Getting Ready for a Pence Presidency

Most expected outcome of new Presidency.

  • Roe vs Wade gets reversed in some states

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Baby Jesus in all Malls (Merry Christmas is mandatory)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • LBGTQ... head back to closet space.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Patriarchal rule expects women to stay at home

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pence pardons Trump (a Nixon repeat)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Other.... explain

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.

You want to force me to worship a cheap pervert? If he wants anything, he can get it from this Karen. She apparently will give it to him. Why are you mentioning guns? All I'm saying is that a cheap whore gets no respect. Why are you violent? What is wrong with you?

That you equate acknowledging the reality that he is president with worshiping him shows how much of a tool you are.
How else can I repudiate this trump and this pence, and all who are unworthy? This filth that presents themselves on the world stage as representing all Americans. I have some pride left as an American, you know, and I would like to preserve it. You worship your whores as you see fit.

Again voting for someone isn't worshiping them. Acknowledging they are President isn't worshiping them.

What a fucking drama queen you are.
As you have been a drama queen. Tell me then. How do I, as an American, wash my hands of the likes of trump and pence? Do I need to go out and burn the Stars and Stripes, while making it known that I do so because our Flag now seems to represent people like trump and pence? How do I remove the scum of trump and pigpence from myself?
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
If it happens, y'all will get exactly what you deserve. Never ending wars, international disruption in trade, eroding of constitutional protections, basically the last thirty years redux.
That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.

You want to force me to worship a cheap pervert? If he wants anything, he can get it from this Karen. She apparently will give it to him. Why are you mentioning guns? All I'm saying is that a cheap whore gets no respect. Why are you violent? What is wrong with you?

That you equate acknowledging the reality that he is president with worshiping him shows how much of a tool you are.
How else can I repudiate this trump and this pence, and all who are unworthy? This filth that presents themselves on the world stage as representing all Americans. I have some pride left as an American, you know, and I would like to preserve it. You worship your whores as you see fit.

Again voting for someone isn't worshiping them. Acknowledging they are President isn't worshiping them.

What a fucking drama queen you are.
As you have been a drama queen. Tell me then. How do I, as an American, wash my hands of the likes of trump and pence? Do I need to go out and burn the Stars and Stripes, while making it known that I do so because our Flag now seems to represent people like trump and pence? How do I remove the scum of trump and pigpence from myself?

if you really think they are that terrible you should be out on the fucking barricades at this point.

Anything else is just a combination of hyperbole and your inability to disagree with people without daemonizing them.

Plus the whole "having to remove their scum from myself" reeks of narcissism.

Repeat after me "I am not the center of the universe"
It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.

You want to force me to worship a cheap pervert? If he wants anything, he can get it from this Karen. She apparently will give it to him. Why are you mentioning guns? All I'm saying is that a cheap whore gets no respect. Why are you violent? What is wrong with you?

That you equate acknowledging the reality that he is president with worshiping him shows how much of a tool you are.
How else can I repudiate this trump and this pence, and all who are unworthy? This filth that presents themselves on the world stage as representing all Americans. I have some pride left as an American, you know, and I would like to preserve it. You worship your whores as you see fit.
You could vote for someone else in the next election. Look, the presidency changes hands every 4 to 8 years, by design. Sometimes we get a president we like, sometimes we get one we don't. What doesn't change, however, is that while they are in office, THEY ARE PRESIDENT, with the full privileges and responsibilities of the office. We didn't like Obama being in office, but he was the president. Some might not have liked George Bush, but he was the president. Trump, whether you like him or not, is president.
It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.

You want to force me to worship a cheap pervert? If he wants anything, he can get it from this Karen. She apparently will give it to him. Why are you mentioning guns? All I'm saying is that a cheap whore gets no respect. Why are you violent? What is wrong with you?

