Get Rid of Spanish in America

No printing of ballots in ANY language but English.
No printing of ANYTHING, Drivers license materials, SSI materials, Unemployment, nothing.
They can learn our language or they can leave.

Have you ever read the Constitution?

I'm not aware of anything in the Constitution that says the federal government can't declare an official language.
You’re not alone in your ignorance.

But the Constitution prohibits exactly that.

Spanish is one of the languages of the USA and has been for most of our history.

nation | Definition of nation in English by Oxford Dictionaries
A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.


By your 'definition' the United States was not even a nation in 1776.

But the United States is certainly a nation today- even with our Spanish speaking, Chinese speaking, Russian speaking, Polish speaking, etc heritage.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

There is no other language of the US. Get rid of Spanish, and any other language.
I'd rather get rid of trailer park trash white supremacist neo-nazi losers.
Bigotry against whites, and bigotry against people who live in trailers. (who are some of the best people I've ever known) You reveal your low-lifeness. :102:
Bitter old white guys scared of darkies are hilarious!

Stay on topic, or get out of the thread.
Just for those that believe it is a good thing to have multiple languages in a country. Didn't God make that a curse and a pushment for men?
Look up the Tower of Babel

Ummmm yeah look up Swotzerland. Canada. Sweden. Russia. Belgium. Brazil. Germany. France. Israel. etc etc etc.
Why not Navajo? It helped us defeat the Japanese.
Navajo, like other American Indian languages, are not part of the US (they're a nation unto themselves), but they do exist properly within US borders (on reservations). It may be interesting to note though, that even on Indian reservations, most people speak English.
Ummmm yeah look up Swotzerland. Canada. Sweden. Russia. Belgium. Brazil. Germany. France. Israel. etc etc etc.
Canada would be enough to see the confusion, complication, communication problems, and other such miseries of countries foolish enough to allow more than one distinctive language to exist within their borders. No need to look any further. Yeah, look them up. Do that.
A great many languages are spoken in the US, and it will always be this way.
This thread has inspired me to speak Spanish all day. lol

It’s not a ‘travesty,’ it’s Constitutional – where government seeking to impose an ‘official’ language would be un-Constitutional:

‘This opinion addresses the constitutionality of Article XXVIII of the Arizona Constitution (the "Amendment"), which was adopted in 1988 and which provides, inter alia, that English is the official language of the State of Arizona and that the state and its political subdivisions--including all government officials and employees performing government business--must "act" only in English.

We hold that the Amendment violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution because it adversely impacts the constitutional rights of non-English-speaking persons with regard to their obtaining access to their government and limits the political speech of elected officials and public employees. We also hold that the Amendment violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution because it unduly burdens core First Amendment rights of a specific class without materially advancing a legitimate state interest.’


Fortunately we have a Constitution that protects the American people from the ignorance, fear, bigotry, racism, and hate common to most on the right.
The subject of free speech vs banning Spanish was dealt with long ago in this thread, and put in the trash can. There is no speech that cannot be banned if the American people say so.

The say of the American people is the bottom line of activity in America, not the first amendment. The has been demonstrated many times. Go back to the earlier pages and read the previous threads, rather coming in here late and making a fool out of your self.
This thread has inspired me to speak Spanish all day. lol
How about to a cab driver who doesn't understand Spanish. And when he drives you 20 miles in the wrong direction, and you don't have enough money, you can wash his car, and change his oil. Shouldn't be a problem.
Ummmm yeah look up Swotzerland. Canada. Sweden. Russia. Belgium. Brazil. Germany. France. Israel. etc etc etc.
Canada would be enough to see the confusion, complication, communication problems, and other such miseries of countries foolish enough to allow more than one distinctive language to exist within their borders. No need to look any further. Yeah, look them up. Do that.

Don't need to. I have extensive experience in Canada -- Montréal for example where any conversation between strangers begins in two languages and the other person responds in whichever one they'd like to proceed in. Or they switch back and forth whenever one fits an expression better. Or Nova Scotia, where one can hear children speaking Gaelic, where Scottish people come to experience their own heritage they lost when clowns like you paved over it.
A great many languages are spoken in the US, and it will always be this way.
While a valid point, it is also notable that the OP/thread addresses public language usage (Mass media, telephone recordings, advertising, voting ballots, etc), rather than just people engaging in conversation.
This thread has inspired me to speak Spanish all day. lol
How about to a cab driver who doesn't understand Spanish. And when he drives you 20 miles in the wrong direction, and you don't have enough money, you can wash his car, and change his oil. Shouldn't be a problem.

How about if you go travelling in Spain, break a brain sweat to learn enough Spanish to get through or bring an interpreter if you can't do that.

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