Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

So making everyone's lives easier because of the low gas prices, that doesnt make him conservative?

LoL.. The president doesn't dictate the price of oil/gas. Nor does he tell oil companies to increase production. We don't live in a dictatorship. The price of oil/gas was so low because Russia and Saudi were in an oil price war that drove the futures market down. Any time you flood the market with anything, the price goes down.
That one month were were supposedly energy independent, was due to a lot of skewed numbers.
Example: Import 20,000 barrels of oil and put it into a storage tank. Add 1 barrel of US oil into that same storage tank and put down on paper that it's all American oil. Technically, it is all US oil, because a US oil company bought it.
This is easy to find out it's a lie by looking up two important facts.
1. How much oil the US consumes per day, week or month
2. How much oil the US produces per day, week or month.
And at no time in this country has the US produced as much oil as it consumes.

For the last 2 decades, the US has consumed over 15 million barrels of oil per day. At no time in our oil producing history has US oil companies produced that much oil.

Bringing the most production ever in the US, where even the blacks and women were working and happy, that isnt conservative?

Ok, so before Trump, women and blacks weren't allowed to work? BTW, the ONLY jobs that the government creates is government jobs.

The Trump tax cuts was revenue neutral to the governments CAFR. Because that tax law eliminated so many tax deductions.

But you go on and believe what the Marxists tell you to believe, that is why today, you are paying high fuel and food prices....

Nothing I'm telling you is Marxist. If you knew what Marxism was, you'd know that.
You completely left out EO 13990

The biggest drivers of inflation are Covid and EO 13990.

Trump had the fuel supply thing fixed after no president did since Carter messed it up.

Biden re-messed it up on day 1.

I'm not leaving any of that out. But #1, the keystone wasn't even close to being finished.
#2. It's not even our oil. It's Canadian and Chinese.
#3. The Keystone was completed during the Obama administration.
#4. The DAC/XL was just a shortcut to the existing Keystone.

So it's not like Biden stopped oil that was already flowing. Shutting it down did absolutely nothing to existing production.
The oil leases that Biden shut down were also years away from producing anything. They didn't even have geological studies done on them yet. That's why they were chosen to be shut down. It takes about 3 years to get a drilling permit on an oil lease. Those don't get applied for until AFTER an oil company 1. Get the lease. Does the geological studies and then applies. So they were years away from even seeing a drilling rig. No oil company had even submitted an application for those leases.

All of this is just Fing word games the right was using against Biden to make him out to be worse than he was, to justify the oil prices going up.
But, and I mean BUT, Biden was the best thing the the oil companies could've asked for. Record low production, during record low demand and still getting record high prices. He was a dream come true for them.
They've made more money under Biden in just 3 years, than they made in 4yr with Trump.
I'm not leaving any of that out. But #1, the keystone wasn't even close to being finished.
#2. It's not even our oil. It's Canadian and Chinese.
#3. The Keystone was completed during the Obama administration.
#4. The DAC/XL was just a shortcut to the existing Keystone.

So it's not like Biden stopped oil that was already flowing. Shutting it down did absolutely nothing to existing production.
The oil leases that Biden shut down were also years away from producing anything. They didn't even have geological studies done on them yet. That's why they were chosen to be shut down. It takes about 3 years to get a drilling permit on an oil lease. Those don't get applied for until AFTER an oil company 1. Get the lease. Does the geological studies and then applies. So they were years away from even seeing a drilling rig. No oil company had even submitted an application for those leases.

All of this is just Fing word games the right was using against Biden to make him out to be worse than he was, to justify the oil prices going up.
But, and I mean BUT, Biden was the best thing the the oil companies could've asked for. Record low production, during record low demand and still getting record high prices. He was a dream come true for them.
They've made more money under Biden in just 3 years, than they made in 4yr with Trump.
The Keystone is not the relevant part in that EO. :rolleyes-41:

The review of leases and EPA restrictions and where can be drilled and fracking is.

There's something in there about appliances and electric companies, too.

Idk about everyone else, but my electric bill has increased effectively 50%.
I think he's saying he wants DeSantis which will only split the Republican vote, and that's no good.

