Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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Is this a 757 or a cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 911???

There is a simple explanation.
The speed of the plane is faster than the frames per second on the security camera.
That is why it did not catch the plane's image.

coming from a sheep who has been brianwashed by out corrupt schools and CIA controlled media that ronald reagan was the greatest president ever,i would expect nothing else from you programmed sheep.LOL same as how you only see what you WANT to see on reagan,same as in 9/11 as well obviously.LOL
anything bad that has ever happened has been preplanned byt the elite to go along with their agenda even the titanic do some research for crying out loud the evidence is staggering and common sense wake up sleepers

you are making way too much sense for these shills that have penetrated this site to understand.LOL
Why are we so willing to allow Saudi Arabia to get off the hook for 9/11? Granted, it wasn't planed out like say, Pearl Harbor by the "official" Saudi Government. SO? I don't think Hirohito was any more or less representative of the Japanese people when they attacked us on 12/7/41 either, but 4 years later we nuked them.
Because Saudi Arabia didn't attack us.
Yes, they did. They were cowardly scoundrels that hid it under massive levels of denial, bin Laden was a Saudi, attacked America using fellow Wahhabi Muslims mostly from Arabia for the flimsiest of reasons . We trespassed on Saudi Arabia, that was Bin Laden's little gambit. It dosen't end there, I can go on and on.

there you go with your fairy tales that Bin Laden attacked us Mary..LOL
l ol how can anyone not know the truth about 9/11 or our govt not being ours by now

sadly its because they cant come to grips with reality and facts like we have that they were brainwashed and programmed by our corrupt school system their whole lives that we are a free country,that we elect our presidents and put them in office,and that there is a difference in the two parties unable to come to grips with reality as we have,that there is no difference in the two parties,that BOTH parties are corrupt,and its a one party system designed to look like two so the sheep think they have a choice in who gets elected.

they have been programmed that their government looks out after them and they they live in a free country so the thought of facing those facts and reality that they were lied to their entire lives,that we REALLY live in a facist dictatership,and a banana republic,thats going down a rabbits hole they dont want to venture down so they keep living in denial thinking they live in a free country,that they elect their officials in washington and they are looking out for them so everything they hear and see in the media,they accept at face value as the ultimate truth since the government told them it was because they are incapable of looking outside the box or critical thinking.
most all of it has to do with the elite taking over their banks

whose banks?
the world bank the ones that own the federal reserve and every bank but three the elite global bankers

The Fed is part of the US government.
are you saying the federal reserve is a part of the us govt? it hasn't been since 1913 when wilson a freemason threw us under the bus for campaign money

trolls like this agent are a waste of breath,they are paid shills sent by their handlers to try and derail any truth discussion on that,
whose banks?
the world bank the ones that own the federal reserve and every bank but three the elite global bankers

The Fed is part of the US government.
are you saying the federal reserve is a part of the us govt? it hasn't been since 1913 when wilson a freemason threw us under the bus for campaign money

are you saying the federal reserve is a part of the us govt?

The Federal Reserve is part of the US government.
The Federal Reserve is an independent entity established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

another paid troll on the governments payroll not worth wasting your time on as all the defenders of the official story are. they ignore that pesky fact you brought up,they have no answers for the fact that ever since 1913 we have been a facist dictatership. they cant come to grips with reality that was WHY JFK was killed was because he tried to end the fed and WHY every president since then has all stayed alive because none of them have ever reinstated his executive order he signed that if were still in affect today,America would not be in trillions of dollars of debt that it is.
are you saying the federal reserve is a part of the us govt?

The Federal Reserve is part of the US government.
The Federal Reserve is an independent entity established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Yup, an independent entity that is part of the US government.
the us has no part of it doll do some research...

Created by Congress, given a dual mandate by Congress, Chairman appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate. Over 95% of Fed profit turned over to the US Treasury.

Sounds to me like it is part of the US government.

Feel free to use your own research to post your proof that it is not.
are you insane? Do some research lol you are falling for fake proppaganda created to keep you dumbed down. The federal reservve is the biggest back stab on america...

This troll NEVER does research,he is paid shill on the governments payroll that has penetrated this site and paid to post the propaganda that the fed is part of the us government.
Yup, an independent entity that is part of the US government.
the us has no part of it doll do some research...

Created by Congress, given a dual mandate by Congress, Chairman appointed by the President, confirmed by the Senate. Over 95% of Fed profit turned over to the US Treasury.

