Gina Carano fired from Disneys Mandalorian & Lucasfilm

Irrelevant. You still made an accusation and if you can't or won't back it up then you're a pathetic, lying, crawfishing wokepussy.

No, I just refuse to play your trumper game of gaslighting that we didn't hear what we just heard.

She said something stupid, and people at Disney fired her. Consequence Culture, not Cancel Culture.

When you have people marching in the street with their eight year old kids and both they and their kids are carrying signs that say "Fuck the Police", you are demeaning the police.

And you brought up BLM dumbass.

Actually, Mannish Woman did. Wow... the police are soooo sensitive. Nobody made them become cops. It's been 30 years since they got caught on tape beating up Rodney King, and they haven't cleaned up their act.

Tell me what I don't know. Of course it's taken seriously by them. I just refuse to waste time, energy and thought on someone else's life problems that have zero impact on anything meaningful. I am not letting someone else's personal problem become my problem. If I did that I'd probably find myself on a discussion board tossing accusations of -isms and -phobias around like I was feeding pigeons, not backing them up with evidence, lying if evidence points to innocence, overlooking liberal transgressions or downplaying them and doing and saying anything to get those precious (but apparently helpless) brown people to love me. You know, like you do.

Not at all. The Rich have gotten very good at using racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. to get really dumb white working folks to vote against their own economic interests and send their kids off to fight wars for oil. They've been doing this since Tricky Dick, but Trump was just the most toxic version of this, and hopefully, a breaking of the fever. That's why it's kind of important to point out the bigotry when it appears.

My "side"? I don't know that I have a "side" on that particular issue. And I'm not upset that she got fired because people didn't like her spew on the internet. I'm upset that she got fired because a bunch of halfwit wokebabies misinterpreted her tweet.

What she had to say seemed pretty clear to most people. I don't think anyone misinterpreted her.

Did a moderator talk to you or something? All of a sudden you have this newfound passion for staying on topic when it was never a problem for you before.

I don't feel like writing out hours of text to have it get deleted. So if it isn't about Carano's tweets, I won't spend time on it.

Exactly. All that does is confirm to me that stoking and releasing your hate is more important to you than the truth. The only truth about Sandmann you know is that you hate him. Literally everything else you've said about the incident is a lie.

Actually, I feel kind of bad for him, because he's been brainwashed by religious fanatics. But his behavior was still disrepectful. I honestly hope he grows up, realizes there isn't a magic fairy in the sky, and becomes a decent human being.
Irrelevant. You still made an accusation and if you can't or won't back it up then you're a pathetic, lying, crawfishing wokepussy.

No, I just refuse to play your trumper game of gaslighting that we didn't hear what we just heard.

You say it was antisemitic and I say it was not. You're telling me that I didn't hear what I just heard. If simply disagreeing with you is gaslighting then you're guilty of the same thing.

I don't think you fully understand what the term means. Not only that, you are using the accusation of gaslighting to avoid answering a simple question. In truth, it appears to me that you are afraid of gaslighting yourself or rather, discovering for yourself that your position is not necessarily valid.

She said something stupid, and people at Disney fired her. Consequence Culture, not Cancel Culture.

"Consequence culture", right. Some might call this gaslighting.

I'll give you another example of "Consequence Culture": As a consequence of being Jewish, the Jews were persecuted and massacred.

With every word out of your mouth you more and more prove Carano's comments.

When you have people marching in the street with their eight year old kids and both they and their kids are carrying signs that say "Fuck the Police", you are demeaning the police.

And you brought up BLM dumbass.

Actually, Mannish Woman did. Wow... the police are soooo sensitive. Nobody made them become cops. It's been 30 years since they got caught on tape beating up Rodney King, and they haven't cleaned up their act.

Blah blah blah First of all, we're primarily discussing Carano's latest tweet that got her fired, which had nothing to do with BLM or the police. Secondly, I notice you didn't actually refute my assertion that BLM demeans the police.

It's important to remember here that most cops are good cops. Or at least, most are not guilty of racism or harassing and indiscriminately shooting unarmed minorities. This is something that people like you conveniently forget. Therefore, it serves no good purpose to have people out there demonizing the entire law enforcement community and teaching their children to say "Fuck the police".

