Gibbs mocks Palin

I just read through much of this thread and it got me wondering.... So I sort of did a quick review of threads about Sarah Palin......

Here's news that I bet really isn't news to thinking people.

Of all the threads started about Sarah Palin, at a ratio of about 2 to 1 were started by the left.

Talk about obsession.


yea... because lord fucking knows that no right winger ever started a thread about Obama here at USMB...


I guess that means Crusader Frank is obsessed with Obama...

But then again, Palin isn't the President. In fact she is just Mrs Palin.
The right is stuck with Palin. That's the funniest part. All but most retarded of them know she's an embarassment with no legitimate political future, but that rightwing thing about never being able to admit you were wrong has her stuck to them like a big white tarbaby.

Palin isn't RUNNING FOR ANYTHING. Wonder why she's such a topic of conversation?? Why does anyone care what she says or does??

Jeeze. If I were her I'd just keep up what she's doing and rake in the dough. She obviously is saying something that folks want to hear or she wouldn't be making all that dough. Good for her. Go Sarah. LOL
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I just read through much of this thread and it got me wondering.... So I sort of did a quick review of threads about Sarah Palin......

Here's news that I bet really isn't news to thinking people.

Of all the threads started about Sarah Palin, at a ratio of about 2 to 1 were started by the left.

Talk about obsession.


yea... because lord fucking knows that no right winger ever started a thread about Obama here at USMB...


I guess that means Crusader Frank is obsessed with Obama...

But then again, Palin isn't the President. In fact she is just Mrs Palin.

indeed, but that doesn't keep your type from falling all over themselves every time she steps in front of a camera or holds a press conference, now does it? So, lemme guess, this is one of those, "do as I say not as I do" moments you people have a reputation for, eh?

is that all ya got?

clearly, it's enough to make YOU walk funny afterward, you fucking cumstain on the jockey shorts of Hannity's silkiest pair of boxers.


when nothing else, resort to stupid sexual insults and childish name calling. you go:clap2:

myawwww... did I hurt hers feewings? Did I send her strait to michelle malkin's website for some comfort and a hug?

myawwww... poor widdle wight wingew...


typical. you pussies can dish it out but the second it comes flying back at you....

I just read through much of this thread and it got me wondering.... So I sort of did a quick review of threads about Sarah Palin......

Here's news that I bet really isn't news to thinking people.

Of all the threads started about Sarah Palin, at a ratio of about 2 to 1 were started by the left.

Talk about obsession.


yea... because lord fucking knows that no right winger ever started a thread about Obama here at USMB...


I guess that means Crusader Frank is obsessed with Obama...

But then again, Palin isn't the President. In fact she is just Mrs Palin.

And Al Gore is just Mr Gore. Yet he has to go under much scrutiny from right wing. That's what happens to political activists.
The GOP will be guaranteeing Mr Obama a second-term if they put that idiot Palin forward as their candidate for President.
I just read through much of this thread and it got me wondering.... So I sort of did a quick review of threads about Sarah Palin......

Here's news that I bet really isn't news to thinking people.

Of all the threads started about Sarah Palin, at a ratio of about 2 to 1 were started by the left.

Talk about obsession.


yea... because lord fucking knows that no right winger ever started a thread about Obama here at USMB...


I guess that means Crusader Frank is obsessed with Obama...

No, Frank is obsessed with disspelling the persistent rumor that in real life he's actually a decent, sensible guy.

I'm a decent sensible guy who never thought he'd live to see the day when a Democrat Congress would try to defund our troops on the battlefield in an effort to embarrass a Republican President only to be followed by having a genuine Marxist in the Oval Office
The GOP will be guaranteeing Mr Obama a second-term if they put that idiot Palin forward as their candidate for President.

Obama won't last a term, he's already bored with the job and when he loses Congress this fall, he's going to run for King of the World.

yea... because lord fucking knows that no right winger ever started a thread about Obama here at USMB...


I guess that means Crusader Frank is obsessed with Obama...

But then again, Palin isn't the President. In fact she is just Mrs Palin.

indeed, but that doesn't keep your type from falling all over themselves every time she steps in front of a camera or holds a press conference, now does it? So, lemme guess, this is one of those, "do as I say not as I do" moments you people have a reputation for, eh?


