Gingrich: It's time to assign a Special Counsel to find the leakers of the Special Counsel!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
he just said it on hannity. i agree 100%!

Trump even tweeted plugging Hannity's show tonight.
Newt Gingrich is a cracked pot. Wonder who was wearing the bigger tinfoil hat, Hannity or Gingrich. They are fake conservatives. They had better hide when winter becomes because squirrels will salivate over these nuts. Gingrich also said that a President cannot be charged with obstruction of justice. Gingrich conveniently forgot that one of the articles of impeachment against Clinton that he voted for was obstruction of justice.
he just said it on hannity. i agree 100%!

Trump even tweeted plugging Hannity's show tonight.

They already found the LEAKERS. I am certain this was NOT on Hannity--LOL

Remember the leak that came out of the Oval office when Trump met with the Russians. The Washington Post reported he had given highly classified information, (that had never been declassified) to the Russians. There were only 3 other Americans in that room with Trump. Trump had blocked American media while letting Russian media in. The 3 other Americans were National Security adviser--H.R McMaster, Deputy National Security adviser, Dina Powell, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. So which one of these 3 people leaked this information to the Washington Post?
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Who was in Trump's meeting with the Russians? -


Trump had a fit about this picture--because Russian media tweeted it out to the world.
White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -

What's really interesting is that U.S. Intelligence agents had warned Israeli Intelligence back in January, 2016 to not give sensitive information to Trump--out of concern that Trump is compromised by the Russians.
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'
U.S. officials 'warned Israel’ not to share sensitive intel with Trump administration
The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

H.R McMaster, Dina Powell & Rex Tiller swore an oath to this country to defend and protect this country against foreign & domestic enemies. Did it ever occur to you that one or all of them may consider Trump to be the enemy?

Trump is the only President in this nations history that has been stupid enough to make enemies out of the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies, and the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE--the more they will write & report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of our intelligence agencies, the more he implicates himself in a cover-up and the deeper they will dig. :dig:

The more he threatens the DOJ with firing people, the more they will leak information. They did not swear an oath to him, they swore an oath to this country, and they will do what they have to (including leaking him to death) in order to protect this country.
No, most of us are grateful for the leakers. We want more.

So why are you upset Seth Rich gave DNC emails to Wikileaks?

The Seth Rich story was retracked by FOX NEWS after getting threatened by the family of Seth Rich with a law suit. Major advertisers even pulled out of the Hannity program over this bullshit story.
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post
Advertisers pull commercials from Sean Hannity's show | Daily Mail Online

Sean Hannity used a tragic death of a DNC staffer, to protect his friend Julian Assange--(Wikileaks founder) who has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy for the last 4 YEARS avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Assange who was just labeled by CIA chief Pompeo a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation--who frequently works with Russia, for recently leaking 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA -
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

Sean Hannity frequently praised Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) through-out the campaign season, and what better way to point the finger at someone else who died tragically and make the false claim that there were Wikileaks on his computer when there were none. Inferring he was the leaker and not Julian Assange.

This is the shit you're listening too, and what's scary is you actually believe it.

And we know who LOVES Wikileaks.

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…


The Russian comi traitor love affair continues--on FOX NEWS.

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No, most of us are grateful for the leakers. We want more.

So why are you upset Seth Rich gave DNC emails to Wikileaks?

No, most of us are grateful for the leakers. We want more.

So why are you upset Seth Rich gave DNC emails to Wikileaks?

Daily Caller: Fox News Retracts Seth Rich Story

Politifact: Baseless claims that slain DNC staffer was WikiLeaks source

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