Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

There is no "right and wrong" there are winners and losers. I refuse to be a loser in this culture war.

You can refuse all you like... but sometimes you have to pick the hill you die on.

Now, funny thing, you could find some agreement with people that we actually need workplace protections for what people say on social media. I frankly think an employer shouldn't be able to fire you unless you specifically said something bad about the company.

I recently had a resume client, and she had a link to her twitter on her LinkedIn... Where she went into a rant about a job she didn't get three years ago. I pointed out to her why that would be a real impediment to her getting a job. It wasn't because she was a bad person, she just had a bad day three years ago.

Carano, on the other hand, said one dumb thing after another. A sensible person would have known when to back off.

The right wing was perfectly fine with At-Will employment. This is a case of at-will employment. Trust me, the angry fans don't have as much influence with Disney as you think... or they wouldn't keep churning out the crap they churn out.
I am willing to die on this hill. Thanks
Parler says it's not a myth

Except Parler didn't get cancelled for political view. Parler got cancelled because people were using it to incite violence and were taking no measures to moderate content.
If you dated someone eight years ago and then broke up and that person says something controversial..eight years later...long after your relationship was over...should you be held responsible as well for that persons actions?
It still infuriated you. And now you wish the same on others you disagree with.

Here's the thing. I worked for them for six years, long hours, and paid into an insurance policy to make sure I got top notch health coverage. yes, I didn't like being dicked around after I busted up my knee, but at least it got me realizing that I was supporting the wrong side....

Blah blah blah You lost your job for an unjustified reason or were treated unfairly and it pissed you off. Now you want people to lose their jobs for even stupider reasons which you are too stupid or cowardly to define.

What racists say here is immaterial to this discussion. I asked you to tell me what Carano said that was racist or homophobic and you refused to do so.

Because you'll do what you always do, try to gaslight me into thinking it wasn't really racist or homophobic. Just like you did whenever I pointed out Trump's ample racism. So I'm not playing.

In other words, you think I'll say something you disagree with. How is that any different from what we're doing now?

You want to repost everything she said and then explain to me how it wasn't really racist, have at it.

Uh uh, that's not how it works my friend. YOU made the allegation so now the onus is upon YOU to prove it or at least give a reasoned argument as to why you think it is so.

But we don't need to debate every tweet, just the last one that got her fired. So, what was racist or antisemitic about that tweet?

Also, what privilege do you think was implied in that tweet that she is supposedly afraid of losing?
If you dated someone eight years ago and then broke up and that person says something controversial..eight years later...long after your relationship was over...should you be held responsible as well for that persons actions?

Uh, what does that have to do with Parler?

Blah blah blah You lost your job for an unjustified reason or were treated unfairly and it pissed you off. Now you want people to lose their jobs for even stupider reasons which you are too stupid or cowardly to define.

Not stupid at all. Nothing I did really cost my company money. Quite the contrary, I saved them more money than they were paying me. Mannish Woman, on the other hand, had the potential to cost them a lot of money with bad publicity for the show.

In other words, you think I'll say something you disagree with. How is that any different from what we're doing now?

No, I think you'll waste my time... like you did when you insisted Smirky McBitchslap didn't do what we all saw him do on tape.
If you dated someone eight years ago and then broke up and that person says something controversial..eight years later...long after your relationship was over...should you be held responsible as well for that persons actions?

Uh, what does that have to do with Parler?

Blah blah blah You lost your job for an unjustified reason or were treated unfairly and it pissed you off. Now you want people to lose their jobs for even stupider reasons which you are too stupid or cowardly to define.

Not stupid at all. Nothing I did really cost my company money. Quite the contrary, I saved them more money than they were paying me. Mannish Woman, on the other hand, had the potential to cost them a lot of money with bad publicity for the show.

In other words, you think I'll say something you disagree with. How is that any different from what we're doing now?

No, I think you'll waste my time... like you did when you insisted Smirky McBitchslap didn't do what we all saw him do on tape.
Has to do with Carano. Why won’t you answer the question?
If you dated someone eight years ago and then broke up and that person says something controversial..eight years later...long after your relationship was over...should you be held responsible as well for that persons actions?

Uh, what does that have to do with Parler?

Blah blah blah You lost your job for an unjustified reason or were treated unfairly and it pissed you off. Now you want people to lose their jobs for even stupider reasons which you are too stupid or cowardly to define.

Not stupid at all. Nothing I did really cost my company money. Quite the contrary, I saved them more money than they were paying me. Mannish Woman, on the other hand, had the potential to cost them a lot of money with bad publicity for the show.

Blah blah blah You want people fired from their jobs for stupid reasons.

In other words, you think I'll say something you disagree with. How is that any different from what we're doing now?

No, I think you'll waste my time... like you did when you insisted Smirky McBitchslap didn't do what we all saw him do on tape.

And yet you continued to debate with me and you disagreed with me. So? Why is this different? Can you at least explain that?

Any other time you would stand toe to toe with me and duck and dodge for days but this one time you refuse to do so, in spite of the fact that my question pertains directly to the topic.

And what did we see Sandmann do, smile at one of your pet brown people? Horrors! Blasphemy! Oh the humanity! And what's worse is he's...he's...he's CATHOLIC!

You really are a pathetic human being.
Has to do with Carano. Why won’t you answer the question?

Because it was irrelevent to anything being discussed.

So in a discussion about Gina Carano getting fired for a tweet that some thought was antisemitic, a question as to why you think it was antisemitic is irrelevant? Are you fucking kidding me? That is thee lamest dodge you've ever come up with and you've come up with some real stinkers.
Has to do with Carano. Why won’t you answer the question?

Because it was irrelevent to anything being discussed.

So in a discussion about Gina Carano getting fired for a tweet that some thought was antisemitic, a question as to why you think it was antisemitic is irrelevant? Are you fucking kidding me? That is thee lamest dodge you've ever come up with and you've come up with some real stinkers.
I warned you. Joe is at best mentally ill.
And yet you continued to debate with me and you disagreed with me. So? Why is this different? Can you at least explain that?

Simple. My discussion. My terms.

Nope. Henry Cavill dated her eight years ago and getting shit for it. If you weren’t ignorant you would not have any traits at all.

Oh, was that it? I thought he was getting shit because he's difficult to work with and he made Superman Movies the fans hated.

So in a discussion about Gina Carano getting fired for a tweet that some thought was antisemitic, a question as to why you think it was antisemitic is irrelevant? Are you fucking kidding me? That is thee lamest dodge you've ever come up with and you've come up with some real stinkers.

Yawn, not playing your game.
And yet you continued to debate with me and you disagreed with me. So? Why is this different? Can you at least explain that?

Simple. My discussion. My terms.

Nope. Henry Cavill dated her eight years ago and getting shit for it. If you weren’t ignorant you would not have any traits at all.

Oh, was that it? I thought he was getting shit because he's difficult to work with and he made Superman Movies the fans hated.

Therein lies the problem. You keep thinking and bad things happen.
So in a discussion about Gina Carano getting fired for a tweet that some thought was antisemitic, a question as to why you think it was antisemitic is irrelevant? Are you fucking kidding me? That is thee lamest dodge you've ever come up with and you've come up with some real stinkers.

Yawn, not playing your game.

So now pointing out that a question pertained to the topic is "playing a game".

Away with you then.

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