Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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Again, none of it makes sense. For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757. Whatever is in the image is much too small to be a 757

As far as the small hole in the inner ring, again, it doesn't make sense that that could have been done by a plane. A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane. Essentially, the plane should have folded up and flattened while traveling into the outter ring. There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.

For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757.

How wide is the field of vision of the camera?
How much time is covered by 3 frames?
At the speed of a 757, how clear would you expect the picture be?

A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane.

The thin aluminum parts of the plane, wings and fuselage, were shredded.

There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

Engines and landing gear couldn't remain intact?

How wide is the field of vision of the camera?
How much time is covered by 3 frames?
At the speed of a 757, how clear would you expect the picture be?

Not much on those 3 frames, but, you can see a streak, and you can see blue sky above that streak. I guess when I look at the far right end of that streak, I'm expecting to see the tail section sticking up in the air, which would be quite large in size, but its not there. Even if it was moving fast enough for it to be a blur, you should still see the blur of the tail section.

The thin aluminum parts of the plane, wings and fuselage, were shredded.

My point exactly, there shouldn't have been anything with enough structural integrity left to punch a hole, and it certainly wouldn't have been moving fast enough, after going through all that concrete.

Engines and landing gear couldn't remain intact?

Possibly, provided they had enough velilocity left after travelling clean through the outter ring.

The physics of it don't make any sense. Planes are made of thin material, theoretically, I shouldn't have done that much damage. Maybe to the outter ring yes, but to make it all the way through?

The physics of it don't make any sense. Planes are made of thin material, theoretically, I shouldn't have done that much damage.

The thin material didn't do much damage. The heavy parts and the fire did.
There was not two of these in side the pentagon
How much concrete does the typical jet engine going at that speed typically penetrate?
How far does the typical cruise missile?

There is a YouTube video of an F4 being crashed into a brick wall, at 500 mph. Now, I know an F4 isn't a 757, but, the concrete looked to be about 4 foot thick. The plane was demolished, and the wall didn't even break.

I guess, to me, it just seems that if a single brick wall could do that to a fighter jet, then all the reinforced concrete and steel inside the Pentagon rings would have stopped the plane before it got to the 3rd ring.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not refuting the official story. There is a lot of credible evidence, but there are a lot of questions and oddities as well.

It would have been difficult for them to create a debris field quickly enough, without being detected, before the news cameras showed up. Also, the video I mentioned about the F4 does indicate that a plane moving that fast and hitting a wall can indeed be vaporized, as in the video, the plane disappears into a cloud of dust.

So yeah, there is credibility there, but there are also things that don't add up.
Unfortunate that they can't just go out & purchase a 757 to fly into a replica of the Pentagon reinforced concrete wall construction, but then again there's not enough evidence for naysayers just as there's been little if any for skeptics of thieving US Constitution-old glory arsonists.
How much concrete does the typical jet engine going at that speed typically penetrate?
How far does the typical cruise missile?

There is a YouTube video of an F4 being crashed into a brick wall, at 500 mph. Now, I know an F4 isn't a 757, but, the concrete looked to be about 4 foot thick. The plane was demolished, and the wall didn't even break.

I guess, to me, it just seems that if a single brick wall could do that to a fighter jet, then all the reinforced concrete and steel inside the Pentagon rings would have stopped the plane before it got to the 3rd ring.
I just watched that YouTube and 2 things struck me:
1) the plane atomized leaving only the wing tips which did not impact the wall directly, much as most of AA-77 did on 9/11
2) the narrator specifically said the wall was designed to move - and did so - in order to minimize the impact. The Pentagon walls were not designed to give on impact.

So my question is did you miss that small but critical fact or just forget to mention it because it conflicts with your "Truther" beliefs?

The bottom line? "Truthers" are forced to fudge and fabricate "facts" because the truth just doesn't support that which they so desperately want to believe.

