‘Get rid of her!’ Recording links Trump to Yovanovitch ouster

I’m sure this is another edited version of bullshit. I’ve heard Don’s lawyers revealing the truth for the past several hours. You are not going to sway anyone’s opinions. If you’re a proponent of shitt, polosi, nads, schrumer and the rest of the criminal party, you deserve to pick from the geriatric group of future losers for the dim party. Scum.

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Yovanovitch refused to implement Trump policies. That was reason enough but when the Ukrainian president asked that she be removed Trump pretty much had to do it.
Which specific policies?

Getting dirt on Biden?
Yovanovitch refused to implement Trump policies. That was reason enough but when the Ukrainian president asked that she be removed Trump pretty much had to do it.
Which specific policies?

Getting dirt on Biden?

Everyone was aware of the dirt on Biden. The jackass has been hiding in plain sight for years. Let’s see the dim news sources spin the testimony of Don’s lawyers today. Dims promise everything to uneducated scrubs that can’t think for themselves, and hope to give them a ride to vote. Let’s see how that works out again. [emoji1787]

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NEW YORK — President Donald Trump can be heard in a taped 2018 conversation saying he wants to get rid of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, whose removal a year later emerged as an issue in Trump’s impeachment. The president was talking with a small group that included Lev Parnas, an associate of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to a report Friday about the audio recording.

Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at an April 2018 dinner at his hotel in Washington, according to ABC News, which reported on the recording. The recording appears to contradict the president’s statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Parnas appears to say on the recording: “The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the ambassador. She’s still left over from the Clinton administration.”

He later can be heard telling Trump. “She’s basically walking around telling everybody ‘Wait, he’s gonna get impeached, just wait.”

ABC said a speaker who appears to be Trump says on the recording, “Get rid of her! Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it.”

“I don’t know Parnas other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people,” Trump said last week. “But I just met him. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about, don’t know where he comes from, know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

'Get rid of her!' Recording links Trump, Yovanovitch ouster

Is this a Breitfart doctored tape?

If true are Trump Humpers going to continue to defend this type of behavior?

How is it you don't remember someone you had dinner with.
What's the big deal? She served at the pleasure of the President and if he believed she wasn't doing a good job, for any reason at all, he can fire her. The fact that it took him so long to actually fire her shows he took the matter seriously. It is a measure of how desperate Democrats feel that they think this is a big deal.
Yovanovitch holds up visas for men that had evidence of corrupt
You have to dig very deep into Google to find anything that doesn't portray Marie Yovanovitch as anything but a tireless
foe of corruption but the actual facts present a different picture.

"Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko and Deputy Head of the Prosecutor General’s International Legal Cooperation Department Kostiantyn Kulyk must feel like invisible men.

They believe they have solid evidence that ties American Democrats and officials in the Ukrainian government to 2016 election interference and the obstruction of criminal probes, yet no one will pay attention to them.

The Hill’s John Solomon has followed this story closely. He has numerous connections both in Washington and in Kiev and has written frequently on this story, yet it rarely receives mention. No one seems to care about this story. I find that astonishing. (I have posted about this story here, here, here and they have been among my least read posts.)

Solomon says that Lutsenko and Kulyk have been trying for a year to present their evidence to officials at the Sessions/Rosenstein led DOJ, however, not a single official they’ve contacted has shone any interest in pursuing the claims.

The men then decided to travel to the U.S. to speak with new Attorney General William Barr directly about their findings.

However, their attempts to obtain visas have been thwarted repeatedly by U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, a highly partisan Democrat. Kulyk told Solomon, “We were supposed to share this information during a working trip to the United States. However, the [U.S.] ambassador blocked us from obtaining a visa. She didn’t explicitly deny our visa, but also didn’t give it to us.”

Yovanovitch has been, or used to be before being fired, a funnel through which anti corruption Ukrainians could not get through. She is a tragic figure, it seems...tragically corrupt.
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Kinda odd, if you ask me.

If he wanted to get rid of her, all he had to do was pick up the phone and say

No need to wait a year.
Not odd at all. Trump wanted to extort a nation state and had to get rid of the honest and competent ambassador that was standing in his way. It is nothing a POS mob boss wouldn’t have done.

He wanted to get rid of her, and waited a year to tell her she was fired?

Doesn't sound like Trump to me.
So I guess you missed the coincidence that he fired her at the same time he was shaking down the Ukraine. C’mon man you’re smarter than that.

You do realize he has the right to fire her or any ambassador at any time, as Obama did with ALL the old Bush appointed ones? Why wasn't Obama impeached for that?

Her, and every ambassador, serve at the pleasure of the president. If she does not do exactly what he says, she can and did get fired. She has no right to a job. Trump says bitch go the bitch goes.

