Get this: even if Biden loses BOTH Pennsylvania and Florida, he can still win the election based on the current electoral map.

Here is my Electoral Map.....

I’ll say as my official prediction that I don’t rule out Trump winning the election.
That's not a prediction, it's a CYA statement.
Hey moron, obviously it would be stupid for me to say I have total confidence Biden will win. See, you WANT me to say that so that if Trump wins, you could rub it in my face. Right now you’re basically trying to call my prediction stupid regardless of what it is at this point. It’s complete intellectual dishonesty and immaturity on your part.
Dream on....Joke Biden won't win shit.
I’ll say as my official prediction that I don’t rule out Trump winning the election. I just have a lot of reason to be optimistic.

Here's the truth Bill.

It's looking better for Trump every day.

Last week I was concerned. Even if you accept the data as is from the media...yesterday morning it was 50/50 shot...and a tie likely goes to the incumbent.


Trump won the debate.

Biden is under the gun now with the laptop stuff. Whether Biden is actually corrupt or not (and I think he is) the optics are terrible.

PLUS...and this is appears as though the media and social media corps are covering for Joe and blatantly biased. Americans don't like that. They'll support an underdog that they feel is being treated unfairly.

Also...Biden really stepped in it on oil, the Green New Deal and immigration...and he backstabbed Obama.

Trump just announced ANOTHER Middle-east peace deal.

Trump is going to have a 6-3 court... that's an amazing achievement for could have been a big boost for liberals turnout while conservatives rested on their laurels...

...but Biden screwed that up by not quashing the idea off packing the Supreme Court. That motivates Republican...even Republicans that don't necessarily support Trump.

That was a huge miscalculation.

And finally...Trump is on the rise while Biden is on a downward trajectory in the final stretch...That matters.

And all of that is based on what the media and pollsters are reporting.

If you believe the poll sampling is biased and that there are high levels of minority support for Trump, that progressive policy is really only popular in the Twittersphere bubble, that there are secret Trump voters and that the Walk Away movement has decimated (by the actual definition) the Democrat Party, that the increase in those identifying as Republicans and the rise in new Republican registrations...that all of this points to extremely skewed polling...then the original premise laid out in this post...the fifty fifty only the absolutely worst case scenario. The reality is a Trump victory is much more likely than is being reported.

The media has screwed things up for Biden more than Biden has. He had a good strategy...stay out of his own way. If you're going you blame someone for this loss...blame the media...they did everything they could to make Trump's case by actively attempting to undermine Trump's case. Just like Watergate...the cover-up is worse than the crime.
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He would simply need to win Arizona, Texas and Georgia in addition to the blue safe states he is guaranteed. Currently he is ahead in AZ and Georgia is a tossup. Texas would be more of a stretch, but it’s doable. One poll has him deadlocked with Trump.

You may not get to go to Alaska but you be able to go to Mars! All you need is a spaceship!

If Biden takes ANY Red States, he'll win.
If Trump takes ANY Blue States, he'll win.

If Trump takes the Red States and Obama takes the Blue States, we get this:

From there, Trump needs EITHER WI or PA to get over the top.

Biden needs BOTH WI and PA to get there.
Lol Trump is behind in the polls in both of those states considerably. You’re also making the unfounded point that Florida is a lock for Trump. It’s not. At best for Trump, Florida is a tossup. Right now, Biden has a slight lead in average polling.
If Biden takes FL he'll likely win.
He would simply need to win Arizona, Texas and Georgia in addition to the blue safe states he is guaranteed. Currently he is ahead in AZ and Georgia is a tossup. Texas would be more of a stretch, but it’s doable. One poll has him deadlocked with Trump.

You may not get to go to Alaska but you be able to go to Mars! All you need is a spaceship!

If Biden takes ANY Red States, he'll win.
If Trump takes ANY Blue States, he'll win.

If Trump takes the Red States and Obama takes the Blue States, we get this:

From there, Trump needs EITHER WI or PA to get over the top.

Biden needs BOTH WI and PA to get there.

Obama is running for president? Oh of course, Biden is going for the senate.

It is of course neat exercise to consider the different scenarios. But once you realize that Trump takes both PA and Florida, and then all those other states... how is Biden going to win with closer to single digit votes?
If Trump takes FL and PA, he wins.
From there, Trump needs EITHER WI or PA to get over the top.

Biden needs BOTH WI and PA to get there.

Except you are assuming Trump will take AZ, NC, FL, all of which he is trailing in,

You are also working on the assumption that WI or NH are competitive, which they aren't right now.
Dream on....Joke Biden won't win shit.
I’ll say as my official prediction that I don’t rule out Trump winning the election. I just have a lot of reason to be optimistic.

Why is that? Why so optimistic?

Are you puting all your hopes in the cheat-by-mail scheme by the DemonRats? :dunno:
The ONLY reason you think mail in voting has rampant fraud is because Trump declared it. That’s it. You can’t think for yourself.

Mail in votes in pa can now be counted three days after the election and the dems threw in ballots without a clear postmark will be counted.
Honestly ask yourself why they put that in the bill?
PA citizen should sue the state for systematic voting rights violations

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