Tell me what I don't know. Of course it's taken seriously by them. I just refuse to waste time, energy and thought on someone else's life problems that have zero impact on anything meaningful. I am not letting someone else's personal problem become my problem. If I did that I'd probably find myself on a discussion board tossing accusations of -isms and -phobias around like I was feeding pigeons, not backing them up with evidence, lying if evidence points to innocence, overlooking liberal transgressions or downplaying them and doing and saying anything to get those precious (but apparently helpless) brown people to love me. You know, like you do.

Not at all. The Rich have gotten very good at using racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc. to get really dumb white working folks to vote against their own economic interests and send their kids off to fight wars for oil. They've been doing this since Tricky Dick, but Trump was just the most toxic version of this, and hopefully, a breaking of the fever. That's why it's kind of important to point out the bigotry when it appears.

Didn't your Boob-in-chief Biden just order an air strike on Iranian-backed militia in Syria a few days ago? And the U.S. was at war somewhere in the middle east the entire eight years of Obama's administration.

Don't give me that shit about Trump, the rich and Nixon. Democrats have been just as guilty of warmongering as anybody.

My "side"? I don't know that I have a "side" on that particular issue. And I'm not upset that she got fired because people didn't like her spew on the internet. I'm upset that she got fired because a bunch of halfwit wokebabies misinterpreted her tweet.

What she had to say seemed pretty clear to most people. I don't think anyone misinterpreted her.

You say it's clear and yet you scurry away screaming "gaslighting!" when I ask you to explain it.

Did a moderator talk to you or something? All of a sudden you have this newfound passion for staying on topic when it was never a problem for you before.

I don't feel like writing out hours of text to have it get deleted. So if it isn't about Carano's tweets, I won't spend time on it.

Then why are you bringing up Nixon, BLM, the rich and Trump?

Exactly. All that does is confirm to me that stoking and releasing your hate is more important to you than the truth. The only truth about Sandmann you know is that you hate him. Literally everything else you've said about the incident is a lie.

Actually, I feel kind of bad for him, because he's been brainwashed by religious fanatics. But his behavior was still disrepectful. I honestly hope he grows up, realizes there isn't a magic fairy in the sky, and becomes a decent human being.

You don't call a seventeen year old kid a "Catholic bastard" if you feel bad for him. You're full of shit. You hate everything that he's about (Catholic, conservative and pro-life) and so you hate him. You've already made that clear in past discussions. It's too late now to try being a voice of reason. It's lame, hypocritical and chickenshit.
You dumbass. When I say “private” I mean it was her personal account.

That's the point. it wasn't private. Private would be an account the public couldn't see, just her friends.

It was a personal account that - more importantly - was not affiliated with Disney or Lucasfilm.

She had a public account with thousands of followers... who were ONLY following her because she was in a Star Wars show.

Otherwise they wouldn't have cared.

So they chose to follow her on her personal Twitter feed because she was on the show and then go apeshit when she shares a personal opinion about cancel culture on her personal Twitter feed?

I’ll just bet that some of the crybabies who bleated about her tweets in the past were the same ones bleating this time.

Instead of just opting not to follow her anymore, they continued to follow her and then feign shock and outrage when she shares another opinion they disagree with.

These people are self important, moral posturing blatting calves.
It’s well known that Lucas film insiders pose as fans on Twitter to incite the whining woke mobs. Hollywood and the entertainment media use these idiots regularly to attack people they disagree with.
Except there was nothing offensive in her statement

The people who hired her thought otherwise, and they are the only ones who count.

Look at you all of a sudden taking the boss's side.

I thought all bosses and business owners were the scourge of the earth according to you.

There is absolutely nothing offensive about what she said
Progressives love the corporations when they silence the opposition. It’s cute when the left pretends they hate the elite CEO’s while championing and going to bat for Twitter,FB,Coca Cola,The NFL,NIKE,Gillette,Google,Amazon,Disney etc...
You say it was antisemitic and I say it was not. You're telling me that I didn't hear what I just heard. If simply disagreeing with you is gaslighting then you're guilty of the same thing.

