Gingrich Is Now Our Leader Let's All Unite Behind Him


Feb 3, 2010
Gingrich Is Now Our Leader Let's All Unite Behind Him

Ok, the divisive playing around is now over, let's unite and win this election, and all the contests down-ballot as well. This is the most historic election in this new century, and will determine the direction of the nation the rest of this century. Whether you supported Newt all along or someone else, now is the time to put aside the differences among ourselves and unite on one candidate to defeat Obama.

Don't be a disloyal Republican, or a disloyal Conservative or a disloyal Believer. Don't be a divider but rather be a uniter. All for one, and one for all. Don't express sour grapes, and hold grudges. Let's unite behind our leader, and win this one for the gipper.

Newt has many strengths, and many talents and virtues, let's capitalize on them, and not make our vision of the perfect, the enemy of the good.

Newt will not run alone, and he surely will not govern alone. We will have our Governors and state governments, and we will have our Republican-Conservative controlled Congress, and our strong majority of seats on the Supreme Court. Let's not throw our chances away with personal recriminations, frustrations, grudges and doubts. Let's go with what we have, and win, and do it NOW.

One final encouraging note: I have studied thousands of elections, and over and over the most masculine man always beats the less masculine man. It is almost invariable. Now there are a variety of ways to measure masculinity, but however you measure this characteristic, Newt is more masculine than Romney, IMO and more masculine than Obama also. Romeny vs. Obama would be more like a toss up on masculinity. This is one of the bottom lines that decided me against Romney, and it is his discernable feminine streak. Just look carefully at the way he moves, and how he comes across.

This election is likely to be fought on economic issues, BUT if there is an international blow-up before the election, and foreign policy comes raging to the fore, Newt polls at the very top of everybody on public trust of his ability in this areas of foreign affairs, way ahead of both Romeny AND Obama. This will be no small matter if it happens.

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The Republican Leadership stands behind their base. Deep and hard.
This is some funny stuff here.

I especially love the part where the Pillsbury Dough Boy is more masculine than our president.

If you really believe that, maybe, instead of debates, they should just square off on the basketball court.

Oh and, the Grand Old Party is long dead and rotting, probably never to be seen again. Its been bought and paid for by the likes of (shudder) Limbaugh, Beck and the born-with-a-silver-spoon-up-their-butts Koch bros.
fools rush in......where wisemen never roam

i hope you are getting paid for this crap

I'm being paid by love of my country, something you wouldn't know about.

Another one of Newts skills is, he knows how to make Demon-Rats eat dirt. :)
I thought most basketball players were Gay, or am I mistaken? You know, Michael Jordan?
Speak for yourself, Founder. I'm voting Ron Paul even if I have to write him in. A Gingrich presidency would be Bush neoconservatism on steroids.
So let's unite behind someone before a single vote has been cast.
This reads like a religious tract, A scrap of paper to be looked upon for 2 seconds and pondered for even less. It almost sounds as if Newt is (dare I say it?) a messiah, mind if I start calling him that?
Speak for yourself, Founder. I'm voting Ron Paul even if I have to write him in. A Gingrich presidency would be Bush neoconservatism on steroids.

Ron Paul, and every decent responsible Libertarian will be voting for Gingrich. Ask him if you don't believe me. Third Parties are all disasters, throughout American history, and finally end up harming the very causes they were formed to advance. You are not a good Libertarian, or a good American, but rather seem to be nothing but a spoiled child.
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This reads like a religious tract, A scrap of paper to be looked upon for 2 seconds and pondered for even less. It almost sounds as if Newt is (dare I say it?) a messiah, mind if I start calling him that?

When the Great One is crowned President for Life and ushers in the Everlasting Newtopia, you will be cast into the wilderness!! :evil:
A choice between Romney and Newt is like a choice between two kinds of Brussels sprouts.
Lol at this bullshit. Don't question, don't ask just get behind anyone because Obama....?

Marching orders have been given, don't be "disloyal" ya hear, the GOP doesn't like republicans that question...stuff.


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