Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL

we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:

here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:

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There was not two of these in side the pentagon
they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are thanks mosty to me,you and dale.NONE of the pics taken at the pentagaon have the turbine engines looking ANYTHING like this size,they are 5 times smaller yet these trolls say an airliner hit it.dont they ever get tired of ending up with shit on their faces and getting OWNED by us?:haha:

with the help of you and dale of course,the discussion pretty much can end right now that there was no airliner that hit it.

This video is appropriately called ZERO because there is exactly that,ZERO evidence a 757 airliner hit the pentagon.:lmao:

Physical Evidence and Eyewitness Testimony That A Missile Hit The Pentagon – NOT a Boeing 757
9/11 MUST SEE: “I can prove that it was NOT an airplane” that Hit the Pentagon – Major General Albert N. Stubblebine

as you can see from this long link for the people like you and dale who DO take the time to watch the videos in here and read the hole link,i just owned the asses of these paid shills AB sailer,todd PARROT,and agent troll sayit. they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are knowing i just ended the discussion,that the case is closed that an airliner did not hit the pentagon.:haha: they just got their asses checkmated by me in that link. this is sayit,toddparrot and ab sailer,PREDFAN crying in defeat after i handed their asses to them on a platter.LOL case closed,end of disscussion,period.:lmao:
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The official story of how the plane arrived at the Pentagon by making a 270 degree turn at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour is absurd. A Boeing 757 could not possibly perform that maneuver according to experts.

Thats what i have said hundreds of times just to watch these coward apid shills who cant stand toe toe toe in a debate,agents sayit,toddparrot and ab sailer,ect,ect,to cowardly run off with their tails between their legs like the chickenshit cowards they are to just whine and cry in defeat like a five year old.:206::biggrin:
The official story of how the plane arrived at the Pentagon by making a 270 degree turn at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour is absurd. A Boeing 757 could not possibly perform that maneuver according to experts.

Thats what i have said hundreds of times just to watch these coward apid shills who cant stand toe toe toe in a debate,agents sayit,toddparrot and ab sailer,ect,ect,to cowardly run off with their tails between their legs like the chickenshit cowards they are to just whine and cry in defeat like a five year old.:206::biggrin:

Liar. Moron.
The official story of how the plane arrived at the Pentagon by making a 270 degree turn at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour is absurd. A Boeing 757 could not possibly perform that maneuver according to experts.

Thats what i have said hundreds of times just to watch these coward apid shills who cant stand toe toe toe in a debate,agents sayit,toddparrot and ab sailer,ect,ect,to cowardly run off with their tails between their legs like the chickenshit cowards they are to just whine and cry in defeat like a five year old.:206::biggrin:
A fact frequently cited as evidence that the aircraft that attacked the Pentagon on 9/11/01 was not Flight 77, a Boeing 757, is that the aircraft tracked by air traffic controllers made a spectacular spiral dive, losing 7000 feet and turning 270 degrees in about 2.5 minutes -- a maneuver alleged to be impossible for a 757. A September 12, 2001 CBS News report described the maneuver:

Radar shows that Flight 77 did a downward spiral, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7000 feet in two-and-a-half minutes.
Air traffic controller Danielle O'Brien told ABC News that the maneuver was not one expected of a jetliner:

The speed, the maneuverability, the way that he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air-traffic controllers, that that was a military plane. 1
However, the fact that the plane was being flown in a manner not typical for a jetliner does not mean it was not a jetliner. A 757 is capable of rather extreme maneuvers: It is capable of taking off on one engine, and can execute pitch accelerations of over 3.5 Gs (gravities) as demonstrated by the following incident report of an IcelandAir 757-200:

REPORT 7/2003 - Date: 22 January 2003
serious incident to icelandair BOEING 757-200 at oslo airport gardermoen norway 22 january 2002

... At this time the First Officer called out PULL UP! - PULL UP!. The GPWS aural warnings of TERRAIN and then TOO LOW TERRAIN were activated. Both pilots were active at the control columns and a maximum up input was made. A split between left and right elevator was indicated at this time. It appears the split occurred due to both pilots being active at the controls. The pilots did not register the aural warnings. During the dive the airspeed increased to 251 kt and the lowest altitude in the recovery was 321 ft radio altitude with a peaked load factor of +3.59 gs. 2
How does this apply to the 2.5 minute 270-degree spiral turn? The G forces produced by such a turn can be calculated using the following formula.