I don't think you fully understand what the term means. Not only that, you are using the accusation of gaslighting to avoid answering a simple question. In truth, it appears to me that you are afraid of gaslighting yourself or rather, discovering for yourself that your position is not necessarily valid.

I know exactly what the term means, you clowns have been doing that for the last four years... Gina didn't say anything anti-Semetic, Trump didn't say anything racist, Sandman wasn't being a punk.

"Consequence culture", right. Some might call this gaslighting.

I'll give you another example of "Consequence Culture": As a consequence of being Jewish, the Jews were persecuted and massacred.

Well, that would be accurate if the Jews really had stabbed Germany in the back in WWI.

Gina really said stupid things that reflected badly on the show.

Hey, remember in the mid season, where they had the episode where Mando was taking Frog Lady back to her home planet, and she had a big jar full of her eggs, and Grogu was eating them? Well, there was this BIG HUE AND CRY from the Right wing about how this was an endorsement of abortion and insensitive to infertile women trying to get pregnant. Disney had to do a lot of tapdancing around that one as well.

Don't give me that shit about Trump, the rich and Nixon. Democrats have been just as guilty of warmongering as anybody.

Well, no, not really, since the Democrats haven't really started a war since Vietnam.

You don't call a seventeen year old kid a "Catholic bastard" if you feel bad for him. You're full of shit. You hate everything that he's about (Catholic, conservative and pro-life) and so you hate him. You've already made that clear in past discussions. It's too late now to try being a voice of reason. It's lame, hypocritical and chickenshit.

Hey, here's the thing. 18 year old Joe going to the same Catholic School that Mayors of Chicago went to could have been that kid. I grew out of it. He might, too. This is why I have such contempt for him. He's the product of brainwashing. Except my parents would have snapped me back if I disrespected a vet.
You say it was antisemitic and I say it was not. You're telling me that I didn't hear what I just heard. If simply disagreeing with you is gaslighting then you're guilty of the same thing.

I don't think you fully understand what the term means. Not only that, you are using the accusation of gaslighting to avoid answering a simple question. In truth, it appears to me that you are afraid of gaslighting yourself or rather, discovering for yourself that your position is not necessarily valid.

I know exactly what the term means, you clowns have been doing that for the last four years... Gina didn't say anything anti-Semetic, Trump didn't say anything racist, Sandman wasn't being a punk.

That's called disagreement you idiot. Jesus Christ, where do you get this shit? Gaslighting is psychological and emotional manipulation, neither of which is happening here by either one of us.

So no, you do not know what the term means.

"Consequence culture", right. Some might call this gaslighting.

I'll give you another example of "Consequence Culture": As a consequence of being Jewish, the Jews were persecuted and massacred.

Well, that would be accurate if the Jews really had stabbed Germany in the back in WWI.

Right, and it would also be accurate that Carano's tweet was antisemitic had she actually said anything antisemitic.

Another example of Consequence Culture: trying to enter the U.S. illegally, getting caught and put in a detention center. Or worse, trying to enter the U.S. illegally and dying in the desert from exposure. Or even worse than that, trying to enter the U.S. illegally and your child dying in the desert from exposure.

If you're going to continue this Consequence Culture bullshit ploy then be prepared, it gets a lot more complicated than "She said something stupid and got fired for it". You'll find that the principle works just as well when used against you.

Gina really said stupid things that reflected badly on the show.

Your problem is not in what she said. Your problem is in who said it: a conservative.

Hey, remember in the mid season, where they had the episode where Mando was taking Frog Lady back to her home planet, and she had a big jar full of her eggs, and Grogu was eating them? Well, there was this BIG HUE AND CRY from the Right wing about how this was an endorsement of abortion and insensitive to infertile women trying to get pregnant. Disney had to do a lot of tapdancing around that one as well.

Why didn't they fire someone? That seems to be the way they do things when Twitterbabies start bawling.

Don't give me that shit about Trump, the rich and Nixon. Democrats have been just as guilty of warmongering as anybody.

Well, no, not really, since the Democrats haven't really started a war since Vietnam.

Irrelevant. The Democrats have always been neck deep in these wars and never tried to get out of them.