That you equate acknowledging the reality that he is president with worshiping him shows how much of a tool you are.
How else can I repudiate this trump and this pence, and all who are unworthy? This filth that presents themselves on the world stage as representing all Americans. I have some pride left as an American, you know, and I would like to preserve it. You worship your whores as you see fit.

and you're welcome to worship yours.
Yet he, just as Trump before him, would still be your president, as decreed by your fellow Americans. Isn't that awesome? And he would appoint his own VP who would follow in his footsteps should something happen to him.
Filth appointing filth. NO! I'm an American. I do not support perverts. My "fellow Americans" did not elect either of these whores. A manipulation of the outdated electoral college did. So now we have filth running the executive branch courtesy of states that have more cows than people. Don't try to shove your shit on me. I will never, ever show respect to these two POS. You like gutter. I don't.
Do NOT ever dare to refer to either the orange whore or pigpence as "my" president.

You're an American, Trump is the president of all Americans, thus it follows that Trump is YOUR president, and Pence is then YOUR Vice President.

It's for real.

Don't try covering me with your shit. I reject both the orange whore and pigpence as illegitimate and a disgrace to the nation. I would never allow either of them in my house. They are two very, very dirty people who are not worth my spit.

I knew the Republican Party before it descended into the sewer, where it remains today. My mother was a supporter of the late Marge Roukema. As a teenager, I worked on the campaign of a young Republican lawyer, running against Nelson Gross, who asked me to do so after I worked on the campaign to allow 18-year-olds to vote. He was one of the directors of this campaign, and he had to wait until I returned from my door-to-door canvassing route, soaked to the skin due to thunder storms, but I had to finish my assigned route first. I ended up touring the great state of New Jersey in his snazzy Cougar. Great ride!

I was never anti-republican until the party took a nosedive into the sewer. Now its a toxic mix of right-wingers and phony "Christian" fundies. I want absolutely nothing to do with such crap. I did not leave the republican party. It left me.

You can reject reality all you want, but it doesn't change reality. Trump is President, Pence is VP, the Republicans control Congress, and Trump is appointing justices to the Supreme Court. It's for real.
It is for real. We have been overrun by vermin. I have a right to protest that my country has been overrun by vermin from the sewer. Do you want me to honor or worship them?
I don't care if you do either one. I'm just pointing out that claiming Trump isn't your president and Pence wouldn't be if he were also elected is dumb.
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We will have to wait 6 more years until Pence is president
All, if the sexually-obsessed fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man" who hates his fellow Americans. I do not understand why there is even one woman who allows him to have access to her body. He is sick. So is she.
Sick, in what way(s)?
All, if the sexually-obsessed fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man" who hates his fellow Americans. I do not understand why there is even one woman who allows him to have access to her body. He is sick. So is she.

What a deranged, pointless and almost slanderous rant.
---------------------------------------------------------------- interesting but check out the meaning of the word 'lysistrata' using 'google or similar . Most people are probably not aware of the meaning of the word 'lysistrata' . Its just interesting and gives insight , imo .

Thought it up in the middle of the night, looking for a screen name. It means "no sex until you idiots knock it off."
-----------------------------------------------it means lets BRIBE and intimidate Men and males and Husbands with the threat of NO sex until they cave into our womens demands . Hey , its alright , i just wanted people to see what the word meant as it gives insight into a persons character and method of operation Lysisstrata !! And not a big deal either in these days of adult call girls , loose women , loose Cougars , prostitutes , hookers and Horny Adult lady school teachers wherever a guy looks Lysisstrata .
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

I see sadness in your future.
Horrified Progressive Suddenly Realizes Mike Pence Next In Line For Presidency
Horrified Progressive Suddenly Realizes Mike Pence Next In Line For Presidency

". . . Patton then constructed over 52 hypothetical scenarios in which Pence is subsequently impeached, only to realize that he would then be installing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan into the presidential office.

“Oh man,” he muttered, staring off into the void. “I don’t like Trump at all, but Pence… oh man.” He then picked a daisy and began to pluck off its petals, whispering, “Pence is better… Trump is better… Pence is better… Trump is better” as he each one fluttered to the ground. . . "
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
If it happens, y'all will get exactly what you deserve. Never ending wars, international disruption in trade, eroding of constitutional protections, basically the last thirty years redux.

We'll definitely be certain to apply the same high standards of personal responsibility and self-blame to ourselves that you guys always do.

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