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Gilad Shalit Deal Reached With Hamas: Israel Radio

I guess the question is who's the lucky country that gets these guys?

I don't think Israel would want them in any bordering countries, right?

They'll probably end up in California on welfare and food stamps.

lol yeah right.

Why not? that Iranian guy they arrested here had US Citizenship, Anwar Al-Awlaki was a US Citizen, why not those guys? it could happen, those bleeding hearts in CA would love to have them.
lol yeah right.

Why not? that Iranian guy they arrested here had US Citizenship, Anwar Al-Awlaki was a US Citizen, why not those guys? it could happen, those bleeding hearts in CA would love to have them.

I don't know man, I'd like to think our government is not that stupid, but they've done dumb shit before.

We have taken in alot of Somalia refugees and quite a few of them have gone back to Somalia to join Al Shabab, I wouldn't put this past our government.
I am glad the man will finally be free.
Of course that goes without saying. But how do you feel about returning 1,000 trained fighters to the ranks of a committed enemy, most of whom will be re-armed and will thus expand on an already significant threat.

I should make it clear that I am in no way concerned with the Israel/Arab conflict and I am not biased toward either side. My only interest in this transaction is the former belief that a critical component of Israel's strength is its refusal to negotiate with hostage-takers. I thought they made that clear in Munich 1972.

Is this exchange a signal that a significant peace deal is imminent?
I am glad the man will finally be free.
Of course that goes without saying. But how do you feel about returning 1,000 trained fighters to the ranks of a committed enemy, most of whom will be re-armed and will thus expand on an already significant threat.

I should make it clear that I am in no way concerned with the Israel/Arab conflict and I am not biased toward either side. My only interest in this transaction is the former belief that a critical component of Israel's strength is its refusal to negotiate with hostage-takers. I thought they made that clear in Munich 1972.

Is this exchange a signal that a significant peace deal is imminent?

Not at all imo, I am just glad this man will finally be free, having spent time in the Military myself I could only imagine what it would be like to be captured by enemy forces from a country like Iraq or Iran for example and to be held for years, the 1000 Palestinians being released of course is a concern but I am sure the Israelis know what they are getting into since they approved the exchange.
Prisoner list includes planners of mass atrocities


A list of 477 Palestinian prisoners who will soon be free was published on Sunday by the Israel Prisons Service ahead of the first stage of an exchange deal that will see captive IDF soldier Gilad Schalit returned to Israel.

The list includes Walid Anajas, who was convicted for his involvement in the bombing of the Moment Cafe in Jerusalem in 2002.

Twelve civilians were murdered and 54 wounded in the attack.

Another soon-to-be released prisoner is Abd al-Aziz Salaha, who in 2001 took part in the murder of two IDF soldiers who mistakenly drove into Ramallah.

Salaha was caught on camera holding out hands covered in blood after beating one of the soldiers to death. He held his hands out of a Ramallah police station where the soldiers were killed, to a frenzied Palestinian crowd that gathered outside.

Also on the list is Nasser Yataima, convicted of planning the 2002 Passover Seder suicide-bomb attack on the Park Hotel in Netanya, in which 30 civilians were killed and 140 were wounded.

Musab Hashlemon, of Hebron, who was sentenced to 17 life sentences for dispatching two suicide bombers to Beersheba, will be released.

Sixteen civilians were murdered when the bombers detonated themselves on two buses in central Beersheba in 2004.

Hashlemon was released in the previous prisoner exchange deal for Elhanan Tenenbaum, when Hashlemon was a minor Hamas operative.

He will be deported to Gaza.

Chris al-Bandak, the only known Christian member of the Fatah Tanzim terror group, is also included. He was convicted of several shooting attacks which claimed the lives of two Israelis and seriously wounded a third in 2002.

Ibrahim Jundiya, sentenced to 12 life sentences for dispatching a suicide bomber to a Jerusalem bus in 2002, will also be deported to Gaza. Eleven bus passengers were murdered in the bombing which occurred in Jerusalem’s Kiryat Menahem neighborhood.

Fadi Muhammad al-Jabaa, sentenced to 18 life sentences for plotting the suicide bombing of a Haifa bus in 2003, in which 17 passengers were murdered, will be released and deported to Gaza. The list also includes Maedh Abu Sharakh, also convicted of plotting the Haifa bus bombing.

Mazen Muhammad Faqha, who plotted the 2002 suicide bus bombing near Safed, in which nine passengers were murdered and 40 wounded, will also be released and deported to Gaza.

