Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

Nope. Wrong again flaming Joe. Israel has a military contract with us. We are reliant on China significantly more than we are reliant on Israel. We don’t sent aid you waste of space. It’s a contract where we send weapons that they BUY from us. At least you’re a consistent hypocrite moron. So now you see why so many are anti China. Hmmmmm....but Disney loves China. If Carano said I love China she would still be employed by them.

The Zionist Entity gets 3.3 BILLION in American tax aid every year. That's in addition to the money we pay their neighbors to play nice with them. And the money we spend continually beating up anyone they consider a threat.

So, yeah, that kind of gives us a right to say what they are doing is wrong. Not that we'd ever do that.

Meanwhile, all China did was be a convenient scapegoat for lazy white people who wonder why the rich took away their dad's factory job. Because it's easier to hate a person of color in another country than a machine that replaced you.

Meanwhile, Carano was fired for what she DID say, not what she might have said. Because when you are spending 4 Billion for a Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family, you really don't want to be talking about Nazis.


Oh, shit, that's awkward...
Of course it's about how people reacted to it. What the fuck have you been telling us this whole time? That Disney fired her because of the reaction to the tweet and they didn't want to lose money.

No one is disputing that Disney had the legal right to fire her. But was the reaction and the subsequent firing justified? Absolutely not.

Sure it was. When you are making a fun space adventure for the whole family, you don't want a controversy about why your minor actress is making Nazi Analogies.

So why is it a problem now?

They had no moral problems with her tweets as an MMA fighter but now they do as an actress? Is that what you're telling me?

Can you explain to me how the morality of her tweets changed with her vocation?

Because nobody knew who she was when she went around beating up other women (or getting her ass kicked by other women). I mean other than people who are into that kind of thing.

This is just a variation on the same theme. Explain how the morality of her tweets changed when she changed vocations or when she became more famous.

But Star Wars was a FOUR BILLION DOLLAR investments for Disney. that's how much they paid George Lucas for the rights to the characters and universe. They've made five movies with varying levels of success - one of them outright bombed because of fan backlash - and nobody is buying Rose Tico Action Figures.

I never bought the reasons given for fans' disappointment about Tico. I personally think fans had a problem with her because she wasn't as slim and attractive as Ridley and other female stars. I thought it was hypocritical horseshit.

In short, the last thing they need trying to make a profit off this IP they paid too much for is some loud mouth redneck actress talking about Nazis and Trannies.

How is this any different than Pascal talking about Nazis?

now, to be fair, I don't know if she was saying this kind of stupid, racist, homophobic crap when she was beating women up, or if she was and nobody at Disney bothered to vet her before she got the job. It doesn't really matter. Once she was on their payroll, what she did reflected on them.

Tell me what she said that was racist or homophobic and why you think so.
This is just a variation on the same theme. Explain how the morality of her tweets changed when she changed vocations or when she became more famous.

Open ended questions. Was she making the same kinds of tweets when she was beating up other girls? I don't know. Because I never heard of her before that and neither had 99.9% of the population. When she "changed vocations", people started paying attention to her, and it really did make a difference.

I never bought the reasons given for fans' disappointment about Tico. I personally think fans had a problem with her because she wasn't as slim and attractive as Ridley and other female stars. I thought it was hypocritical horseshit.

Actually, she was an awful character, because her actions made little or no sense. Yes, part of it was the way she was presented, they made her look kind of frumpy. But the things her character did in the movie were dumb. Such as crashing her speeder into Fin's because she loved him, five minutes before everyone was going to get wiped out, anyway. Of course, the liberal left made it all about the one fan who said "Ching-chong-chang" on a fan website, and not about the legitimate criticisms of the character, or the preaching about war profiteering, or the dumb "let's stop in the middle of our important mission to free a bunch of space horsies!!!"

But important point- The fans didn't like her. The liberal media praised her for being the "First Woman of Color in Star Wars" but at the end of the day, Disney/Lucasfilm effectively wrote her out of the third movie, and even replaced her as Finn's backup love interest.

