Ghetto Goes To China

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Saw the dad on the news...its obvious where the problem lies. Laughing, joking and saying this is nothing.
He's right. It is nothing. Not to them.

In their culture it's normal behavior.

Wanna new TV? Let's go to the next BLM protest. It's "All You Can Carry".

Yeah ...when Blacks start stealing pink people and shipping them to Africa to work their fields I could accept your "that's their nature" crap. The biggest thieves on the planet are melanin challenged goofy fukaz like you.
Saw the dad on the news...its obvious where the problem lies. Laughing, joking and saying this is nothing.
He's right. It is nothing. Not to them.

In their culture it's normal behavior.

Wanna new TV? Let's go to the next BLM protest. It's "All You Can Carry".

Yeah ...when Blacks start stealing pink people and shipping them to Africa to work their fields I could accept your "that's their nature" crap. The biggest thieves on the planet are melanin challenged goofy fukaz like you.
Do you even know history? Nope. You don't. Nobody stole anyone...oops..except blacks warring with other blacks and selling the side that lost to whomever had the money to buy them (at least, not the ones that weren't eaten first). That would be black sellers, sparky. And...there were MANY MANY freed slaves in the states that also owned slaves. What about them, eh? Oh. Its ok. They were just trying to survive, right?

Go fuck yourself. Learn some history.
Saw the dad on the news...its obvious where the problem lies. Laughing, joking and saying this is nothing.
He's right. It is nothing. Not to them.

In their culture it's normal behavior.

Wanna new TV? Let's go to the next BLM protest. It's "All You Can Carry".

Yeah ...when Blacks start stealing pink people and shipping them to Africa to work their fields I could accept your "that's their nature" crap. The biggest thieves on the planet are melanin challenged goofy fukaz like you.
Do you even know history? Nope. You don't. Nobody stole anyone...oops..except blacks warring with other blacks and selling the side that lost to whomever had the money to buy them (at least, not the ones that weren't eaten first). That would be black sellers, sparky. And...there were MANY MANY freed slaves in the states that also owned slaves. What about them, eh? Oh. Its ok. They were just trying to survive, right?

Go fuck yourself. Learn some history.
Thats not history thats a damned lie. Sure...some warring tribes sold captured enemies to pink slavers but many Africans were shanghied or tricked into capitivity by slick Caucasians using baubles or other goods as lures. But lets not lose track of the
thievery that occurred when Europe colonized the African continent and divided it up...Is that history good enough for ya..Byatch? Does that theft titilate any sense of justice in your Neanderthal laden genome? You friggin mutants are the biggest thieves anywhere you go. And your own history proves it.
Saw the dad on the news...its obvious where the problem lies. Laughing, joking and saying this is nothing.
He's right. It is nothing. Not to them.

In their culture it's normal behavior.

Wanna new TV? Let's go to the next BLM protest. It's "All You Can Carry".

Yeah ...when Blacks start stealing pink people and shipping them to Africa to work their fields I could accept your "that's their nature" crap. The biggest thieves on the planet are melanin challenged goofy fukaz like you.
Do you even know history? Nope. You don't. Nobody stole anyone...oops..except blacks warring with other blacks and selling the side that lost to whomever had the money to buy them (at least, not the ones that weren't eaten first). That would be black sellers, sparky. And...there were MANY MANY freed slaves in the states that also owned slaves. What about them, eh? Oh. Its ok. They were just trying to survive, right?

Go fuck yourself. Learn some history.
Thats not history thats a damned lie. Sure...some warring tribes sold captured enemies to pink slavers but many Africans were shanghied or tricked into capitivity by slick Caucasians using baubles or other goods as lures. But lets not lose track of the
thievery that occurred when Europe colonized the African continent and divided it up...Is that history good enough for ya..Byatch? Does that theft titilate any sense of justice in your Neanderthal laden genome? You friggin mutants are the biggest thieves anywhere you go. And your own history proves it.
Idiot. LEARN YOUR HISTORY! Oh. Wait. Yer in the ghetto too, arentcha? Same mentality. Same stupidity.