Tamimi Ahlam, the Palestinian female Hamas terrorist convicted of aiding and abetting the suicide bomber who murdered 15 civilians and wounded 140 in the 2001 Sbarro pizzeria bombing in the capital will be deported to her native Jordan.

Hisham Ibrahim Hijaz, a Hamas member from Ramallah arrested in 2003, was sentenced to 10 life sentences for setting up a terrorist cell and using it to carry out a shooting attack near the West Bank settlement of Shilo. One Israeli was killed and two were wounded in the attack. Hijaz will be deported out of the area upon release.

Amir Jabar Sharif Sawalma, of Nablus, arrested in 2003, was sentenced to six life sentences for an array of lethal terrorist acts. Sawalma carried out a shooting attack at an IDF checkpoint at Mount Gerizim in the West Bank, killing two IDF soldiers and injuring three.

He also dispatched two suicide bombers and prepared their explosives belts at IDF positions, killing an additional two soldiers and injuring eight. Sawalma also sent a third suicide bomber to a civilian target. The bomber was stopped by a security guard, who was killed in the attack.

Ahmed Mustafa al-Najar, of Ramallah, is a Hamas terrorist convicted of murdering six Israelis by acting as a lookout in a terror cell that carried out shooting attacks.

Jabril Ismail, a Hamas terrorist operative, assembled a bomb and hid it in a radio. He placed the device at the entrance to an apartment building in Modi’in. A landlord was badly wounded in his hand and face in the attack.

Ismail also plotted a suicide bombing at a gas station in the central Israeli town of Neveh Yamin in 2001. Two teenagers were murdered and four were wounded in the attack. Ismail, sentenced to six life sentences, will be deported to either Gaza or abroad.

Ismail Musa Bahit, of Gaza, is a member of the Popular Resistance Committee who was arrested in 1993. He received 12 life sentences for murdering six Palestinians he suspected of cooperating with Israel and one Jewish vegetable seller in a terror attack.

Prisoner list includes planners o... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics
José;4261603 said:
The establishment of an safe haven for the afrikander people in South Africa resulted in a scenario of ethnic supremacism in that part of the world
Oh, in memorable words of the Anglo-American Committee, 1946, "One witnesses in Palestine not merely the impact of European culture upon the East, but also the impact of Western science and Western technology upon a semi-feudal civilization."
For the sake of political correctness, UN-Banki Moon style, we may say it was evil of jews to show arabs how backward the latter have been, hence the "ethnic supremacism" babble, perpetuated by losers, who'd like to redistribute somebody else's gains, of course.
José;4261603 said:
so I supported the peaceful dismantlement of the south african apartheid state.
Ah, one of the Soviet Russia projects! But we digress somewhat. So, why not dismantle, peacefully, of course, that palistan abomination and undertake a great humanitarian relocation of palistanians to their respective homelands, instead? Since the only thing that unites them are their "nativity" myth, judophobia and a burning desire to redistribute what's not theirs, that is, hyperenvy.
Small wonder my dramatic, extremely intense exchange with Ropey about the ingrained, subconcious dehumanisation of the Palestinian people in the minds of the average Westerner drew the attention of docmouser and the ire of Jroc (neg rep comment: "stupid post").

The idea that Palestinian arabs are less human than Jews and therefore not entitled to the right of living in the western part of their homeland.

As opposed to:

Black south africans, viewed by westerners as fully humans, as entitled to the same set of rights as white south africans including the right to leave the black townships and bantustans freely.

Being only partially humans it is OK to keep them herded in Gaza and the West Bank disrespecting their right to return to their original towns and villages in Western Palestine.

The dehumanisation of the arab people of Palestine is identical to the one endured by native americans, blacks and hispanics in the USA.

So it's extremely painful to see black americans like HG and many latinos and hispanics that I know personally (including members of my own family) siding with the jewish racial dictatorship.

My brutally honest exchange with Ropey was by far the highlight of this thread.

The rest was just:

1 - A micro subject of micro importance (a mere deal between Hamas and Israel).

2 - irrelevant babble.
José;4306096 said:
Small wonder my dramatic, extremely intense exchange with Ropey about the ingrained, subconcious dehumanisation of the Palestinian people in the minds of the average Westerner drew the attention of docmouser and the ire of Jroc (neg rep comment: "stupid post").

The idea that Palestinian arabs are less human than Jews and therefore not entitled to the right of living in the western part of their homeland.

Pedro, Pestilinians are less than human. Their homeland is Arabia. Israel is the Jewish homeland, Pedro.

