Getting Rid of the EPA

But you can replace it with less stupid.

First thing, get it out of the AGW business, 2nd thing get it out of local enforcement and delegate that to the States. 3rd thing, get it out of the "sue and settle" business.
In federal bureaucracy, less stupid ALWAYS becomes more stupid.

Go ahead and name something that the feds are involved with that has become less costly, burdensome and stupid. Just one.

Yes, government left to its own devices will continue to creep towards more tyranny. The key is to have people in power who will prevent this.

What is the other option, scrap everything and start over?
Yes, government left to its own devices will continue to creep towards more tyranny. The key is to have people in power who will prevent this.

What is the other option, scrap everything and start over?
Yes. You can't fix it, so fuck it.

And that's when the left can say " THEY WANT TO DESTROY AMERICA!"

Plays right into their vapid statist hands.
Our Congress takes vacation half of the year. I think they have plenty of time to create necessary regulations while at the same time, not creating regulations that only harm businesses that won't do our environment any good.

Here in Ohio the EPA said they didn't like our air quality. Fine, then don't come to our city! Nope, they forced us into this E-check system. Now every other year, you have to take your car to this station, and they test it to see if your car meets the EPA standards.

After ten years of this expensive nonsense, they tested the air quality again. No difference than from ten years earlier. So what did they do? They extended the program.

We could have used all that money for better projects in our state. But we were forced to waste millions and millions of dollars to produce nothing. That's what's wrong with having an EPA.

Then it requires fixing, not scrapping.

Fix it how? It doesn't work. You can't fix something that doesn't work.

Even if they found a way to fix it, how many more millions would that cost us?

The problem with all this environmental crap is that it's an bottomless money pit. There isn't enough cash to fill that pit even if you took every dollar away from every American today. That's because no matter how many trillions you throw at it, there will always be room for more improvement.

Try this: ask any environmentalist what it would take before they would back down? How much money would they need and what would their satisfactory standards be? You'll be met with a blank stare.

We've been trying to improve the environment my entire life. And after the trillions of dollars we spent on the environment, the environmentalists are unhappier today than they were 40 years ago. It's what I call Ray from Cleveland's environmental rule: You can't make an environmentalist happy--it's just not possible.

Then get the EPA out of the hands of the Environmentalists, and into the hands of Engineers, who you know, actually are trained to implement things like water, air and soil treatments.

If we get it out of the hands of the EPA, then what do we need an EPA for?

Let those engineers testify before Congress, and then Congress decides if new legislation is needed--not a bunch of bureaucrats.

You still need people to implement policy, the issue is the implementers have become the policy makers.

They shouldn't be implementing anything that involves fines, taxes or laws. They don't have the constitutional authority to do that; Congress does.
Asking bureaucracies to have limitations on controlling the people is like telling an alcoholic they can only have one drink a night.

They've gotten too large and too powerful. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

There has to be some national level policy on pollution control, and I'm not talking about Greenhouse gases and saving river smelts. I'm talking about basic standards of treatment for wastewater, gas stacks, run-off, and other point and gross sources of pollution that can impact multiple states.

The agency has to be gutted, but not removed. If it is a hard task, well then that's what we elected Trump for.

Our Congress takes vacation half of the year. I think they have plenty of time to create necessary regulations while at the same time, not creating regulations that only harm businesses that won't do our environment any good.

Here in Ohio the EPA said they didn't like our air quality. Fine, then don't come to our city! Nope, they forced us into this E-check system. Now every other year, you have to take your car to this station, and they test it to see if your car meets the EPA standards.

After ten years of this expensive nonsense, they tested the air quality again. No difference than from ten years earlier. So what did they do? They extended the program.

We could have used all that money for better projects in our state. But we were forced to waste millions and millions of dollars to produce nothing. That's what's wrong with having an EPA.

Then it requires fixing, not scrapping.

Fix it how? It doesn't work. You can't fix something that doesn't work.

Even if they found a way to fix it, how many more millions would that cost us?

The problem with all this environmental crap is that it's an bottomless money pit. There isn't enough cash to fill that pit even if you took every dollar away from every American today. That's because no matter how many trillions you throw at it, there will always be room for more improvement.

Try this: ask any environmentalist what it would take before they would back down? How much money would they need and what would their satisfactory standards be? You'll be met with a blank stare.

We've been trying to improve the environment my entire life. And after the trillions of dollars we spent on the environment, the environmentalists are unhappier today than they were 40 years ago. It's what I call Ray from Cleveland's environmental rule: You can't make an environmentalist happy--it's just not possible.

It's worked by the fact it cleaned up a lot of shit over the past 40years. That's a fact .

Now does it need a overhaul . Sure . But to eliminate the whole thing ?

"Some" of it helped the last 40 years. Most of it is BS that costs us and industry a ton of money.
Who is going poliuce american...small a....corporations then? I don't trust american businessmen to do the proper thing ever. I suppose states could create agencies to stay on top of those bastards who wilfully pollute. Man that would be a dream job....whistleblowing corporate slimeballs. Make them drink glasses of their industrial waste and watch em get sick.
Great! Then we can be like China . Where the air is so polluted , they have shut down cities and planes can't even land !

Poor hysterical timmy. I suggest you grow up.
This article deals with Trump's nominee to head up the agency in order to do away with it. It's written by someone who went to work for the agency with a scientific background and desire to “clean things up.” Here is just one quote:

During the two decades since I left government service, I’ve continued to watch the EPA’s shenanigans with a mixture of awe and vexation. Policy by policy and decision by decision, the EPA has decimated the nation’s competitiveness, ability to innovate, and capacity to create wealth. Its policies and decisions have single-handedly killed off entire once-promising sectors of biotechnology, including bioremediation (the use of microorganisms to clean up toxic wastes, including oil spills) and microorganisms that when sprayed on plants could prevent frost damage.

Read more at: Scott Pruitt Abolish EPA? He Might — and Should | National Review
You want to eat an apple sprayed with a layer of that shit?
The EPA was sorely needed in 1970. But, like most government agencies.... (aka Dept. of Education) they get larger and larger. Each new employee has to justify their existence...and each official in an administrative role is partly compensated by the size of their budget. So the result is obvious...ever-expanding budgets and ever expanding rules and regulations to justify their existence.

We still need the EPA. Very much so. What it needs is an overhaul beginning with cutting a good 3rd of it's budget beginning with overpaid administrators.
The EPA is a result of Nixon "compromising" with leftist turds. It is a malignant enterprise and never should have been created.

This is what happens when you try to compromise with a Lib. They always go over the edge. Now something that started off with good intentions is now nothing but shit. Another example of why we will never budge on gun control because the libs will want to confiscate all weapons , even butter knives .Libs will never be satisfied .

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