Giffords gets a ship for being shot

Don't worry, Trump will get a garbage scow to celebrate his contribution to society.

It will sink on it's maiden voyage as half the crew will be Russians who can't read the dials.
Where's the beef?
What don't you agree with? That a Democrat who survived an assassination attempt should have a ship named after her?

It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.
She is the victim of a political assassination attempt and is permanently disabled because of it. That seems pretty strong evidence of giving service to your country. People in the US military who are injured thus in the line of duty to their country at least receive the Purple Heart. Whatever your political affiliation, a congressman or woman is serving his or her country.

She did not willingly place herself in harms way. I agree that she is deserving of some recognition, perhaps a government building would have been more appropriate.
Whenever a public figure like that places him or herself in a position where she is speaking in public in an unsecured venue, someone who may have enemies who disagree with her, she is certainly placing herself in harms way. You are just looking for excuses not to give her the credit she is due. She is serving her country, she is vulnerable, she is worthy of being valued for her service and her sacrifice.

It was unsecured because she refused the police security.
She knew about those enemies yet she said she did not want them there.
That being said, I do agree being a House member she should have gotten a government building named after her.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.


Like the airport named after Reagan? You find that repugnant too?

At least Reagan served and airports are named by the cities that own them.

Candyass Reagan never left American soil and spent the war making morale films for the troops. Then he went on to have the most corrupt administration in American history, while likely suffering from dementia while president.

Let's get a real sailers name on a ship instead of a candyass like Reagan.
But he was shot too.
They both were shot in the line of duty and deserve some respect then. Alright I will lay off on Reagan. Have to post this though:

Campaigning isn't "the line of duty." It's job seeking.
I don't think so, this is totally political. She should be honored and respected but having a warship named after you for that is going overboard IMHO.

If Trump builds his 600 ship navy, there will be plenty of names to go around. The USS Michael Flynn, the USS Sergey Kislyak, and the USS Vladimir Putin would be Trumps first three.
What don't you agree with? That a Democrat who survived an assassination attempt should have a ship named after her?

It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.
She is the victim of a political assassination attempt and is permanently disabled because of it. That seems pretty strong evidence of giving service to your country. People in the US military who are injured thus in the line of duty to their country at least receive the Purple Heart. Whatever your political affiliation, a congressman or woman is serving his or her country.

She did not willingly place herself in harms way. I agree that she is deserving of some recognition, perhaps a government building would have been more appropriate.
Whenever a public figure like that places him or herself in a position where she is speaking in public in an unsecured venue, someone who may have enemies who disagree with her, she is certainly placing herself in harms way. You are just looking for excuses not to give her the credit she is due. She is serving her country, she is vulnerable, she is worthy of being valued for her service and her sacrifice.

It was unsecured because she refused the police security.
She knew about those enemies yet she said she did not want them there.
That being said, I do agree being a House member she should have gotten a government building named after her.

No politician should ever have anything named after them. It would make more sense to name buildings after hookers or drug dealers.
What don't you agree with? That a Democrat who survived an assassination attempt should have a ship named after her?

It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.
She is the victim of a political assassination attempt and is permanently disabled because of it. That seems pretty strong evidence of giving service to your country. People in the US military who are injured thus in the line of duty to their country at least receive the Purple Heart. Whatever your political affiliation, a congressman or woman is serving his or her country.

She did not willingly place herself in harms way. I agree that she is deserving of some recognition, perhaps a government building would have been more appropriate.
No ship or building should ever be named for a living person.

It is very rare for a ship to be named after a living person. That's why this looks like a PC move to appease the anti-gun lobby. Funny since this ship is full of guns.
Like I said, she was shot by a progressive, being a progressive herself. And now is honored by having her name on a warship... the hypocrisy is neck-deep and ironic
Courageous woman, a true patriot. Shameful that no one from trump admin attended.

You assholes who criticize this - she would gladly give up this honor to have her life back. If she were Repub lining her pockets with tax payer money, you would be in favor of it. stfu

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Warships are named after national heroes. I am glad that she survived being shot by a crazed lunatic, but other than that what has she done? If surviving a gunshot is the criteria, how about naming one after one of our wounded warriors whose lives have been destroyed serving our country in the military?

Nothing against her, but this looks like a PC move.
She took one for the U.S. of A
She is a hero

She was campaigning. She didn't do it for us, bozo.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.


Like the airport named after Reagan? You find that repugnant too?

Reagan did more than just get shot. What are Giffords' accompishments? What has she done for our Defense? What has she done for troops? Would she support officers carrying personal firearms on military bases or ships so as to avoid another islamo terrorist attack like the one that occurred at Fort Hood?
I don't think so, this is totally political. She should be honored and respected but having a warship named after you for that is going overboard IMHO.