Besides, I don't want Desantis for president yet. He's a pretty good governor!

Probably the best, and the other 2 were Chiles and Bob Graham. (both Democrats)

ATM, yes I want DeSantis. Someone that knows how to live within his means. Who understand that borrowing and printing so much money creates inflation. Someone who doesn't let the left dogpile him. Someone who doesn't cave to the left (as Trump did). Someone with a record of not only cutting taxes, but eliminating some. Someone who listened to the parents of school children and got all that tranny crap out of FL school. Someone who actually helps his party keep their majority and gain even more seats.
Trump handed the house over to the democrats in 2018. Then the Senate in 2020.
By 2018 we were all supposed to be getting tired of all the winning. In Florida, since DeSantis has been governor, winning is all they've been doing. Beating the left, instead of getting beat by the left.

DeSantis's executive record is leaps and bounds above Trumps.
ATM, yes I want DeSantis. Someone that knows how to live within his means. Who understand that borrowing and printing so much money creates inflation. Someone who doesn't let the left dogpile him. Someone who doesn't cave to the left (as Trump did). Someone with a record of not only cutting taxes, but eliminating some. Someone who listened to the parents of school children and got all that tranny crap out of FL school. Someone who actually helps his party keep their majority and gain even more seats.
Trump handed the house over to the democrats in 2018. Then the Senate in 2020.
By 2018 we were all supposed to be getting tired of all the winning. In Florida, since DeSantis has been governor, winning is all they've been doing. Beating the left, instead of getting beat by the left.

DeSantis's executive record is leaps and bounds above Trumps.
I'm going to vote for whoever the not Democrat or 3rd party nominee is.
The Keystone is not the relevant part in that EO. :rolleyes-41:

The review of leases and EPA restrictions and where can be drilled and fracking is.

There's something in there about appliances and electric companies, too.

Idk about everyone else, but my electric bill has increased effectively 50%.

If you're electric bill has increased that much, then you should be blaming your electric company. Because mine hasn't increased at all in the last 4 years.

Energy companies aren't your friends. You're just their customer. And if they can increase your rate, then they will.
I'm on a coop. And we hold our elected members accountable. Especially right now with an election coming up.
If you're not on a coop, you can switch electric companies all you want.
I'm going to vote for whoever the not Democrat or 3rd party nominee is.

I only vote for fiscal conservatives. They helped keep the debt down, inflation down, the value of the USD up and competitive with China and Mexico, all the way up to the 70's and 1980. Since then, the big spending liberal Republicans have practically outlawed fiscal conservatism.

It's just my opinion, but voting for anyone other than an actual fiscal conservative (chip roy, mike lee etc etc) is a vote against America. They all run on fiscal conservatism, balance budgets, reduced spending etc etc etc. But 90% of our GOP turns into liberal Republican within the first 2 years.

Even DeSantis had a pretty bad voting record in congress, in his first 2 years. But luckily, he learned the difference between a Republican and a fiscal conservative.
I only vote for fiscal conservatives. They helped keep the debt down, inflation down, the value of the USD up and competitive with China and Mexico, all the way up to the 70's and 1980. Since then, the big spending liberal Republicans have practically outlawed fiscal conservatism.

It's just my opinion, but voting for anyone other than an actual fiscal conservative (chip roy, mike lee etc etc) is a vote against America. They all run on fiscal conservatism, balance budgets, reduced spending etc etc etc. But 90% of our GOP turns into liberal Republican within the first 2 years.

Even DeSantis had a pretty bad voting record in congress, in his first 2 years. But luckily, he learned the difference between a Republican and a fiscal conservative.
I have a sneaking suspicion Ralph Nader isn't going to be on the ballots in 2024.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.
I liked your opening. Very much. I feel your pain.

However, DeSantis is Trump Lite. He has demonstrated he has no problem abusing his authority and weaponizing the government to go after people or businesses who hurt his feelings.

