Getting Ready for a Pence Presidency

Most expected outcome of new Presidency.

  • Roe vs Wade gets reversed in some states

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Baby Jesus in all Malls (Merry Christmas is mandatory)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • LBGTQ... head back to closet space.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Patriarchal rule expects women to stay at home

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pence pardons Trump (a Nixon repeat)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Other.... explain

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
Other: The first amendment is repealed and the Bible gains primacy over the constitution

Or you could just take some anti-psychotics and connect with reality.
I am well in touch with reality. You Tumpskis are the one who need help.

Sparkles, if you're calling ME a "Trumpski", you wouldn't recognize reality if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.

First rule of reality: the world is not divided into "People who agree with me" and "People who worship Trump". It's like human beings are actually complex, or some shit like that.

Epic fail. Would you like to play again?
The Dems are making a huge strategic mistake. All they had to do was play it cool and cruise to the majority. Yesterday changes everything in my opinion. The mid terms are now a national referendum on impeachment. No other issue matters in this upcoming election. I expect a huge increase in enthusiasm now from the conservative base. There wont be an enthusiasm gap much longer. The mid terms are now nationalized and impeachment is at stake. The summer is over and people are going to start taking the elections more seriously soon. I think we could see presidential election turnout in this mid term now. Its anyones game.
2018 was always about Trump

The stakes have been raised
I call my wife "sugar tits" (thank you Mr. Gibson), well... not in public... but I do...
To the topic...

I've said all through this muck that folks should be careful what they wish for because Trump is not a conservative, he's an opportunist. Pence? Pence is a conservative... very conservative...

That won't sit well with urbanites and Trump knows it. When Trump is forced out, Jesus moves in.

In essence, you can kiss 'church/state' separation goodbye from that point onward.

Yeah, yeah. We're all familiar with your Chicken Little routine, and it hasn't gotten any less boring for having heard it 13654354 times.
Or you could just take some anti-psychotics and connect with reality.

I'm not the one who screeches about a new "impending apocalypse" every time the wind changes. I haven't seen that level of melodrama and overacting since my niece's last school play.
Sparkles, if you're calling ME a "Trumpski", you wouldn't recognize reality if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
First rule of reality: the world is not divided into "People who agree with me" and "People who worship Trump". It's like human beings are actually complex, or some shit like that.
Epic fail. Would you like to play again?

What are you ? :whipg:
There is a very good chance Pence could become President if Trump is forced to resign

It would be a very short presidency with voter payback to republicans in 2020
All, if the sexually-obsessed fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man" who hates his fellow Americans. I do not understand why there is even one woman who allows him to have access to her body. He is sick. So is she.
I didn't know that Bill Clinton was back in the White House.
When did this happen?
What's happened to America is that Good men did nothing....for too long.

The mechanisms are in place now to convict ANYONE and EVERYONE opposed to the Derp State.

This is why Hillary & Company, Obama and all others opposed to the Constitution and opposed to an America with borders are untouchable, can run guns to cartels, use their own private servers and destroy them, cheat on campaigns and never get charged, or can plead the 5th and laugh.......truly good times for evil men

While even the opposition President will not be tolerated....(and Pence would go next, rest assured).

If you think things are "bad" now, you better buckle up. Ya ain't seen nothin' yet.
Sparkles, if you're calling ME a "Trumpski", you wouldn't recognize reality if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
First rule of reality: the world is not divided into "People who agree with me" and "People who worship Trump". It's like human beings are actually complex, or some shit like that.
Epic fail. Would you like to play again?

What are you ? :whipg:

A person. What are you?
Sparkles, if you're calling ME a "Trumpski", you wouldn't recognize reality if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
First rule of reality: the world is not divided into "People who agree with me" and "People who worship Trump". It's like human beings are actually complex, or some shit like that.
Epic fail. Would you like to play again?

What are you ? :whipg:

A person. What are you?

Who's your daddy ? you a Dem ?
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

I knew you were into Star Wars when I saw you with a shaved wookie for an avatar pic.