RCF = 0.001118 * r * N^2
RCF = Relative Centrifugal Force (gravities)
r = rotation radius (meters)
N = rotation speed (revolutions per minute)

If the plane were traveling at 400 miles per hour it would travel 16.666 miles, or 26,821 meters, in 2.5 minutes. Assuming it was traveling in a circular arc, it would trace out 3/4ths of a circle with a 35,761-meter circumference, giving a rotation radius of 5,691 meters and rotation speed of 0.3 rotations per minute. Plugging those values into the above equation, we obtain a centrifugal force of 0.5726 Gs -- hardly a problem for a 757 whose rated G limits are over two.

9-11 Review: ERROR: 'Pentagon Attack Maneuvers Preclude a 757'
two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL

we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:

here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:


Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.
two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL

we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:

here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:


Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.

Seriously, I just don't get how people blindly accept the official story now given all the information that is out there. Those that speak out do so at their own peril and they have no political agenda because this and other false flag events have no political bent to either side because it goes much deeper than that. Political sides are an illusion to make us think that we actually have a voice in how our "masters" rule and lord over us. Cody Snodgres has bravely come out and is doing as many radio shows as he can and he has a book out that is 700 pages long and full of court documents. He worked as a third party contractor for the CIA doing black-ops and was approached to be the head of an operation to take down the Murrah building in late 1994 and he refused. I doubt any naysayers will listen to his interview he did with John B. Wells. Alex Jones further proved that he is part of the controlled opposition and a court jester for his puppetmasters when Cody approached him first about giving him an exclusive interview. The OKC bombing was just a precursor to 9/11/01...same bad actors were involved in that false flag as well.

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.
[QUOTE="saltydancin, post: 19378039....]

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.

Lauding & commending that same ole master plan of a supposedly master race Islamidiotocracy in it's cross conditioned super ego rhetoric of attacking Israel for all it's business failures, whether it have been Nazi Germany, 9/11 with the Federal Lynching state of hate where it's KKK churchstate cops were in that do your job, but now too much of it mode continues in this latest round of school shootings for a holy ghost KKK attack on Israel where the Islamo-Nazi churchstate confiscation of "Never Again" in order to make this Christian Nations "man is God" malfeasance more significant in education system deaths than the Holocaust is evidently that compulsive-obsessive pyramid scheme to own ass only to satisfy pedophilia needs in their race for space survival of the fittest fascists game megalomania.
The official story of how the plane arrived at the Pentagon by making a 270 degree turn at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour is absurd. A Boeing 757 could not possibly perform that maneuver according to experts.
Thats what i have said hundreds of times just to watch these coward apid shills who cant stand toe toe toe in a debate,agents sayit,toddparrot and ab sailer,ect,ect,to cowardly run off with their tails between their legs like the chickenshit cowards they are to just whine and cry in defeat like a five year old.:206::biggrin:

Obviously garnering the same respect of US Constitutions & old glory by thieving arsonists in just be how your fellow Islamidiotocracy political psychology acknowledges one of it's own seeking those 40 virgins in a similarly hilarious manner to Billy Graham, who for 99 years never met God face to face. Guess none of them ever did & with a missile instead of a plane; remaining nameless or nonexistent as being in all probability one of those Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 doesn't exist either due to the Federal Lynching churchstate of hate drug trafficking detail enforcement on the books protecting kamikaze wannabe flying carpet pilots or...... .
two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL

we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:

here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:


Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.

Seriously, I just don't get how people blindly accept the official story now given all the information that is out there. Those that speak out do so at their own peril and they have no political agenda because this and other false flag events have no political bent to either side because it goes much deeper than that. Political sides are an illusion to make us think that we actually have a voice in how our "masters" rule and lord over us. Cody Snodgres has bravely come out and is doing as many radio shows as he can and he has a book out that is 700 pages long and full of court documents. He worked as a third party contractor for the CIA doing black-ops and was approached to be the head of an operation to take down the Murrah building in late 1994 and he refused. I doubt any naysayers will listen to his interview he did with John B. Wells. Alex Jones further proved that he is part of the controlled opposition and a court jester for his puppetmasters when Cody approached him first about giving him an exclusive interview. The OKC bombing was just a precursor to 9/11/01...same bad actors were involved in that false flag as well.

