Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

Why do you keep lying about who he voted for? He clearly stated he didn't vote for Trump OR Biden. Yet almost every single one of your posts has been you putting words in his freakin mouth. And that's after him making it clear throughout this 20 page thread that he's opposed to liberalism and that he wants someone who is actually conservative and abides by the constitution. So why do you keep lying?

He is an independent idiot.
They are worse.
I'm not sure how it would be a waste of time. After all, Trump is running in this next election. His actual record might be something worth knowing. Especially since there's so much misleading information out there.
Trump's done some things I disapprove of. Raining million-dollar missles down on a Syrian air base in response to MIC propaganda

that was a lie, for instance.
If you voted for a liberal Republican, you're also just as much part of the problem.

Trump is a liberal Republican. He was very liberal when it came to spending, increasing the debt, increasing the size and scope of government.
President Trump is a classical liberal, not new age, marxist liberal, where he believes that the power resides in the citizens of the US, not the fascist elites who want to rule the US citizens with an iron fist. As for spending, because of Joe Biden campaign working with China, the economy had to shut down for "two weeks, to flatten the curve" then the Marxists said two months which then became two years. The economy was turning around at the end of President Trumps term, but because the 2020 election was stolen, all policies of President Trump were revoked thus making high energy and food prices and the rest is on Joe Biteme, the worst president that made Jimmy Carter smile.
It's amazing the the leaps these die hard Trump supporters will take just to defend someone as liberal as Trump. Had Biden banned bump stocks, gave $500 billion to black communities just for being black, or any of the other things I've listed, they'd be screaming their heads off.

Take the debt ceiling issue, they screaming bloody murder over Biden's recent increase, but not a word how the debt ceiling got to where it was after Trumps 2 year debt ceiling suspension ended. Or the two increases prior to that.

I think it boils down to political loyalism. They pick a side and defend it til the death. Regardless of the facts or the details.

I agree that it's staunch political loyalism, but I think it's more than that. I think it's something that Whitney Webb calls "Savior politics" which is when people look to a particular political figure to "save the country." I mean can understand why people would do that... To many of us, it's obvious that our country is being subverted by corrupt globalist traitors, and none of us who consider ourselves patriots want to see that happening. So when Trump came along and promised to "drain the swamp" and all that, he became that "savior" that so many people wanted. Is he really that savior? No, in my view he never was. I have a theory on him, but I won't get into that on this thread. But getting back to what I was saying, I guess I can understand why his loyal followers who have invested so much in him have a hard time letting go of that hope and loyalty to him. :dunno:
I agree that it's staunch political loyalism, but I think it's more than that. I think it's something that Whitney Webb calls "Savior politics" which is when people look to a particular political figure to "save the country." I mean can understand why people would do that... To many of us, it's obvious that our country is being subverted by corrupt globalist traitors, and none of us who consider ourselves patriots want to see that happening. So when Trump came along and promised to "drain the swamp" and all that, he became that "savior" that so many people wanted. Is he really that savior? No, in my view he never was. I have a theory on him, but I won't get into that on this thread. But getting back to what I was saying, I guess I can understand why his loyal followers who have invested so much in him have a hard time letting go of that hope and loyalty to him. :dunno:
I think if Trump wasn't the right one, they wouldn't be going after him with everything they have AND the kitchen sink.

I think Hermain Cain was the right one in 2012.
I agree that it's staunch political loyalism, but I think it's more than that. I think it's something that Whitney Webb calls "Savior politics" which is when people look to a particular political figure to "save the country." I mean can understand why people would do that... To many of us, it's obvious that our country is being subverted by corrupt globalist traitors, and none of us who consider ourselves patriots want to see that happening. So when Trump came along and promised to "drain the swamp" and all that, he became that "savior" that so many people wanted. Is he really that savior? No, in my view he never was. I have a theory on him, but I won't get into that on this thread. But getting back to what I was saying, I guess I can understand why his loyal followers who have invested so much in him have a hard time letting go of that hope and loyalty to him. :dunno:
Anyone remember this farse of a Messiah, who when given the nomination, "Now is the time that the oceans will lower". Even today, the left keeps on saying that the oceans are still rising. I guess the brown turd Obammy pulled a fast one on his loyal followers.

Anyone remember this farse of a Messiah, who when given the nomination, "Now is the time that the oceans will lower". Even today, the left keeps on saying that the oceans are still rising. I guess the brown turd Obammy pulled a fast one on his loyal followers.


Bunch of Rubes.
President Trump is a classical liberal,

You're joking, right?

Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.

laissez-faire economics- Trump struck a deal with Saudi and US oil producers (April 2020) for them to LOWER oil production. This is not laissez-faire.

Limited government - The size and scope of government grew under Trump. He also reauthorized FISA 702 (Warrantless spying on Americans)

Economic freedom - The $8 trillion he spent in just 4 years, helped to create the HUGE inflation hike we seen in the first year of the Biden administration. Keep in mind, it take over 1 year for ANY new presidents policies to show up in the economy. Example: All that money that Reagan spent, is what caused HW Bush to support the new tax that occurred just after he took office.
None the less, if we had fiscal conservatives running DC, there'd be no debt ceiling increases, because they believing in living with the governments means. And that the main job of the Federal Reserve is to keep the USD value up. Since Reagan and the other big spending liberals and liberal Republicans (Reagan, Trump, W) the USD has lost over 75% of its buying power. This is a direct result of borrowing too much money. Inflation is simply having too much money in the economy. New money decreases the value of existing currency.
This is why $20K per year in the US is now a poverty wage. Note: In China, that same $20k per year is a middle class wage. And why so many jobs have left for China.

