my hard headedness and I would explain away any internal feeling as imagined whereas something seen and felt makes one ask the question, "Do I really want to be beat over the head with a stick?"

when Moses first encountered God he saw a burning bush when he was some distance away, when he went closer he heard a voice and felt a presence that identified itself as God..

What was first perceived without became a perception within signifying an altered state of consciousness.

When I was about 10 God knocked on my door, literally. I did not know Who it was at the time. I did not open it although I often wonder what I would have seen if I did. I do not think I would have seen anything. I have joked since then, when I do dare to discuss such topics, that God offered me a burning bush, but the thing did not talk. What good is a burning bush that does not talk! What is this some kind of God's humor? I have come to know Him better but I still like the nonspeaking burning bush thing.
I obviously do not know the Bible as well as you. Anytime you see something I write where you see a connection/relation I would be very interested. For me God has always been very external. Some speak of a feeling from within. For me it has always been a sign before my eyes, so to speak. Does the Bible say anything about this? One reason for this might be my hard headedness and I would explain away any internal feeling as imagined whereas something seen and felt makes one ask the question, "Do I really want to be beat over the head with a stick?"

when Moses first encountered God he saw a burning bush when he was some distance away, when he went closer he heard a voice and felt a presence that identified itself as God..

What was first perceived without became a perception within signifying an altered state of consciousness.

Since you mentioned Moses I have another amusing story. I was pondering good and evil on day. I was outside watching a beautiful sunset, I was in the service stationed in Germany at the time. I pondered good first. As soon as I started to ponder evil a swam of gnats flew into my face and hair. Listening to a podcast yesterday I learned gnats were the third plague put upon Egypt and the first plague the king's magicians said they could not replicate. (I hope I got that all correct.) I joke about getting struck by lightening but I take that much more seriously that one might expect.
I obviously do not know the Bible as well as you. Anytime you see something I write where you see a connection/relation I would be very interested. For me God has always been very external. Some speak of a feeling from within. For me it has always been a sign before my eyes, so to speak. Does the Bible say anything about this? One reason for this might be my hard headedness and I would explain away any internal feeling as imagined whereas something seen and felt makes one ask the question, "Do I really want to be beat over the head with a stick?"

when Moses first encountered God he saw a burning bush when he was some distance away, when he went closer he heard a voice and felt a presence that identified itself as God..

What was first perceived without became a perception within signifying an altered state of consciousness.

When I was about 10 God knocked on my door, literally. I did not know Who it was at the time. I did not open it although I often wonder what I would have seen if I did. I do not think I would have seen anything. I have joked since then, when I do dare to discuss such topics, that God offered me a burning bush, but the thing did not talk. What good is a burning bush that does not talk! What is this some kind of God's humor? I have come to know Him better but I still like the nonspeaking burning bush thing.

however it was that you saw a sign right before your eyes it was perceived within your mind. somehow Moses focused on where his thoughts were going and less on what was being seen by trying to figure out what he was seeing.

Think of your mind as something like an instrument that only produces accurate results if calibrated correctly or a computer that only works as good as the programs running.

with that in mind your ability to see and hear God will increase as the purity of the thoughts in your mind and accuracy of its perceptions overcomes and removes the distortions caused by whatever thoughts lurk in your mind that are not true or good.... thoughts and attitudes that may have been planted in your mind in childhood that impair the function of your brain like a malware impairs the function of a computer.
when Moses first encountered God he saw a burning bush when he was some distance away, when he went closer he heard a voice and felt a presence that identified itself as God..

What was first perceived without became a perception within signifying an altered state of consciousness.

When I was about 10 God knocked on my door, literally. I did not know Who it was at the time. I did not open it although I often wonder what I would have seen if I did. I do not think I would have seen anything. I have joked since then, when I do dare to discuss such topics, that God offered me a burning bush, but the thing did not talk. What good is a burning bush that does not talk! What is this some kind of God's humor? I have come to know Him better but I still like the nonspeaking burning bush thing.

however it was that you saw a sign right before your eyes it was perceived within your mind. somehow Moses focused on where his thoughts were going and less on what was being seen by trying to figure out what he was seeing.