My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but allah, we will chase you everywhere We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no better blood than the blood of the Jews. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood, we will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rleFpY402vM]Palestinian - Terrorism - YouTube[/ame]
José;4306096 said:
Small wonder my dramatic, extremely intense exchange with Ropey about the ingrained, subconcious dehumanisation of the Palestinian people in the minds of the average Westerner drew the attention of docmouser and the ire of Jroc (neg rep comment: "stupid post").
  • Small wonder it, indeed, was one, of course.
  • As to the subconcious dehumanisation of the Palestinian people, the latter and their cheerleaders should remember that they've to accomplish something worthy of notice and praise before they all feel good about themselves, i.e. get a life and a job.
  • Besides, there're no "palestinian people" - palistanians have never been a nation.
José;4306096 said:
The dehumanisation of the arab people of Palestine is identical to the one endured by native americans, blacks and hispanics in the USA.

Er, "Palestine" is an English word, not an Arabic word, invented by the British, not the Arabs. "Palestine" has Hebrew roots, not Arabic: Peleshet.

Pedro, why do Arabs call land their own when it has Hebrew roots named by the British? Do Jews call Arabia their land?
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José;4306096 said:
Small wonder my dramatic, extremely intense exchange with Ropey about the ingrained, subconcious dehumanisation of the Palestinian people in the minds of the average Westerner drew the attention of docmouser and the ire of Jroc (neg rep comment: "stupid post").

The idea that Palestinian arabs are less human than Jews and therefore not entitled to the right of living in the western part of their homeland. [/]

Pedro, why do the Arabs dehumanize their own Palestininans while Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs have democracy and freedom?

Pedro, you are estupido!

Wall Street Journal: "The Arab World's Dirty Secret".
As Israelis and Palestinians prepare to visit Washington next week to begin direct peace talks, it's worth recalling what refugees the Palestinians are—in Arab countries.

Last week, Lebanon's parliament amended a clause in a 1946 law that had been used to bar the 400,000 Palestinians living in the country from taking any but the most menial jobs. "I was born in Lebanon and I have never known Palestine," the AP quoted one 45-year-old Palestinian who works as a cab driver. "We want to live like Lebanese. We are human beings and we need civil rights."

The dirty little secret of the Arab world is that it has consistently treated Palestinians living in its midst with contempt and often violence. In 1970, Jordan expelled thousands of Palestinian militants after Yasser Arafat attempted a coup against King Hussein. In 1991, Kuwait expelled some 400,000 Palestinians working in the country as punishment for Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War.

For six decades, Palestinians have been forced by Arab governments to live in often squalid conditions so that they could serve as propaganda tools against Israel, even as millions of refugees elsewhere have been repatriated and absorbed by their host countries. This month's vote still falls short of giving Palestinian Lebanese the rights they deserve, including citizenship. But it's a reminder of the cynicism of so much Arab pro-Palestinian propaganda, and the credulity of those who fall for it.


Here at BMFI, we do not believe the Arab-Israeli conflict is a war over land or religion, but it is a clash of ideas. Israel, as a Western liberal democracy, extends equal rights to all of its citizens, regardless of religion or race. Muslims have more rights in Israel than in any other country in the Middle East.

While Egypt guns down Sudanese refugees fleeing the murderous oppression of their government, Israel gives them home and shelter; while Lebanon denies Palestinian refugees access to healthcare, Israel provides emergency treatment for the residents of the West Bank and Gaza strip; while Syria keeps the Palestinians in refugee camps and sporadically slaughters them, Israel offered full citizenship to all its Palestinians after the Arab states attempted to destroy Israel and slaughter its Holocaust survivors in 1948.

British Muslims for Israel

Washington Post: Why Palestinians Want To Be Israelis
One of the givens of the Middle East peace process is that Palestinians are eager to be free of rule by Israel and to live in a state of their own. That's why a new poll of the Arabs of East Jerusalem is striking: It shows that more of those people actually would prefer to be citizens of Israel than of a Palestinian state.

The awkward fact is that the 270,000 Arabs who live in East Jerusalem may not be very enthusiastic about joining Palestine. The survey, which was designed and supervised by former State Department Middle East researcher David Pollock, found that only 30 percent said they would prefer to be citizens of Palestine in a two-state solution, while 35 percent said they would choose Israeli citizenship. (The rest said they didn't know or refused to answer.) Forty percent said they would consider moving to another neighborhood in order to become a citizen of Israel rather than Palestine, and 54 percent said that if their neighborhood were assigned to Israel, they would not move to Palestine.

The reasons for these attitudes are pretty understandable, even healthy. Arabs say they prefer Israel's jobs, schools, health care and welfare benefits to those of a Palestinian state -- and their nationalism is not strong enough for them to set aside these advantages in order to live in an Arab country.

