Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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There are too many problems with the official story for there not to be something to this conspiracy. Had it all gone down like they said, it would be very clear, but it's not. There are too many testimonies, too many weird things with the videos, and with the physics that, while I don't claim to know what happened, it does leave a lot of questions.
You should watch these three videos. NOBODY has ever been able to refute the facts in these videos that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,not the government,not these shills of the government that have penetrated this forum.NOBODY. :badgrin:they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are knowing they are cornered and backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.:biggrin: they NEVER watch them,like clockwork,all they do everytime is come back and insult you and call you names since they know they are cornered and cant counter the facts in them.:biggrin: they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:biggrin:

Here's a super ego shill being a sacrificial ram getting Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality renumeration for attempting baptizing eyes by urinations for brainwashing as yet another of those higher than one nation under God business jihads.

this what these government paid shills like wrongwinger,sailer,sounazi agent murderer always do when you post videos like this or the three videos i just posted recently,this is the what the Bush dupes do each time they see these videos they cant refute that 9/11 was an inside job as evidendened on this whole thread so you KNOW they will do the same thing with MY three videos i posted like clockwork.:biggrin:

there again is the bush dupes when they know they cant stand toe to toe with pesky facts in videos and links you post.:iyfyus.jpg:

and for the lazy ass sheep americans who wont take an hour to look at this informative video like that stupid fuck naiz shill,wrongwinger and others,here is a very short video that details HOW we have been in a facist dictatership ever since 1913 thanks mainly to that mother fucker bastard asshole traiter Woodrow Wilson signing the federal reserve act.:mad:

the world bank the ones that own the federal reserve and every bank but three the elite global bankers

The Fed is part of the US government.
are you saying the federal reserve is a part of the us govt? it hasn't been since 1913 when wilson a freemason threw us under the bus for campaign money

are you saying the federal reserve is a part of the us govt?

The Federal Reserve is part of the US government.
The Federal Reserve is an independent entity established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

another paid troll on the governments payroll not worth wasting your time on as all the defenders of the official story are. they ignore that pesky fact you brought up,they have no answers for the fact that ever since 1913 we have been a facist dictatership. they cant come to grips with reality that was WHY JFK was killed was because he tried to end the fed and WHY every president since then has all stayed alive because none of them have ever reinstated his executive order he signed that if were still in affect today,America would not be in trillions of dollars of debt that it is.

JFK was killed was because he tried to end the fed

Allowing the Fed to produce $1 and $2 Federal Reserve notes for the first time in history is a strange
way to "End the Fed".

every president since then has all stayed alive because none of them have ever reinstated his executive order

It was on the books until 1987.

A 2010 article in Research magazine discussing various controversies surrounding the Federal Reserve stated that "the wildest accusation against the Fed is that it was involved in Kennedy's assassination."[17] Critics of the theory note that Kennedy called for and signed legislation phasing out Silver Certificates in favor of Federal Reserve Notes, thereby enhancing the power of the Federal Reserve; and that Executive Order 11110 was a technicality that only delegated existing presidential powers to the Secretary of the Treasury for administrative convenience during a period of transition.[17][18]

Executive Order 11110 - Wikipedia

It don't get any better then this, any buddy that disputes this guy well lets just say there is no disputing him. There is no one more qualified then he is. Look him up.
It don't get any better then this, any buddy that disputes this guy well lets just say there is no disputing him. There is no one more qualified then he is. Look him up.

Did you or the other idiot on this video consider that the entire OUTER RING was destroyed? The hole you are showing is AFTER the plane plowed through the outer ring, and some of the debris made it further in due to the high speed of the aircraft on impact. idiots who are suggesting cruise missiles should realize that it would take at least 3 cruise missiles to do that kind of damage to the building, and you would have heard 3 distinct explosions.

If you conspiracy theory idiots want to talk about the capabilities of the military, here's a suggestion.....................actually JOIN the military so you can find out what is possible, rather than taking what you see in movies about the military as gospel.

and for the lazy ass sheep americans who wont take an hour to look at this informative video like that stupid fuck naiz shill,wrongwinger and others,here is a very short video that details HOW we have been in a facist dictatership ever since 1913 thanks mainly to that mother fucker bastard asshole traiter Woodrow Wilson signing the federal reserve act.:mad:

You should watch these three videos. NOBODY has ever been able to refute the facts in these videos that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,not the government,not these shills of the government that have penetrated this forum.NOBODY. :badgrin:they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are knowing they are cornered and backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.:biggrin: they NEVER watch them,like clockwork,all they do everytime is come back and insult you and call you names since they know they are cornered and cant counter the facts in them.:biggrin: they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:biggrin:

Since the Washington Redskins came about 20 years after the Federal Reserve so being a fan is predated by this Christian Nation, which for all intents & purposes has a Ram fan admirably & persistently following those KKK churchstate cops master plan from the mid 70's in their serve the Pope or die Islam jihad to attempt to kill all the Jews in Israel & NYC while now pairing CIA/MOSSAD to continue this Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality megalomaniacal tradition.
It don't get any better then this, any buddy that disputes this guy well lets just say there is no disputing him. There is no one more qualified then he is. Look him up.