How is this any different than Pascal talking about Nazis?

Um, yeah, Pascal had a point. Throwing Children into cages is just what the Nazis did.

The Nazis didn't do cancel culture on the Jews. They just cancelled them.

Tell me what she said that was racist or homophobic and why you think so.

Not playing that game with you. Then we get into twenty off topic discussions and Zoggie whines about hijacking the thread.

She was fired for reposting a supposed offensive tweet on social media. The tweet in question is in the article.

Guess I won't be watching the Mandalorian anymore...

By the way, what ever happened to equal rights for women?

The private sector doesn't guarantee you freedom of speech on their dime.

Are you stupid, or what?
Their dime?

She wasn't posting AT WORK or on a WORK PC.

Standard employment contract includes conduct unbecoming OFF THE JOB.
Go talk to that ex Chiefs coach if you’re confused by the concept.

Are you equating warning people on how Nazism infests a population with DWI, an actual crime?
I am stating the simple truth that an employer has the right to terminate an employee for conduct unbecoming, including idiotic offensive FREE speech.
Except there was nothing offensive in her statement
Except there was nothing offensive in her statement

The people who hired her thought otherwise, and they are the only ones who count.

Look at you all of a sudden taking the boss's side.

I thought all bosses and business owners were the scourge of the earth according to you.

There is absolutely nothing offensive about what she said
Look at you all of a sudden taking the boss's side.

I thought all bosses and business owners were the scourge of the earth according to you.

There is absolutely nothing offensive about what she said

I don't have a side. Just that I can see why a big company with a long record of firing troublesome talent would do exactly what they did, and frankly, she should have known better.

I actually hate 99% of what Disney has done with Star Wars, something I loved since my teen years when I saw it four times at the theater.

But, um, yeah, firing Mannish Woman after she had been warned multiple times about watching what she posted on line, I can't really get upset about that.
This is just a variation on the same theme. Explain how the morality of her tweets changed when she changed vocations or when she became more famous.

Open ended questions. Was she making the same kinds of tweets when she was beating up other girls? I don't know. Because I never heard of her before that and neither had 99.9% of the population. When she "changed vocations", people started paying attention to her, and it really did make a difference.

So people started paying attention to her entirely by choice, got upset when she said things they disagreed with and then tried to get her fired rather than just choosing NOT to pay attention to her, as if it was her fault they got upset. Yup, that pretty much sums up the liberal MO when it comes to facing disappointments or different ideas.

I never bought the reasons given for fans' disappointment about Tico. I personally think fans had a problem with her because she wasn't as slim and attractive as Ridley and other female stars. I thought it was hypocritical horseshit.

Actually, she was an awful character, because her actions made little or no sense. Yes, part of it was the way she was presented, they made her look kind of frumpy. But the things her character did in the movie were dumb. Such as crashing her speeder into Fin's because she loved him, five minutes before everyone was going to get wiped out, anyway. Of course, the liberal left made it all about the one fan who said "Ching-chong-chang" on a fan website, and not about the legitimate criticisms of the character, or the preaching about war profiteering, or the dumb "let's stop in the middle of our important mission to free a bunch of space horsies!!!"

Wassamatta, did the insignificant little side story ruin your "family fun space adventure"? I mean, it's not like she called out cancel culture and liberal hypocrisy or anything.

But important point- The fans didn't like her. The liberal media praised her for being the "First Woman of Color in Star Wars" but at the end of the day, Disney/Lucasfilm effectively wrote her out of the third movie, and even replaced her as Finn's backup love interest.

The fans were full of shit. In this day and age where Hollywood is inserting pointless lesbian love stories and gay characters into every movie and TV show, suddenly they have a problem with pointless side stories.

I'm not buying it. I still say it was because she didn't look as good in a "family fun space adventure" costume.