If Trump builds his 600 ship navy, there will be plenty of names to go around. The USS Michael Flynn, the USS Sergey Kislyak, and the USS Vladimir Putin would be Trumps first three.

Nominated for dumbass post of the month.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.

Maybe the USS Pat Tillman (AKA the Friendly Fire) since our own soldiers killed him?

I know the USS Breitbart (red wine always on demand)?

Better yet the USS Michael Murphy, a navy seal that was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Or the USS Daniel Inouye.

I sortta agree with this one. Where I disagree is that it shouldn't be a Destroyer. Naval convention usially requires that they are named after heroic sailors and Marines that died in combat.

I do agree that Inoye should probably get a ship because he was a Medal of Honor recipient for heroic action in Italy in WWII.

Daniel Inouye Medal of Honor citation:

"Inouye, Daniel K.

Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Company E, 442nd Infantry. Place and date: San Terenzo, Italy, 21 April 1945. Birth: 7 September 1924, Honolulu, Hawaii. Entered service at: Honolulu, Hawaii.

Second Lieutenant Daniel K. Inouye distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 21 April 1945, in the vicinity of San Terenzo, Italy. While attacking a defended ridge guarding an important road junction, Second Lieutenant Inouye skillfully directed his platoon through a hail of automatic weapon and small arms fire, in a swift enveloping movement that resulted in the capture of an artillery and mortar post and brought his men to within 40 yards of the hostile force. Emplaced in bunkers and rock formations, the enemy halted the advance with crossfire from three machine guns. With complete disregard for his personal safety, Second Lieutenant Inouye crawled up the treacherous slope to within five yards of the nearest machine gun and hurled two grenades, destroying the emplacement. Before the enemy could retaliate, he stood up and neutralized a second machine gun nest. Although wounded by a sniper’s bullet, he continued to engage other hostile positions at close range until an exploding grenade shattered his right arm. Despite the intense pain, he refused evacuation and continued to direct his platoon until enemy resistance was broken and his men were again deployed in defensive positions. In the attack, 25 enemy soldiers were killed and eight others captured. By his gallant, aggressive tactics and by his indomitable leadership, Second Lieutenant Inouye enabled his platoon to advance through formidable resistance, and was instrumental in the capture of the ridge. Second Lieutenant Inouye’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army."

MOH Citation for Daniel Inouye
Look at the RWNJs attacking a woman they know nothing about.

In the crowd that day was an armed RWer. He was going to the Walgreens to buy cigarettes. When the shooting started, he did what RWs are known for - he ran back into the Walgreens.

It was unarmed Dems who had come to see Giffords who overpowered the shooter and disarmed him.

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Look at the RWNJs attacking a woman they know nothing about.

In the crowd that day was an armed RWer. He was going to the Walgreens to buy cigarettes. When the shooting started, he did what RWs are known for - he ran back into the Walgreens.

It was unarmed Dems who had come to see Giffords who overpowered the shooter and disarmed him.

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Gabby was my representative !
Look at the RWNJs attacking a woman they know nothing about.

In the crowd that day was an armed RWer. He was going to the Walgreens to buy cigarettes. When the shooting started, he did what RWs are known for - he ran back into the Walgreens.

It was unarmed Dems who had come to see Giffords who overpowered the shooter and disarmed him.

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You do realize it was a progressive nut job that tried to kill the progressive? Lol
Hypocrisy runs deep in the progressive... lol
Like the airport named after Reagan? You find that repugnant too?

At least Reagan served and airports are named by the cities that own them.

Candyass Reagan never left American soil and spent the war making morale films for the troops. Then he went on to have the most corrupt administration in American history, while likely suffering from dementia while president.

Let's get a real sailers name on a ship instead of a candyass like Reagan.
But he was shot too.
They both were shot in the line of duty and deserve some respect then. Alright I will lay off on Reagan. Have to post this though:

Campaigning isn't "the line of duty." It's job seeking.

She had the job. She was shot in January of 2011. You. fucking. idiot.
Look at the RWNJs attacking a woman they know nothing about.

In the crowd that day was an armed RWer. He was going to the Walgreens to buy cigarettes. When the shooting started, he did what RWs are known for - he ran back into the Walgreens.

It was unarmed Dems who had come to see Giffords who overpowered the shooter and disarmed him.

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You do realize it was a progressive nut job that tried to kill the progressive? Lol
Hypocrisy runs deep in the progressive... lol

You lie.
Look at the RWNJs attacking a woman they know nothing about.

In the crowd that day was an armed RWer. He was going to the Walgreens to buy cigarettes. When the shooting started, he did what RWs are known for - he ran back into the Walgreens.

It was unarmed Dems who had come to see Giffords who overpowered the shooter and disarmed him.

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You do realize it was a progressive nut job that tried to kill the progressive? Lol
Hypocrisy runs deep in the progressive... lol

You lie.
- Progressivism Kills

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