Confessions of an Ex-Truther: Letter of Resignation (Scroll Down for Newer Posts)
Mickey Metzger, co-founder and former president of now defunct 9/11 Truth UAlbany:

There are no facts in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Just a lot of theories, which eventually break down to "hey, we're just asking questions" if someone questions the validity of such. No structural, civil, or any engineers agree with the truthers. Yet, most of my friends will try to explain the hard physics involved in structural collapses. None of these people are engineers, physicists, or even in a scientific field, for that matter. Someone's supposed to take their word over an expert's?

The truthers will just tell you that all the experts are "in on it." Yeah, sure. Every engineer in the world is complicit in the government's murder of 3,000 people. And so are the firemen, who apparently ordered Larry Silverstein to "pull" Building 7. The truthers' misrepresentation of Silverstein's quote is one of the most popular "facts" to spit out, but in doing so, you are effectively in agreement that firefighters were not only involved in the controlled demolition of WTC7, but they are also aiding and abetting in the government's cover-up. Yeah, every firefighter who was out there on 9/11 is going to be complicit in the MURDER OF 343 OF THEIR FALLEN BROTHERS! To quote Loose Change co-creator Jason Bermas, "the firefighters are paid off."

This is absolute horseshit, which brings me to why I've formally distanced myself from this sorry excuse for a movement. Loose Change, 9/11 Mysteries, Alex Jones, and all the other kooks out there are fucking lying about, distorting, and misrepresenting the facts to further their personal agendas. And what is their agenda, you ask? Money, in the words of Shaggy 2 Dope, "mutha fuckin bitch ass money." Not only are they desecrating 3,000 graves, but they are profiting off of it. That, my friends, makes me sick to my fuckin stomach.

and for the lazy ass sheep americans who wont take an hour to look at this informative video like that stupid fuck naiz shill,wrongwinger and others,here is a very short video that details HOW we have been in a facist dictatership ever since 1913 thanks mainly to that mother fucker bastard asshole traiter Woodrow Wilson signing the federal reserve act.:mad:

You should watch these three videos. NOBODY has ever been able to refute the facts in these videos that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,not the government,not these shills of the government that have penetrated this forum.NOBODY. :badgrin:they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are knowing they are cornered and backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.:biggrin: they NEVER watch them,like clockwork,all they do everytime is come back and insult you and call you names since they know they are cornered and cant counter the facts in them.:biggrin: they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:biggrin:

Since the Washington Redskins came about 20 years after the Federal Reserve so being a fan is predated by this Christian Nation, which for all intents & purposes has a Ram fan admirably & persistently following those KKK churchstate cops master plan from the mid 70's in their serve the Pope or die Islam jihad to attempt to kill all the Jews in Israel & NYC while now pairing CIA/MOSSAD to continue this Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality megalomaniacal tradition.[/QUOTE]
holy smokes... this was awesome!

and for the lazy ass sheep americans who wont take an hour to look at this informative video like that stupid fuck naiz shill,wrongwinger and others,here is a very short video that details HOW we have been in a facist dictatership ever since 1913 thanks mainly to that mother fucker bastard asshole traiter Woodrow Wilson signing the federal reserve act.:mad:

omg ty
Again, none of it makes sense. For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757. Whatever is in the image is much too small to be a 757

As far as the small hole in the inner ring, again, it doesn't make sense that that could have been done by a plane. A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane. Essentially, the plane should have folded up and flattened while traveling into the outter ring. There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.[/QUOTE]

Dude that is what I have been saying to these stupid fuck clowns the last several years just to watch them close their eyes and cover their ears since logic and common sense does not register with them.

welcome to the world of the official conspiracy theory apologists,the warped world they live in.