Sounds to me like it is part of the US government.

Feel free to use your own research to post your proof that it is not.
The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress.

The Fed is part of the US government. True story.
View attachment 159372 The first misconception that most people have is that the Federal Reserve Bank is a branch of the US governmment. IT IS NOT. THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. Most people believe it is as American as the Constitution. The Constitution actually forbids it's existence. Article 1, Section 8, states that Congress shall have the power to create money and regulate the value thereofff, not a bunch of international bankers! Today the FED controls and profits by printingg worthless paper, called money, through the Treasury, regulating its value, and the biggest outrage of all, collecting interest on it! (the so-called national debt, via the federal income tax)

The FED creates money from nothing, and loans it back to us through banks, and charges interest on our currency. The FED also buys Government debt with money printed on a printing press and charges US taxpayers interest. Many Congressmen and Presidents say this is fraud. Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well-kept secret, has been revealed: 1. Rothschild Bank of London 2. Warburg Bank of Hamburg 3..Rothschild Bank of Berlin 4. Lehman Brothers of NY 5. Lazard Brothers of Paris 6. Kuhn Loeb Bank of NY 7. Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy 8.. Goldman Sachs of NY 9. Warburg Bank of Amsterdam 10.Chase Manhattan Bank of NY

These bankers are connected to London Banking Houses which ultimately control the FED. When England lost the Revolutionary War with America where our forefathers were fighting thheir own government, they planned to control us by controlling our banking system, the printing of our money, and our debt. How did it happen? After previous attempts to push the Federal Reserve Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President. He had comitted to sign this act. In 1913, a Senator, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Act through Congress just before Xmas, when much of Congress was on vacation.......... View attachment 159371

I am afraid this agent shill has no critical thinking skills and cant comprehend any of these facts that you took him to school on.LOL
Wow..................dasiesRwild makes some of the nuttier conspiracy theorists on this board look sane.

Illuminati? Really?

since you cover your ears and close your eyes to facts that dont go along with your warped views,of course you are ignorant about the Illuminati. oh and also hypocrite agent troll, you are in no position to be calling someone a nutty conspiracy theorist when YOU believe THIS nutty conspiracy theory that you worship as the gospel truth Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories

as well as how and have never been able to debunk anything dale has posted when y=he took you to school dale that 9/11 was an inside job.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:
Well, you sure have enough nutty videos, but still no evidence of your claims........
ive been researching for over 35 years you think ive only watched one you tube video ... wake up sunshine

35 years and all you posted was moronic videos and conspiracy bs?
That's sad.

You know, anytime that someone offers up a YouTube video as "proof" of something, that is generally the time I decide they don't know squat and are fishing for anything to try to prove their alternative facts.

If people want me to believe them (and apparently dasiesRwild doesn't), they will use hard links to actual news sites, or scholarly papers written by experts.
i have been researching for over 35 years do you honestly think i have only looked at one video ? and there are many well documented videos wake up

this stupid fuck paid shill of the governments only sees what he WANTS to see.This coward troll NEVER watches videos that expose it as an inside job since he can never admit to being proven wrong on this.Like all Bush dupes,he is incapabale of standing toe toe in a debate.he will just evade videos of pesky facts he cant counter and then then starts talking about other details that have NOTHING to do with the facts you present in links and videos like the coward he is.
Well, you sure have enough nutty videos, but still no evidence of your claims........
ive been researching for over 35 years you think ive only watched one you tube video ... wake up sunshine
Yes like most conspiracy theory loons you have been selectively finding those who agree with your preconceived notions and calling it research
oh please sleeper the evidence is staggering do some research

the bush dupes never research facts that dont support the official version.LOL
Well, you sure have enough nutty videos, but still no evidence of your claims........
lol you crack me up there are more awake than you still sleeping why are you still sleepinmg btw you should be awake by now lmao

When you get a chance, post up all your real evidence.
you have google as i do do your own homework sleeper

these Bush dupes are such stupid fucks that idea never dawns on them.look at all the videos they have ignored on this thread? LOL
Yes like most conspiracy theory loons you have been selectively finding those who agree with your preconceived notions and calling it research
oh please sleeper the evidence is staggering do some research
I have done more research than you and all you have done is follow around a bunch of conspiracy theory fools.

