Getting Ready for a Pence Presidency

Most expected outcome of new Presidency.

  • Roe vs Wade gets reversed in some states

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Baby Jesus in all Malls (Merry Christmas is mandatory)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • LBGTQ... head back to closet space.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Patriarchal rule expects women to stay at home

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pence pardons Trump (a Nixon repeat)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Other.... explain

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
I doubt Trump gets impeached. Even if he is, getting 66 votes in the Senate is nigh impossible. Hopefully Trump will simply be exposed as the corrupt phony he is, and serve out a lame duck presidency while a Democratic led congress keeps him under wraps.
This actually may be the best scenario, even if it is disgusting. When it is over, the White House will need to be fumigated.

When it is over, the White House will need to be fumigated.

The Right said that when Obama left

The Left said that when Bush left

the Right said that when Clinton left.

The Right said that when Obama left
The Left said that when Bush left
the Right said that when Clinton left.

Well Ripley says nuke 'em..... It's the only way to be sure.

Loved that scene where Bill Paxton (after their ship is blown up) says, "What the fuck are we gonna do now? Walk Home ?!?!?"

Classic good scary stuff
I don’t think Pence really wants this

He will be in all kinds of shit if Trump resigns
That's one heck of a broad stroke lol.
Key is getting the hard right and hard left under control.

Not so sure about that, or if it's even possible.
Remember what happened the last time the nation was so divided? And I'm pretty sure it's MORE divided now than then.

What'll probably happen is so many rightwingers will get old and die without young replacements is that the whole right-wing concept will shift back to the Left.

In fact, look how many Lefties are already calling themselves rightwingers.

I'm kinda thinking the Right will just slowly fade away as the Left becomes the accepted norm and the extreme Left takes the place of today's rightwing.
Not so sure about that, or if it's even possible.
Remember what happened the last time the nation was so divided? And I'm pretty sure it's MORE divided now than then.
What'll probably happen is so many rightwingers will get old and die without young replacements is that the whole right-wing concept will shift back to the Left.
In fact, look how many Lefties are already calling themselves rightwingers.
I'm kinda thinking the Right will just slowly fade away as the Left becomes the accepted norm and the extreme Left takes the place of today's rightwing.

That's my forecast also. Hopefully the 'Archie Bunker philosophy 101' course propagated by Fox news or Sinclair broadcast will be upgraded to something that matches reality 2018.
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

Your post is fodder for libtarded idiots….

How many times has your FAKE NEWS SAID THIS IS IT…


If you listened to real news like RUSH and FOX you

would know this is all going to blow away like a fart in the wind…

Can you say john Edwards?

You libtards are so gullible and stupid.

We do enjoy the entertainment though….
You GOT HIM NOW Comrade.

Hillary has it in the bag with faithless electors in the recounts of Russian collusion with Stormy Daniels.

Yep, you Stalinist fucks have been right every time so far, no reason not to believe you foaming at the mouth lunatics now. :thup:
I lost all respect for Mike Pence the day he hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.
He didn't. He was forced to hitch to that horse because the horse became so popular thanks to the left's extreme social-engineering politics. Hannibal Lector could've run against the democrat up-ticket and won. Not because he's a likeable guy, but because he "isn't democrat". That's how I-N-S-A-N-E the democratic platform has become.

Instead of calling him "President Trump", a more accurate name would be "President Not-Democrat".

Donald was a Democrat until 6 or so years ago. He is definitely no conservative. At present, he's just fucking crazy.

Most of Donald Trump's Political Money Went To Democrats — Until 5 Years Ago


Trump is kicking your flocking libtarded asses silly.
This is just comical. Do you realize that paying off women to keep quiet about affairs is not even a crime, and that it happened before Trump was even elected? It's not indicative of good moral character, but it's not a crime. And do you realize that not one of the charges that Manafort was convicted on has anything to do with alleged Russian collusion?

liberals are idiots because they listen to FAKE NEWS......
Pence won't be elected until 2024.

If Pence runs in 2024, he won't be nominated

Maybe Kanye?

Then we would have the first REAL black American president.


We've pretty much tipped towards a full blown idiocracy as it is when a meat puppet can get a cult of personality built beneath them then get replaced in office by the world's richest professional clown.

To top it off, the clown governs better than any president since Reagan. Once Mewler has too tip his empty hand, the DOJ is getting cleaned out and people with conservative credentials will come in.

Guess what happens when they open the investigations on hitlery, that haven't been closed BTW, or start opening up all the shit the meat puppet covered up?

You think antifa parasites are violent now?


This is just comical. Do you realize that paying off women to keep quiet about affairs is not even a crime, and that it happened before Trump was even elected? It's not indicative of good moral character, but it's not a crime. And do you realize that not one of the charges that Manafort was convicted on has anything to do with alleged Russian collusion?

liberals are idiots because they listen to FAKE NEWS......

Leftists listen to fake news because they are idiots.

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