That is the farthest from conservatism as it gets.
I only vote for fiscal conservatives. They helped keep the debt down, inflation down, the value of the USD up and competitive with China and Mexico, all the way up to the 70's and 1980. Since then, the big spending liberal Republicans have practically outlawed fiscal conservatism.

It's just my opinion, but voting for anyone other than an actual fiscal conservative (chip roy, mike lee etc etc) is a vote against America. They all run on fiscal conservatism, balance budgets, reduced spending etc etc etc. But 90% of our GOP turns into liberal Republican within the first 2 years.

Even DeSantis had a pretty bad voting record in congress, in his first 2 years. But luckily, he learned the difference between a Republican and a fiscal conservative.
It used to be a Co-Op, but it's been sold several times since then, and there is no other choice here.
I only vote for fiscal conservatives. They helped keep the debt down, inflation down, the value of the USD up and competitive with China and Mexico, all the way up to the 70's and 1980. Since then, the big spending liberal Republicans have practically outlawed fiscal conservatism.

It's just my opinion, but voting for anyone other than an actual fiscal conservative (chip roy, mike lee etc etc) is a vote against America. They all run on fiscal conservatism, balance budgets, reduced spending etc etc etc. But 90% of our GOP turns into liberal Republican within the first 2 years.

Even DeSantis had a pretty bad voting record in congress, in his first 2 years. But luckily, he learned the difference between a Republican and a fiscal conservative.
The federal debt is my number one issue as anyone who has been around here reading my posts for over a decade knows.

The federal debt only matters to Republicans when a Democrat is in the White House. Their hypocrisy on this issue is beyond the pale, and yet they have somehow managed to hoax the rubes that they are fiscally responsible.

This requires a desire to bleev on the part of the rubes. Without their credulity and ignorance and short term memories, these hucksters would get nowhere.

You will never see the New Right hold Republicans' feet to the fire.


"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!", they whine.
The federal debt is my number one issue as anyone who has been around here reading my posts for over a decade knows.

The federal debt only matters to Republicans when a Democrat is in the White House. Their hypocrisy on this issue is beyond the pale, and yet they have somehow managed to hoax the rubes that they are fiscally responsible.

This requires a desire to bleev on the part of the rubes. Without their credulity and ignorance and short term memories, these hucksters would get nowhere.

You will never see the New Right hold Republicans' feet to the fire.


"B-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats!", they whine.
It's a 2-step plan to save America, brah.

1) Get rid of all Democrats who largely want to tear America down to the ground to "rise from the ashes"

and institute Communism here.

2) Clean house on the Republcan Party.

Some things will overlap and already have.
It's a 2-step plan to save America, brah.

1) Get rid of all Democrats who largely want to tear America down to the ground to "rise from the ashes"

and institute Communism here.

2) Clean house on the Republcan Party.

Some things will overlap and already have.
You are seriously delusional.

While Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, the New Right was dead silent about it.

Dead. Silent.

You are one of the rubes of which I was speaking. Your credulity has allowed the GOP to hoax the living shit out of you.

You aren't "saving America". You are contributing to its downfall.
You are seriously delusional.

While Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, the New Right was dead silent about it.

Dead. Silent.

You are one of the rubes of which I was speaking. Your credulity has allowed the GOP to hoax the living shit out of you.

You aren't "saving America". You are contributing to its downfall.
That may be, but I'm a much smarter "rube" than you. The problem with you not caring about your advocating

for your own serfdom is that everyone else gets dragged down with you.

I don't really care if it's just you and me, but when it involves everyone else and all future Americans

who cannot today enjoy the same liberties I enjoyed when I was growing up in America, I take issue with that.
It's amazing the the leaps these die hard Trump supporters will take just to defend someone as liberal as Trump
"We" overturned Roe because of Trump. "We" moved the embassy to Jerusalem because of Trump. In OPERATION, he was the most effective and successful CONSERVATIVE president we've ever had
I agree that it's staunch political loyalism, but I think it's more than that. I think it's something that Whitney Webb calls "Savior politics" which is when people look to a particular political figure to "save the country." I mean can understand why people would do that... To many of us, it's obvious that our country is being subverted by corrupt globalist traitors, and none of us who consider ourselves patriots want to see that happening. So when Trump came along and promised to "drain the swamp" and all that, he became that "savior" that so many people wanted. Is he really that savior? No, in my view he never was. I have a theory on him, but I won't get into that on this thread. But getting back to what I was saying, I guess I can understand why his loyal followers who have invested so much in him have a hard time letting go of that hope and loyalty to him. :dunno:
Some presidents will do LESS HARM than others. Some are a disaster. Trump was a good one, but most of us (who support him) think he was a little naive about the Deep State.

