Giffords is trying to steal our rights

The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

More background checks? What specifically could be added too what background check laws we already have on the books? How will that stop another shooting?
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

More background checks? What specifically could be added too what background check laws we already have on the books? How will that stop another shooting?

Nothing, there is nothing we can do about preventing a psychopath from attaining a weapon and carrying out the deed they wish if they are truly motivated. Specifically, background checks could help stop some of the ten thousand plus murders that happen in America each year. I nver really got people who were against background checks for getting a gun, why? shouldnt you want to ensure that those getting a deadly firearem arent a danger to society, or at least a blatant one?
Call me crazy, but I see the Gun issue in a totally different light and I was scrolling to see if im alone. turns out I am. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this isnt a law problem, but a cultural issue. Americans love our guns, and we love our violence, usually those two dont mesh well. People who have very very low chances of being victims of violent crime are often the ones who are most enthusiastic that they "need" guns for self-defense. In the past year, more than 31,000 people were killed by guns in the US, where in Britain, only around 500 have been killed. It isnt the guns, its the people with the guns. In other words guns arent killing people, people who love guns are.

Don't know where you got your numbers but they are way off, there were only, 16,400 murders in 2011, the last year complete data is available, and not all those were committed with guns. Check your data before you jump out there with ignorant statements.

fair enough, poor citing. 16 thousand though?! even if only 12 are committed by guns which is what bussiness insider tell me that number is ridiculously high. which still speaks to my original premise

I tend to agree that it is a cultural problem but not in the sense you imply. We have a judicial system that fails to enforce our laws, we have a culture that says cooperating with law enforcement is bad and a welfare system designed to destroy the nuclear family. Any society with those values will have violence, if not guns it will be with knives and clubs but it will happen. Until society as a whole decides enough is enough it will continue. People use firearms 2.5 million times a year to protect themselves from the society we have allowed to prosper, would you deny them the right to protect themselves?
You know..................if someone kills another person (or several people) with a car because of a DUI, they take away their liscence.

If a person kills another person with a gun, their right to own a gun should be taken away as well.

Can't we regulate guns (which kill people) at least as much as they do cars (which can kill people as well)?
Call me crazy, but I see the Gun issue in a totally different light and I was scrolling to see if im alone. turns out I am. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this isnt a law problem, but a cultural issue. Americans love our guns, and we love our violence, usually those two dont mesh well. People who have very very low chances of being victims of violent crime are often the ones who are most enthusiastic that they "need" guns for self-defense. In the past year, more than 31,000 people were killed by guns in the US, where in Britain, only around 500 have been killed. It isnt the guns, its the people with the guns. In other words guns arent killing people, people who love guns are.

Don't know where you got your numbers but they are way off, there were only, 16,400 murders in 2011, the last year complete data is available, and not all those were committed with guns. Check your data before you jump out there with ignorant statements.

"Only" 16,400 murders in 2011? ONLY? Jesus Christ, that is about 15,000 too many. I can't believe you say that figure like its not a big deal.
Call me crazy, but I see the Gun issue in a totally different light and I was scrolling to see if im alone. turns out I am. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this isnt a law problem, but a cultural issue. Americans love our guns, and we love our violence, usually those two dont mesh well. People who have very very low chances of being victims of violent crime are often the ones who are most enthusiastic that they "need" guns for self-defense. In the past year, more than 31,000 people were killed by guns in the US, where in Britain, only around 500 have been killed. It isnt the guns, its the people with the guns. In other words guns arent killing people, people who love guns are.

Don't know where you got your numbers but they are way off, there were only, 16,400 murders in 2011, the last year complete data is available, and not all those were committed with guns. Check your data before you jump out there with ignorant statements.

"Only" 16,400 murders in 2011? ONLY? Jesus Christ, that is about 15,000 too many. I can't believe you say that figure like its not a big deal.

If your countrymen hadn't almost wiped out the indigenous population you still be having a lot of murders in your country.
You know..................if someone kills another person (or several people) with a car because of a DUI, they take away their liscence.

If a person kills another person with a gun, their right to own a gun should be taken away as well.

Can't we regulate guns (which kill people) at least as much as they do cars (which can kill people as well)?

Dumb ass if someone murders another person they do lose there right to a firearm
You know..................if someone kills another person (or several people) with a car because of a DUI, they take away their liscence.

If a person kills another person with a gun, their right to own a gun should be taken away as well.

