Get Rid of Spanish in America

Personally I get sick and tired of instruction booklets for everything from appliances to tools that are two thirds thicker than they need to be because they are written in Spanish and sometimes French as well as English. How many trees did they need to cut down for political correctness?
Good question. Anybody got an answer ?


Personally I get sick and tired of instruction booklets for everything from appliances to tools that are two thirds thicker than they need to be because they are written in Spanish and sometimes French as well as English. How many trees did they need to cut down for political correctness?

Have you sought therapy for this traumatic experience?
No, they should not.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

A false citation = a lie = ^^^^^^^

Nation dictionary definition | nation defined


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common

Read more at Nation dictionary definition | nation defined

You have been shown now to be a liar Unk.
No, they should not.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

A false citation = a lie = ^^^^^^^

Nation dictionary definition | nation defined


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common

Read more at Nation dictionary definition | nation defined

You have been shown now to be a liar Unk.

Posting a picture of a book doesn't make what follows it "real". Not sure if this is common knowledge but --- apparently not.

Obviously the definition as posted is inoperative. If it were operative, Switzerland would not be a nation. Nor would Canada. Nor would Belgium. Nor would about 98% of the world's countries.
No, they should not.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

A false citation = a lie = ^^^^^^^

Nation dictionary definition | nation defined


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common

Read more at Nation dictionary definition | nation defined

You have been shown now to be a liar Unk.

Posting a picture of a book doesn't make what follows it "real". Not sure if this is common knowledge but --- apparently not.

Obviously the definition as posted is inoperative. If it were operative, Switzerland would not be a nation. Nor would Canada. Nor would Belgium. Nor would about 98% of the world's countries.

Ah, you can't read I suspected as much. Unk called it a fake post, I proved it wasn't. Sorry.
No, they should not.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

A false citation = a lie = ^^^^^^^

Nation dictionary definition | nation defined


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common

Read more at Nation dictionary definition | nation defined

You have been shown now to be a liar Unk.

Posting a picture of a book doesn't make what follows it "real". Not sure if this is common knowledge but --- apparently not.

Obviously the definition as posted is inoperative. If it were operative, Switzerland would not be a nation. Nor would Canada. Nor would Belgium. Nor would about 98% of the world's countries.

Ah, you can't read I suspected as much. Unk called it a fake post, I proved it wasn't. Sorry.

Don't know about what went on in my absence but it would appear to be you who can't read, since your own link says:

Use nation in a sentence


  1. The definition of a nation is a body of people in a particular location with a distinct government.

---- and then below in the details where you and the OP went cherrypicking it actually says:


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common
  2. the people of a territory united under a single government; country
    1. a people or tribe, specif., a group of North American Indians, sometimes one belonging to a confederation
    2. [N-] the territory of a particular Indian people or peoples

You of course quoted #1, which is not the sense in play here, and tried to pretend it was all there is by editing out #s 2 and 3. #2 of course, the bold above you tried to bury, is the sense used in your own link's example, to wit: "The United States of America is a nation". And I already explained to you why it's that sense and cannot be #1.

Guess that level of reading was too complex for ya.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

A false citation = a lie = ^^^^^^^

Nation dictionary definition | nation defined


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common

Read more at Nation dictionary definition | nation defined

You have been shown now to be a liar Unk.

Posting a picture of a book doesn't make what follows it "real". Not sure if this is common knowledge but --- apparently not.

Obviously the definition as posted is inoperative. If it were operative, Switzerland would not be a nation. Nor would Canada. Nor would Belgium. Nor would about 98% of the world's countries.

Ah, you can't read I suspected as much. Unk called it a fake post, I proved it wasn't. Sorry.

Don't know about what went on in my absence but it would appear to be you who can't read, since your own link says:

Use nation in a sentence


  1. The definition of a nation is a body of people in a particular location with a distinct government.

---- and then below in the details where you and the OP went cherrypicking it actually says:


  1. a stable, historically developed community of people with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common
  2. the people of a territory united under a single government; country
    1. a people or tribe, specif., a group of North American Indians, sometimes one belonging to a confederation
    2. [N-] the territory of a particular Indian people or peoples

You of course quoted #1, which is not the sense in play here, and tried to pretend it was all there is by editing out #s 2 and 3. #2 of course, the bold above you tried to bury, is the sense used in your own link's example, to wit: "The United States of America is a nation". And I already explained to you why it's that sense and cannot be #1.

Guess that level of reading was too complex for ya.

LOL, oh golly I had the integrity to post all posted meanings I SUCK. Unk lied and I proved it. You need more work at this.
No, they should not.
Yes, they should.

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, system of economics, and a DISTINCTIVE LANGUAGE & CULTURE. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed.)

A false citation = a lie = ^^^^^^^

Nation dictionary definition | nation defined

It’s awfully strange that you people act so perplexed by the notion that people are inclined to prefer to live among others that are like minded and that speak the same language. It’s just plain weird...Does it really surprise you or are just playing stupid to engage in debate?
Look around the world or even within cities where likeminded people gravitate toward one another to inhabit the same areas....why do you think that is...coincidence?
How do you think the Japanese would react if 20 million people that speak a different language were injected into their culture?
NEWS FLASH: people do not prefer language and communication barriers among their own societies...weird huh?
Personally I get sick and tired of instruction booklets for everything from appliances to tools that are two thirds thicker than they need to be because they are written in Spanish and sometimes French as well as English. How many trees did they need to cut down for political correctness?
Good question. Anybody got an answer ?

Yep. They do that because they sell those products in Mexico and France and Russia and Germany and Brazil and Vietnam &c.

Ain't fucking rocket surgery. But consider the mentality of the clown who brought it up who thinks he has to read the whole manual and is even as we speak frantically poring over the part of his shower curtain owner's manual written in Swedish.
Spanish is a beautiful language.

Everyone should learn to speak it to some extent, for you never know when it will come in handy.

Furthermore, the more foreign languages you know, the better you will understand English grammar.


But Spanish-speaking people should be required to use the language of their new country.

To become a citizen, one must pass a test that shows that one knows English. Therefore, when a new citizen proudly goes to cast a ballot in an election, s/he should be required to use an English-language ballot. After all, it's only a list of names. Someone can prep the new citizen on how to mark the ballot. Presently, the government spends millions on printing ballots in many languages. That is an unnecessary waste of taxpayer money.

Perhaps the only exception when Spanish should be available is when one needs to call 911 for emergency medical care.

Otherwise, companies should not have Spanish-speaking representatives. If Spanish-speaking immigrants realize that they have to speak English, they will make the effort to do so.

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