If we didn't have people like Trump, Biden, McConnell, and $20K per year was a middle class wage, China would have a trade deficit with us.
I think if Trump wasn't the right one, they wouldn't be going after him with everything they have AND the kitchen sink.

I think Hermain Cain was the right one in 2012.
And the Marxists used a white Democrat operative femanzi to accuse Herman of being inappropriate with his behavior, even though there was never an arrest for those actions. Herman backed off, and nothing continued with that story. Notice how the Marxists once again had a feminazi accuse President Trump 35 years ago of inappropriate behavior, and President Trump denied the charges so they had to use defamation of character to get a story against Trump. The Marxist are such shitty people and will do what ever, lie, steal, cheat, to win.
And the Marxists used a white Democrat operative femanzi to accuse Herman of being inappropriate with his behavior, even though there was never an arrest for those actions. Herman backed off, and nothing continued with that story. Notice how the Marxists once again had a feminazi accuse President Trump 35 years ago of inappropriate behavior, and President Trump denied the charges so they had to use defamation of character to get a story against Trump. The Marxist are such shitty people and will do what ever, lie, steal, cheat, to win.
That's probably their motto. "Remember: Lie, cheat, and steal."
It appears that these people are not really into actual issues.

As he says, Trump is their retribution. Their primal scream. Their big FUCK YOU to the country. They think they've been victimized. Their miserable lives are all the fault of someone else.

The last thing they'll do is look in the mirror, just like their ruler.
Irony alert
You're joking, right?

Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.

laissez-faire economics- Trump struck a deal with Saudi and US oil producers (April 2020) for them to LOWER oil production. This is not laissez-faire.

Limited government - The size and scope of government grew under Trump. He also reauthorized FISA 702 (Warrantless spying on Americans)

Economic freedom - The $8 trillion he spent in just 4 years, helped to create the HUGE inflation hike we seen in the first year of the Biden administration. Keep in mind, it take over 1 year for ANY new presidents policies to show up in the economy. Example: All that money that Reagan spent, is what caused HW Bush to support the new tax that occurred just after he took office.
None the less, if we had fiscal conservatives running DC, there'd be no debt ceiling increases, because they believing in living with the governments means. And that the main job of the Federal Reserve is to keep the USD value up. Since Reagan and the other big spending liberals and liberal Republicans (Reagan, Trump, W) the USD has lost over 75% of its buying power. This is a direct result of borrowing too much money. Inflation is simply having too much money in the economy. New money decreases the value of existing currency.
This is why $20K per year in the US is now a poverty wage. Note: In China, that same $20k per year is a middle class wage. And why so many jobs have left for China.

If we didn't have people like Trump, Biden, McConnell, and $20K per year was a middle class wage, China would have a trade deficit with us.
So making everyone's lives easier because of the low gas prices, that doesnt make him conservative? Bringing the most production ever in the US, where even the blacks and women were working and happy, that isnt conservative?

But you go on and believe what the Marxists tell you to believe, that is why today, you are paying high fuel and food prices....
I think if Trump wasn't the right one, they wouldn't be going after him with everything they have AND the kitchen sink.

I think Hermain Cain was the right one in 2012.

Trump didn't make a lot of enemies in DC because he was trying to do the right thing. He just wanted to do it his way. I was glad to see the neocons with some competition. They're evil.
Replacing something bad with something just a little better, isn't what the US needs to sustain itself. Economically, Trump wasn't any better. In fact, in some instances, he was just as bad if not worse.

DeSantis, regardless of the conspiracies about him, knows how to run a government within it's means.
Trump didn't make a lot of enemies in DC because he was trying to do the right thing. He just wanted to do it his way. I was glad to see the neocons with some competition. They're evil.
Replacing something bad with something just a little better, isn't what the US needs to sustain itself. Economically, Trump wasn't any better. In fact, in some instances, he was just as bad if not worse.

DeSantis, regardless of the conspiracies about him, knows how to run a government within it's means.

You're joking, right?

Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech.

laissez-faire economics- Trump struck a deal with Saudi and US oil producers (April 2020) for them to LOWER oil production. This is not laissez-faire.

Limited government - The size and scope of government grew under Trump. He also reauthorized FISA 702 (Warrantless spying on Americans)

Economic freedom - The $8 trillion he spent in just 4 years, helped to create the HUGE inflation hike we seen in the first year of the Biden administration. Keep in mind, it take over 1 year for ANY new presidents policies to show up in the economy. Example: All that money that Reagan spent, is what caused HW Bush to support the new tax that occurred just after he took office.
None the less, if we had fiscal conservatives running DC, there'd be no debt ceiling increases, because they believing in living with the governments means. And that the main job of the Federal Reserve is to keep the USD value up. Since Reagan and the other big spending liberals and liberal Republicans (Reagan, Trump, W) the USD has lost over 75% of its buying power. This is a direct result of borrowing too much money. Inflation is simply having too much money in the economy. New money decreases the value of existing currency.
This is why $20K per year in the US is now a poverty wage. Note: In China, that same $20k per year is a middle class wage. And why so many jobs have left for China.

If we didn't have people like Trump, Biden, McConnell, and $20K per year was a middle class wage, China would have a trade deficit with us.
You completely left out EO 13990

The biggest drivers of inflation are Covid and EO 13990.

Trump had the fuel supply thing fixed after no president did since Carter messed it up.

Biden re-messed it up on day 1.
Who do you support as a "conservative"?

Would you vote for Biden over Trump?
I think he's saying he wants DeSantis which will only split the Republican vote, and that's no good.

Besides, I don't want Desantis for president yet. He's a pretty good governor!

Probably the best, and the other 2 were Chiles and Bob Graham. (both Democrats)

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