Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

With Trump's spending record, how TF can you support Trump? Even without all that corrupt covid spending, he still spent as much as Obamas first 4 years. He only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. Just one. He reauthorized the deep states authority (FISA 702, NDAA and the Patriot Act). FFS, he even funded gender studies. His Platinum plan for black communities was the definition of socialism.

So when you say you support Trump and fiscal conservatism at the same time, I don't know what TF you're talking about. Because there's nothing fiscally conservative about Trump.
Oh no! You have to provide some proof with a claim as audacious as that! :nono:
I get the whole "sick of being lied to" part, but Trump's a HUGE liar himself.
Two of his biggest ones in just the last month was how he, if elected, was going to build new cities and end the deep state.
One, he doesn't have the authority to build new cities. Two, he funded and reauthorized the deep state when he was president the first time.

It gotta really suck to be you.
Oh no! You have to provide some proof with a claim as audacious as that! :nono:

Ok, knowing how to use Google, it took like 2 seconds.

Here's your proof.

Statement by the President on FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017

Also, Under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), the U.S. government engages in mass, warrantless surveillance of Americans' and foreigners' phone calls, text messages, emails, and other electronic communications.
Here's an idea... vote for whoever you support and stop whining about how others choose to vote. Trump is going to be the nominee unless the evil bastards in DC decide to kill him. DeSantis might be chosen y the RNC but that won't stop Trump supporters from burning it all down. In fact, in the grand scheme, it might be more fun just to light a match to what's left.

How about you stop whining about the information I'm posting. If you don't want to know the bad things Trump has done, then I'd suggest only reading the pro Trump threads. Where they brag about Trump constantly, regardless of the facts.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.
Nancy Pelosi doesnt spend money based on Trumps wishes. :cuckoo:
It was one of 3 things.

I don't agree with Trump's decision on that, either. That crap is against the 4th amendment.

Trump bragged about his Platinum plan. He sells it as being inclusive to black communities. Helping black communities. Helping black people start businesses.
Key word, helping "blacks" to the sum of $500 BILLION. As great as that might sound, it's still socialism that leans discriminatory. Personally I think it was just Trump buying the black vote. Plus is also borders into reparations.
It's wrong on so many levels.

$500,000 billion to all Americans to improve all communities, help provide small business loans to ALL citizens etc etc, is still socialism. But at least the money would not be racially motivated.

US allots $200 million for gender equity and equality programs in Pakistan, 20 times increase from $10 million given in 2020

Gender Studies CSS 2017 Past Paper

Trump bragged about his Platinum plan. He sells it as being inclusive to black communities. Helping black communities. Helping black people start businesses.
Key word, helping "blacks" to the sum of $500 BILLION. As great as that might sound, it's still socialism that leans discriminatory. Personally I think it was just Trump buying the black vote. Plus is also borders into reparations.
It's wrong on so many levels.

$500,000 billion to all Americans to improve all communities, help provide small business loans to ALL citizens etc etc, is still socialism. But at least the money would not be racially motivated.

US allots $200 million for gender equity and equality programs in Pakistan, 20 times increase from $10 million given in 2020

Gender Studies CSS 2017 Past Paper

None of that is Socialism
I way over estimated you
None of that is Socialism
I way over estimated you


Let's dig into this a little deeper, shall we?

Let's say Obama (or Biden) gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. I doubt you'd say the same thing.

I can say it's socialism because that's exactly what it is. And I don't give a flying fuck who dished out the money. Because I'm no loyalist to any politician. Especially to someone as liberal as Trump or Biden.

Trump appreciates your blind loyalty. Maybe he'll invite you to brunch someday.

Let's dig into this a little deeper, shall we?

Let's say Obama (or Biden) gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities. I doubt you'd say the same thing.

I can say it's socialism because that's exactly what it is. And I don't give a flying fuck who dished out the money. Because I'm no loyalist to any politician. Especially to someone as liberal as Trump or Biden.

Trump appreciates your blind loyalty. Maybe he'll invite you to brunch someday.


Still, what you said is Socialism
Is not
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.
Trump bragged about his Platinum plan. He sells it as being inclusive to black communities. Helping black communities. Helping black people start businesses.
Key word, helping "blacks" to the sum of $500 BILLION. As great as that might sound, it's still socialism that leans discriminatory. Personally I think it was just Trump buying the black vote. Plus is also borders into reparations.
It's wrong on so many levels.

$500,000 billion to all Americans to improve all communities, help provide small business loans to ALL citizens etc etc, is still socialism. But at least the money would not be racially motivated.

US allots $200 million for gender equity and equality programs in Pakistan, 20 times increase from $10 million given in 2020

Gender Studies CSS 2017 Past Paper

That Gender Studies thing has no link to Trymp that I can see.

So are you for abolishing HUD?
That Gender Studies thing has no link to Trymp that I can see.

So are you for abolishing HUD?

The title says $200 million in 2020. Trump was still president. There's also gender studies funding by the Trump administration in the other years he was president.

But please, don't take my word for it. Look it up. Find a different source. Try to prove me wrong. Even though you can't be because that funded was built into appropriation bills that Trump signed.
Remember, Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. And that was because, he said, didn't spend enough.

Face it. Trump is a big spending north eastern liberal, with a good sales pitch.
The title says $200 million in 2020. Trump was still president. There's also gender studies funding by the Trump administration in the other years he was president.

But please, don't take my word for it. Look it up. Find a different source. Try to prove me wrong. Even though you can't be because that funded was built into appropriation bills that Trump signed.
Remember, Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. And that was because, he said, didn't spend enough.

Face it. Trump is a big spending north eastern liberal, with a good sales pitch.
I'm not wastimg my time with that. Not even contending you're wrong on this one.
Trump doesn't lie 1/10 as much as Biden, and you voted for him. All you Trump haters never had a unkind thing to Biden, and he's a fucking scumbag,

Why do you keep lying about who he voted for? He clearly stated he didn't vote for Trump OR Biden. Yet almost every single one of your posts has been you putting words in his freakin mouth. And that's after him making it clear throughout this 20 page thread that he's opposed to liberalism and that he wants someone who is actually conservative and abides by the constitution. So why do you keep lying?
Why do you keep lying about who he voted for? He clearly stated he didn't vote for Trump OR Biden. Yet almost every single one of your posts has been you putting words in his freakin mouth. And that's after him making it clear throughout this 20 page thread that he's opposed to liberalism and that he wants someone who is actually conservative and abides by the constitution. So why do you keep lying?

It's amazing the the leaps these die hard Trump supporters will take just to defend someone as liberal as Trump. Had Biden banned bump stocks, gave $500 billion to black communities just for being black, or any of the other things I've listed, they'd be screaming their heads off.

Take the debt ceiling issue, they screaming bloody murder over Biden's recent increase, but not a word how the debt ceiling got to where it was after Trumps 2 year debt ceiling suspension ended. Or the two increases prior to that.

I think it boils down to political loyalism. They pick a side and defend it til the death. Regardless of the facts or the details.
I'm not wastimg my time with that. Not even contending you're wrong on this one.

I'm not sure how it would be a waste of time. After all, Trump is running in this next election. His actual record might be something worth knowing. Especially since there's so much misleading information out there.

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