In fact, that fact that liberals are even USING this firing of an ambassador as trying to paint Trump in a bad light shows the desperation of their impeachment. Using perfectly legal and often used procedures to try to paint him in a bad light does nothing more than prove the republicans right, the dems have NOTHING on Trump.
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She became ambassador to Ukraine under Barack Obama. That says plenty, in and of itself.
You remember him...the guy who completely shut off military aid to Ukraine while the
Russians were raiding the Crimea?

Yeah...that guy! Did she object? Not that anyone can tell.
Its hilarious dems pretend to care about military aid to Ukraine when it was under THEIR president that Russia invaded and annexed Crimea.

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump can be heard in a taped 2018 conversation saying he wants to get rid of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, whose removal a year later emerged as an issue in Trump’s impeachment. The president was talking with a small group that included Lev Parnas, an associate of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to a report Friday about the audio recording.

Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at an April 2018 dinner at his hotel in Washington, according to ABC News, which reported on the recording. The recording appears to contradict the president’s statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Parnas appears to say on the recording: “The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the ambassador. She’s still left over from the Clinton administration.”

He later can be heard telling Trump. “She’s basically walking around telling everybody ‘Wait, he’s gonna get impeached, just wait.”

ABC said a speaker who appears to be Trump says on the recording, “Get rid of her! Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it.”

“I don’t know Parnas other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people,” Trump said last week. “But I just met him. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about, don’t know where he comes from, know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

'Get rid of her!' Recording links Trump, Yovanovitch ouster

Is this a Breitfart doctored tape?

If true are Trump Humpers going to continue to defend this type of behavior?

How is it you don't remember someone you had dinner with.
/——/ So what? Presidents fire Ambassadors all the time, except Obozo who let one of his die a horrible death with no help.

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump can be heard in a taped 2018 conversation saying he wants to get rid of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, whose removal a year later emerged as an issue in Trump’s impeachment. The president was talking with a small group that included Lev Parnas, an associate of his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, according to a report Friday about the audio recording.

Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch at an April 2018 dinner at his hotel in Washington, according to ABC News, which reported on the recording. The recording appears to contradict the president’s statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Parnas appears to say on the recording: “The biggest problem there, I think where we need to start is we gotta get rid of the ambassador. She’s still left over from the Clinton administration.”

He later can be heard telling Trump. “She’s basically walking around telling everybody ‘Wait, he’s gonna get impeached, just wait.”

ABC said a speaker who appears to be Trump says on the recording, “Get rid of her! Get her out tomorrow. I don’t care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it.”

“I don’t know Parnas other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people,” Trump said last week. “But I just met him. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about, don’t know where he comes from, know nothing about him. I can only tell you this thing is a big hoax.”

'Get rid of her!' Recording links Trump, Yovanovitch ouster

Is this a Breitfart doctored tape?

If true are Trump Humpers going to continue to defend this type of behavior?

How is it you don't remember someone you had dinner with.
Change the channel and get some perspective, you segregationist.
It’s interesting how so much irrelevant shit Leaks to the press about POTUS these days.

Think about it, the media will protect Jeffery Epstein.

Trump was within his powers to fire Yovanovitch.
Yovanovitch refused to implement Trump policies. That was reason enough but when the Ukrainian president asked that she be removed Trump pretty much had to do it.
Which specific policies?

Getting dirt on Biden?
It doesn't matter what policies since the right of a president to fire an ambassador is absolute.

Very true

And Trump was played to get rid of Yovanovitch.
He is nothing more than a child......You know she is badmouthing you

Get rid of her!
It’s interesting how so much irrelevant shit Leaks to the press about POTUS these days.

Think about it, the media will protect Jeffery Epstein.

Trump was within his powers to fire Yovanovitch.

Trump has the authority to fire anyone and Parnas knew that

He played to Trumps insecurity to get her fired
Its hilarious dems pretend to care about military aid to Ukraine when it was under THEIR president that Russia invaded and annexed Crimea.
You act like it's the USA's fault that Russia invaded Ukraine.

What did Obama do to stop it? Why didn't Obama provide aid for 4 years prior to this invasion? Why do you libs only care about aid to Ukraine when it's Trump holding it up? If you libs cared about Ukraine so much why did Obama send blankets and MRE's to fight Russia, when Trump sent missiles?
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Its hilarious dems pretend to care about military aid to Ukraine when it was under THEIR president that Russia invaded and annexed Crimea.
You act like it's the USA's fault that Russia invaded Ukraine.

What did Obama do to stop it? Why didn't Obama provide aid for 4 years prior to this invasion? Why do you libs only care about aid to Ukraine when it's Trump holding it up?

I also think at least 4 Senate Dimms voted against the Bill, so they should be thrilled if Trump held it up. They didn’t want the Bill anyways.

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