Can't we regulate guns (which kill people) at least as much as they do cars (which can kill people as well)?

Dumb ass if someone murders another person they do lose there right to a firearm

Who was it who said that once a criminal had served their time, they should be allowed to have a gun?

If someone has served his time, he should be able to buy whatever the hell he pleases.

Do you agree with that statement?
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The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?

Giffords visits rampage site, urges gun control - Yahoo! News

Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about! I'm a conservative, my husband owns several guns.....the Giffords aren't trying to take guns away from anyone, they aren't trying to stop honest people from having guns. They are hoping that the crazy's will be stopped!

If you're for them you must be an anal retentive busybody slug.

Why in the hell do liberals fail to undestand the simple phrase "shall not be infringed?"

Are they that stupid?

You know..................if someone kills another person (or several people) with a car because of a DUI, they take away their liscence.

If a person kills another person with a gun, their right to own a gun should be taken away as well.

Can't we regulate guns (which kill people) at least as much as they do cars (which can kill people as well)?

Dumb ass if someone murders another person they do lose there right to a firearm

Who was it who said that once a criminal had served their time, they should be allowed to have a gun?

If someone has served his time, he should be able to buy whatever the hell he pleases.

Do you agree with that statement?
very doubtful, but I don't think they're going too allow a person to own a firearm while in prison.:eusa_whistle:
Felons usually don't get guns no, background checks probably wouldn't stop them.
I have a friend that has a felony, but it didn't have anything to do with guns or hurting someone. He can't get a gun because of this. Someone that wants to murder someone will most likely get that gun illegally anyway.
I will tell you what..

Tell me exactly how another background check would have stopped Laughner from shooting Giffords.

No one, including the school or the Sheriff had reported the man for needing medical care even though they knew he did.

Yup. Sadly true.

Until we can truly discover who is a potential spree killer gun laws will continue to be ineffective.

And if we are telling ourselves that anybody who has a Dx of some mental or emotional disorder is going to weed out the spree killers we are fooling ourselves.

I'd venture a wager that the mentally sickest people in America have no clinical history of mental disorder.

So if someone were to propose a truly serious mental workup before a person could buy a gun, that might help.

But instead we waste our time debating the ammo magazine sizes as though that was going to make a huge difference.

It won't.
Gabrielle Giffords and her husband are gun owners. All they are pushing for is more stringent background checks. There's nothing wrong with that! If you're against that then you must have something to worry about!
So... if you're agianst warrantless wiretaps, you must have something to worry about. Right?

"More stringent baclground checks" wont do crap unless the law is changed to remove the right to arms from more people -- the fact that people take anti-depressants and visit a shrink twice a month will NEVER keep them from having a gun until such a time that the llaw is changed to prohibit firearms to such people.

The Founding Fathers wanted to keep the people safe from the government and make sure the politicians were afraid of the citizens who could revolt if the government is taken over by tyrants. That is why they wrote the Second amendment and is why liberals want to repeal it. most definitely is not.

There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that supports this absurd notion.
The problem with liberals is they refuse to listen to the majority. Gabrielle Giffords is still trying to push for gun control that goes against our Second amendment rights to bear arms. The majority of the American people are gun owners and are against this liberal anti Constitution movement. If the liberals get their way criminals will be free to walk into our homes and take what they want and then kill us. Why are the liberals to stupid to understand this?


According to the FBI, there were only 201 cases where a person used a gun to kill an attacker in self defense in 2010.

So out of 300 million guns, only 201 were used to kill a bad guy. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightening.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill somoene in the household than a bad guy.

Also, only 30% of American households have a gun in them. The majority are NOT gun-owners.

Here's the thing. If you ask most gun owners who aren't NRA nutbags, "Hey, do you think we need to do a background check to make sure that the person buying a gun isn't crazy or a criminal?"

Most of them would say, "Hell, yeah!"
Call me crazy, but I see the Gun issue in a totally different light and I was scrolling to see if im alone. turns out I am. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this isnt a law problem, but a cultural issue. Americans love our guns, and we love our violence, usually those two dont mesh well. People who have very very low chances of being victims of violent crime are often the ones who are most enthusiastic that they "need" guns for self-defense. In the past year, more than 31,000 people were killed by guns in the US, where in Britain, only around 500 have been killed. It isnt the guns, its the people with the guns. In other words guns arent killing people, people who love guns are.