their warped logic is that all these witness testimonys,EVEN a reporter on the scene who reported there was no evidence of an airliner,expert pilots around the country who have said THEY could not have flown the airliner the way the commission said it did,and have said ONLY a fighter jetplane could do those incredible maneuvers as well as saying a regular passenger jet would be ripped apart at seems,many from the pilots for truth site,somehow those EXPERT PILOTS words dont mean anything to them,the warped logic these stupid fuck trolls have is that if the media and the government says it happend this way,then that makes it the almighty gospel truth,the facts and what EXPERT PILOTS say,dont count.:rolleyes: what drugs are they on?:rolleyes: doesnt matter that everybody in the trafic control center all thought because of the incredible manuevers the plane they say did it all,they,these experienced traffic controllers,ALL thought it was a jet fighter since anybody with common sense and logic,knows that only a jet fighter could have done all those turns in the air,that a regular passenger jet,its impossible as expert pilots have said which means NOTHING to them. when confronted with those facts they then LIE and say expert pilots have not said that.:iyfyus.jpg:

they can only sling shit in defeat like the mone:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:y trolls they are.
they evade those pesky facts EVERYTIME.

the logic these stupid fuck morons have is if their car was not running well and making unusual funny sounds,if there was a group of mechanics that all told them they need to take it into the shop and get it fixed and told them they needed a new engine,HOWEVER their girlfriend tells them that there is nothing wrong,that its fine,these morons as demonstrated with their warped logic they have in this entire thread,instead of listening to what these expericned mechanics had to say,they would ignore them and what they say and listen ONLY TO THEIR GIRLFRIEND obviously.comedy gold. dont they EVER get tired of embarrassing themselves?:rolleyes:
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12 Zionist Traitors here voted for the "757."

Mr. Wray take note....
yep 12 zionist shills on Israels payroll that have penetrated this site are here because they were sent by their handlers to troll an sadly they do so because like the morons they are,they think money can buy them happiness.:rolleyes:
is proof that the Pentagon was hit by something other than AA-77?


Visual Proof is indisputable...

Trying to determine what is true and what is not true by watching CNN is not a particularly effective strategy...

Tell us again how a "757" made this hole...

whats funny is they only listen to what CNN tells them,they dont wlisten to witeness testimonys or expert pilots as i got done saying,how much crack do these trolls smoke everyday is the million dollar question i want to know with the warped logic they use?
Again, none of it makes sense. For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757. Whatever is in the image is much too small to be a 757

As far as the small hole in the inner ring, again, it doesn't make sense that that could have been done by a plane. A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane. Essentially, the plane should have folded up and flattened while traveling into the outter ring. There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.

You are wright there is not a 757 in the 3 frames, there is no luggage no seats there is no huge jet engines there was no plane.
Keep in mind the government has to pay these trolls to keep pushing the bs official story on this board and every other board to try to convince people like you that 19 hijackers was responsible for 9/11.


you nailed it beautifully.I could not have said it better myself.that is WHY they ignore those facts and what expert pilots have said.
Again, none of it makes sense. For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757. Whatever is in the image is much too small to be a 757

As far as the small hole in the inner ring, again, it doesn't make sense that that could have been done by a plane. A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane. Essentially, the plane should have folded up and flattened while traveling into the outter ring. There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.

For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757.

How wide is the field of vision of the camera?
How much time is covered by 3 frames?
At the speed of a 757, how clear would you expect the picture be?

A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane.

The thin aluminum parts of the plane, wings and fuselage, were shredded.

There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

Engines and landing gear couldn't remain intact?

How wide is the field of vision of the camera?
How much time is covered by 3 frames?
At the speed of a 757, how clear would you expect the picture be?

Not much on those 3 frames, but, you can see a streak, and you can see blue sky above that streak. I guess when I look at the far right end of that streak, I'm expecting to see the tail section sticking up in the air, which would be quite large in size, but its not there. Even if it was moving fast enough for it to be a blur, you should still see the blur of the tail section.

The thin aluminum parts of the plane, wings and fuselage, were shredded.

My point exactly, there shouldn't have been anything with enough structural integrity left to punch a hole, and it certainly wouldn't have been moving fast enough, after going through all that concrete.

Engines and landing gear couldn't remain intact?

Possibly, provided they had enough velilocity left after travelling clean through the outter ring.