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.

well the only one difference between YOU and those trolls that i just mentioned agents SAYIT,Todd "PARROT",AB SAILER,PREDFAN,AND usmb's biggest troll WRONGwinger, is just that,they indeed are agents on the governments payroll that have penetrated this site to try and derail any kind of truth discussion on it. Not sure about salydancing,he is a troll but not a PAID troll,he never contributes anything to the thread and never talks about the evidence,he just goes on with religious babble.

see they are all paid shills on the governments payroll.where YOU were just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial.back then when you were confronted with facts and evidence you could not refute,the difference in you and them is YOU ran off with your tail between your legs and avoided the evidence where with these paid shills,they have to LIE about things when they cant refute the facts like sayit for example has said before that expert pilots have said they could have performed those feats which is bullshit of course.there has never been ONE expert pilot that has ever come out and said they could do those feats. they also ignore the pilots for truth website which proves all this.thats the difference int hem and they way you were,was YOU were just a bush dupe brainwashed where they KNOW it was an inside job and have been instructed to lie about eveything when they cant counter evidence or witness testimony bu experts no less.LOL
two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL

we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:

here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:


Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.

Seriously, I just don't get how people blindly accept the official story now given all the information that is out there. Those that speak out do so at their own peril and they have no political agenda because this and other false flag events have no political bent to either side because it goes much deeper than that. Political sides are an illusion to make us think that we actually have a voice in how our "masters" rule and lord over us. Cody Snodgres has bravely come out and is doing as many radio shows as he can and he has a book out that is 700 pages long and full of court documents. He worked as a third party contractor for the CIA doing black-ops and was approached to be the head of an operation to take down the Murrah building in late 1994 and he refused. I doubt any naysayers will listen to his interview he did with John B. Wells. Alex Jones further proved that he is part of the controlled opposition and a court jester for his puppetmasters when Cody approached him first about giving him an exclusive interview. The OKC bombing was just a precursor to 9/11/01...same bad actors were involved in that false flag as well.

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.

well the only one difference between YOU and those trolls that i just mentioned agents SAYIT,Todd "PARROT",AB SAILER,PREDFAN,AND usmb's biggest troll WRONGwinger, is just that,they indeed are agents on the governments payroll that have penetrated this site to try and derail any kind of truth discussion on it. Not sure about salydancing,he is a troll but not a PAID troll,he never contributes anything to the thread and never talks about the evidence,he just goes on with religious babble.

see they are all paid shills on the governments payroll.where YOU were just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial.back then when you were confronted with facts and evidence you could not refute,the difference in you and them is YOU ran off with your tail between your legs and avoided the evidence where with these paid shills,they have to LIE about things when they cant refute the facts like sayit for example has said before that expert pilots have said they could have performed those feats which is bullshit of course.there has never been ONE expert pilot that has ever come out and said they could do those feats. they also ignore the pilots for truth website which proves all this.thats the difference in them and the way you were,was YOU were just a bush dupe brainwashed in denial where they KNOW it was an inside job and have been instructed to lie about eveything by their hanlders when they cant counter evidence or witness testimony by experts no less.LOL

see what i am talking about dale,one of the paid shills todd parrot who i owned the ass of recently in that long link i posted with two videos,his handler just instructed him to post a laughing smiley since his handler knows he cant stand toe toe toe in a debate with the likes of his.LOL

here is agent todd PARROT after his ass beating he suffered from me from post 682 with those two videos and that long link with tons of information he wont read.
and yeah dale for years I was the same as you,i thought alex jones was a patriot and figured the government was just hiring paid shills like sayit and toddparrot because he was telling the truth on government corruption but he is really working FOR THEM. I never knew things until recently a couple years ago how his parents worked for the CIA and things like that. Plus his site that he has,i have had friends i know post evidence of the lies of the pentagon and exposed them and he would delete their posts and ban them. so word is getting around he is a double agent really working for the government.. If he was geniune,as you well know,they would have killed him off years ago.
two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL

we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:

here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:


Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.