PostPartisan - Why Palestinians want to be Israeli citizens
Originally posted by JStone
Pedro, why do Arabs call land their own when it has Hebrew roots named by the British? Do Jews call Arabia their land?

You don't have to belong to the first ethnicity to inhabit a given part of the world to call it home.

Blacks are not the indigenous people of the american continent but the USA is their homeland nonetheless.

Palestine is the homeland of the palestinian people in the same way America is the homeland of black americans (400 year presence in the land) and hispanic americans (400 years too).
Originally posted by JStone
Pedro, why do the Arabs dehumanize their own Palestininans while Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs have democracy and freedom?

You mean the token palestinians who enjoy the "freedom" to be treated as second class citizens and the "right" to belong to the "unwanted", "unofficial" ethnicity of the state?

Unrecognized Arab villages in Israel

Around 90,000 Arabs live in the 176 unrecognized villages inside Israel, mainly in the Galilee or the Negev desert. These villages do not officially exist. They are unrecognized because their inhabitants are in effect internal refugees. During the 1948 war many left their homes, believing they would return once the fighting had ended. Many Palestinians found themselves outside the borders of Israel. The internal refugees remained within the borders of the new state but were unable to return to their villages.

Non-recognition means the villagers are not entitled to municipal services like water, electricity, roads, transport, sanitation, education or healthcare.

Unrecognized Arab villages in Israel | Institut MEDEA
José;4306916 said:
Originally posted by JStone
Pedro, why do the Arabs dehumanize their own Palestininans while Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs have democracy and freedom?

You mean the token palestinians who enjoy the "freedom" to be treated as second class citizens and the "right" to belong to the "unwanted", "unofficial" ethnicity of the state?

Pedro, Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

8 out of 10 Israeli Arabs prefer Israel to any other country even Arab and Muslim shitholes.
Harvard Kennedy School - New Study Finds Strong Jewish and Arab Consensus for Peaceful Coexistence in Israel
José;4306906 said:
Originally posted by JStone
Pedro, why do Arabs call land their own when it has Hebrew roots named by the British? Do Jews call Arabia their land?

You don't have to belong to the first ethnicity to inhabit a given part of the world to call it home.

Blacks are not the indigenous people of the american continent but the USA is their homeland nonetheless.

Palestine is the homeland of the palestinian people in the same way America is the homeland of black americans (400 year presence in the land) and hispanic americans (400 years too).

Pedro, Palestine was invented by the British after World War I to call Israel.

Pedro, Jews have lived in and ruled in Israel for 3000 years verified by the archaeological record.

Pedro, can provide archaeological verification of any Palestinian civilization in Israel?

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Tel Dan Stele Verifying King David Dynasty 3000 years ago
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Jewish Bar Kokhba Coins Minted 2000 Years Ago...
Bar Kochba Revolt coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans against Jews 2000 years ago
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 years old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel - Ben-Tor, Amnon; Greenberg, R. - Yale University Press

Pedro, no archaeological evidence of any Palestinian civilization in Israel? You're full of shit not facts, Pedro. Muy estupido :lol:
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José;4306916 said:
Originally posted by JStone
Pedro, why do the Arabs dehumanize their own Palestininans while Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Arabs have democracy and freedom?

You mean the token palestinians who enjoy the "freedom" to be treated as second class citizens and the "right" to belong to the "unwanted", "unofficial" ethnicity of the state?

Unrecognized Arab villages in Israel

Around 90,000 Arabs live in the 176 unrecognized villages inside Israel, mainly in the Galilee or the Negev desert. These villages do not officially exist. They are unrecognized because their inhabitants are in effect internal refugees. During the 1948 war many left their homes, believing they would return once the fighting had ended. Many Palestinians found themselves outside the borders of Israel. The internal refugees remained within the borders of the new state but were unable to return to their villages.

Non-recognition means the villagers are not entitled to municipal services like water, electricity, roads, transport, sanitation, education or healthcare.

Unrecognized Arab villages in Israel | Institut MEDEA

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdeSK1EHUQg]30 sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.divx - YouTube[/ame]
sleepless Gaza Jerusalem

Number of times Jerusalem mentioned in Hebrew Bible: 700
Number of times Jerusalem mentioned in Quran: Zero.

King David made Jerusalem the Jewish capital 3000 years ago. Mahomet never set foot in Jerusalem. Jerusalem has never been a Muslim capital.

When Arabs pray in Arab-occupied Jerusalem, they point their hairy asses to Jerusalem and the "sacred" dome of the rock while facing mecca


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