Don't know where you got your numbers but they are way off, there were only, 16,400 murders in 2011, the last year complete data is available, and not all those were committed with guns. Check your data before you jump out there with ignorant statements.

You stupid fuk. He didn't say "murdered" did he? He said "killed". Are you so fuking stupid you don't know the difference. Or can't you read and comprehend?
Call me crazy, but I see the Gun issue in a totally different light and I was scrolling to see if im alone. turns out I am. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this isnt a law problem, but a cultural issue. Americans love our guns, and we love our violence, usually those two dont mesh well.
You;d be better off arguing that the propogation of violent crime in the US is because of declining moral standards.

People who have very very low chances of being victims of violent crime are often the ones who are most enthusiastic that they "need" guns for self-defense.
I love this.
Gun-related crime is so bad that we need to further restrict the rights of the law abiding -- but if the law-abiding think they need a gun to protect themselves, they're paranoid.
You know..................if someone kills another person (or several people) with a car because of a DUI, they take away their liscence.
But not their ability to buy or own a car, nor any of the cars they own other than theone used in the accident.

If a person kills another person with a gun, their right to own a gun should be taken away as well.
If that person is convicted of a crime - sure.

Can't we regulate guns (which kill people) at least as much as they do cars (which can kill people as well)?
I'm all for that.
-You do not need a license to buy or own or posess a car, store it on your property, or operate in on private property.
-You do not need to register a car that you store in your garagr or use on provate property.
-Your license to drive s car is unquestionably regocnized in all 50 states and all US territories.
-The registration of your car is too.

I can go on, but I'm sure by now you don't think your idea is so hot.
Call me crazy, but I see the Gun issue in a totally different light and I was scrolling to see if im alone. turns out I am. Is there anyone else out there who thinks this isnt a law problem, but a cultural issue. Americans love our guns, and we love our violence, usually those two dont mesh well. People who have very very low chances of being victims of violent crime are often the ones who are most enthusiastic that they "need" guns for self-defense. In the past year, more than 31,000 people were killed by guns in the US, where in Britain, only around 500 have been killed. It isnt the guns, its the people with the guns. In other words guns arent killing people, people who love guns are.

Don't know where you got your numbers but they are way off, there were only, 16,400 murders in 2011, the last year complete data is available, and not all those were committed with guns. Check your data before you jump out there with ignorant statements.

"Only" 16,400 murders in 2011? ONLY? Jesus Christ, that is about 15,000 too many. I can't believe you say that figure like its not a big deal.
8583 gun-related homicies in 2001, not all of which were crimes.
300,000,000 guns un the US.
1 gun in ~35,000 is involved in a homicide - 0.0028% of guns.
Not seeing the problem.
Don't know where you got your numbers but they are way off, there were only, 16,400 murders in 2011, the last year complete data is available, and not all those were committed with guns. Check your data before you jump out there with ignorant statements.

fair enough, poor citing. 16 thousand though?! even if only 12 are committed by guns which is what bussiness insider tell me that number is ridiculously high. which still speaks to my original premise

I tend to agree that it is a cultural problem but not in the sense you imply. We have a judicial system that fails to enforce our laws, we have a culture that says cooperating with law enforcement is bad and a welfare system designed to destroy the nuclear family. Any society with those values will have violence, if not guns it will be with knives and clubs but it will happen. Until society as a whole decides enough is enough it will continue. People use firearms 2.5 million times a year to protect themselves from the society we have allowed to prosper, would you deny them the right to protect themselves?

That 2.5 million number that is so often cited by the NRA is really a drastic overestimation of the real number. about 35% of the time a gun was used in self defense the offender was committing a burglary. its like this, guns were reported to be used by defenders for self defense in about 845,000 burglaries. From victimization surveys, we know that there were about 6 million burglaries in the U.S. in the year of that survey and only 22% of those incidents occured when someone was in the house (1.3 million of the home invasions). Now, since only 42 % of households own firearms and since 2/3rds of the victims reported to be asleep during the invasion that means we are suppossed to believe that a gun was used (if my math is right) a little over 100 percent of the time.
In no way do I think guns should be taken away from their legal owners, I do think the 20,000 plus laws need to be inforced to keep me and everyone safe from owners that become overzealous with a firearm. Now, the majority of legal firearm owners will tell you that their first three concerns are safety safety and more safety, but there are those out there looking for a reason to use their firearms and statistically that ends poorly for the gun owner.

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