Getting cancelled by Trump supporters

What rubes like you continuously fail to realize is that if the GOP had superior ideas, the Democrats would become obsolete.

You have to clean up your own act FIRST, not LAST.

The GOP is bankrupt of ideas. Completely bankrupt. They are the party of never ending hoaxes pulling the wool over the eyes of the weak-minded.

For example, "We'll repeal and replace Obamacare!" Most of you have STILL not figured out that has been the largest hoax pulled on the voting population in American history. You never ONCE demanded to see the replacement!

Just how STUPID do you have to be to not ask to see the plan? Unbelievable.

You BEG to be lied to!

If the GOP had a better plan to fix the skyrocketing costs of health care for DECADES, Obamacare would never have gotten off the launch pad.

But they have NOTHING.

So you are most definitely a rube.

The way to defeat the Democrats is to BE BETTER than them. And the GOP has instead followed Trump into the gutter and wallowed there.
No, you’re the true rube here. Obozocare got shoved through on a party line vote while you cheered. You just beg for more shit after you finish the shit sandwich you just ate. You bought the Russian Collusion hoax, the pee tape hoax, every other hoax about Trump. You just follow the Dems into the filth.
If you're a fiscal & constitutional conservative, like myself, you've probably seen Trumps record of spending, increasing the size and scope of government and reauthorizing unconstitutional legislation. And you probably didn't like the idea of him assaulting our 2A with the bump stock ban. And you probably didn't like the idea of him either getting his butt kicked by Pelosi, or caving to her.
Not to mention all easily debunked lies that he told, just to get his uneducated followers to support him even more.
Things like:
Lock her up. Which he didn't even try
Make Mexico pay for the wall.... Not even possible.
Balance the budget in 4 years, that he didn't even try.
Get the national debt to zero in 8 years. Not even possible.

Just to name a few.

But if you're a die hard Trump supporter, all those lies were simply ignored. And why wouldn't they? Discussing them would mean they know Trump is lying and that they're overlooking those lies. And that in itself would cancel out all those things they said about Obama and Biden's lies being overlooked by their followers.

So where do FC/CC (fiscal and constitutional conservatives) go when there's no one to really support, except DeSantis. DeSantis has a good conservative record. But since the left and the Trump worshippers are aligned with each other now, one is surely to get cancelled by republican Trump supporters. Leaving us sort of standing alone, like the libertarian party.

I and many others have been treated like and called a liberal from Trumpbots, because we don't support someone as liberal as Trump. Trump has taken his supporters so far left of center, they don't even realize the whole "pot calling the kettle black."

And what does this do to the few conservatives congressmen and senators, who also don't support Trump? Well, I'll tell you.
What happens to them is the same thing that happened to the moderate democrats when the radical progressives took over in about 2019.
Trump supporters are telling us to shut up and sit down. Our voices don't matter. And if we speak up, their tribe will attack us and "cancel" us to the point that no one will even bother listening to reason.

The Trump tribe is the 2023 cancel culture. And it's going to be just as insane as the lefts version of it. Look at what they're doing to DeSantis. Calling him a groomer, a RINO, an establishment politician. Even with the record he has against the woke mob, Disney, the alphabet people and even the covid establishment.
You’re an establishment loyalist.
The Republican Party is now a cult.

Look at what the Trumpsters did to Liz Cheney. She was cancelled, not over any policy position, but because she was mean to the cult leader.

McCarthy and DeSantis are now walking a very fine line. They can’t afford to anger the cult or they will face similar consequences.
Liz Cheney wasn’t cancelled. She was voted out of office by her constituents. She sided with the establishment and it ended her political career.
Why do you keep lying about who he voted for? He clearly stated he didn't vote for Trump OR Biden. Yet almost every single one of your posts has been you putting words in his freakin mouth. And that's after him making it clear throughout this 20 page thread that he's opposed to liberalism and that he wants someone who is actually conservative and abides by the constitution. So why do you keep lying?
Rumpole is obviously a liar, and nothing he posts can be believed. Anyone who climes they believe an of it is a sleazy piece of shit.
If you're electric bill has increased that much, then you should be blaming your electric company. Because mine hasn't increased at all in the last 4 years.

Energy companies aren't your friends. You're just their customer. And if they can increase your rate, then they will.
I'm on a coop. And we hold our elected members accountable. Especially right now with an election coming up.
If you're not on a coop, you can switch electric companies all you want.
The idea that government is your friend doesn't pass the laugh test. Suggesting such a thing only proves what a brain-dead moron you are.
What rubes like you continuously fail to realize is that if the GOP had superior ideas, the Democrats would become obsolete.

You have to clean up your own act FIRST, not LAST.

The GOP is bankrupt of ideas. Completely bankrupt. They are the party of never ending hoaxes pulling the wool over the eyes of the weak-minded.

For example, "We'll repeal and replace Obamacare!" Most of you have STILL not figured out that has been the largest hoax pulled on the voting population in American history. You never ONCE demanded to see the replacement!

Just how STUPID do you have to be to not ask to see the plan? Unbelievable.

You BEG to be lied to!

If the GOP had a better plan to fix the skyrocketing costs of health care for DECADES, Obamacare would never have gotten off the launch pad.

But they have NOTHING.

So you are most definitely a rube.

The way to defeat the Democrats is to BE BETTER than them. And the GOP has instead followed Trump into the gutter and wallowed there.
Closing the southern border idea isnt obsolete.
Drilling our own energy isnt an obsolete idea.

Morons like you though, thinking that the Demofascists/Marxists who have cause high energy and food prices are the new way to run a country, that is typical communism, that is obsolete.
The idea that government is your friend doesn't pass the laugh test. Suggesting such a thing only proves what a brain-dead moron you are.

You saying that that is what I'm saying makes you a lying reetard.

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