Think of your mind as something like an instrument that only produces accurate results if calibrated correctly or a computer that only works as good as the programs running.

with that in mind your ability to see and hear God will increase as the purity of the thoughts in your mind and accuracy of its perceptions overcomes and removes the distortions caused by whatever thoughts lurk in your mind that are not true or good.... thoughts and attitudes that may have been planted in your mind in childhood that impair the function of your brain like a malware impairs the function of a computer.

I am not saying I should get words from the burning bush but Moses got words and he was a murderer. Many others were what I would consider far less "pure" than I and got miracles and all kinds of wonders and I get hints, unmistakable hints, but hints all the same. This is my very logical mind speaking. I can not argue with what I have seen and what I know but I do not know why. Needless to say that is really, really frustrating. Up until a week ago I was not allowed to even mention it to anyone. I am probably saying more than I should now but I keep looking for that someone who has an understanding of my quest for understanding. crickets
When I was about 10 God knocked on my door, literally. I did not know Who it was at the time. I did not open it although I often wonder what I would have seen if I did. I do not think I would have seen anything. I have joked since then, when I do dare to discuss such topics, that God offered me a burning bush, but the thing did not talk. What good is a burning bush that does not talk! What is this some kind of God's humor? I have come to know Him better but I still like the nonspeaking burning bush thing.

however it was that you saw a sign right before your eyes it was perceived within your mind. somehow Moses focused on where his thoughts were going and less on what was being seen by trying to figure out what he was seeing.

Think of your mind as something like an instrument that only produces accurate results if calibrated correctly or a computer that only works as good as the programs running.

with that in mind your ability to see and hear God will increase as the purity of the thoughts in your mind and accuracy of its perceptions overcomes and removes the distortions caused by whatever thoughts lurk in your mind that are not true or good.... thoughts and attitudes that may have been planted in your mind in childhood that impair the function of your brain like a malware impairs the function of a computer.

I am not saying I should get words from the burning bush but Moses got words and he was a murderer. Many others were what I would consider far less "pure" than I and got miracles and all kinds of wonders and I get hints, unmistakable hints, but hints all the same. This is my very logical mind speaking. I can not argue with what I have seen and what I know but I do not know why. Needless to say that is really, really frustrating. Up until a week ago I was not allowed to even mention it to anyone. I am probably saying more than I should now but I keep looking for that someone who has an understanding of my quest for understanding. crickets


Have you ever sought proof for the truth of your belief that God is giving you hints and knocking on your door? If not how can you know if it is really God that you are seeing and not just some repressed part of your own mind attempting to surface above the confusion?
however it was that you saw a sign right before your eyes it was perceived within your mind. somehow Moses focused on where his thoughts were going and less on what was being seen by trying to figure out what he was seeing.

Think of your mind as something like an instrument that only produces accurate results if calibrated correctly or a computer that only works as good as the programs running.

with that in mind your ability to see and hear God will increase as the purity of the thoughts in your mind and accuracy of its perceptions overcomes and removes the distortions caused by whatever thoughts lurk in your mind that are not true or good.... thoughts and attitudes that may have been planted in your mind in childhood that impair the function of your brain like a malware impairs the function of a computer.

I am not saying I should get words from the burning bush but Moses got words and he was a murderer. Many others were what I would consider far less "pure" than I and got miracles and all kinds of wonders and I get hints, unmistakable hints, but hints all the same. This is my very logical mind speaking. I can not argue with what I have seen and what I know but I do not know why. Needless to say that is really, really frustrating. Up until a week ago I was not allowed to even mention it to anyone. I am probably saying more than I should now but I keep looking for that someone who has an understanding of my quest for understanding. crickets


Have you ever sought proof for the truth of your belief that God is giving you hints and knocking on your door? If not how can you know if it is really God that you are seeing and not just some repressed part of your own mind attempting to surface above the confusion?

How do I know anything? I look at facts. I gauge evidence. I look for patterns and consistencies in the data. I run it through everything I can possibly think of for other explanations. This is not based on some sort of, "I wish there was something there." I have tried a hundred times to get around the fact He is there. He is there, or more like He is here, alright. That is not the question for me anymore. The question is how is it than you can not see Him.

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