Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

If that were only true. All set with you. Go troll elsewhere. I have beaten you down sufficiently. Tattle tale. Aren't you embarrassed being a tattle tale? A 60 year old man acting like a baby.

Naw, man, I just don't think we should have trolls here who just want to start fights....

I'm happy to have a thoughtful conversation... and sometimes, you almost get into striking distance of one...but then you go back to form....
Bullshit. If you truly wanted to have a debate you would not state your opinion as facts. You're a 60 yr old child.
Bullshit. If you truly wanted to have a debate you would not state your opinion as facts.

I back up my opinions with facts... that's the thing...
Wrong. You do not. You lied about the US giving Israel monies. It's a military contract. You said Jordan was a mediocre college player. I can name many more. You come here to troll as you're a miserable 60 yr old child.
Wrong. You do not. You lied about the US giving Israel monies. It's a military contract.

No, it's direct AID.

They don't pay us for those weapons. We give them money to buy weapons from us. Along with economic aid to prop up their economy.


We could also talk about how the Zionist Entity is protected from any international sanctions of their brutal regime by the US using it's Veto power in the UN.

But not the topic of this thread.
Wrong. You do not. You lied about the US giving Israel monies. It's a military contract.

No, it's direct AID.

They don't pay us for those weapons. We give them money to buy weapons from us. Along with economic aid to prop up their economy.

View attachment 462770
We could also talk about how the Zionist Entity is protected from any international sanctions of their brutal regime by the US using it's Veto power in the UN.

But not the topic of this thread.
Wrong. If I post and prove you wrong will you leave this board forever? The topic is you butting in and tattle tale. Why not just go away? No one wants you around.
No shit Sherlock. My point is, the culture we have cultivated in this country gives snowflakes a sense of entitlement to the point that they think they have a right NOT to hear and see things they don't agree with, even if they themselves chose to listen in the first fucking place.

No one forced these fluffmuffins to follow her Twitter page and certainly no one forced them to continue doing so even after they got their panties in a bunch the last time.

And nobody forced Disney to keep Mannish Woman on the Payroll.

Irrelevant. It's already been pointed out that Disney had the legal right to fire her so quit belaboring that point.

They did a cost benefit analysis of what it would cost to not hire her vs. what it would cost to try to deflect the bad publicity the next time she said something stupid, and decided she wasn't worth the trouble.

Blah blah blah This doesn't change the fact that the Twitter followers who cried about it are entitled bleating sheep.

Good for them. But this is not really about Disney's cancel culture, it's about the cancel culture that has gripped this country from all quarters to the point that people are afraid to express opinions anymore, which is exactly what the culture wants: to scare them into silence.

Sure, you go with that. I honestly WISH we had a cancel culture to shut certain people up.

Why would you wish for a cancel culture to shut people up, to scare them into silence? Looks like you wish for the very thing I just said is happening and to which you responded to with sarcasm.

We really don't, though. Maybe someone loses a job, but they get a new job.

Didn't you lose a job once that resulted in your hatred of rich people and corporations? When it happened to you, you didn't sound like it was no big deal. Now you blithely wish for others to lose their jobs and casually say they can get another job as if it wasn't infuriating and heart wrenching when it happened to your happy ass.

You're so full of shit it's coming out of your ears.

When you say "Lost White Privilege", do you mean losing your job for expressing an opinion?

Did I need to use smaller words for you? This is just more White Grievance Politics...

You need to use words that make sense, make a point and are honest.

But you didn't answer the question. What privilege was implied in her tweet that she is supposedly afraid of losing?

Trump didn't build these "detention camps" dumbass. He only used them for the purpose that CLINTON and OBAMA had them built for: detaining illegal immigrants while being processed.

You would know about lies, wouldn't you?

Obama separated a few families, and quickly resolved their cases. Trump has kept kids in cages for months in an attempt to terrorize people out of seeking asylum. But off topic, so I'm not going to discuss further.