Seriously, I just don't get how people blindly accept the official story now given all the information that is out there. Those that speak out do so at their own peril and they have no political agenda because this and other false flag events have no political bent to either side because it goes much deeper than that. Political sides are an illusion to make us think that we actually have a voice in how our "masters" rule and lord over us. Cody Snodgres has bravely come out and is doing as many radio shows as he can and he has a book out that is 700 pages long and full of court documents. He worked as a third party contractor for the CIA doing black-ops and was approached to be the head of an operation to take down the Murrah building in late 1994 and he refused. I doubt any naysayers will listen to his interview he did with John B. Wells. Alex Jones further proved that he is part of the controlled opposition and a court jester for his puppetmasters when Cody approached him first about giving him an exclusive interview. The OKC bombing was just a precursor to 9/11/01...same bad actors were involved in that false flag as well.

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.

well the only one difference between YOU and those trolls that i just mentioned agents SAYIT,Todd "PARROT",AB SAILER,PREDFAN,AND usmb's biggest troll WRONGwinger, is just that,they indeed are agents on the governments payroll that have penetrated this site to try and derail any kind of truth discussion on it. Not sure about salydancing,he is a troll but not a PAID troll,he never contributes anything to the thread and never talks about the evidence,he just goes on with religious babble.

see they are all paid shills on the governments payroll.where YOU were just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial.back then when you were confronted with facts and evidence you could not refute,the difference in you and them is YOU ran off with your tail between your legs and avoided the evidence where with these paid shills,they have to LIE about things when they cant refute the facts like sayit for example has said before that expert pilots have said they could have performed those feats which is bullshit of course.there has never been ONE expert pilot that has ever come out and said they could do those feats. they also ignore the pilots for truth website which proves all this.thats the difference in them and the way you were,was YOU were just a bush dupe brainwashed in denial where they KNOW it was an inside job and have been instructed to lie about eveything by their hanlders when they cant counter evidence or witness testimony by experts no less.LOL

see what i am talking about dale,one of the paid shills todd parrot who i owned the ass of recently in that long link i posted with two videos,his handler just instructed him to post a laughing smiley since his handler knows he cant stand toe toe toe in a debate with the likes of his.LOL

here is agent todd PARROT after his ass beating he suffered from me from post 682 with those two videos and that long link with tons of information he wont read.
and yeah dale for years I was the same as you,i thought alex jones was a patriot and figured the government was just hiring paid shills like sayit and toddparrot because he was telling the truth on government corruption but he is really working FOR THEM. I never knew things until recently a couple years ago how his parents worked for the CIA and things like that. Plus his site that he has,i have had friends i know post evidence of the lies of the pentagon and exposed them and he would delete their posts and ban them. so word is getting around he is a double agent really working for the government.. If he was geniune,as you well know,they would have killed him off years ago.

I heard the Joooos made you post that.
two farts in a row from the paid shills.^:9::9::banana::banana:
they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:biggrin: just like their handlers instruct them to.LOL
we now know what shill A B sailor looks like in real life.:rofl:here he is after having his ass owned by me,dale and runfunck on this thread.:haha:

Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.
Seriously, I just don't get how people blindly accept the official story now given all the information that is out there. Those that speak out do so at their own peril and they have no political agenda because this and other false flag events have no political bent to either side because it goes much deeper than that. Political sides are an illusion to make us think that we actually have a voice in how our "masters" rule and lord over us. Cody Snodgres has bravely come out and is doing as many radio shows as he can and he has a book out that is 700 pages long and full of court documents. He worked as a third party contractor for the CIA doing black-ops and was approached to be the head of an operation to take down the Murrah building in late 1994 and he refused. I doubt any naysayers will listen to his interview he did with John B. Wells. Alex Jones further proved that he is part of the controlled opposition and a court jester for his puppetmasters when Cody approached him first about giving him an exclusive interview. The OKC bombing was just a precursor to 9/11/01...same bad actors were involved in that false flag as well.