The physics of it don't make any sense. Planes are made of thin material, theoretically, I shouldn't have done that much damage. Maybe to the outter ring yes, but to make it all the way through?

and DONT FORGET,that expert pilots from around the world have said it THEY could never have done those incredible feats the 9/11 coverup commission says the alleged highjackers did,that only a JET FIGHTER is capable of making those moves in the air the commission said the commerical jet passenger did,they evade these facts all the time and the few times they dont,they make false claims that you are lying,that pilots have said it can be done so as i keep saying,all they can do obviously is sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:iyfyus.jpg:
Again, none of it makes sense. For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757. Whatever is in the image is much too small to be a 757

As far as the small hole in the inner ring, again, it doesn't make sense that that could have been done by a plane. A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane. Essentially, the plane should have folded up and flattened while traveling into the outter ring. There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

What makes it more confusing is all the expert analysis that say there is no way it could have happened as the official story claimed. Then the official story believers say all of those experts are just Looney.

For example, in the...3 frames of video we get of the object hitting the pentagon, nothing in those 3 frames looks like a 757.

How wide is the field of vision of the camera?
How much time is covered by 3 frames?
At the speed of a 757, how clear would you expect the picture be?

A plane going through the outter ring, which is reinforced concrete, would have completely obliterated the structural integrity of the plane.

The thin aluminum parts of the plane, wings and fuselage, were shredded.

There wouldn't have been anything left hard enough, or moving at the velocity needed to punch a hole like that.

Engines and landing gear couldn't remain intact?

How wide is the field of vision of the camera?
How much time is covered by 3 frames?
At the speed of a 757, how clear would you expect the picture be?

Not much on those 3 frames, but, you can see a streak, and you can see blue sky above that streak. I guess when I look at the far right end of that streak, I'm expecting to see the tail section sticking up in the air, which would be quite large in size, but its not there. Even if it was moving fast enough for it to be a blur, you should still see the blur of the tail section.

The thin aluminum parts of the plane, wings and fuselage, were shredded.

My point exactly, there shouldn't have been anything with enough structural integrity left to punch a hole, and it certainly wouldn't have been moving fast enough, after going through all that concrete.

Engines and landing gear couldn't remain intact?

Possibly, provided they had enough velilocity left after travelling clean through the outter ring.

The physics of it don't make any sense. Planes are made of thin material, theoretically, I shouldn't have done that much damage. Maybe to the outter ring yes, but to make it all the way through?

and DONT FORGET,that expert pilots from around the world have said it THEY could never have done those incredible feats the 9/11 coverup commission says the alleged highjackers did,that only a JET FIGHTER is capable of making those moves in the air the commission said the commerical jet passenger did,they evade these facts all the time and the few times they dont,they make false claims that you are lying,that pilots have said it can be done so as i keep saying,all they can do obviously is sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:iyfyus.jpg:

and DONT FORGET,that expert pilots from around the world have said it THEY could never have done those incredible feats the 9/11 coverup commission says the alleged highjackers did

Liar. Moron.
12 Zionist Traitors here voted for the "757."
Mr. Wray take note....
yep 12 zionist shills on Israels payroll that have penetrated this site are here because they were sent by their handlers to troll an sadly they do so because like the morons they are,they think money can buy them happiness.:rolleyes:

Since the planes pilots were hijackers & only had limited training, probably from a German owned flight school in Venice, FL; doubt it made any difference to them how they flew the plane. As for these multiple replies of a veritable plethora of rhetoricals in balderdash whitewashing the event; sounds more & more like those Islam Christiananality pedophile mentalities of the KKK churchstate which still continually deny the existence of thieving US Constitution & old glory arsonists even if there were receipts for them since one man's law is another man's crime.
You know, it was on the Military Channel about how the aircraft plowed into the Pentagon.

The hijackers used autopilot for most of the flight back to DC. When they saw that there was no beacon to guide them into the Pentagon, they shifted to manual control and when they saw they were going to overfly their target, they went into a diving spiral to correct and hit the building. They also took out some light poles on the way.

How do they know all this? They recovered the black box. And, even though the voice recorder was destroyed, they still had the data from the box for the flight path.

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