They were brought here by their parents under unsafe conditions. If you're going to condemn anyone, condemn them.

Our laws give them a right to seek asylum. Trump Violated those laws and attempted to terrorist people into compliance.

Irrelevant. They were still brought here under unsafe conditions.

Are you aware of the fact that thousands have died of accidents and exposure trying to cross the border illegally? Are you aware of the fact that many of those dead are children?

Your refusal to do so only tells me that you are incapable of even defining what is racist or homophobic

Naw, guy, because it's a waste of time... what I've seen in the last four years is you guys developing this ability to deny the most openly racist actions... it's an amazing bit of gaslighting, but I think we've all tired of it. If you have a cancel culture, it's because people just got tired of trying to explain to you why you are in the wrong.

Irrelevant. Either define what is racist or homophobic or don't. Just don't bore me with more of that "conservatives are racist" bullshit if you're too ignorant and scared to say what it is.

You're too fucking stupid to grasp and explain exactly what racism is yet you know conservatives are. What a moron.
Wrong. You do not. You lied about the US giving Israel monies. It's a military contract.

No, it's direct AID.

They don't pay us for those weapons. We give them money to buy weapons from us. Along with economic aid to prop up their economy.

View attachment 462770
We could also talk about how the Zionist Entity is protected from any international sanctions of their brutal regime by the US using it's Veto power in the UN.

But not the topic of this thread.
Wrong. If I post and prove you wrong will you leave this board forever? The topic is you butting in and tattle tale. Why not just go away? No one wants you around.
Thanks...JoeB is embarrassingly wrong.
Then again, JoeB is an asshole.
Irrelevant. It's already been pointed out that Disney had the legal right to fire her so quit belaboring that point.

Then why are we discussing it?

Didn't you lose a job once that resulted in your hatred of rich people and corporations? When it happened to you, you didn't sound like it was no big deal. Now you blithely wish for others to lose their jobs and casually say they can get another job as if it wasn't infuriating and heart wrenching when it happened to your happy ass.

Funny thing happened, I got another job. Yes, I don't think big corporations should have control of our health care after spending a year fighting with my employer and Cigna to get treatment for a busted knee. That's a bit more serious than, "I said stupid shit on twitter the whole country got angry about, and they didn't bring me back to play a minor character."

Are you aware of the fact that thousands have died of accidents and exposure trying to cross the border illegally? Are you aware of the fact that many of those dead are children?

not sure how that makes it okay for Trump to throw them in cages, or grab children from their parents and then lose them.

You're too fucking stupid to grasp and explain exactly what racism is yet you know conservatives are. What a moron.

Naw, I see racist things said here by Conservatives every day, and you don't spend nearly as much time haranging them as you do me. It's why I don't bother trying to even correct the racists anymore.
You're the one who keeps saying how hooked you are on Asians as opposed to Americans.

Uh, most of the Asians I know are Americans. As American as you are. And some of their women are smoking hot.

Are you going to report me again? For something I didn't say? "YOU GUYS"?

Shh... I'm done talking to you until you say something on topic.

the topic was - Mannish woman says racist shit, gets fired by Disney.
You're the one who keeps saying how hooked you are on Asians as opposed to Americans.

Uh, most of the Asians I know are Americans. As American as you are. And some of their women are smoking hot.

Are you going to report me again? For something I didn't say? "YOU GUYS"?

Shh... I'm done talking to you until you say something on topic.

the topic was - Mannish woman says racist shit, gets fired by Disney.
I'm Asian!
You're the one who keeps saying how hooked you are on Asians as opposed to Americans.

Uh, most of the Asians I know are Americans. As American as you are. And some of their women are smoking hot.

Are you going to report me again? For something I didn't say? "YOU GUYS"?

Shh... I'm done talking to you until you say something on topic.

the topic was - Mannish woman says racist shit, gets fired by Disney.
Bullshit. My topic. Not what I said. Say it again and see what happens. I will add every mod on right now and report you. Do it. Lie one more time and see what happens.

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