How is this any different than Pascal talking about Nazis?

Um, yeah, Pascal had a point.

So did Carano. Thing is, you give Pascal a free pass because you happen to agree with him.

Throwing Children into cages is just what the Nazis did.

And? The issue is not whether the Nazis put children in cages, the issue is whether or not the comparison to border detention centers is apt. It is not.

The comparison is extremely insulting to people who actually experienced or lost loved ones in the death camps. There is nothing even remotely similar between the two other than the fence itself.

It is a cheap, false and opportunistic ploy to score wokepoints by the social justice mob.

The Nazis didn't do cancel culture on the Jews. They just cancelled them.

So who's cancelling the kids in the detention centers?

Tell me what she said that was racist or homophobic and why you think so.

Not playing that game with you. Then we get into twenty off topic discussions and Zoggie whines about hijacking the thread.

And there's the classic JoeB dodge that Azog and myself predicted was coming.

This is yet another example of sensitive leftists and for the Jewish poster here she is a traitor 100%. What Gina said is 100% accurate and relevant. Disney is a leftist organization. Shame on you!
She should have insisted on her right to find mostly nice guys who are into full body massage with Happy ending and g-spot focus work, and help them get All the practice they can handle!
So people started paying attention to her entirely by choice, got upset when she said things they disagreed with and then tried to get her fired rather than just choosing NOT to pay attention to her, as if it was her fault they got upset. Yup, that pretty much sums up the liberal MO when it comes to facing disappointments or different ideas.

Wow... your brain workings are bizarre. Frankly, I wouldn't have complained to Disney about her, but some people did. Disney took it seriously... because, hey, it's Disney, that's what they do.


Disney not just cancels troublesome talent, they censor themselves, which is why you can't find a copy of Song of the South anywhere.

Wassamatta, did the insignificant little side story ruin your "family fun space adventure"? I mean, it's not like she called out cancel culture and liberal hypocrisy or anything.

Meh, I personally didn't have a big problem with her. I had a bigger problem with what they did with Luke Skywalker's character to make Rey's look better. I also think that she was shoe-horned in there because Disney wanted to get that sweet, sweet Chinese market, but China doesn't care about Star Wars.

So did Carano. Thing is, you give Pascal a free pass because you happen to agree with him.

Um, yeah. Because, he's taking a moral stance. As opposed to Mannish Woman, who is just whining about Lost White Privilege.

And? The issue is not whether the Nazis put children in cages, the issue is whether or not the comparison to border detention centers is apt. It is not.

The comparison is extremely insulting to people who actually experienced or lost loved ones in the death camps. There is nothing even remotely similar between the two other than the fence itself.

Oh, so it only counts if you know someone it happened to? Because at some point, when Biden frees these people, we are going to hear a lot of horror stories about Trump's detention camps.

So who's cancelling the kids in the detention centers?

You mean other than keeping them in unsafe conditions?

I could post a whole bunch of articles here, but I don't want Zoggie going off and whining about "off topic".

And there's the classic JoeB dodge that Azog and myself predicted was coming.

Nope, I'm not going off topic to prove that every homophobic and racist thing she said was really homophobic and racist. Because you play this game all the time, and frankly, it bores me.
Nope. Wrong again flaming Joe. Israel has a military contract with us. We are reliant on China significantly more than we are reliant on Israel. We don’t sent aid you waste of space. It’s a contract where we send weapons that they BUY from us. At least you’re a consistent hypocrite moron. So now you see why so many are anti China. Hmmmmm....but Disney loves China. If Carano said I love China she would still be employed by them.

The Zionist Entity gets 3.3 BILLION in American tax aid every year. That's in addition to the money we pay their neighbors to play nice with them. And the money we spend continually beating up anyone they consider a threat.

So, yeah, that kind of gives us a right to say what they are doing is wrong. Not that we'd ever do that.

