Giffords is trying to steal our rights

"where there is no law, there is no freedom: for liberty is, to be free from restraint and violence from others; which cannot be, where there is no law: but freedom is not, as we are told, a liberty for every man to do what he lists... for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?"

-- John Locke; from Second Treatise of Civil Government, CHAP. VI.

John Lock was talking about laws against murder, robber and rape, not against owning an inanimate object.

Explain how universal background checks are a law against owning an inanimate object!

The term "universal background check" is a euphemism meaning "gun registration," which we all know is the first step on the road to confiscation.
The background check is more an infringement than just regulating public firearms - all public owned firearms should be bolt or lever action per round and without detachable magazines.
How dare Giffords advocate for sensible gun control after being shot in the face by a lunatic.

Right, it would have never happened in a place like Chicago, where they have very strict gun laws. People never get shot in Chicago..... :thup:
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

1. About 35-45% of Americans have a gun in the house. Not a "majority".

2. On the other hand, a vast majority of Americans support universal background checks.

3. Gabrielle Giffords, like Jim Brady, is absolutely justified in her calls for more gun control.
I will tell you what..

Tell me exactly how another background check would have stopped Laughner from shooting Giffords.

No one, including the school or the Sheriff had reported the man for needing medical care even though they knew he did.

So your answer is to take away the only effective tool that helps prevent convicted felons from walking in and buying a gun? :cuckoo:
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

If you're for them you must be an anal retentive busybody slug.

Why in the hell do liberals fail to undestand the simple phrase "shall not be infringed?"

Are they that stupid?
"where there is no law, there is no freedom: for liberty is, to be free from restraint and violence from others; which cannot be, where there is no law: but freedom is not, as we are told, a liberty for every man to do what he lists... for who could be free, when every other man's humour might domineer over him?"

-- John Locke; from Second Treatise of Civil Government, CHAP. VI.

John Lock was talking about laws against murder, robber and rape, not against owning an inanimate object.

Explain how universal background checks are a law against owning an inanimate object!

Universal background checks are a violation of the 4th Amendment and of the 1st Amendment and of the 5th Amendment.

Liberals have no respect for the law. They see the law simply as a means to whetever end happens to be fashionable among the burbling class.
How dare Giffords advocate for sensible gun control after being shot in the face by a lunatic.

Right, it would have never happened in a place like Chicago, where they have very strict gun laws. People never get shot in Chicago..... :thup:

The gun laws aren't strict around Chicago in the three states near it. New Orleans is forbidden to make laws more strict than the state laws and it has a murder rate about 3 times what Chicago has and Louisiana has the worse murder rate in the country.
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

If you're for them you must be an anal retentive busybody slug.

Why in the hell do liberals fail to undestand the simple phrase "shall not be infringed?"

Are they that stupid?

no one is infringing the right to Bare (A)rms - by defining (A)rms.

Liberals can't see the slippery slope they are creating that will soon take away our Second amendment rights.
There’s nothing un-Constitutional about background checks.
Background checks are, conceptually, a form of prior restraint - you are restrianed from exercising your right until such a time that the government determines that your chosen exercise does not violate the law, at which time you are then permittied to follow thru with that exercise.

Except in specific circumstances, prior restraint violates the constitution; none of those specific circumstances applies to the exercise of the right to arms.
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I will tell you what..

Tell me exactly how another background check would have stopped Laughner from shooting Giffords.

No one, including the school or the Sheriff had reported the man for needing medical care even though they knew he did.

So your answer is to take away the only effective tool that helps prevent convicted felons from walking in and buying a gun? :cuckoo:

If someone has served his time, he should be able to buy whatever the hell he pleases.
John Lock was talking about laws against murder, robber and rape, not against owning an inanimate object.

Explain how universal background checks are a law against owning an inanimate object!

Universal background checks are a violation of the 4th Amendment and of the 1st Amendment and of the 5th Amendment.

Liberals have no respect for the law. They see the law simply as a means to whetever end happens to be fashionable among the burbling class.

No, they aren't and I don't expect you to get on the Supreme Court.
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

1. About 35-45% of Americans have a gun in the house. Not a "majority".

2. On the other hand, a vast majority of Americans support universal background checks.
Fallacy: Appeal to popularity

3. Gabrielle Giffords, like Jim Brady, is absolutely justified in her calls for more gun control.
She has the right to advocate anyting she wants.
That doesn't mean that what she wants will have any positive effect on gun-related crime, and it doesn't mean that what she wants does not infringe on the rights of the law abiding.
The background check is more an infringement than just regulating public firearms - all public owned firearms should be bolt or lever action per round and without detachable magazines.
The military and police should only have bolt/lever action guns with fixed magazines?

absolutely the police the same as everyone else - no exception (public).

the 2nd makes a separate distinction for the military.
I will tell you what..

Tell me exactly how another background check would have stopped Laughner from shooting Giffords.

No one, including the school or the Sheriff had reported the man for needing medical care even though they knew he did.

So your answer is to take away the only effective tool that helps prevent convicted felons from walking in and buying a gun? :cuckoo:
Background checks do not prevent felons, etc, from getting guns, as evidenced by the number of felons, etc, that get guns.

I really do have to laugh at people who support the idea of passing a law intended to prevent people from breaking the law.
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

If you're for them you must be an anal retentive busybody slug.

Why in the hell do liberals fail to undestand the simple phrase "shall not be infringed?"

Are they that stupid?

Why do conservatives fail to understand no right is absolute, where government regulation is Constitutional when compelling and justified.

It would seen conservatives are equally stupid.

Background checks in no way manifest an undue burden on the right to own a gun, there is no infringement because the checks are not firearm specific, are applied to everyone equally, and the state has a compelling, justified interest in disallowing firearm ownership by felons, the mentally ill, and undocumented immigrants.
The background check is more an infringement than just regulating public firearms - all public owned firearms should be bolt or lever action per round and without detachable magazines.
The military and police should only have bolt/lever action guns with fixed magazines?
absolutely the police the same as everyone else - no exception (public).
the 2nd makes a separate distinction for the military.
Why should the military and police only have bolt/lever action guns with fixed magazines?
I told my congressman last night when I talked to him I would support making NICS available to private citizens so they could provide drivers license info from a perspective buyer and do an instant check with no records keeping requirement. He express a concern for abuse of the system, like people using it for matters unrelated to a firearms purchase. I agreed that could be an issue, how would you folks suggest getting around that concern?

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