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.
well the only one difference between YOU and those trolls that i just mentioned agents SAYIT,Todd "PARROT",AB SAILER,PREDFAN,AND usmb's biggest troll WRONGwinger, is just that,they indeed are agents on the governments payroll that have penetrated this site to try and derail any kind of truth discussion on it. Not sure about salydancing,he is a troll but not a PAID troll,he never contributes anything to the thread and never talks about the evidence,he just goes on with religious babble.
see they are all paid shills on the governments payroll.where YOU were just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial.back then when you were confronted with facts and evidence you could not refute,the difference in you and them is YOU ran off with your tail between your legs and avoided the evidence where with these paid shills,they have to LIE about things when they cant refute the facts like sayit for example has said before that expert pilots have said they could have performed those feats which is bullshit of course.there has never been ONE expert pilot that has ever come out and said they could do those feats. they also ignore the pilots for truth website which proves all this.thats the difference in them and the way you were,was YOU were just a bush dupe brainwashed in denial where they KNOW it was an inside job and have been instructed to lie about eveything by their hanlders when they cant counter evidence or witness testimony by experts no less.LOL
see what i am talking about dale,one of the paid shills todd parrot who i owned the ass of recently in that long link i posted with two videos,his handler just instructed him to post a laughing smiley since his handler knows he cant stand toe toe toe in a debate with the likes of his.LOL
here is agent todd PARROT after his ass beating he suffered from me from post 682 with those two videos and that long link with tons of information he wont read.
and yeah dale for years I was the same as you,i thought alex jones was a patriot and figured the government was just hiring paid shills like sayit and toddparrot because he was telling the truth on government corruption but he is really working FOR THEM. I never knew things until recently a couple years ago how his parents worked for the CIA and things like that. Plus his site that he has,i have had friends i know post evidence of the lies of the pentagon and exposed them and he would delete their posts and ban them. so word is getting around he is a double agent really working for the government.. If he was geniune,as you well know,they would have killed him off years ago.
I heard the Joooos made you post that.

Ought to be about as patriotic as Rehnquist dictating one must vote so it doesn't look as if the supreme swastika up Uranus court was in collusion with the Christianity's second coming as a result of 9/11; which also seems to be little more than some insignificant religious babble like Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 whom may have in all probability been training in Florida for kamikaze flying carpets of Islam; but since it wasn't a plane get those 40 virgins in martyrdom remembrance.
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Since not getting paid for shill work as a fart from Federal Lynching state sustenance pay; seems owning any ass to put a swastika up it is rather pedophile for any Christiananality super ego mentality of compulsive-obsessive behavior with an avoidance-acceptance complex of immaculate conceptions which to no avail at all will render it under God as an Islam-0-Nazi Holocaust concentration camp reincarnation.
Seriously, I just don't get how people blindly accept the official story now given all the information that is out there. Those that speak out do so at their own peril and they have no political agenda because this and other false flag events have no political bent to either side because it goes much deeper than that. Political sides are an illusion to make us think that we actually have a voice in how our "masters" rule and lord over us. Cody Snodgres has bravely come out and is doing as many radio shows as he can and he has a book out that is 700 pages long and full of court documents. He worked as a third party contractor for the CIA doing black-ops and was approached to be the head of an operation to take down the Murrah building in late 1994 and he refused. I doubt any naysayers will listen to his interview he did with John B. Wells. Alex Jones further proved that he is part of the controlled opposition and a court jester for his puppetmasters when Cody approached him first about giving him an exclusive interview. The OKC bombing was just a precursor to 9/11/01...same bad actors were involved in that false flag as well.

Good job, LA RAM knock them on their asses with evidence that they can't refute and all they are left with is deflection and lame attempts at derision. I can't be too hard on them because I was once just like them. It was the toughest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life when the realization hit me that I had been played for a chump all those years.
well the only one difference between YOU and those trolls that i just mentioned agents SAYIT,Todd "PARROT",AB SAILER,PREDFAN,AND usmb's biggest troll WRONGwinger, is just that,they indeed are agents on the governments payroll that have penetrated this site to try and derail any kind of truth discussion on it. Not sure about salydancing,he is a troll but not a PAID troll,he never contributes anything to the thread and never talks about the evidence,he just goes on with religious babble.
see they are all paid shills on the governments payroll.where YOU were just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial.back then when you were confronted with facts and evidence you could not refute,the difference in you and them is YOU ran off with your tail between your legs and avoided the evidence where with these paid shills,they have to LIE about things when they cant refute the facts like sayit for example has said before that expert pilots have said they could have performed those feats which is bullshit of course.there has never been ONE expert pilot that has ever come out and said they could do those feats. they also ignore the pilots for truth website which proves all this.thats the difference in them and the way you were,was YOU were just a bush dupe brainwashed in denial where they KNOW it was an inside job and have been instructed to lie about eveything by their hanlders when they cant counter evidence or witness testimony by experts no less.LOL
see what i am talking about dale,one of the paid shills todd parrot who i owned the ass of recently in that long link i posted with two videos,his handler just instructed him to post a laughing smiley since his handler knows he cant stand toe toe toe in a debate with the likes of his.LOL
here is agent todd PARROT after his ass beating he suffered from me from post 682 with those two videos and that long link with tons of information he wont read.
and yeah dale for years I was the same as you,i thought alex jones was a patriot and figured the government was just hiring paid shills like sayit and toddparrot because he was telling the truth on government corruption but he is really working FOR THEM. I never knew things until recently a couple years ago how his parents worked for the CIA and things like that. Plus his site that he has,i have had friends i know post evidence of the lies of the pentagon and exposed them and he would delete their posts and ban them. so word is getting around he is a double agent really working for the government.. If he was geniune,as you well know,they would have killed him off years ago.
I heard the Joooos made you post that.

