Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

So you admit you were trolling. Thank you. I ll mark this down.

Naw, pointing out the hypocrisy of right wingers who just love them some "At-Will" employment being upset when a woman gets fired for something is just too fun to leave alone.

When you guys stick up for worker rights in general, let me know.
So you admit you were trolling. Thank you. I ll mark this down.

Naw, pointing out the hypocrisy of right wingers who just love them some "At-Will" employment being upset when a woman gets fired for something is just too fun to leave alone.

When you guys stick up for worker rights in general, let me know.
Watching you back pedal is fun. Thank you.
So you admit you were trolling. Thank you. I ll mark this down.

Naw, pointing out the hypocrisy of right wingers who just love them some "At-Will" employment being upset when a woman gets fired for something is just too fun to leave alone.

When you guys stick up for worker rights in general, let me know.

Speaking for myself, I would rather you fire me for no reason at all than for posting a harmless opinion that hurt no one.
Speaking for myself, I would rather you fire me for no reason at all than for posting a harmless opinion that hurt no one.

I guess.

Of course, her opinion did do harm. It invoked the anger of fans who aren't racist, homophobic or think that we really need to protect ourselves from Covid.
Speaking for myself, I would rather you fire me for no reason at all than for posting a harmless opinion that hurt no one.

I guess.

Of course, her opinion did do harm. It invoked the anger of fans who aren't racist, homophobic or think that we really need to protect ourselves from Covid.

Irrelevant. You said: "Naw, pointing out the hypocrisy of right wingers who just love them some "At-Will" employment being upset when a woman gets fired for something is just too fun to leave alone."

My point is that getting fired for expressing an opinion is worse than getting fired for no reason. I think most conservatives and even Democrats would agree with me. Ergo, it's not hypocrisy.

As to your irrelevant point, first of all, to say that her tweets are racist or homophobic is not true just because you say so. Secondly, fans getting angry is their choice. It is also their choice to either believe her or not. So if they do not believe her then what is the point of the anger? The logic being used here escapes me. Simply ignore her and stop following her. Duh.
Speaking for myself, I would rather you fire me for no reason at all than for posting a harmless opinion that hurt no one.

I guess.

Of course, her opinion did do harm. It invoked the anger of fans who aren't racist, homophobic or think that we really need to protect ourselves from Covid.

Irrelevant. You said: "Naw, pointing out the hypocrisy of right wingers who just love them some "At-Will" employment being upset when a woman gets fired for something is just too fun to leave alone."

My point is that getting fired for expressing an opinion is worse than getting fired for no reason. I think most conservatives and even Democrats would agree with me. Ergo, it's not hypocrisy.

People are fired for expressing opinions all the time. Saying out loud to your coworkers "The Boss is a Moron" when he rounds the corner... um, yeah, that's an opinion you can be fired for. Posting a racist rant on Facebook is something you can get fired for.

As to your irrelevant point, first of all, to say that her tweets are racist or homophobic is not true just because you say so. Secondly, fans getting angry is their choice. It is also their choice to either believe her or not. So if they do not believe her then what is the point of the anger? The logic being used here escapes me. Simply ignore her and stop following her. Duh.

Actually, it's relevant because DISNEY said so. Which means they just didn't make it on a whim. They had a bunch of lawyers, image consultants, HR specialists, analysts all sat down at in a room, did a risk benefit analysis, and decided, nope, she was really too much trouble to keep on the payroll. Clearly, before she started saying stupid shit, they had big plans to build a TV show around her character. SO this wasn't a decision taken lightly.
Irrelevant. You said: "Naw, pointing out the hypocrisy of right wingers who just love them some "At-Will" employment being upset when a woman gets fired for something is just too fun to leave alone."

My point is that getting fired for expressing an opinion is worse than getting fired for no reason. I think most conservatives and even Democrats would agree with me. Ergo, it's not hypocrisy.

People are fired for expressing opinions all the time. Saying out loud to your coworkers "The Boss is a Moron" when he rounds the corner... um, yeah, that's an opinion you can be fired for. Posting a racist rant on Facebook is something you can get fired for.

That's just the it, it wasn't a racist rant. It was an opinion that denigrated no one.

Now, if you would care to explain to me what was racist or antisemitic about her last tweet, I'm all ears. I'll even make it easy for you and simply ask you to explain why others say it was antisemitic. I read some of those tweets and all I saw were people saying it was antisemitic. But not one person explained why it was antisemitic. Does anyone know?

As to your irrelevant point, first of all, to say that her tweets are racist or homophobic is not true just because you say so. Secondly, fans getting angry is their choice. It is also their choice to either believe her or not. So if they do not believe her then what is the point of the anger? The logic being used here escapes me. Simply ignore her and stop following her. Duh.

Actually, it's relevant because DISNEY said so.

Disney said it was relevant? When did they say that?

Which means they just didn't make it on a whim. They had a bunch of lawyers, image consultants, HR specialists, analysts all sat down at in a room, did a risk benefit analysis, and decided, nope, she was really too much trouble to keep on the payroll.

How do you know all this?

