Getting Ready for a Pence Presidency

Most expected outcome of new Presidency.

  • Roe vs Wade gets reversed in some states

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Baby Jesus in all Malls (Merry Christmas is mandatory)

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • LBGTQ... head back to closet space.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Patriarchal rule expects women to stay at home

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Pence pardons Trump (a Nixon repeat)

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Other.... explain

    Votes: 12 63.2%

  • Total voters
You should have allowed more than one vote - I'd have checked them all! Hey, say what you will about Pence - He won't be as dangerous or embarrassing on the world stage despite the damage he will no doubt do to personal freedoms.

so he is a great guy to have....right doc?....
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

What should he call her?

Uncle Fester?

How about Karen?
Karen Pence - Wikipedia

I mean, she's not 80 years old... barely middle-aged 61 years. ..... 'MOM'.... really ?

Mommy - May I have this dance? :)

We all know what this "Karen" allows this pervert to do with her body. She actually consented to it!
I mean, she's not 80 years old... barely middle-aged 61 years. ..... 'MOM'.... really ?
Read post #8, page 1. Not everyone processes the world through sexually perverted filters or other deranged ideals.

I stand corrected.... Must be a regional thing that urbanites need to wrap their heads around... sorry.
No, I'm glad you said what you did. It shows that when a cult gains such a foothold in the bedrock of society, that all things pick up an escalating pace of gravitation towards its warped ideals and dogma. Indeed the very myopic filter which followers then are encouraged ONLY to use to process all incoming information. It nicely explains how an ENTIRE COUNTRY got behind the Nazi Party's undeniable vicious insanity. Scholars still study how it was that so many millions of otherwise good, rational Germans could so quickly get swept up in a frenzy of myopically-condoned slaughter and unspeakable torture. It isn't so hard to figure out. Homo sapiens wants to belong. Our monkey ears are ever tuned to the changing winds of the troop. The more the winds blow, the higher the exponential curve of recruits to the new ideals. Good or bad.

Yes, "Mom" means simply, innocently and NON SEXUALLY the shortened version of "dear mother of my children". Sorry to disappoint the drooling perverts out there.
Now that Trump is almost out of the way....
Yup....just like the 'Landslide'....

I agree. Just because two guys who worked for Trump got convicted of crimes these lefty idiots think they are winning.

I'm also wondering why Mueller took Manaforte to trial on twelve year old crimes when he's supposed to be investigating the 2016 election. Hell a DA could have taken that trial.
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)

You aren't an intelligent person.

The best they can hope for is impeachment.....which was going to happen no matter what if the democrats win the House.....
Now that Trump (ie.. Jabba the Hutt) is almost out of the way. What's the forecast for Pence (who was chosen to appeal to evangelicals) and stuffing the supreme court with fundamentalist Christians?

(Mike Pence calls his wife 'MOM' by the way... among other bizarre anecdotes...)
dude we still have six years to go.
You aren't an intelligent person.

The best they can hope for is impeachment.....which was going to happen no matter what if the democrats win the House.....

We'll have to see what Mueller finds. We'll get 2/3 of Senate Republicans if it's bad enough.
If fact, one more day as bad as yesterday should do the trick. :)

Trump's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Yes..... please run and tell President Hilary, she will really want to know.... or you could tell President Jeb...... they both thought they had Trump too....
I lost all respect for Mike Pence the day he hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.

That bouquet of smug idealization of and certainty in an HRC victory circa 2016 is repeated here, in this thread. In suggesting DT voters catch a whiff of imminent doom on the national winds, you have failed to smell the odor of Democratic party ideologies deliquescing in the dank, deep, musty place the average Democrat voter tries to hide them in when inanely and tragicomically coming at the opposition from moral high ground all of two inches tall from the bottom of the seabed (being very generous). No periscope in existence can help you see above the depthless waters of philosophical madness your political party has sunk itself beneath. Alas, the speed at which you turn the hamster wheel is, I suppose, at least as entertaining as the train wreck and subsequent Steven Seagal stop motion animation run-walk to escape it at the end of On Deadly Ground part deux.

Hey ! there's fine people on both sides !

We got to find them and make them work together.
I lost all respect for Mike Pence the day he hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.
He didn't. He was forced to hitch to that horse because the horse became so popular thanks to the left's extreme social-engineering politics. Hannibal Lector could've run against the democrat up-ticket and won. Not because he's a likeable guy, but because he "isn't democrat". That's how I-N-S-A-N-E the democratic platform has become.

Instead of calling him "President Trump", a more accurate name would be "President Not-Democrat".
I lost all respect for Mike Pence the day he hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.
He didn't. He was forced to hitch to that horse because the horse became so popular thanks to the left's extreme social-engineering politics. Hannibal Lector could've run against the democrat up-ticket and won. Not because he's a likeable guy, but because he "isn't democrat".
What a crock of bullshit.

No one forced Pence to run. No one forced him to swallow six yards of Trump's cock.

Pence demonstrated his worldly ambition is more important than his religious principles. He chucked his beliefs right out the window the second he was offered the most insignificant job in the world.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?"
I lost all respect for Mike Pence the day he hitched his evangelical wagon to a hellbound horse.
He didn't. He was forced to hitch to that horse because the horse became so popular thanks to the left's extreme social-engineering politics. Hannibal Lector could've run against the democrat up-ticket and won. Not because he's a likeable guy, but because he "isn't democrat". That's how I-N-S-A-N-E the democratic platform has become.

Instead of calling him "President Trump", a more accurate name would be "President Not-Democrat".

Donald was a Democrat until 6 or so years ago. He is definitely no conservative. At present, he's just fucking crazy.

Most of Donald Trump's Political Money Went To Democrats — Until 5 Years Ago


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