You do not have any evidence boy.
oh please you did not say you have done research and conspiracy theory in the same sentence this proves you are asleep - they made up conspiracy theory to keep you asleep and dumbed down stop foloowing the lies and propaganda made to keep you dumbed down gety our head out of the sand and wake up sleeper
There is no they who made up conspiracy theory it is a logical description of what fools like you preach and believe,

It is all known and proven bullshit of course which is why you cannot support it with evidence.

It is a moron who claims to have done research and then claims conspiracy theory is real who is the true laughing stock.
you are so backwards lmao lol i cannot stop laughiing youre so ridiculous lol

He is the biggest paid shill of them ALL.LOL He has suffered so much embarrassment over the years from HUNDREDS of people like me and you,hard to believe he still even has the guts to show his face around here the way he is incapable of looking at facts.LOL
I have done more research than you and all you have done is follow around a bunch of conspiracy theory fools.

You do not have any evidence boy.
oh please you did not say you have done research and conspiracy theory in the same sentence this proves you are asleep - they made up conspiracy theory to keep you asleep and dumbed down stop foloowing the lies and propaganda made to keep you dumbed down gety our head out of the sand and wake up sleeper
There is no they who made up conspiracy theory it is a logical description of what fools like you preach and believe,

It is all known and proven bullshit of course which is why you cannot support it with evidence.

It is a moron who claims to have done research and then claims conspiracy theory is real who is the true laughing stock.
you are so backwards lmao lol i cannot stop laughiing youre so ridiculous lol
You must be laughing at yourself as you have no evidence to cite.
the evidence is overwhelming do a search

they wont do a search that does not go along with their own warped views.LOL look at how they keep evading all the videos that expose how corrupt our government is.LOL
There are too many problems with the official story for there not to be something to this conspiracy. More terrorist backgrounds to create. There's no reason for it, other than sheer stupidity, and you can't pull something of that scale off if you are that dumb.
I can't be that gullible to believe those ideas.

That's why Christians love their Christian Nation where all else is subordinate as they choose an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality super ego whether it's their churchstate business of stealing & burning US Constitutions, old glorys, absentee voting ballots, baptizing eyes by urinations or WTC & Pentagon buildings; it doesn't matter for this business of homicidal sociopsychopaths human farming practices brainwashing until gullible to a supreme swastika up Uranus court
There are too many problems with the official story for there not to be something to this conspiracy. Had it all gone down like they said, it would be very clear, but it's not. There are too many testimonies, too many weird things with the videos, and with the physics that, while I don't claim to know what happened, it does leave a lot of questions.

You should watch these three videos. NOBODY has ever been able to refute the facts in these videos that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,not the government,not these shills of the government that have penetrated this forum.NOBODY. :badgrin:they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are knowing they are cornered and backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.:biggrin: they NEVER watch them,like clockwork,all they do everytime is come back and insult you and call you names since they know they are cornered and cant counter the facts in them.:biggrin: they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:biggrin:

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There are too many problems with the official story for there not to be something to this conspiracy. Had it all gone down like they said, it would be very clear, but it's not. There are too many testimonies, too many weird things with the videos, and with the physics that, while I don't claim to know what happened, it does leave a lot of questions.

You should watch these three videos. NOBODY has ever been able to refute the facts in these videos that it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation,not the government,not these shills of the government that have penetrated this forum.NOBODY. :badgrin:they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are knowing they are cornered and backed up against the wall with nowhere to run.:biggrin: they NEVER watch them,like clockwork,all they do everytime is come back and insult you and call you names since they know they are cornered and cant counter the facts in them.:biggrin: they cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:biggrin:

Like clockwork,ONE of the governments paid shill ALREADY posted a smiley since he knows he is backed up against the wall with nowhere to run knowing i OWNED his sorry ass. :biggrin:

agent WRONGwinger,USMB's biggest troll of them all,a troll that is such a stupid fuck,he said the Rams would NEVER come back to LA even though the facts were right there in front of his eyes and so obvious that even a CHILD could see the obvious he could not they were coming back.:iyfyus.jpg:
whats REALLY funny though is he is STILL butthurt today about being wrong on that same as he is butthurt that his hero mass murderer hellery did not get elected.all he ever does is whine and cry all the time about BOTH these issues like the baby he is.seriously he acts like a three year old when you try and get him to admit he was wrong on the rams not coming back to LA or accepting the truth Hitlery did not get elected.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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