You don't call a seventeen year old kid a "Catholic bastard" if you feel bad for him. You're full of shit. You hate everything that he's about (Catholic, conservative and pro-life) and so you hate him. You've already made that clear in past discussions. It's too late now to try being a voice of reason. It's lame, hypocritical and chickenshit.

Hey, here's the thing. 18 year old Joe going to the same Catholic School that Mayors of Chicago went to could have been that kid. I grew out of it. He might, too.

Irrelevant. And what if he doesn't? You're still going to hate him because - lying, prejudiced piece of shit that you are - there's still the imagined disrespecting of the vet.

This is why I have such contempt for him.

And there it is. All that "I feel bad for him" was horseshit, just as I knew it was.

He's the product of brainwashing. Except my parents would have snapped me back if I disrespected a vet.

Look who's talking about brainwashing: a guy who uses pat terms and phrases made up by someone else and seen all over social media and the internet (Check your privilege, consequence culture, etc.). *Gag*

You are not even capable of thinking for yourself. Which is precisely why you refuse to tell me why you think Carano's tweet is antisemitic. You don't even know why you think it. You just went along with the liberal crowd parroting what they said.

Now, do you want to get back on topic? Then let's do so. Let's try something else that seems to be alien to you: actually DISCUSSING the topic. I'm afraid this will require more from you than "She said something stupid and...", or "Disney made the decision to fire her and...". One is your opinion and the other everyone already knows.

Having said that, I offer an open invitation to you to tell me why you think Carano's tweet was antisemitic. You know already that I disagree so you have nothing to lose. I'm just curious about the thinking process that brings you from a comparison to Jewish persecution to antisemitism.
That's called disagreement you idiot. Jesus Christ, where do you get this shit? Gaslighting is psychological and emotional manipulation, neither of which is happening here by either one of us.

So no, you do not know what the term means.

No, it's not a disagreement, it's you guys trying to rewrite reality.

Another example of Consequence Culture: trying to enter the U.S. illegally, getting caught and put in a detention center.

No, man, that's a extreme consequence for something the law actually says they can do. Crossing the border illegally isn't a felony, it's a misdemeanor, and our laws give people the right to apply for asylum. Trump's RACIST NAZI tactic of throwing children into cages to terrify their parents is something that no decent person should support.

on the other hand, Gina continuing to post crazy shit after she was told to stop if she wanted to keep her job... that's consequence culture.

Irrelevant. And what if he doesn't? You're still going to hate him because - lying, prejudiced piece of shit that you are - there's still the imagined disrespecting of the vet.

Looks like he was being disrespectful to me. Smirking little bitch.

You are not even capable of thinking for yourself. Which is precisely why you refuse to tell me why you think Carano's tweet is antisemitic. You don't even know why you think it. You just went along with the liberal crowd parroting what they said.

Nope, I'm just not playing your game of me pointing out why it's anti-Semitic (which it was) and then you gaslighting the group into saying it wasn't. I'm simply not going to play that game with you.

Now, do you want to get back on topic? Then let's do so. Let's try something else that seems to be alien to you: actually DISCUSSING the topic. I'm afraid this will require more from you than "She said something stupid and...", or "Disney made the decision to fire her and...". One is your opinion and the other everyone already knows.

Except that is actually the topic. The topic is "Gina Carano fired from Disney". She said something stupid, she got fired.. because trivializing Nazi horrors is something that gets you fired when working for the Fun Space Adventure for All Ages. She had the sweetest gig in the country, and all she had to do was keep her mouth shut.

Again, you guys did the same thing to Colin Kapernick when he took a knee, even though he was eventually proven right. You did the same thing the Dixie Chicks 20 years ago, and they were proven right. you did the same thing to Jane Fonda 40 years ago, even though she was in the right. It's kind of funny that you guys are now decrying the same shit you've been pulling for years.
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That's called disagreement you idiot. Jesus Christ, where do you get this shit? Gaslighting is psychological and emotional manipulation, neither of which is happening here by either one of us.

So no, you do not know what the term means.

No, it's not a disagreement, it's you guys trying to rewrite reality.

"Reality" in this case is subjective. You say antisemitism, I say it's not. And it's not antisemitism because you say so. Meaning that it is a disagreement.