Clearly, before she started saying stupid shit, they had big plans to build a TV show around her character. SO this wasn't a decision taken lightly.

Once again, I'm not disputing Disney's legal rights here. I don't give a shit what went on in their boardrooms regarding Carano. I'm saying that the Twitter storm over it was ridiculous and pathetic. They were nothing but a bunch of arrogant, self righteous morality posers looking to score wokepoints; "Look at me Jews! I stuck up for you! Do you love me yet!?"
That's just the it, it wasn't a racist rant. It was an opinion that denigrated no one.

Now, if you would care to explain to me what was racist or antisemitic about her last tweet, I'm all ears. I'll even make it easy for you and simply ask you to explain why others say it was antisemitic. I read some of those tweets and all I saw were people saying it was antisemitic. But not one person explained why it was antisemitic. Does anyone know?

You mean other than demeaning the victims of the holocaust?

Or her comments demeaning BLM, which were pretty racist.

or her comments demeaning the Trans community.

Disney said it was relevant? When did they say that?

When they fired her.

How do you know all this?

You think a decision like that was made by one person? I mean, I know the white entitled fanboys all like to think Kathleen Kennedy is up there making decisions to piss them off, but shows like this are group efforts... and the group decided that Mannish Woman had to go.

Once again, I'm not disputing Disney's legal rights here. I don't give a shit what went on in their boardrooms regarding Carano. I'm saying that the Twitter storm over it was ridiculous and pathetic. They were nothing but a bunch of arrogant, self righteous morality posers looking to score wokepoints; "Look at me Jews! I stuck up for you! Do you love me yet!?"

Or they made a practical business decision.

Again, this isn't like some fast food franchise where they fired the frycook because he came in wearing a MAGA hat one day. (Which I would be perfectly fine with). This is a multi-billion dollar franchise where they plan out TV shows years in advance of putting them on the air.

As far as Twitter Storms being ridiculous.. Yes, they are. Most Twitter storms are ridiculous, and frankly, I blame Twitter for letting Trump run rampant for years before they finally shut him down. But Carano should have realized the first time she said something stupid on Twitter that people were paying attention to her now. She's not Justine Sacco who just had 170 followers, one of whom ratted her out and publicly humiliated her to the whole nation.

That's the world we live in now. Frankly, I hope that Social Media eventually becomes a passing fad like CB Radios were in the 1970's, but I doubt they will be.
That's just the it, it wasn't a racist rant. It was an opinion that denigrated no one.

Now, if you would care to explain to me what was racist or antisemitic about her last tweet, I'm all ears. I'll even make it easy for you and simply ask you to explain why others say it was antisemitic. I read some of those tweets and all I saw were people saying it was antisemitic. But not one person explained why it was antisemitic. Does anyone know?

You mean other than demeaning the victims of the holocaust?

Or her comments demeaning BLM, which were pretty racist.

or her comments demeaning the Trans community.

Disney said it was relevant? When did they say that?

When they fired her.

How do you know all this?

You think a decision like that was made by one person? I mean, I know the white entitled fanboys all like to think Kathleen Kennedy is up there making decisions to piss them off, but shows like this are group efforts... and the group decided that Mannish Woman had to go.

Once again, I'm not disputing Disney's legal rights here. I don't give a shit what went on in their boardrooms regarding Carano. I'm saying that the Twitter storm over it was ridiculous and pathetic. They were nothing but a bunch of arrogant, self righteous morality posers looking to score wokepoints; "Look at me Jews! I stuck up for you! Do you love me yet!?"

Or they made a practical business decision.

Again, this isn't like some fast food franchise where they fired the frycook because he came in wearing a MAGA hat one day. (Which I would be perfectly fine with). This is a multi-billion dollar franchise where they plan out TV shows years in advance of putting them on the air.

As far as Twitter Storms being ridiculous.. Yes, they are. Most Twitter storms are ridiculous, and frankly, I blame Twitter for letting Trump run rampant for years before they finally shut him down. But Carano should have realized the first time she said something stupid on Twitter that people were paying attention to her now. She's not Justine Sacco who just had 170 followers, one of whom ratted her out and publicly humiliated her to the whole nation.

That's the world we live in now. Frankly, I hope that Social Media eventually becomes a passing fad like CB Radios were in the 1970's, but I doubt they will be.
As a Jew I did not see her post as demeaning my ancestors. Why is your opinion worth more than mine? This is rich coming from a person who has bashed Jews on this site.
Just an example of a JoeB quote about Jews:

I'm sure it takes years for you to collect insurance, given you keep trying to "Jew" the insurance companies.

I've never had an insurance company balk once on a property issue.
Naw, this is just dumb topic, and I'm enjoying watching you guys get all upset Mannish Woman got fired.
I never heard of her before she got fired

never saw her on TV or in a movie

But there is something very wrong with the leftwing cancel culture and it is harmful to America

Here is what she said that obviously went over the heads of the hollywood crowd:

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” she wrote.
That's just the it, it wasn't a racist rant. It was an opinion that denigrated no one.