He knows who the enemy is now.
LoL.. The president doesn't dictate the price of oil/gas. Nor does he tell oil companies to increase production. We don't live in a dictatorship. The price of oil/gas was so low because Russia and Saudi were in an oil price war that drove the futures market down. Any time you flood the market with anything, the price goes down.
That one month were were supposedly energy independent, was due to a lot of skewed numbers.
Example: Import 20,000 barrels of oil and put it into a storage tank. Add 1 barrel of US oil into that same storage tank and put down on paper that it's all American oil. Technically, it is all US oil, because a US oil company bought it.
This is easy to find out it's a lie by looking up two important facts.
1. How much oil the US consumes per day, week or month
2. How much oil the US produces per day, week or month.
And at no time in this country has the US produced as much oil as it consumes.

For the last 2 decades, the US has consumed over 15 million barrels of oil per day. At no time in our oil producing history has US oil companies produced that much oil.

Ok, so before Trump, women and blacks weren't allowed to work? BTW, the ONLY jobs that the government creates is government jobs.

The Trump tax cuts was revenue neutral to the governments CAFR. Because that tax law eliminated so many tax deductions.

Nothing I'm telling you is Marxist. If you knew what Marxism was, you'd know that.
i keep hearing about how the President doesnt influence the price of oil, only because yourside keeps fucking up the price by driving it up very high, then when President Trump got the EPA out of the way, and allowed the permits to flow, so did the oil. Then when Joe Biteme on day one, said no more, up went the price again. Stupid fucks like you who are paying more for everything, here is the quote. "A Maxists/Dumbfuck would bite his nose off, just to spite his face". That is what you did, when you allowed the Marxists to steal the 2020 election.
Biden voter.jpg
You are seriously delusional.

While Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, the New Right was dead silent about it.

Dead. Silent.

You are one of the rubes of which I was speaking. Your credulity has allowed the GOP to hoax the living shit out of you.

You aren't "saving America". You are contributing to its downfall.
If Joe Biteme, working with China, didnt released the Kung Flu upon US, there would not of been that debt, thanks for playing dumbass.
I liked your opening. Very much. I feel your pain.

However, DeSantis is Trump Lite. He has demonstrated he has no problem abusing his authority and weaponizing the government to go after people or businesses who hurt his feelings.

That is the farthest from conservatism as it gets.

Yet you have no problem Biden pulling the same shit.
That may be, but I'm a much smarter "rube" than you. The problem with you not caring about your advocating

for your own serfdom is that everyone else gets dragged down with you.

I don't really care if it's just you and me, but when it involves everyone else and all future Americans

who cannot today enjoy the same liberties I enjoyed when I was growing up in America, I take issue with that.
What rubes like you continuously fail to realize is that if the GOP had superior ideas, the Democrats would become obsolete.

You have to clean up your own act FIRST, not LAST.

The GOP is bankrupt of ideas. Completely bankrupt. They are the party of never ending hoaxes pulling the wool over the eyes of the weak-minded.

For example, "We'll repeal and replace Obamacare!" Most of you have STILL not figured out that has been the largest hoax pulled on the voting population in American history. You never ONCE demanded to see the replacement!

Just how STUPID do you have to be to not ask to see the plan? Unbelievable.

You BEG to be lied to!

If the GOP had a better plan to fix the skyrocketing costs of health care for DECADES, Obamacare would never have gotten off the launch pad.

But they have NOTHING.

So you are most definitely a rube.

The way to defeat the Democrats is to BE BETTER than them. And the GOP has instead followed Trump into the gutter and wallowed there.
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