Yours is a cheating tactic I saw many times when debating Christians. You establish the guidelines and parameters for discussion so that the other side does not start on equal footing; equal footing being that, for the purpose of discussion and debate, neither side is right or wrong. This way - in spite of the fact that you are the one leveling the accusation - the other guy has to prove innocence.

In essence, your strategy is; guilty until proven innocent.

Another example of Consequence Culture: trying to enter the U.S. illegally, getting caught and put in a detention center.

No, man, that's a extreme consequence for something the law actually says they can do. Crossing the border illegally isn't a felony, it's a misdemeanor, and our laws give people the right to apply for asylum.

Irrelevant and wrong. A consequence is a consequence. Enter the country illegally and if caught doing so, be detained whether asking for asylum or not.

Trump's RACIST NAZI tactic of throwing children into cages to terrify their parents is something that no decent person should support.

You yourself are anything but decent. Your prejudiced tirades against Sandmann, Wilson and Chauvin prove that.

on the other hand, Gina continuing to post crazy shit after she was told to stop if she wanted to keep her job... that's consequence culture.

A lie. Carano was never warned by Disney about her tweets. They asked her to apologize for the tweet about transgender pronouns but never warned her about her tweets in general.

Irrelevant. And what if he doesn't? You're still going to hate him because - lying, prejudiced piece of shit that you are - there's still the imagined disrespecting of the vet.

Looks like he was being disrespectful to me. Smirking little bitch.

That's only because your lying ass refuses to acknowledge the truth of that incident. The truth being that neither Sandmann or the other kids were harassing anyone and that Philips approached him.

You are not even capable of thinking for yourself. Which is precisely why you refuse to tell me why you think Carano's tweet is antisemitic. You don't even know why you think it. You just went along with the liberal crowd parroting what they said.

Nope, I'm just not playing your game of me pointing out why it's anti-Semitic (which it was) and then you gaslighting the group into saying it wasn't. I'm simply not going to play that game with you.

What "group" are you referring to?

Now, do you want to get back on topic? Then let's do so. Let's try something else that seems to be alien to you: actually DISCUSSING the topic. I'm afraid this will require more from you than "She said something stupid and...", or "Disney made the decision to fire her and...". One is your opinion and the other everyone already knows.

Except that is actually the topic. The topic is "Gina Carano fired from Disney". She said something stupid, she got fired..

You're only half right. The topic IS "Gina Carano fired from Disney". The topic is not "She said something stupid, she got fired."

If her being fired from Disney was all the topic was about then there would be no point in a discussion, would there? Idiot.

because trivializing Nazi horrors is something that gets you fired when working for the Fun Space Adventure for All Ages. She had the sweetest gig in the country, and all she had to do was keep her mouth shut.

This coming from an ignorant Catholic-hating liberal redneck who trivializes Nazi horrors.

Again, you guys did the same thing to Colin Kapernick when he took a knee, even though he was eventually proven right. You did the same thing the Dixie Chicks 20 years ago, and they were proven right. you did the same thing to Jane Fonda 40 years ago, even though she was in the right. It's kind of funny that you guys are now decrying the same shit you've been pulling for years.

Sandmann was proven right too but you insist on hating him and pushing the false narrative.
Yours is a cheating tactic I saw many times when debating Christians. You establish the guidelines and parameters for discussion so that the other side does not start on equal footing; equal footing being that, for the purpose of discussion and debate, neither side is right or wrong. This way - in spite of the fact that you are the one leveling the accusation - the other guy has to prove innocence.

In essence, your strategy is; guilty until proven innocent.

I'm saying she used an inaccurate comparison to make a dumb point. And Disney fired her for it because they finally got sick of trying to explain her away.

Irrelevant and wrong. A consequence is a consequence. Enter the country illegally and if caught doing so, be detained whether asking for asylum or not.

Fine. By all means, detain them. But then give them their rights under the constitution... The right to a speedy hearing, the right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. You know.. All those silly things White People expect in America.

You yourself are anything but decent. Your prejudiced tirades against Sandmann, Wilson and Chauvin prove that.

I just point out WHAT THEY DID. But off topic.