Now, if you would care to explain to me what was racist or antisemitic about her last tweet, I'm all ears. I'll even make it easy for you and simply ask you to explain why others say it was antisemitic. I read some of those tweets and all I saw were people saying it was antisemitic. But not one person explained why it was antisemitic. Does anyone know?

You mean other than demeaning the victims of the holocaust?

Explain HOW or WHY it was demeaning. I asked you this before and you refused to do so, claiming I was trolling or playing a game. If you're brave enough to level accusations of racism at someone to destroy their careers and relationships then it behooves you to be brave enough, as the accuser, to prove it.

Or her comments demeaning BLM, which were pretty racist.

or her comments demeaning the Trans community.

How? What did she say? BLM has demeaned the law enforcement community anyway so if it's true, it's no more than they dished out themselves.

As for her supposed demeaning of the trans community, she poked fun at the pronoun issue. This does not make her transphobic, it just means that she, like myself and a lot of other people, are amused and exasperated about the whole pronoun issue because, let's face it, it's just silly.

Disney said it was relevant? When did they say that?

When they fired her.

They didn't say that your claims that her tweets did harm are relevant to your comment about conservative hypocrisy regarding at-will job terminations. This is what I said was irrelevant. I did not say that her tweets were irrelevant to Disney's firing her or vice versa.

How do you know all this?

You think a decision like that was made by one person? I mean, I know the white entitled fanboys all like to think Kathleen Kennedy is up there making decisions to piss them off, but shows like this are group efforts... and the group decided that Mannish Woman had to go.

In other words it was conjecture.

Once again, I'm not disputing Disney's legal rights here. I don't give a shit what went on in their boardrooms regarding Carano. I'm saying that the Twitter storm over it was ridiculous and pathetic. They were nothing but a bunch of arrogant, self righteous morality posers looking to score wokepoints; "Look at me Jews! I stuck up for you! Do you love me yet!?"

Or they made a practical business decision.

The Twitterbabies made a practical business decision?

I'm criticizing the Twitter Wokemob foaming at the mouth and all you keep saying is that Disney made a decision to fire her.

As far as Twitter Storms being ridiculous.. Yes, they are. Most Twitter storms are ridiculous, and frankly, I blame Twitter for letting Trump run rampant for years before they finally shut him down. But Carano should have realized the first time she said something stupid on Twitter that people were paying attention to her now. She's not Justine Sacco who just had 170 followers, one of whom ratted her out and publicly humiliated her to the whole nation.

That's the world we live in now. Frankly, I hope that Social Media eventually becomes a passing fad like CB Radios were in the 1970's, but I doubt they will be.

But without the Twitter storms and social media in general, how will you know who to hate? How would you have known that Sandmann was Catholic and a pro-lifer so that you could use that against him and ignore all the other evidence proving he did not approach and disrespect one of your pet brown people?

Seems to me you've made good use of social media for your own pernicious prejudicial purposes (clever alliterative, is it not)?
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As a Jew I did not see her post as demeaning my ancestors. Why is your opinion worth more than mine? This is rich coming from a person who has bashed Jews on this site.

I bash them for things they need to be bashed for.

But that's off topic.

What's on topic. Mannish Woman embarrassed her studio and got fired. Hooray for Cancel Consequence Culture.
Explain HOW or WHY it was demeaning. I asked you this before and you refused to do so, claiming I was trolling or playing a game. If you're brave enough to level accusations of racism at someone to destroy their careers and relationships then it behooves you to be brave enough, as the accuser, to prove it.

Nope. I don't have to. I didn't ruin her career. She did that all by herself.

How? What did she say? BLM has demeaned the law enforcement community anyway so if it's true, it's no more than they dished out themselves.

Pointing out they shoot unarmed black people is demeaning them. Maybe they should try not shooting unarmed black people. But off topic, so that's where I'm going to leave it.

As for her supposed demeaning of the trans community, she poked fun at the pronoun issue. This does not make her transphobic, it just means that she, like myself and a lot of other people, are amused and exasperated about the whole pronoun issue because, let's face it, it's just silly.

It's stilly to you... to the community, it's taken very seriously.

They didn't say that your claims that her tweets did harm are relevant to your comment about conservative hypocrisy regarding at-will job terminations. This is what I said was irrelevant. I did not say that her tweets were irrelevant to Disney's firing her or vice versa.

Again, your side has been undermining worker protections since Tricky Dick... and now you are upset when someone gets fired because people didn't like her spew on the internet.

In other words it was conjecture.


The Twitterbabies made a practical business decision?

I'm criticizing the Twitter Wokemob foaming at the mouth and all you keep saying is that Disney made a decision to fire her.

Yup. Because the title of the thread is "Gina Corano Fired from Disney's Mandelorian"

But without the Twitter storms and social media in general, how will you know who to hate? How would you have known that Sandmann was Catholic and a pro-lifer so that you could use that against him and ignore all the other evidence proving he did not approach and disrespect one of your pet brown people?

Actually, all I needed to see what his punchable smirking face.

Seems to me you've made good use of social media for your own pernicious prejudicial purposes (clever alliterative, is it not)?

Me personally? You give me a lot of credit.

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