Ought to be about as patriotic as Rehnquist dictating one must vote so it doesn't look as if the supreme swastika up Uranus court was in collusion with the Christianity's second coming as a result of 9/11; which also seems to be little more than some insignificant religious babble like Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 whom may have in all probability been training in Florida for kamikaze flying carpets of Islam; but since it wasn't a plane get those 40 virgins in martyrdom remembrance.

How much concrete does the typical jet engine going at that speed typically penetrate?
How far does the typical cruise missile?

There is a YouTube video of an F4 being crashed into a brick wall, at 500 mph. Now, I know an F4 isn't a 757, but, the concrete looked to be about 4 foot thick. The plane was demolished, and the wall didn't even break.

I guess, to me, it just seems that if a single brick wall could do that to a fighter jet, then all the reinforced concrete and steel inside the Pentagon rings would have stopped the plane before it got to the 3rd ring.
I just watched that YouTube and 2 things struck me:
1) the plane atomized leaving only the wing tips which did not impact the wall directly, much as most of AA-77 did on 9/11
2) the narrator specifically said the wall was designed to move - and did so - in order to minimize the impact. The Pentagon walls were not designed to give on impact.

So my question is did you miss that small but critical fact or just forget to mention it because it conflicts with your "Truther" beliefs?

The bottom line? "Truthers" are forced to fudge and fabricate "facts" because the truth just doesn't support that which they so desperately want to believe.

Confessions of an Ex-Truther: Letter of Resignation (Scroll Down for Newer Posts)
Mickey Metzger, co-founder and former president of now defunct 9/11 Truth UAlbany:

There are no facts in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Just a lot of theories, which eventually break down to "hey, we're just asking questions" if someone questions the validity of such. No structural, civil, or any engineers agree with the truthers. Yet, most of my friends will try to explain the hard physics involved in structural collapses. None of these people are engineers, physicists, or even in a scientific field, for that matter. Someone's supposed to take their word over an expert's?

The truthers will just tell you that all the experts are "in on it." Yeah, sure. Every engineer in the world is complicit in the government's murder of 3,000 people. And so are the firemen, who apparently ordered Larry Silverstein to "pull" Building 7. The truthers' misrepresentation of Silverstein's quote is one of the most popular "facts" to spit out, but in doing so, you are effectively in agreement that firefighters were not only involved in the controlled demolition of WTC7, but they are also aiding and abetting in the government's cover-up. Yeah, every firefighter who was out there on 9/11 is going to be complicit in the MURDER OF 343 OF THEIR FALLEN BROTHERS! To quote Loose Change co-creator Jason Bermas, "the firefighters are paid off."

This is absolute horseshit, which brings me to why I've formally distanced myself from this sorry excuse for a movement. Loose Change, 9/11 Mysteries, Alex Jones, and all the other kooks out there are fucking lying about, distorting, and misrepresenting the facts to further their personal agendas. And what is their agenda, you ask? Money, in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope, "mutha fuckin bitch ass money." Not only are they desecrating 3,000 graves, but they are profiting off of it. That, my friends, makes me sick to my fuckin stomach.
What money are they making by entertaining these ideas?

You say they are desecrating 3000 graves? How is that? Those who believe that theory are not saying anything about those who died and are not denying that they did. There seems to be some idea that the only way to honor those who died that day is by agreeing with the narrative that they were killed by middle eastern terrorists armed with box cutters.

How is believing that the government may have had a hand in it, in any way desecrating the graves of 3000 people? Are you saying they are only honored if they were killed by terrorists?