A lie. Carano was never warned by Disney about her tweets. They asked her to apologize for the tweet about transgender pronouns but never warned her about her tweets in general.

That should have been a big enough clue. Don't say stuff that will embarrass Disney. Because FUCKING DISNEY. Disney censors itself... they have no problem censoring you.

That's only because your lying ass refuses to acknowledge the truth of that incident. The truth being that neither Sandmann or the other kids were harassing anyone and that Philips approached him.

Looks like they were to me, but off topic.

You're only half right. The topic IS "Gina Carano fired from Disney". The topic is not "She said something stupid, she got fired."

Nope.. We discussed why she got fired.

This coming from an ignorant Catholic-hating liberal redneck who trivializes Nazi horrors. are getting desperate....

Sandmann was proven right too but you insist on hating him and pushing the false narrative.

No, he wasn't. He just showed himself to be a whiny child of privilege.
She should have proclaimed, Mandalorian women love to addict guys to our crack and have them call us Goldilocks, afterward.
Yours is a cheating tactic I saw many times when debating Christians. You establish the guidelines and parameters for discussion so that the other side does not start on equal footing; equal footing being that, for the purpose of discussion and debate, neither side is right or wrong. This way - in spite of the fact that you are the one leveling the accusation - the other guy has to prove innocence.

In essence, your strategy is; guilty until proven innocent.

I'm saying she used an inaccurate comparison to make a dumb point. And Disney fired her for it because they finally got sick of trying to explain her away.

You're also saying it was antisemitic which you refuse to support or explain. And Disney didn't fire her for making an inaccurate comparison, they fired her because the Twittermuffins said it was antisemitic.

Now, you wanna talk about inaccurate comparison? Fine, let's talk about inaccurate comparisons you lying, hypocritical piece of shit. Let's talk about you comparing Sandmann to a Nazi. Let's talk about you comparing me to a Nazi. Let's talk about you comparing Trump and Trump supporters to Nazis even though neither he, they or I have ever done anything as atrocious as the Nazis.

Every word out of your lying mouth is an inaccurate comparison.

Irrelevant and wrong. A consequence is a consequence. Enter the country illegally and if caught doing so, be detained whether asking for asylum or not.

Fine. By all means, detain them. But then give them their rights under the constitution... The right to a speedy hearing, the right not to be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment. You know.. All those silly things White People expect in America.

I don't think you get it. Whether it's a detention center or a jail cell, they will still have to be detained until they process out.

You yourself are anything but decent. Your prejudiced tirades against Sandmann, Wilson and Chauvin prove that.

I just point out WHAT THEY DID. But off topic.

So are you saying that Sandmann "did" Catholic bastard?

The fuck you only point out what they did. You have always been insulting and hateful and expressed contempt for these people. You just said in this very discussion that you feel contempt for Sandmann. This after saying you "kinda felt bad for him". Is expressing contempt for Sandmann just pointing out what he did? Is it staying on topic?

A lie. Carano was never warned by Disney about her tweets. They asked her to apologize for the tweet about transgender pronouns but never warned her about her tweets in general.

That should have been a big enough clue. Don't say stuff that will embarrass Disney. Because FUCKING DISNEY. Disney censors itself... they have no problem censoring you.

Irrelevant. You said they warned her (another lie) and they did not. What you think should have been a clue for her means precisely shit.

That's only because your lying ass refuses to acknowledge the truth of that incident. The truth being that neither Sandmann or the other kids were harassing anyone and that Philips approached him.

Looks like they were to me, but off topic.

It looks like they were to you because it was what you wanted to believe. That whole incident was broken down and analyzed FOR YOU by me by way of other, longer videos, articles, testimonies by people who were there, etc., and the facts were handed to you on a silver platter. You have no fucking excuse for continuing this narrative, especially against a minor who, through no wrongdoing on his part, had his face plastered all across the country and was vilified by an entire nation. It is wrong, it is shameful, and it is pathetic.

You're only half right. The topic IS "Gina Carano fired from Disney". The topic is not "She said something stupid, she got fired."

Nope.. We discussed why she got fired.

You never discuss anything.

This coming from an ignorant Catholic-hating liberal redneck who trivializes Nazi horrors. are getting desperate....

In what way?

