Getting Ready for a Pence Presidency

Most expected outcome of new Presidency.

  • Roe vs Wade gets reversed in some states

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Baby Jesus in all Malls (Merry Christmas is mandatory)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • LBGTQ... head back to closet space.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Patriarchal rule expects women to stay at home

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pence pardons Trump (a Nixon repeat)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Other.... explain

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
i'm not so sure pence will escape this. he was in charge of the transition team & elijah cummings wrote him a letter after the election that mike flynn was a lobbyist for turkey & not to be trusted. PLUS guess who chose pence as VP for trump?

paul manafort. pauly walnuts knew pence would guarantee the extremist fundie vote & pence wanted in to ultimately get roe v wade overturned... & it mattered not to him that it was accomplished by putin's design.
My daddy passed away, and his name wouldn't be any of your damned business anyway.
Calling me a Democrat is fightin' words, son. I've been a Republican longer than Trump has by a long chalk, although only from necessity.

Nothing wrong with being a Republican.
Some great guys and gals in there:
  • McCain
  • Jeb Bush
  • Lindsey Graham
  • John Kasich
  • Carly Fiorina
  • George Pataki
  • George H W Bush (I didn't like GW though)
But dang !.... Donald Trump? The steak and bankrupt casino guy ? wtf lol

They WENT there - O2020 and now they will pay for their ignorance and general STOOPID
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

You're way off the mark. The only thing these fake tribulations are accomplishing are making Trump's voter base more resolved. It's true the the rats and some spineless "Never Trumper" Republicans are jumping off the ship, but now we know exactly where they stand.

Don't believe me? Take a look at how many people he's still drawing in when he has a rally supporting some mid-term Republican. His crowd has in no way dwindled and their enthusiasm is even stronger than when he was running.

You guys and girls are in for a rude awakening and much wailing and gnashing of teeth, when the dust has settled from the mid-terms. Will you finally get it? I sincerely doubt that even then, you will figure it out.
My daddy passed away, and his name wouldn't be any of your damned business anyway.
Calling me a Democrat is fightin' words, son. I've been a Republican longer than Trump has by a long chalk, although only from necessity.

Nothing wrong with being a Republican.
Some great guys and gals in there:
  • McCain
  • Jeb Bush
  • Lindsey Graham
  • John Kasich
  • Carly Fiorina
  • George Pataki
  • George H W Bush (I didn't like GW though)
But dang !.... Donald Trump? The steak and bankrupt casino guy ? wtf lol

McCain is my Senator. He's an asshole. The rest of them embody my lifelong complaint about the GOP: that the leadership doesn't have a complete set of testicles among them. Carly, at least, has an excuse on that score.

As for Donald Trump, in a binary choice between him and Hillary, I took the third option and said, "Fuck it. I refuse to be responsible for either one of them."

However, I have little to no patience with frothing melodrama, nor do I have any use for blind partisanship. My desire to be fair and rational means that I'm forced far too often to defend Donald Trump, even though I find him tiresome and annoying and none-too-bright, because the left simply can't control its over-the-top hysteria.
All, if the sexually-obsessed fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man" who hates his fellow Americans. I do not understand why there is even one woman who allows him to have access to her body. He is sick. So is she.
Sick, in what way(s)?
McCain is my Senator. He's an asshole. The rest of them embody my lifelong complaint about the GOP: that the leadership doesn't have a complete set of testicles among them. Carly, at least, has an excuse on that score.

As for Donald Trump, in a binary choice between him and Hillary, I took the third option and said, "Fuck it. I refuse to be responsible for either one of them."

However, I have little to no patience with frothing melodrama, nor do I have any use for blind partisanship. My desire to be fair and rational means that I'm forced far too often to defend Donald Trump, even though I find him tiresome and annoying and none-too-bright, because the left simply can't control its over-the-top hysteria.

As a captain of a conservative ship, the rational choice between a stormy route and a hurricane would be the stormy route.
Why so many chose a hurricane to have the ship crash against the shoals like this is mind boggling and will be studied for eons.

The hurricane was predictable:
  • name-calling during debates .
  • documented anti-antisemitism, racism. (birther crap)
  • indecencies sexism (grab them by the p....)
  • association with questionable characters with weird agendas (Steve Bannon)
  • alt-right / Alex Jones / Breitbart
  • ...etc
List of nicknames used by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

I'm convinced Trump didn't want to be president... he just wanted a TV show.
and what's your avatar? MObama or BObama or Prince? or what?
some tranny fantasy of yours?
All, if the sexually-obsessed fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man" who hates his fellow Americans. I do not understand why there is even one woman who allows him to have access to her body. He is sick. So is she.
Sick, in what way(s)?
Sexually obsessed. Hates women. Hates LGBTs. A very disturbed individual. Lucky for him he found a woman willing to spread 'em for him even though he does not respect her.
McCain is my Senator. He's an asshole. The rest of them embody my lifelong complaint about the GOP: that the leadership doesn't have a complete set of testicles among them. Carly, at least, has an excuse on that score.

As for Donald Trump, in a binary choice between him and Hillary, I took the third option and said, "Fuck it. I refuse to be responsible for either one of them."

However, I have little to no patience with frothing melodrama, nor do I have any use for blind partisanship. My desire to be fair and rational means that I'm forced far too often to defend Donald Trump, even though I find him tiresome and annoying and none-too-bright, because the left simply can't control its over-the-top hysteria.

As a captain of a conservative ship, the rational choice between a stormy route and a hurricane would be the stormy route.
Why so many chose a hurricane to have the ship crash against the shoals like this is mind boggling and will be studied for eons.

The hurricane was predictable:
  • name-calling during debates .
  • documented anti-antisemitism, racism. (birther crap)
  • indecencies sexism (grab them by the p....)
  • association with questionable characters with weird agendas (Steve Bannon)
  • alt-right / Alex Jones / Breitbart
  • ...etc
List of nicknames used by Donald Trump - Wikipedia

I'm convinced Trump didn't want to be president... he just wanted a TV show.

Dude, if you thought Hillary was the "stormy route" compared to Trump's hurricane, you need therapy. More like choosing between a hurricane or being eaten by a giant kraken.
and what's your avatar? MObama or BObama or Prince? or what?
some tranny fantasy of yours?

LMAO ... don't trash my avatar !
Her name is Michelle.... and she gots class !

Seriously, you need to get out of your frigging bubble and interact with real people some, or you are going to spend a lot of years being totally bewildered and frustrated.
and what's your avatar? MObama or BObama or Prince? or what?
some tranny fantasy of yours?

LMAO ... don't trash my avatar !
Her name is Michelle.... and she gots class !

Seriously, you need to get out of your frigging bubble and interact with real people some, or you are going to spend a lot of years being totally bewildered and frustrated.

I don’t .... get your drift?!

Please elaborate. Who’s frustrated in these messages ?
All, if the sexually-obsessed fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man" who hates his fellow Americans. I do not understand why there is even one woman who allows him to have access to her body. He is sick. So is she.

What a deranged, pointless and almost slanderous rant.
---------------------------------------------------------------- interesting but check out the meaning of the word 'lysistrata' using 'google or similar . Most people are probably not aware of the meaning of the word 'lysistrata' . Its just interesting and gives insight , imo .

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