Get Rid of Spanish in America

Don't need to. I have extensive experience in Canada -- Montréal for example where any conversation between strangers begins in two languages and the other person responds in whichever one they'd like to proceed in. Or they switch back and forth whenever one fits an expression better. Or Nova Scotia, where one can hear children speaking Gaelic, where Scottish people come to experience their own heritage they lost when clowns like you paved over it.
And all this mish-mash exists only because clowns like you allow, and moronically support it.
How about if you go travelling in Spain, break a brain sweat to learn enough Spanish to get through or bring an interpreter if you can't do that.
It's been stated at least a dozen times in this thread, dum dum, that I'm Hispanic (50%) and have spoken fluent Spanish since 1959 (mil novacientos cinquenta y nueve)

PS - I don't travel. :biggrin:
This thread has inspired me to speak Spanish all day. lol

Weekdays are usually around 1/3 in Spanish. Saturday is a chance to unroll the tongue.

The neighborhood next to mine has a large Spanish speaking population. I get to use it often as I do a lot of my grocery shopping and dining in that area.
This thread has inspired me to speak Spanish all day. lol
How about to a cab driver who doesn't understand Spanish. And when he drives you 20 miles in the wrong direction, and you don't have enough money, you can wash his car, and change his oil. Shouldn't be a problem.

That is a rather unlikely scenario. Besides, I use the trolley.
Nope- you are just wrong- lying or ignorant.

Americans have no obligation to pass any English test.

Americans who have come here and become citizens do have to learn English- but that doesn't mean that they have to stop using their first language.
But they SHOULD have to stop using it in mass media, advertising, business, telephone recordings, etc.
Nope- you are just wrong- lying or ignorant.

Americans have no obligation to pass any English test.

Americans who have come here and become citizens do have to learn English- but that doesn't mean that they have to stop using their first language.
But they SHOULD have to stop using it in mass media, advertising, business, telephone recordings, etc.

No, they shouldn't.
That is a rather unlikely scenario. Besides, I use the trolley.
Never know when you might need to hail a cab. Better hope that guy understands English, or any other language you know.

Trolley, huh ? They (and buses) don't run all night. :badgrin:
That is a rather unlikely scenario. Besides, I use the trolley.
Never know when you might need to hail a cab. Better hope that guy understands English, or any other language you know.

Trolley, huh ? They (and buses) don't run all night. :badgrin:

Definition Merriam Webster

Definition of nation
1 a (1) : nationality 5a
  • three Slav peoples … forged into a Yugoslavia without really fusing into a Yugoslav nation
  • —Hans Kohn
(2) : a politically organized nationality
(3) : a non-Jewish nationality
  • why do the nations conspire
  • —Psalms 2:1 (Revised Standard Version)
b : a community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and government
  • Canada is a nation with a written constitution
  • —B. K. Sandwell
c : a territorial division containing a body of people of one or more nationalities and usually characterized by relatively large size and independent status
  • a nation of vast size with a small population
  • —Mary K. Hammond
2 archaic : group, aggregation
3 : a tribe or federation of tribes (as of American Indians)
  • the Seminole Nation in Oklahoma

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE.
(Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
How about if you go travelling in Spain, break a brain sweat to learn enough Spanish to get through or bring an interpreter if you can't do that.
It's been stated at least a dozen times in this thread, dum dum, that I'm Hispanic (50%) and have spoken fluent Spanish since 1959 (mil novacientos cinquenta y nueve)

Then you would have no issue in Spain WOULD YOU.


PS - I don't travel. :biggrin:

That can't possibly be more obvious. I doubt you ever even leave the house. The one with the triple-padlocked iron door buried in an underground bunker.
Don't need to. I have extensive experience in Canada -- Montréal for example where any conversation between strangers begins in two languages and the other person responds in whichever one they'd like to proceed in. Or they switch back and forth whenever one fits an expression better. Or Nova Scotia, where one can hear children speaking Gaelic, where Scottish people come to experience their own heritage they lost when clowns like you paved over it.
And all this mish-mash exists only because clowns like you allow, and moronically support it.

Nnnnnope. Actually I'm not a Canadian. It exists because of the colonial histories of England, France and Scotland. All I do is go there to immerse in it, because it represents cultural opportunity. One of the ones that hasn't been steamrolled out of existence by paranoid fascisti trying to run everybody's life from their paranoid underground bunker.
Nope- you are just wrong- lying or ignorant.

Americans have no obligation to pass any English test.

Americans who have come here and become citizens do have to learn English- but that doesn't mean that they have to stop using their first language.
But they SHOULD have to stop using it in mass media, advertising, business, telephone recordings, etc.

No, they should not.
No, they should not.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)
Personally I get sick and tired of instruction booklets for everything from appliances to tools that are two thirds thicker than they need to be because they are written in Spanish and sometimes French as well as English. How many trees did they need to cut down for political correctness?
All that will also continue to be in many languages.
That is advocation of mass disorientation, confusion, turbulence, tumult, mix-ups, turmoil, disorganization, havoc, trouble, fighting, and social disorder.

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