Sandmann was proven right too but you insist on hating him and pushing the false narrative.

No, he wasn't. He just showed himself to be a whiny child of privilege.

It was proven that he did not instigate the incident so yes, he was proven right.

Your opinion about his character is irrelevant to the facts of the issue.
You're also saying it was antisemitic which you refuse to support or explain. And Disney didn't fire her for making an inaccurate comparison, they fired her because the Twittermuffins said it was antisemitic.

yup. Someone looked at that tweet and said, "Ugh..... you know, she's going to keep saying stupid anti-semitic shit like this, and frankly, she's playing third to a puppet and a guy with a bucket on his head. Off she goes."

It looks like they were to you because it was what you wanted to believe. That whole incident was broken down and analyzed FOR YOU by me by way of other, longer videos, articles, testimonies by people who were there, etc., and the facts were handed to you on a silver platter. You have no fucking excuse for continuing this narrative, especially against a minor who, through no wrongdoing on his part, had his face plastered all across the country and was vilified by an entire nation. It is wrong, it is shameful, and it is pathetic.

yup, there was a whole lot of gaslighting telling us we didn't see what we clearly saw, an entitled, smirking little punk disrespecting a veteran while his little entitled buddies taunted people of color.

MOMMY!!!! MOMMY!!!! People are making memes about me. Get the lawyers to make them stop, Mommy!!!
You're also saying it was antisemitic which you refuse to support or explain. And Disney didn't fire her for making an inaccurate comparison, they fired her because the Twittermuffins said it was antisemitic.

yup. Someone looked at that tweet and said, "Ugh..... you know, she's going to keep saying stupid anti-semitic shit like this, and frankly, she's playing third to a puppet and a guy with a bucket on his head. Off she goes."

It was not antisemitic.

This is the core question of the entire discussion: were her remarks antisemitic? But you refuse to address that question in depth because you're a coward.

It looks like they were to you because it was what you wanted to believe. That whole incident was broken down and analyzed FOR YOU by me by way of other, longer videos, articles, testimonies by people who were there, etc., and the facts were handed to you on a silver platter. You have no fucking excuse for continuing this narrative, especially against a minor who, through no wrongdoing on his part, had his face plastered all across the country and was vilified by an entire nation. It is wrong, it is shameful, and it is pathetic.

yup, there was a whole lot of gaslighting telling us we didn't see what we clearly saw, an entitled, smirking little punk disrespecting a veteran while his little entitled buddies taunted people of color.

When you say "gaslighting", do you mean showing the videos proving that the people of color were taunting everybody else and that Philips approached Sandmann? Do you mean my exposing the fact that Sandmann did not know who Phillips was and therefore did not even know Phillips was a vet, nor why Phillips was in his face?

MOMMY!!!! MOMMY!!!! People are making memes about me. Get the lawyers to make them stop, Mommy!!!

MOMMY!!!! MOMMY!!!! There's a white Catholic bastard wearing a MAGA hat on TV! Get the news and social media to create a false narrative, Mommy!!!

What a dipshit.
It was not antisemitic.

This is the core question of the entire discussion: were her remarks antisemitic? But you refuse to address that question in depth because you're a coward.

Nope, because I've seen your "who are you going to trust, me or your lying eyes" shit before... and I refuse to play.

When you say "gaslighting", do you mean showing the videos proving that the people of color were taunting everybody else and that Philips approached Sandmann? Do you mean my exposing the fact that Sandmann did not know who Phillips was and therefore did not even know Phillips was a vet, nor why Phillips was in his face?

yes, all the right wing gaslighting that went on to make LCB look like he was anything but a rude little punk.
It was not antisemitic.

This is the core question of the entire discussion: were her remarks antisemitic? But you refuse to address that question in depth because you're a coward.

Nope, because I've seen your "who are you going to trust, me or your lying eyes" shit before... and I refuse to play.

I'm not asking you to trust ME, I'm asking you to explain YOUR position. If you think I'm just going to disagree with you or try to convince you that you're wrong, what the fuck do you think I've been doing anyway? If you tell me why you think it is antisemitic, anything I say in response will be no different than what I've been saying already.

You're a coward.