Meanwhile, all China did was be a convenient scapegoat for lazy white people who wonder why the rich took away their dad's factory job. Because it's easier to hate a person of color in another country than a machine that replaced you.

Meanwhile, Carano was fired for what she DID say, not what she might have said. Because when you are spending 4 Billion for a Fun Space Adventure for the Whole Family, you really don't want to be talking about Nazis.

View attachment 462635

Oh, shit, that's awkward...
Wrong. They don’t get anything. It’s a military contract. You think that picture offends me? LOL

Not remotely. It’s a movie. I am not a snowflake like you. Again if Carano said I love China she would not have been fired. You can’t refute that.
So people started paying attention to her entirely by choice, got upset when she said things they disagreed with and then tried to get her fired rather than just choosing NOT to pay attention to her, as if it was her fault they got upset. Yup, that pretty much sums up the liberal MO when it comes to facing disappointments or different ideas.

Wow... your brain workings are bizarre. Frankly, I wouldn't have complained to Disney about her, but some people did. Disney took it seriously... because, hey, it's Disney, that's what they do.

No shit Sherlock. My point is, the culture we have cultivated in this country gives snowflakes a sense of entitlement to the point that they think they have a right NOT to hear and see things they don't agree with, even if they themselves chose to listen in the first fucking place.

No one forced these fluffmuffins to follow her Twitter page and certainly no one forced them to continue doing so even after they got their panties in a bunch the last time.

Disney not just cancels troublesome talent, they censor themselves, which is why you can't find a copy of Song of the South anywhere.

Good for them. But this is not really about Disney's cancel culture, it's about the cancel culture that has gripped this country from all quarters to the point that people are afraid to express opinions anymore, which is exactly what the culture wants: to scare them into silence.

Wassamatta, did the insignificant little side story ruin your "family fun space adventure"? I mean, it's not like she called out cancel culture and liberal hypocrisy or anything.

Meh, I personally didn't have a big problem with her. I had a bigger problem with what they did with Luke Skywalker's character to make Rey's look better. I also think that she was shoe-horned in there because Disney wanted to get that sweet, sweet Chinese market, but China doesn't care about Star Wars.

Okay, so it ruined the family fun space adventure for other hypocrites. Gotcha.

So did Carano. Thing is, you give Pascal a free pass because you happen to agree with him.

Um, yeah. Because, he's taking a moral stance.

So is Carano. But again, Pascal gets a free pass because you happen to agree with him.

As opposed to Mannish Woman, who is just whining about Lost White Privilege.

When you say "Lost White Privilege", do you mean losing your job for expressing an opinion?

Tell me, what "white privilege" did she lose that was implied in her tweet?

And? The issue is not whether the Nazis put children in cages, the issue is whether or not the comparison to border detention centers is apt. It is not.

The comparison is extremely insulting to people who actually experienced or lost loved ones in the death camps. There is nothing even remotely similar between the two other than the fence itself.

Oh, so it only counts if you know someone it happened to?

Does what only count? What's your point?

Because at some point, when Biden frees these people, we are going to hear a lot of horror stories about Trump's detention camps.

Trump didn't build these "detention camps" dumbass. He only used them for the purpose that CLINTON and OBAMA had them built for: detaining illegal immigrants while being processed.

So who's cancelling the kids in the detention centers?

You mean other than keeping them in unsafe conditions?

They were brought here by their parents under unsafe conditions. If you're going to condemn anyone, condemn them.

And there's the classic JoeB dodge that Azog and myself predicted was coming.

Nope, I'm not going off topic to prove that every homophobic and racist thing she said was really homophobic and racist. Because you play this game all the time, and frankly, it bores me.

Read: I can't answer the question honestly so I'll accuse you of playing games.

By the way, you're already off topic. YOU took us off topic to defend Pascal's posting of Nazi imagery so you could avoid the point of the question. And that is the fact that Carano did the exact same thing Pascal did but got fired for it.