I say, if there is any truth to the allegations of the "truthers", you'd be doing a disservice to the American people by buying into a story that can possibly be proven to be a lie.

Again, I'm no expert, I don't know exactly what happened. I do know that I don't trust the government enough to buy into their story hook, line, and sinker.

As far as the video of the f4, if the wall they used was specifically designed to move upon impact, and yet the plane still atomized, and the Pentagon walls were not designed to move, that actually furthers the narrative that the plane that hit it should have been destroyed long before I could have reached the inner ring.
What money are they making by entertaining these ideas?
You say they are desecrating 3000 graves? How is that? Those who believe that theory are not saying anything about those who died and are not denying that they did. There seems to be some idea that the only way to honor those who died that day is by agreeing with the narrative that they were killed by middle eastern terrorists armed with box cutters.
How is believing that the government may have had a hand in it, in any way desecrating the graves of 3000 people? Are you saying they are only honored if they were killed by terrorists?
I say, if there is any truth to the allegations of the "truthers", you'd be doing a disservice to the American people by buying into a story that can possibly be proven to be a lie.
Again, I'm no expert, I don't know exactly what happened. I do know that I don't trust the government enough to buy into their story hook, line, and sinker.
As far as the video of the f4, if the wall they used was specifically designed to move upon impact, and yet the plane still atomized, and the Pentagon walls were not designed to move, that actually furthers the narrative that the plane that hit it should have been destroyed long before I could have reached the inner ring.

Somehow out of King Richard's dry fuss over the fuhrer's brainwashing inquisition jihad crusade where if there were 45 reports of Arab terrorists that had threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount instead of 23, or even less would the Islamidiotocracy still be dancing on graves like the ChristHitlers of Nazi Holocaust concentration camps.
How much concrete does the typical jet engine going at that speed typically penetrate?
How far does the typical cruise missile?

There is a YouTube video of an F4 being crashed into a brick wall, at 500 mph. Now, I know an F4 isn't a 757, but, the concrete looked to be about 4 foot thick. The plane was demolished, and the wall didn't even break.

I guess, to me, it just seems that if a single brick wall could do that to a fighter jet, then all the reinforced concrete and steel inside the Pentagon rings would have stopped the plane before it got to the 3rd ring.
I just watched that YouTube and 2 things struck me:
1) the plane atomized leaving only the wing tips which did not impact the wall directly, much as most of AA-77 did on 9/11
2) the narrator specifically said the wall was designed to move - and did so - in order to minimize the impact. The Pentagon walls were not designed to give on impact.

So my question is did you miss that small but critical fact or just forget to mention it because it conflicts with your "Truther" beliefs?

The bottom line? "Truthers" are forced to fudge and fabricate "facts" because the truth just doesn't support that which they so desperately want to believe.

Confessions of an Ex-Truther: Letter of Resignation (Scroll Down for Newer Posts)
Mickey Metzger, co-founder and former president of now defunct 9/11 Truth UAlbany:

There are no facts in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Just a lot of theories, which eventually break down to "hey, we're just asking questions" if someone questions the validity of such. No structural, civil, or any engineers agree with the truthers. Yet, most of my friends will try to explain the hard physics involved in structural collapses. None of these people are engineers, physicists, or even in a scientific field, for that matter. Someone's supposed to take their word over an expert's?

The truthers will just tell you that all the experts are "in on it." Yeah, sure. Every engineer in the world is complicit in the government's murder of 3,000 people. And so are the firemen, who apparently ordered Larry Silverstein to "pull" Building 7. The truthers' misrepresentation of Silverstein's quote is one of the most popular "facts" to spit out, but in doing so, you are effectively in agreement that firefighters were not only involved in the controlled demolition of WTC7, but they are also aiding and abetting in the government's cover-up. Yeah, every firefighter who was out there on 9/11 is going to be complicit in the MURDER OF 343 OF THEIR FALLEN BROTHERS! To quote Loose Change co-creator Jason Bermas, "the firefighters are paid off."

This is absolute horseshit, which brings me to why I've formally distanced myself from this sorry excuse for a movement. Loose Change, 9/11 Mysteries, Alex Jones, and all the other kooks out there are fucking lying about, distorting, and misrepresenting the facts to further their personal agendas. And what is their agenda, you ask? Money, in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope, "mutha fuckin bitch ass money." Not only are they desecrating 3,000 graves, but they are profiting off of it. That, my friends, makes me sick to my fuckin stomach.
What money are they making by entertaining these ideas?