Shopping in the Ghetto areas, you'll find prices are always more expensive....always. Why The vendors have to markup all their prices because theft (shoplifting) is a way of life and the cost of doing business is passed on to the customers.
If it isn't bad enough Blacks have become a disgrace for kneeling during our national anthem now the ghetto rats embarrass us stealing shit in China.

Hey, Obama, if I had a son.

LiAngelo Ball and UCLA teammates could face 3-10 years in prison if convicted of shoplifting

How is it they are a disgrace kneeling, but rednecks flying flags of treason aren't an embarrassment?

Kneelers killed - zero US military personnel
Confederates killed - 140,000 US military personnel
Saw the dad on the news...its obvious where the problem lies. Laughing, joking and saying this is nothing.
He's right. It is nothing. Not to them.

In their culture it's normal behavior.

Wanna new TV? Let's go to the next BLM protest. It's "All You Can Carry".

Yeah ...when Blacks start stealing pink people and shipping them to Africa to work their fields I could accept your "that's their nature" crap. The biggest thieves on the planet are melanin challenged goofy fukaz like you.
Do you even know history? Nope. You don't. Nobody stole anyone...oops..except blacks warring with other blacks and selling the side that lost to whomever had the money to buy them (at least, not the ones that weren't eaten first). That would be black sellers, sparky. And...there were MANY MANY freed slaves in the states that also owned slaves. What about them, eh? Oh. Its ok. They were just trying to survive, right?

Go fuck yourself. Learn some history.
Thats not history thats a damned lie. Sure...some warring tribes sold captured enemies to pink slavers but many Africans were shanghied or tricked into capitivity by slick Caucasians using baubles or other goods as lures. But lets not lose track of the
thievery that occurred when Europe colonized the African continent and divided it up...Is that history good enough for ya..Byatch? Does that theft titilate any sense of justice in your Neanderthal laden genome? You friggin mutants are the biggest thieves anywhere you go. And your own history proves it.
Idiot. LEARN YOUR HISTORY! Oh. Wait. Yer in the ghetto too, arentcha? Same mentality. Same stupidity.
Fool, I know your history better than you ever will. Just because a few Africans sold their enemies you flesh colored zombies jumped on it to make yourselves feel better...that your slaving was somehow purified because now every damn slave was sold by a black African.
And you are just gullible enough to believe that.
Deflect deflect. At least they did not loot and burn down their own neighborhoods....or do drivebys and kill little kids...or destroy other blacks homes in their quest to "show whitey".

Ignorant culture stuck in the whiney past forever while sitting on your asses complaining about their lives while calling those who DID get out, uncle toms. YOU, mrjqpublic, are THE PROBLEM and the many who think like you do. YOU are what is holding your race and culture back. Look in the mirror, bub. And feel shame while you snivel and cry with Woe Is Me.

That dog don't hunt any more. Watch and see.
Deflect deflect. At least they did not loot and burn down their own neighborhoods....or do drivebys and kill little kids...or destroy other blacks homes in their quest to "show whitey".

Ignorant culture stuck in the whiney past forever while sitting on your asses complaining about their lives while calling those who DID get out, uncle toms. YOU, mrjqpublic, are THE PROBLEM and the many who think like you do. YOU are what is holding your race and culture back. Look in the mirror, bub. And feel shame while you snivel and cry with Woe Is Me.

That dog don't hunt any more. Watch and see.
Er...'scuse me m'am but neighborhood burning isn't exclusive to Blacks. That bomb used by Timothy McVeigh sure did a lot of damage.
It killed the equivalent of a neighborhood
Including babies. And the pink skinned murderers who rioted and burned 36 square blocks of black prosperity in Tulsa circa 1920
burned and killed anything in sight...except each other. Hey...didn't you say you know history? You ought to know all about that rampage by good decent honest pink folk.
You black skins just deflect and deflect while you wail with great scalding tears. Woe is you. Oh woe is you.

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