Get Rid of Spanish in America

Definition Merriam Webster

Definition of nation
1 a (1) : nationality 5a
  • three Slav peoples … forged into a Yugoslavia without really fusing into a Yugoslav nation
  • —Hans Kohn
(2) : a politically organized nationality
(3) : a non-Jewish nationality
  • why do the nations conspire
  • —Psalms 2:1 (Revised Standard Version)
b : a community of people composed of one or more nationalities and possessing a more or less defined territory and government
  • Canada is a nation with a written constitution
  • —B. K. Sandwell
c : a territorial division containing a body of people of one or more nationalities and usually characterized by relatively large size and independent status
  • a nation of vast size with a small population
  • —Mary K. Hammond
2 archaic : group, aggregation
3 : a tribe or federation of tribes (as of American Indians)
  • the Seminole Nation in Oklahoma
Oxford English Dictionary

  • 1A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

    ‘the world's leading industrialized nations’
  • ‘Critics acknowledge that some Western European nations have state religions.’
  • ‘But how did we become the most powerful and radical nation on the planet?’
  • ‘We, the richest, most powerful nation on the planet, could solve our social problems in a heartbeat.’
  • ‘We cannot allow ourselves to be dependent on other nations, history has taught us that.’
  • ‘But the fledgling nation is facing a range of challenges.’
No printing of ballots in ANY language but English.
No printing of ANYTHING, Drivers license materials, SSI materials, Unemployment, nothing.
They can learn our language or they can leave.

Have you ever read the Constitution?
Spanish was spoken in the southwest long before English was. When did Christopher Columbus sail and under what flag? Who landed in Florida?
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.
Spanish was spoken in the southwest long before English was. When did Christopher Columbus sail and under what flag? Who landed in Florida?

The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

Hahaha...there’s always a couple ignorant fools that talk out of their asses. You Loons must not be aware of the British conquest of this nation. Forget all you know about this land beforehand. That’s how shit worked, the stronger Armies took shit and made the rules moving forward. (Ask Lakhota)
You might also want to read the Naturalization Act Of 1790.
Upon declaring independence from Great Britain, the leaders of the new republic aspired to create a distinct American nationality and minimize the risk of another monarchy.
The Nationality Act restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years.
Do you think the framers of this Act intended to build and manifest a multi cultural, multi language nation? NEGATIVE
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The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.
Please don't make it Dutch. I grew up in the Hudson Valley. Nothing Dutch is capable of being pronounced or spelled. Spanish is so much easier.
No printing of ballots in ANY language but English.
No printing of ANYTHING, Drivers license materials, SSI materials, Unemployment, nothing.
They can learn our language or they can leave.

Have you ever read the Constitution?

I'm not aware of anything in the Constitution that says the federal government can't declare an official language.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.
You are a filthy thing.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.
You are a filthy thing.

Put me on ignore or pound sound.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.
You are a filthy thing.

Put me on ignore or pound sound.
Because you have a disgusting mouth on you? Where did this come from?
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.

Nope- you are just wrong- lying or ignorant.

Americans have no obligation to pass any English test.

Americans who have come here and become citizens do have to learn English- but that doesn't mean that they have to stop using their first language.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.

Nope- you are just wrong- lying or ignorant.

Americans have no obligation to pass any English test.

Americans who have come here and become citizens do have to learn English- but that doesn't mean that they have to stop using their first language.

Thank you for reiterating what I said.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.
You are a filthy thing.

Put me on ignore or pound sound.
Because you have a disgusting mouth on you? Where did this come from?

You are assuming I give a shit about what you think. I don't.
The USA is an English-speaking country. It has been that for over 200 years. In order for America to preserve its identity as a NATION, it must have a (ie. ONE) distinctive language and culture.

Currently, there are a few Spanish TV stations, and the AM radio dial is flooded with them. Spanish is also ubiquitous in telephone recordings, voting ballots, and even on billboards. It's time for the US government to put a stop to this madness.

There have been non-English speaking immigrants here in America, for as long as the USA has existed. They have always adapted and quickly learned English. My mother's family arrived here from Denmark, in 1929. There were no radio shows in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents came here from Central America in the 1880's. They had no Spanish signs, or anything like that. They all learned English, quickly.

The only reason there is so much Spanish in America now, is because this helps Democrats to import more immigrants to vote Democrat. Now we have people who have been here for 20 years, and can't speak a word of English. Get rid of all the Spanish. Get it out, and keep it out.

Let’s make America great again, by making America a true NATION again (instead of the mish-mash it has become).

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

How do you have an official language of a Nation made up of immigrants from other nations?

If you really want to get technical -- the official laughable should be Spanish or Dutch.

Go take a history class. Make sure the prof is legit and not an alt-right loser. Maybe you'll learn something.

To be legal they have to pass and English test. Educate yourself cum bucket.

Nope- you are just wrong- lying or ignorant.

Americans have no obligation to pass any English test.

Americans who have come here and become citizens do have to learn English- but that doesn't mean that they have to stop using their first language.

Just to get rid of you....

"American Citizenship Requirements"

4) Read, write, and speak English. Your English language skills will be tested during the citizenship interview and test. In some cases, elderly persons who have resided as lawful permanent citizens in the US for many years may not need to meet these language requirements.

American Citizenship Requirements

Here are the exceptions.

"The English language requirement does not apply in four cases: If you are over 50 years of age and have been a legal permanent resident (LPR) for at least 20 years, you can do the interview and civics test in your native language (with an interpreter). Ditto if you are over 55 years of age and have been an LPR for at least 25 years."

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