You say they are desecrating 3000 graves? How is that? Those who believe that theory are not saying anything about those who died and are not denying that they did. There seems to be some idea that the only way to honor those who died that day is by agreeing with the narrative that they were killed by middle eastern terrorists armed with box cutters.

How is believing that the government may have had a hand in it, in any way desecrating the graves of 3000 people? Are you saying they are only honored if they were killed by terrorists?

I say, if there is any truth to the allegations of the "truthers", you'd be doing a disservice to the American people by buying into a story that can possibly be proven to be a lie.

Again, I'm no expert, I don't know exactly what happened. I do know that I don't trust the government enough to buy into their story hook, line, and sinker.

As far as the video of the f4, if the wall they used was specifically designed to move upon impact, and yet the plane still atomized, and the Pentagon walls were not designed to move, that actually furthers the narrative that the plane that hit it should have been destroyed long before I could have reached the inner ring.

Again, I'm no expert, I don't know exactly what happened. I do know that I don't trust the government enough to buy into their story hook, line, and sinker.

How is believing that the government may have had a hand in it, in any way desecrating the graves of 3000 people? Are you saying they are only honored if they were killed by terrorists?

I say, if there is any truth to the allegations of the "truthers", you'd be doing a disservice to the American people by buying into a story that can possibly be proven to be a lie.

Again, I'm no expert, I don't know exactly what happened. I do know that I don't trust the government enough to buy into their story hook, line, and sinker.

Logic and common sense like what you just mentioned there in this paragraph of course never registers with agents sayit and toodsterparrot.LOL

those are the ONLY kind of people who still believe the official version of 9/11 is the people that dont ever question the government,that have the logic that because the government and media told them this is the truth,then they are correct because they honestly think their government is looking out for them and the people in washington are not criminals.the sheep in america we have anyways.That is not the case with him.A lot of the sheep in america dont get it that he mainsteam media does do any investigating,that they are just a TOOL for the government same as he is. the best media reporting is by independent investigaters sadly.

Take my advise sir,dont feed this shill Sayit. He KNOWS it was an inside job. as i said,he is a paid shill on the government payroll who has penetrated this

As I said before,he is a government paid shill that has penetrated this site sent by his handlers to try and derail any kind of truth discussion on 9/11 or other government corruption.Him and Toddster PARROT both. they BOTH also will tell you that oswald was the lone assassin.ask them.:cuckoo::haha:

Is it REALLY worth wasting your time on trolls that seriously still believe in magic bullets?:haha:

see? didnt I tell you how agent sayit has to LIE when he is backed up against the wall with facts he cant counter? He has exposed himself here because any long time researcher like me and Dale who have exhausted ourselves in researching this over the years spending thousands of hours on it,they will all tell you the same thing me and Dale both know which is the majority of the familys,they dont accept the official version of 9/11 either. a little FACT agent sayit will always leave out AND lie about.

The majority of new yorkers know what really happened. Polls taken showed most of them did not accept the official version. do your own research,you will find that out for yourself.;) dont listen to any of the sourcs agent sayit posts,they are all debunked government sources.LOL.:D

Shills like him and todd parrot cant stand toe to toe in a debate. Did you not read the link in post# 682 of mine here?
Getting 911 correct - simple question

thats the ONLY thing you need to do to see the official version is bullshit and no airliner hit it is take the time to read that link and watch those two videos.That link closes the case it was not an airliner that hit the pentagon.:D

as i said before, that closes the case that an airliiner did not hit the pentagon.they cant counter those facts.NOBODY ever has been able to.:D
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Go back 2 post 660 and ask how did a light wait aluminum air frame make a hole and the 2 titanium engines that he said where in side didn't if the engines was inside they would have made holes.
He is a peace of shit gov. paid shill.
Go back 2 post 660 and ask how did a light wait aluminum air frame make a hole and the 2 titanium engines that he said where in side didn't if the engines was inside they would have made holes.
He is a peace of shit gov. paid shill.

The engines did make holes, otherwise they'd have been sitting against the wall on the outside of the Pentagon.
You fucking moron.

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