It's kinda gross to be honest with you.
I doubt Trump gets impeached. Even if he is, getting 66 votes in the Senate is nigh impossible. Hopefully Trump will simply be exposed as the corrupt phony he is, and serve out a lame duck presidency while a Democratic led congress keeps him under wraps.
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

What should he call her?

Uncle Fester?

How about Karen?
Karen Pence - Wikipedia

I mean, she's not 80 years old... barely middle-aged 61 years. ..... 'MOM'.... really ?

Mommy - May I have this dance? :)

We all know what this "Karen" allows this pervert to do with her body. She actually consented to it!

"We" do? Have you been peeping in their bedroom window?
No. But they purport to be "married," so we can assume what he does with "Mommy." And she lets him.
I doubt Trump gets impeached. Even if he is, getting 66 votes in the Senate is nigh impossible. Hopefully Trump will simply be exposed as the corrupt phony he is, and serve out a lame duck presidency while a Democratic led congress keeps him under wraps.

That's been a given from day 1. I'll put my chips on a resignation 'a la Nixon' before the real heavy Mueller shit hits the fan.

Confronted with the nasty golden details he'll have no choice but resign.
And.... the 'over the top' national embarrassment potential forces me to predict the Mueller investigation details will be classified top secret due to nothing less than national security concerns.

We'll never get to read the Mueller conclusions.
I doubt Trump gets impeached. Even if he is, getting 66 votes in the Senate is nigh impossible. Hopefully Trump will simply be exposed as the corrupt phony he is, and serve out a lame duck presidency while a Democratic led congress keeps him under wraps.
This actually may be the best scenario, even if it is disgusting. When it is over, the White House will need to be fumigated.
Sparkles, if you're calling ME a "Trumpski", you wouldn't recognize reality if it crawled up your pants leg and bit you on the left ass cheek.
First rule of reality: the world is not divided into "People who agree with me" and "People who worship Trump". It's like human beings are actually complex, or some shit like that.
Epic fail. Would you like to play again?

What are you ? :whipg:

A person. What are you?

Who's your daddy ? you a Dem ?

My daddy passed away, and his name wouldn't be any of your damned business anyway.

Calling me a Democrat is fightin' words, son. I've been a Republican longer than Trump has by a long chalk, although only from necessity.
What should he call her?

Uncle Fester?

How about Karen?
Karen Pence - Wikipedia

I mean, she's not 80 years old... barely middle-aged 61 years. ..... 'MOM'.... really ?

Mommy - May I have this dance? :)

We all know what this "Karen" allows this pervert to do with her body. She actually consented to it!

"We" do? Have you been peeping in their bedroom window?
No. But they purport to be "married," so we can assume what he does with "Mommy." And she lets him.

Again, you tell us nothing about Pence, and everything about the sewer between your ears. I find it fascinating that, deep down, you consider sex to be dirty and disgusting.
How about Karen?
Karen Pence - Wikipedia

I mean, she's not 80 years old... barely middle-aged 61 years. ..... 'MOM'.... really ?

Mommy - May I have this dance? :)

We all know what this "Karen" allows this pervert to do with her body. She actually consented to it!

"We" do? Have you been peeping in their bedroom window?
No. But they purport to be "married," so we can assume what he does with "Mommy." And she lets him.

Again, you tell us nothing about Pence, and everything about the sewer between your ears. I find it fascinating that, deep down, you consider sex to be dirty and disgusting.
His record shows that he, himself, considers sex to be dirty and disgusting and he disrespects female people. His record shows that he lives in the sewer, and he found some woman to live there with him. Karen actually allows him to have sex with her.
My daddy passed away, and his name wouldn't be any of your damned business anyway.
Calling me a Democrat is fightin' words, son. I've been a Republican longer than Trump has by a long chalk, although only from necessity.

Nothing wrong with being a Republican.
Some great guys and gals in there:
  • McCain
  • Jeb Bush
  • Lindsey Graham
  • John Kasich
  • Carly Fiorina
  • George Pataki
  • George H W Bush (I didn't like GW though)
But dang !.... Donald Trump? The steak and bankrupt casino guy ? wtf lol

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