When you say "gaslighting", do you mean showing the videos proving that the people of color were taunting everybody else and that Philips approached Sandmann? Do you mean my exposing the fact that Sandmann did not know who Phillips was and therefore did not even know Phillips was a vet, nor why Phillips was in his face?

yes, all the right wing gaslighting that went on to make LCB look like he was anything but a rude little punk.

Explain to me how you think Sandmann came by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at.
I'm not asking you to trust ME, I'm asking you to explain YOUR position. If you think I'm just going to disagree with you or try to convince you that you're wrong, what the fuck do you think I've been doing anyway? If you tell me why you think it is antisemitic, anything I say in response will be no different than what I've been saying already.

I just assume you love to hear yourself talk... but I've already explained that I don't waste my time trying to convince bigots they aren't bigots... The Monster never looks in the mirror and sees a monster.

Explain to me how you think Sandmann came by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at.

Oh, I don't know, respect for elders... that sort of thing. Point was, he shouldn't have smirked at the old guy or let his friends taunt them.
I'm not asking you to trust ME, I'm asking you to explain YOUR position. If you think I'm just going to disagree with you or try to convince you that you're wrong, what the fuck do you think I've been doing anyway? If you tell me why you think it is antisemitic, anything I say in response will be no different than what I've been saying already.

I just assume you love to hear yourself talk... but I've already explained that I don't waste my time trying to convince bigots they aren't bigots... The Monster never looks in the mirror and sees a monster.

I just assume you're a coward.

As for me being a bigot, I'm not the one who thinks "brown people" are helpless and incapable of making their own choices or that they shouldn't suffer the consequences (your new pet word so you oughta understand where I'm coming from) of their bad choices.

Explain to me how you think Sandmann came by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at.

Oh, I don't know, respect for elders... that sort of thing. Point was, he shouldn't have smirked at the old guy or let his friends taunt them.

That's not what I asked. Don't try to weasel out now and make this about respecting elders when the whole time your narrative was that he disrespected a vet. So I ask again: how do you think Sandmann came by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at?

Also, why do you persist with this narrative when you've already been told that Sandmann did not know what Phillips was doing there and that he just didn't want to exacerbate the situation? You say "smirk" and I say "smile" but the motive was the same in either case: do not provoke.
As for me being a bigot, I'm not the one who thinks "brown people" are helpless and incapable of making their own choices or that they shouldn't suffer the consequences (your new pet word so you oughta understand where I'm coming from) of their bad choices.

Naw, I just think they should suffer the same consequences white people do... you know, not getting shot in the back, not having their kids thrown into cages....

That's not what I asked. Don't try to weasel out now and make this about respecting elders when the whole time your narrative was that he disrespected a vet. So I ask again: how do you think Sandmann came by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at?

You mean other than it was a sponsoered event? Or you know, he could have ASKED. Of course, he knew AFTERWARDS that he was a vet, and his response was still.

MOOOOOOOMMMY, Make the mean people stop saying means stuff about me!!!!
As for me being a bigot, I'm not the one who thinks "brown people" are helpless and incapable of making their own choices or that they shouldn't suffer the consequences (your new pet word so you oughta understand where I'm coming from) of their bad choices.

Naw, I just think they should suffer the same consequences white people do... you know, not getting shot in the back, not having their kids thrown into cages....

"Getting shot in the back"? I'm talking about illegal immigrants; cop shootings are a separate issue.

And FYI, they're all put into "cages", children and adults alike, i.e., fenced-in detention areas.

That's not what I asked. Don't try to weasel out now and make this about respecting elders when the whole time your narrative was that he disrespected a vet. So I ask again: how do you think Sandmann came by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at?

You mean other than it was a sponsoered event?

What was a sponsored event?

Or you know, he could have ASKED.

Bullshit and a dodge. How did Sandmann come by the information that Phillips was a vet in the sixty seconds or so that it took Phillips to approach Sandmann from where he was at?

Of course, he knew AFTERWARDS that he was a vet, and his response was still.

So? This changes nothing because Sandmann did nothing to apologize for.

MOOOOOOOMMMY, Make the mean people stop saying means stuff about me!!!!

Or, Stop these liberal snowflakes from spreading lies about me.

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