Getting Ready for a Pence Presidency

Most expected outcome of new Presidency.

  • Roe vs Wade gets reversed in some states

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Baby Jesus in all Malls (Merry Christmas is mandatory)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • LBGTQ... head back to closet space.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Patriarchal rule expects women to stay at home

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pence pardons Trump (a Nixon repeat)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Other.... explain

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
This is just comical. Do you realize that paying off women to keep quiet about affairs is not even a crime, and that it happened before Trump was even elected? It's not indicative of good moral character, but it's not a crime. And do you realize that not one of the charges that Manafort was convicted on has anything to do with alleged Russian collusion?
It happened during an election
It was not reported as an election contribution and exceeded the threshold for corporate contributions
Boy scout motto: Be prepared.

Mike Pence is 'planning' for his inauguration, senior Democrat claims

US Vice President Mike Pence is preparing for Donald Trump’s impeachment, a congresswoman from their rival Democratic Party has claimed.
“Mike Pence is somewhere planning an inauguration”, Maxine Waters wrote on Twitter.
“Priebus and Spicer will lead the transition” she added, referring to the two latest members of Trump’s White House to resign.

Former chief of staff Reince Priebus stepped down and Sean Spicer resigned as press secretary both stepped down from their roles in recent weeks.
All, if the sexually-obsesses fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man."

Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.
All, if the sexually-obsesses fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man."

Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.
All, if the sexually-obsesses fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man."

Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

Yet he, just as Trump before him, would still be your president, as decreed by your fellow Americans. Isn't that awesome? And he would appoint his own VP who would follow in his footsteps should something happen to him.
All, if the sexually-obsesses fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man."

Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

Yet he, just as Trump before him, would still be your president, as decreed by your fellow Americans. Isn't that awesome? And he would appoint his own VP who would follow in his footsteps should something happen to him.

Typical progressive belief that whatever muddled concept is in their addled minds is reality.

"Me saying he's not my president makes him not my president"

"Boys can be girls even if they still have the twig and berries"

"A white person can be black, and/or an Native American"
The Dems are making a huge strategic mistake. All they had to do was play it cool and cruise to the majority. Yesterday changes everything in my opinion. The mid terms are now a national referendum on impeachment. No other issue matters in this upcoming election. I expect a huge increase in enthusiasm now from the conservative base. There wont be an enthusiasm gap much longer. The mid terms are now nationalized and impeachment is at stake. The summer is over and people are going to start taking the elections more seriously soon. I think we could see presidential election turnout in this mid term now. Its anyones game.
All, if the sexually-obsesses fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man."

Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.

You want to force me to worship a cheap pervert? If he wants anything, he can get it from this Karen. She apparently will give it to him. Why are you mentioning guns? All I'm saying is that a cheap whore gets no respect. Why are you violent? What is wrong with you?
The Dems are making a huge strategic mistake. All they had to do was play it cool and cruise to the majority. Yesterday changes everything in my opinion. The mid terms are now a national referendum on impeachment. No other issue matters in this upcoming election. I expect a huge increase in enthusiasm now from the conservative base. There wont be an enthusiasm gap much longer. The mid terms are now nationalized and impeachment is at stake. The summer is over and people are going to start taking the elections more seriously soon. I think we could see presidential election turnout in this mid term now. Its anyones game.

The democrats seem to be doing that a lot lately, and paying for it. I think it's their rabid base that's driving the clown car. They have to repeatedly rachet up the hysteria to satisfy the nut bags, and strategy is out the window. They're in pure react mode now.
Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

That makes you a moronic twat, and a useless partisan cocksucker.

Things like this make me believe morons like you WANT a 2nd civil war, considering how unarmed morons like you are, that would be a mistake.

You are a fucking waste of life, and the world will be a better place when you are fertilizing it.

You want to force me to worship a cheap pervert? If he wants anything, he can get it from this Karen. She apparently will give it to him. Why are you mentioning guns? All I'm saying is that a cheap whore gets no respect. Why are you violent? What is wrong with you?

You sound angry. That's not good for your health. You don't have to worship anyone, but that doesn't change the absolute fact that Donald Trump is your president and has been since January of last year.

It simply doesn't matter if you want to acknowledge reality or not, it's true.

President Trump. It's for real.
All, if the sexually-obsesses fairy prince gets his sicko way. We will have a sexual pervert in the Oval Office. He is an amazingly sick "man."

Do you have links to back that up? Yikes !
Can't even have a dinner with his colleagues if they are female? Has a record in Indiana of denigrating women and LGBTs? Deciding vote to defund Planned Parenthood? Obviously screws someone named Karen while he hates who she is while pretending to be a heterosexual? And always, there is sex, sex, sex everywhere. The guy's a pervert.

It would be awesome if you had to call him president. You know, like you have to call Trump now.

I have never called the orange whore president and I never will. "Sincerely held belief." If pigpence would become "president," the same thing would apply. I do NOT recognize pigs in any capacity. He would not be entitled to any respect of office. He can stay home and play with himself or that woman Karen, who actually lets this filthy man do "it" upon her.

Yet he, just as Trump before him, would still be your president, as decreed by your fellow Americans. Isn't that awesome? And he would appoint his own VP who would follow in his footsteps should something happen to him.
Filth appointing filth. NO! I'm an American. I do not support perverts. My "fellow Americans" did not elect either of these whores. A manipulation of the outdated electoral college did. So now we have filth running the executive branch courtesy of states that have more cows than people. Don't try to shove your shit on me. I will never, ever show respect to these two POS. You like gutter. I don't.
Do NOT ever dare to refer to either the orange whore or pigpence as "my" president.
Under Other Explain:

Clinton Cult Members suddenly wake up out of their fog and hysteria, and realize they have bills to pay and have to get a job.
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
Other: The first amendment is repealed and the Bible gains primacy over the constitution
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
Other: Women will no longer be able to vote, own property, or be out in public without a related male chaperone. Men will be forbidden from being alone with any women not their wife or other immediate family member
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
/——/ In 2024 If Ivanka doesn’t run.
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

Keep hoping and wishing.

And you know Lincoln called his wife "mother", right?

Molly, Puss, Little Woman, Child Wife and Mother were pet names Lincoln had for his wife Mary.

Abraham Lincoln Trivia

It's actually relatively common, particularly in people from older generations and in certain segments of the population. But it's apparently news to the left that LA and NY aren't the sum total of American culture and society, and history did NOT begin the day they themselves were born.
You should have allowed more than one vote - I'd have checked them all! Hey, say what you will about Pence - He won't be as dangerous or embarrassing on the world stage despite the damage he will no doubt do to personal freedoms.

You mean like the freedom to tell women to fuck off when they protest dudes using their restrooms, showers and locker rooms?

When leftists say "freedom", they mean "the freedom to be what the hell I tell you to be!"
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
I agree

PENCE 2024


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