Giffords gets a ship for being shot

I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.

Maybe the USS Pat Tillman (AKA the Friendly Fire) since our own soldiers killed him?

I know the USS Breitbart (red wine always on demand)?

Better yet the USS Michael Murphy, a navy seal that was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Or the USS Daniel Inouye.
Courageous woman, a true patriot. Shameful that no one from trump admin attended.

You assholes who criticize this - she would gladly give up this honor to have her life back. If she were Repub lining her pockets with tax payer money, you would be in favor of it. stfu

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Warships are named after national heroes. I am glad that she survived being shot by a crazed lunatic, but other than that what has she done? If surviving a gunshot is the criteria, how about naming one after one of our wounded warriors whose lives have been destroyed serving our country in the military?

Nothing against her, but this looks like a PC move.
What don't you agree with? That a Democrat who survived an assassination attempt should have a ship named after her?

It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.
She is the victim of a political assassination attempt and is permanently disabled because of it. That seems pretty strong evidence of giving service to your country. People in the US military who are injured thus in the line of duty to their country at least receive the Purple Heart. Whatever your political affiliation, a congressman or woman is serving his or her country.

She did not willingly place herself in harms way. I agree that she is deserving of some recognition, perhaps a government building would have been more appropriate.
No ship or building should ever be named for a living person.
What don't you agree with? That a Democrat who survived an assassination attempt should have a ship named after her?

It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.
She is the victim of a political assassination attempt and is permanently disabled because of it. That seems pretty strong evidence of giving service to your country. People in the US military who are injured thus in the line of duty to their country at least receive the Purple Heart. Whatever your political affiliation, a congressman or woman is serving his or her country.

She did not willingly place herself in harms way. I agree that she is deserving of some recognition, perhaps a government building would have been more appropriate.
No ship or building should ever be named for a living person.

It is very rare for a ship to be named after a living person. That's why this looks like a PC move to appease the anti-gun lobby. Funny since this ship is full of guns.
Courageous woman, a true patriot. Shameful that no one from trump admin attended.

You assholes who criticize this - she would gladly give up this honor to have her life back. If she were Repub lining her pockets with tax payer money, you would be in favor of it. stfu

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Warships are named after national heroes. I am glad that she survived being shot by a crazed lunatic, but other than that what has she done? If surviving a gunshot is the criteria, how about naming one after one of our wounded warriors whose lives have been destroyed serving our country in the military?

Nothing against her, but this looks like a PC move.
She took one for the U.S. of A
She is a hero
It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.

Ballistic missile submarines (SSBN and SSGN) are named after states, with the exception of;

Arleigh Burke class - a class of a planned 76 ships, that has retained the traditional naming convention of U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard heroes, with the exceptions of;
Virginia class, named after U.S. states, with the exception of;
  • USS John Warner (SSN-785), named for a former Secretary of the Navy, U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services.
It is very rare for a ship to be named after a living person. .

USS Carl M. Levin (DDG-120), named for a former U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services

USS John P. Murtha (LPD-26), named for a former U.S. Marine Corps Officer, Vietnam veteran, former Congressman and chairman of the United States House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense.

3rd boat; USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23), named for a former U.S. president, and Naval officer who had served aboard a nuclear submarine.

USS John Warner (SSN-785), named for a former Secretary of the Navy, U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services.

And now add

USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS-10), an Independence class LCS named for a former Congresswoman, member of the United States House Committee on Armed Services and survivor of an assassination attempt.
What don't you agree with? That a Democrat who survived an assassination attempt should have a ship named after her?

It doesn't matter what her political affiliation is, what matters is she hasn't earned the honor. Her husband though, has. He's an astronaut and has given great, dangerous service to this country.
She is the victim of a political assassination attempt and is permanently disabled because of it. That seems pretty strong evidence of giving service to your country. People in the US military who are injured thus in the line of duty to their country at least receive the Purple Heart. Whatever your political affiliation, a congressman or woman is serving his or her country.

An assassination attempt by another democrat.
"][QUOTE="Redfish, post: 17487691, member: 42379
It is very rare for a ship to be named after a living person. .

USS Carl M. Levin (DDG-120), named for a former U.S. Senator and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services

USS John P. Murtha (LPD-26), named for a former U.S. Marine Corps Officer, Vietnam veteran, former Congressman and chairman of the United States House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense.

3rd boat; USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23), named for a former U.S. president, and Naval officer who had served aboard a nuclear submarine.[/QUOTE]

All three are turds especally Murtha who said of his marines that they are raping and killing haji's. Carter who says he saw UFO's? yeah real worthy. Hope carter dies soon, and I hope Murtha's fat ass burns in hell.
I thought I smelled something a bit foul today, the hildabitch was in the area. And I agree with you, we have true heroes these ships can be named after, instead they chose a victim.


Like the airport named after Reagan? You find that repugnant too?
Career politicians should never be honored, because they are not honorable
That the gun nuts even demonize the victims of gun violence is about as odious as a special interest can get.
Most of your so-called gun nuts in recent mass shootings are progressives. Jack weed
[QUOTE="Crixus, post: 17487787, member: 55887
All three are turds especally Murtha who said of his marines that they are raping and killing haji's..

They named a ship after Winston Churchhill. And he wasn't even an American[/QUOTE]

Meh. at least he did stuff.
Don't worry, Trump will get a garbage scow to celebrate his contribution to society.

It will sink on it's maiden voyage as half the crew will be Russians who can't read the dials.

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