Did you or the other idiot on this video consider that the entire OUTER RING was destroyed? The hole you are showing is AFTER the plane plowed through the outer ring, and some of the debris made it further in due to the high speed of the aircraft on impact. idiots who are suggesting cruise missiles should realize that it would take at least 3 cruise missiles to do that kind of damage to the building, and you would have heard 3 distinct explosions.

If you conspiracy theory idiots want to talk about the capabilities of the military, here's a suggestion.....................actually JOIN the military so you can find out what is possible, rather than taking what you see in movies about the military as gospel.

dont you EVER get tired of all the ass beatings you suffer here shill? :iyfyus.jpg: your handlers sure pay you very well how you come back for the constant ass beatings you have suffered here from hundreds of posts from dale that he took you to school on.:itsok::itsok:
It don't get any better then this, any buddy that disputes this guy well lets just say there is no disputing him. There is no one more qualified then he is. Look him up.

Like the stupid dumbshit he is,Clinton accidently leaked it here in this interview that the twin towers came down by explosives and that it was a bomb in the pentagon as well.Horrible slip of the tongue and of course there is the other one where Bush has a slip of the tongue also that explosives brought the towers down.:iyfyus.jpg:

and so much for the fairy tales of the shills like sailor troll that an airliner hit the pentagon.:iyfyus.jpg:

how MUCH MORE SHIT on your face do you shills want to suffer from that an airliner hit the pentagon?:iyfyus.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::itsok::itsok:
It don't get any better then this, any buddy that disputes this guy well lets just say there is no disputing him. There is no one more qualified then he is. Look him up.

Did you or the other idiot on this video consider that the entire OUTER RING was destroyed? The hole you are showing is AFTER the plane plowed through the outer ring, and some of the debris made it further in due to the high speed of the aircraft on impact. idiots who are suggesting cruise missiles should realize that it would take at least 3 cruise missiles to do that kind of damage to the building, and you would have heard 3 distinct explosions.
If you conspiracy theory idiots want to talk about the capabilities of the military, here's a suggestion.....................actually JOIN the military so you can find out what is possible, rather than taking what you see in movies about the military as gospel.
dont you EVER get tired of all the ass beatings you suffer here shill? :iyfyus.jpg: your handlers sure pay you very well how you come back for the constant ass beatings you have suffered here from hundreds of posts from dale that he took you to school on.:itsok::itsok:

Seems it's the supreme swastika up Uranus lynching enforcement with that gluteus maximus fetish like the Spanish Inqusition.
None of it makes any sense. Some reporters saying there were planes, some saying there weren't. So which is it? Side is telling the truth, one side isn't. So you have to ask yourself, which side has the most to lose by telling the truth?
None of it makes any sense. Some reporters saying there were planes, some saying there weren't. So which is it? Side is telling the truth, one side isn't. So you have to ask yourself, which side has the most to lose by telling the truth?

The idiots who think it was a cruise missile have the most to lose.
The paid peace's of shit are out in full force

About as amusing as Trump's stand for the national anthem at sports events where now it takes an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality demagoguery of one nation under God to make it true, where as before all it took was this Christian Nation supreme swastika up Uranus court chief justice immaculate drug trafficking conception to make all those thieving US Constitution - old glory arsonists lynching enforcement as one nation under God; or so their lily brilliant white legends in their own megalomaniacal minds dictated peace.
Anyone who thinks that the damage done at the Pentagon could have been done by a single cruise missile are totally nuts.

so says the drughead paid shill obviously on crack who only sees what he WANTS to see,his own babbling posts that EVADE facts.:haha:

you can only LIE and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are,here is your crying towel after being owned by myself and him.:itsok:

I found this pic here of you below after you cried about it to all your friends you knew when Dale,myself and him owned your ass on this thread.we now know what you look like in real life.:lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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The paid peace's of shit are out in full force

I already posted this in post#630.
I already took them to school on this in that post.since you did not reply to it and posted it again sounds like you did the same thing they did,ignored it and did not look at it.
The paid peace's of shit are out in full force

I already posted this in post#630.
I already took them to school on this in that post.since you did not reply to it and posted it again sounds like you did the same thing they did,ignored it and did not look at it.

Well if it was a cruise missile certainly would give credence to those New Testament burning Bush's "man is God" megalomaniacal second coming crusade having their Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops immaculate drug conceptions in order to protect & serve those Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11.
Anyone who thinks that the damage done at the Pentagon could have been done by a single cruise missile are totally nuts.

so says the drughead paid shill obviously on crack who only sees what he WANTS to see,his own babbling posts that EVADE facts.:haha:

you can only LIE and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are,here is your crying towel after being owned by myself and him.:itsok:

I found this pic here of you below after you cried about it to all your friends you knew when Dale,myself and him owned your ass on this thread.we now know what you look like in real life.:lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Actually, I served 20 years in the US Navy, and so have a pretty good idea as to what the damage done by one is.

Besides.................did you notice that the entire outer ring was reduced to rubble? One cruise missile wouldn't be able to take out that much reinforced concrete, which is what the Pentagon is built of.

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