Ghetto Goes To China

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On the day the U.S. President arrives in China these three n!ggers disgrace their Country by doing this. I'm sure the Chinese won't impose a harsh punishment on them -- but they might choose to embarrass the U.S. by offering to allow our President to take them home with him.

Along with the kneelers, these three pricks are making a hell of a statement.
Kneelers are bad but a president who spits on our POWs and trashes a Gold Star family is your idol. WTF is wrong with you son?

Who did that? We want the truth and not what you dreamed up while smoking your last bowl!
If it isn't bad enough Blacks have become a disgrace for kneeling during our national anthem now the ghetto rats embarrass us stealing shit in China.

Hey, Obama, if I had a son.

LiAngelo Ball and UCLA teammates could face 3-10 years in prison if convicted of shoplifting
Warmbier was convicted for trying to steal a banner linked to former North Korean leader Kim Jong Il from a Pyongyang hotel used by foreign tourists.

Maybe those basketball ball players were trying to emulate the original convicted white trash thief who defaced and stole North Korean property...
I'll wait on your attempt to excuse his criminal actions and the reason you didn't start a thread about the white
My son had a run in with a pickpocket in China last year. When the guy tried to grab his wallet, my son busted him in the nose and flattened him to the pavement, with blood everywhere. (My son would be considered a giant in China, plus he's an Afghan war vet.) Cops showed up in seconds, talked to the witnesses and my son's escort who could translate and bid him a nice day!

They hauled the pickpocket away, beating him as they went!
LiAngelo Ball, two other UCLA players released on bail after shoplifting arrest in China

This is not where I read it that China does NOT set bail but in this case, has. (according to the original news report I read, China has been very polite, very accommodating towards these thieves, and agreed to let them stay in their hotel while the case is pending).However, seems they were trying to steal sunglasses.

I hope they throw the book at them and they get 3 years at least.

Do you hope that everyone accused of shoplifting gets at least 3 years in prison, or is there a particular reason you think these men should?

As far as bail in China, from what I have gathered it does not work quite the same way as it does here, but it does happen. As an example, here's a DOJ article about bail in China:
Yes. There is a particular reason I think these guys should. I'm tired of scumbags thumbing their noses and doing whatever the hell they want then play the race card. Did these guys play it? I don't know, but I'm betting they will try. They are no different than NFL assholes taking a knee. And again..this is MY opinion. Deal with it.
Saw the dad on the news...its obvious where the problem lies. Laughing, joking and saying this is nothing.
He's right. It is nothing. Not to them.

In their culture it's normal behavior.

Wanna new TV? Let's go to the next BLM protest. It's "All You Can Carry".
Its ok. Focus on being the message board police instead of the topic itself. Thats called using the "wrong thought card".
From the article:

Wen Yu, the attorney, said one thing that could save the UCLA players is presidential leverage.

“President Trump can beg mercy to his Chinese counterpart,” Wen Yu said.

Yeah, I can just see trump bowing and begging for mercy from the Chinese, just to save these stupid fucks. Lol...
From the article:

Wen Yu, the attorney, said one thing that could save the UCLA players is presidential leverage.

“President Trump can beg mercy to his Chinese counterpart,” Wen Yu said.

Yeah, I can just see trump bowing and begging for mercy from the Chinese, just to save these stupid fucks. Lol...
I sure as hell hope he doesn't. Let them rot over there so we can see the smug smile from Daddys face slide right off about it not being a big deal.

They might get the same sentence handed out to white ghetto thieves...
Warmbier steals in North Korea and gets inordinately harsh treatment. Rightwingers want to nuke Pyongyang. These dumbasses steal in China and rightwingers want them to get the Warmbier treatment. What gives, wingnuts?
Warmbier steals in North Korea and gets inordinately harsh treatment. Rightwingers want to nuke Pyongyang. These dumbasses steal in China and rightwingers want them to get the Warmbier treatment. What gives, wingnuts?

Warmbier was a dumbass to even set foot in North Korea.

North Korea should be nuked for other more obvious reasons.
These guys make shitloads of money. Why the fuck were they STEALING what they could BUY? Fucking losers.
Its their culture. Low life pond scum.

Meanwhile..I hope China tosses the book at them. Let them hang in a chinese prison and scream about rights. I will laugh at the image in my head of what the results will be.
College players don`t receive a salary, genius. That`s no excuse for them but I feel compelled to point out your idiocy. Do you feel foolish now? You should.
Nope. I don't feel foolish at all. They have to have some kind of funds. Whether they are dirt poor is still no excuse to be playing ball, representing Americans, and STEALING. Fucking losers. And you are just as bad for focusing on something other than their idiocy.
It was idiocy for sure...but the grander theft is
their labor. Playing basketball and making big money for UCLA and staff ought to be a crime. So if they stole, they learned from the best...the very system that steals from them.
Warmbier steals in North Korea and gets inordinately harsh treatment. Rightwingers want to nuke Pyongyang. These dumbasses steal in China and rightwingers want them to get the Warmbier treatment. What gives, wingnuts?

Warmbier was a dumbass to even set foot in North Korea.

North Korea should be nuked for other more obvious reasons.

True Warmbier was a dumbass for entering North Korea. He was 22, still young and stupid.

However, NOTHING justifies him being tortured to death.
I don't want those assholes to get the wambrier treatment. I want them to grow the fuck up and remove themselves from the ghetto mentality.

Anyone watch Finding Your Roots on tv? They did Bryant Gumbel. Turns out, Gumbel is more european (white) than he is black. Point is, Gumbel said his dad taught him that speaking in ghetto speak solves nothing and only makes people think you are ignorant when you aren't. So, he was never to lapse into such mannerisms regardless of where he was. And, he would be called an Uncle Tom for speaking intelligently but that didn't matter...he was never to downgrade HIMSELF just to soothe true ignorant trash.

So..that is what I want. I want those young men to GROW UP and leave the trashy ghetto behind. And if it takes a stint in China to wake the fuck up..then leave their sorry asses there for 3 years. Maybe they will appreciate the rights they DO have here.

But..I won't hold my breath.
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