Get the f*ck out of America, b*tches’: Crazed Trump fan attacks Muslim women pushing baby strollers

C'mon you have to be a pussy every day of your life?:2up:

You're exactly what Clint Eastwood was talking about a couple of weeks ago..........pussy generation.:spinner:
The Jews support massive immigration into the United States, they think it is good for them because it takes the focus off of them.

They are right in the short term, but as always they will kill the goose that served them so well as the country descends into anarchy.
The Jews support massive immigration into the United States, they think it is good for them because it takes the focus off of them.

They are right in the short term, but as always they will kill the goose that served them so well as the country descends into anarchy.
the deplorables are really lining up to defend their fellow scumbag.... I wonder how long it will take for one of them to suggest genocide?
Suggest yes...actually do somethin...too much work. They'd have actually get up of their couch.
People who attack women who are caring for a baby are the scum of the earth, their politics are irrelevant. That person should be locked up for a least a decade.
Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.

And for good reason. The Left is blind to the true nature and purpose of Islam. Many Trump supporters, Like myself, aren't.
Yeah, guano, there haven't been ANY Trump supporters attacked anywhere in the last year or so. On the idiot scale you're right down there with Truthmatters and some of the other lefty All Stars in here.
One of the deplorables, subhuman like

An angry Trump supporter allegedly attacked two Muslim women who were pushing their baby strollers through Brooklyn.

The New York Daily News reports that 32-year-old Emirjeta Xhelili yelled Islamophobic slurs at two Muslim women who were out on a walk with their babies near her Brooklyn home.

“Get the f*ck out of here,” the woman yelled, according to prosecutors. “Get the f*ck out of America, b*tches… This is America — you shouldn’t be different from us.”

She punched the two women in their faces and tried ripping their hijabs off their heads. Prosecutors even alleged that she tried knocking over the stroller that contained a 15-month-old baby.

The Daily News notes that she has several social media posts in which she cheers on Donald Trump’s candidacy and portrays him as some sort of mythical savior.

‘Get the f*ck out of America, b*tches’: Crazed Trump fan attacks Muslim women pushing baby strollers
Trump is geekin' ém up....
Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.

And for good reason. The Left is blind to the true nature and purpose of Islam. Many Trump supporters, Like myself, aren't.

So attacking Muslim women on the streets is the answer?

I'm Muslim. I don't normally wear hijab. But I occasionally wear it to the mosque in Friday or like today when I went to Eid prayers.

Would it be ok for a person to come up to me and just attack me simply because I'm Muslim?
Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.

And for good reason. The Left is blind to the true nature and purpose of Islam. Many Trump supporters, Like myself, aren't.

So attacking Muslim women on the streets is the answer?

I never suggested such a thing and you know it so stop trying to control the narrative.

And btw what's your definition of 'Islamophobia'.
Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.

And for good reason. The Left is blind to the true nature and purpose of Islam. Many Trump supporters, Like myself, aren't.

So attacking Muslim women on the streets is the answer?

I never suggested such a thing and you know it so stop trying to control the narrative.

And btw what's your definition of 'Islamophobia'.

Someone who discriminates against someone who is Muslim. Criticizing Islam in itself doesn't make you islamaphobic because people are free to be critical of any and all religions. But the folks who to discriminate against the individuals who identify themselves as Muslims are islamaphobic.

Perhaps a more correct term would be Muslimphobic.
Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.

And for good reason. The Left is blind to the true nature and purpose of Islam. Many Trump supporters, Like myself, aren't.

So attacking Muslim women on the streets is the answer?

I'm Muslim. I don't normally wear hijab. But I occasionally wear it to the mosque in Friday or like today when I went to Eid prayers.

Would it be ok for a person to come up to me and just attack me simply because I'm Muslim?
Depends on how attractive you are. Do you weigh over 118 lbs?
These are the deplorables Hilary was talking about.

Point out where they claim to be Trump supporters though it would be irrelevant anyway. There are assholes in every group of voters.

Not all Trump supporters are bigoted but most islamaphobes in this country are Trump supporters.
Islamaphobes, what is that, can you articulate for the class?
The Jews support massive immigration into the United States, they think it is good for them because it takes the focus off of them.

They are right in the short term, but as always they will kill the goose that served them so well as the country descends into anarchy.
the deplorables are really lining up to defend their fellow scumbag.... I wonder how long it will take for one of them to suggest genocide?

Actually, the left...socialists, are the ones who like genocide, mass murder and ethnic cleansing......socialism...leftism....has murdered about 100 million people around the world.....

And compared to the organized violence by the left against Trump supporters, the actual shooting of a Trump supporter, the beating of a Trump supporter with a crow bar, shutting down a Trump rally, blocking a road to a Trump Rally, throwing eggs at Trump supporters, beating and kicking Trump supporters and on top of all of that.....the actual assassination attempt on Trump by a left wing socialist.....

you really don't have any room to accuse Trump supporters as a group of anything......

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