Also, I never asked you to "prove" anything. I asked you what she said that was racist and homophobic and why you thought this way.

Your refusal to do so only tells me that you are incapable of even defining what is racist or homophobic and that what this is really about is not so much that what she said is racist or homophobic, but rather that she is a conservative.
Wrong. They don’t get anything. It’s a military contract. You think that picture offends me? LOL

Not remotely. It’s a movie. I am not a snowflake like you. Again if Carano said I love China she would not have been fired. You can’t refute that.

I wouldn't know. Nothing really offensive in saying one loves China. The Chinese are wonderful people. Their government kind of sucks, but so did our for the previous four years.

Comparing liberals to Nazis when they object to your racism and homphobia, um, yeah, that'll get you fired.
Wrong. They don’t get anything. It’s a military contract. You think that picture offends me? LOL

Not remotely. It’s a movie. I am not a snowflake like you. Again if Carano said I love China she would not have been fired. You can’t refute that.

I wouldn't know. Nothing really offensive in saying one loves China. The Chinese are wonderful people. Their government kind of sucks, but so did our for the previous four years.

Comparing liberals to Nazis when they object to your racism and homphobia, um, yeah, that'll get you fired.
You are crazy. Absolutely crazy. Thanks for confirming what the Mods state about you to me.
No shit Sherlock. My point is, the culture we have cultivated in this country gives snowflakes a sense of entitlement to the point that they think they have a right NOT to hear and see things they don't agree with, even if they themselves chose to listen in the first fucking place.

No one forced these fluffmuffins to follow her Twitter page and certainly no one forced them to continue doing so even after they got their panties in a bunch the last time.

And nobody forced Disney to keep Mannish Woman on the Payroll.

They did a cost benefit analysis of what it would cost to not hire her vs. what it would cost to try to deflect the bad publicity the next time she said something stupid, and decided she wasn't worth the trouble.

Good for them. But this is not really about Disney's cancel culture, it's about the cancel culture that has gripped this country from all quarters to the point that people are afraid to express opinions anymore, which is exactly what the culture wants: to scare them into silence.

Sure, you go with that. I honestly WISH we had a cancel culture to shut certain people up. We really don't, though. Maybe someone loses a job, but they get a new job.

When you say "Lost White Privilege", do you mean losing your job for expressing an opinion?

Did I need to use smaller words for you? This is just more White Grievance Politics...

Trump didn't build these "detention camps" dumbass. He only used them for the purpose that CLINTON and OBAMA had them built for: detaining illegal immigrants while being processed.

Lie. Obama separated a few families, and quickly resolved their cases. Trump has kept kids in cages for months in an attempt to terrorize people out of seeking asylum. But off topic, so I'm not going to discuss further.

They were brought here by their parents under unsafe conditions. If you're going to condemn anyone, condemn them.

Our laws give them a right to seek asylum. Trump Violated those laws and attempted to terrorist people into compliance.

Your refusal to do so only tells me that you are incapable of even defining what is racist or homophobic

Naw, guy, because it's a waste of time... what I've seen in the last four years is you guys developing this ability to deny the most openly racist actions... it's an amazing bit of gaslighting, but I think we've all tired of it. If you have a cancel culture, it's because people just got tired of trying to explain to you why you are in the wrong.
You are crazy. Absolutely crazy. Thanks for confirming what the Mods state about you to me.

Those are the voices in you head. They have medications for that now.
If that were only true. All set with you. Go troll elsewhere. I have beaten you down sufficiently. Tattle tale. Aren't you embarrassed being a tattle tale? A 60 year old man acting like a baby.
If that were only true. All set with you. Go troll elsewhere. I have beaten you down sufficiently. Tattle tale. Aren't you embarrassed being a tattle tale? A 60 year old man acting like a baby.

Naw, man, I just don't think we should have trolls here who just want to start fights....

I'm happy to have a thoughtful conversation... and sometimes, you almost get into striking distance of one...but then you go back to form....

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