Actually dumbass, I have said many times she WOULD have made a good VP, but she would need much more national experience before she should run for President. I would not be voting for Sarah Palin if she were to run. Unless of course I was actually voting against someone else, which is what I've been forced to do the last 3 Presidential elections.
Gibbs is a joke and the fact that the Whitehouse gets involved with this pettiness shows why they can't get anything done. I've seen five year olds with thicker skin than Obama.

yea... because lord fucking knows that no right winger ever started a thread about Obama here at USMB...


I guess that means Crusader Frank is obsessed with Obama...

But then again, Palin isn't the President. In fact she is just Mrs Palin.

And Al Gore is just Mr Gore. Yet he has to go under much scrutiny from right wing. That's what happens to political activists.

Not exactly, he is still addressed as VP.
Slight of hand: White House spokesman Robert Gibbs writes in jab at Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech

"I wrote a few things down," Gibbs said after a question about a White House jobs summit. "I wrote eggs, milk and bread. I crossed out bread, just so I can make pancakes for \[son\] Ethan if it snows."

As the briefing room erupted in laughter, Gibbs added, "And then I wrote down hope and change, just in case I forgot."

Hm, kind of funny, but I am not sure if Press Secretary should do that kind of things.
What it did was further prove that this president and administration are acting like nothing more than a bunch o' drunkin' frat boys.

Seriously, this president and administration show their immaturity by the day. And, Gibbs pulled that shit on the same day that Obama was TRYING, and of course FAILING to act like he wants bi-partisan negotiations.

Bunch of fucking incompetent, inexperienced asshats, nothing more!
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Slight of hand: White House spokesman Robert Gibbs writes in jab at Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech

"I wrote a few things down," Gibbs said after a question about a White House jobs summit. "I wrote eggs, milk and bread. I crossed out bread, just so I can make pancakes for \[son\] Ethan if it snows."

As the briefing room erupted in laughter, Gibbs added, "And then I wrote down hope and change, just in case I forgot."

Hm, kind of funny, but I am not sure if Press Secretary should do that kind of things.

These liberals are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb that they are not aware that when they do something like this all they do is draw more attention to Palin. They lift her onto the national stage. More people run out and buy her book, more people tune into Fox news to see what's going on there. It's ridiculous, especially when you see the polling data and Obama and his agenda taking a nose dive off of the cliff. They just don't get it. But, I applaude their stupidity, keep it up, it brings more and more people to the tea parties.:lol::lol:

" When you enemy is making a mistake, don't interupt him." Napoleon Bonaparte.:lol::lol:
Slight of hand: White House spokesman Robert Gibbs writes in jab at Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech

"I wrote a few things down," Gibbs said after a question about a White House jobs summit. "I wrote eggs, milk and bread. I crossed out bread, just so I can make pancakes for \[son\] Ethan if it snows."

As the briefing room erupted in laughter, Gibbs added, "And then I wrote down hope and change, just in case I forgot."

Hm, kind of funny, but I am not sure if Press Secretary should do that kind of things.

These liberals are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dumb that they are not aware that when they do something like this all they do is draw more attention to Palin. They lift her onto the national stage. More people run out and buy her book, more people tune into Fox news to see what's going on there. It's ridiculous, especially when you see the polling data and Obama and his agenda taking a nose dive off of the cliff. They just don't get it. But, I applaude their stupidity, keep it up, it brings more and more people to the tea parties.:lol::lol:

" When you enemy is making a mistake, don't interupt him." Napoleon Bonaparte.:lol::lol:
Slight of hand: White House spokesman Robert Gibbs writes in jab at Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech

"I wrote a few things down," Gibbs said after a question about a White House jobs summit. "I wrote eggs, milk and bread. I crossed out bread, just so I can make pancakes for \[son\] Ethan if it snows."

As the briefing room erupted in laughter, Gibbs added, "And then I wrote down hope and change, just in case I forgot."

Hm, kind of funny, but I am not sure if Press Secretary should do that kind of things.

Its a good one..

How DARE anyone mock the grand Miss Palin?

She is allowed to take shots at the president every day and they are covered by Fox...but we are not allowed to say anything back?

Kneegroach Please.

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