Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug


While I'm not sure I understand the whole "exceptionalism" thing, good for Newt.

It won't stop Putin, though, he's not worried about us. We gave him a nice big opening and he's driving through it. That's what sociopathic thugs do.


I beg to differ. Putin has a vested interest in making sure Obama doesn't topple Assad and give Syria on a silver platter to radical Islamists and AQ.

And he needs to protect Russia by getting those chemical weapons under international control.

Think the crazy whacked out Chechens. Think of all the terrorist acts in Russia by those maniacs.

I don't understand what opening you are talking about.

Putin has been very clear on how devastating a regional war would be. On the other hand, war hawks in Washington don't give a shit because it is their back door to Iran.

Depose Assad and deal with AQ later seems to be Washington's motto.

And as Putin put it quite plainly:

Russia is a lot closer to Syria than Washington is.
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Putin really put a lot of people's panties in a wad, didn't he?

Russia and the US are kind of in the same boat, empires who have seen their better days pass them by.

That we are fighting over Syria where neither one of us have anything at stake is kind of silly.

Huge issue's are at stake.
You never give a Putin an inch, or a Santorum or Gingrich, for that matter
Putin is a bully and he certainly summed up Obama as a wimp.

Now although I agree Putin has many negatives, he is absolutely right on this issue.

You don't topple a dictator that at least has a grip on the reality of all the factions he deals with in his country and turn the country over to al Qaeda by creating a vacuum.

In my world and other sane peoples world that is sheer and utter insanity.
You never give a Putin an inch, or a Santorum or Gingrich, for that matter

Giving Putin an inch in this highly sensitive matter by backing off bombing the shit out of innocent Syrian civilians was the right thing to do.

Unless you think Obama should have said" Fuck off Putin, I don't need a diplomatic solution.

I live to bomb people. I'm tired of drone kills. They're chump change. I want the big show."
You never give a Putin an inch, or a Santorum or Gingrich, for that matter

Giving Putin an inch in this highly sensitive matter by backing off bombing the shit out of innocent Syrian civilians was the right thing to do.

Unless you think Obama should have said" Fuck off Putin, I don't need a diplomatic solution.

I live to bomb people. I'm tired of drone kills. They're chump change. I want the big show."

you missed the bigger point the admin is saying

they are saying Reagan was right all along

and the lefty policies are failures

they say peace through strength worked

that the mere thought of a missile strike scared the Russians and Syria

to cave to our demands rid themselves of the chemical weapons

public information head jay carney doubled down on the Success

of the Reagan policy at a presser yesterday by saying the United states will hold

a Trust but verify position to insure that Syria complies with

losing its chemical weapons
Putin is a bully and he certainly summed up Obama as a wimp.


How exactly?

You gotta get out of your mommy's basement once in a while and change the TV Channel away from Comedy Central

Paul Krugman: Obama Could 'Go Down In History As The Wimp Who Threw It All Away'

Asia Times Online :: Vlad the Hammer vs Obama the Wimp

Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.
Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.
Obama may have become Putin's bitch, but far right?!
Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.

Typical dimocrap. All you got is talk.

How many CWs have been destroyed to date?

What effects have Captain Kickass' remarks had on Assad?

What has happened to Hezbollah?




and 0

You're a surgeon's dream, just like your blow-up-doll, the POS-TUS...

You only got two working parts, your mouth and your asshole.... And they're interchangeable.

You wanna believe the Stuttering Clusterfukk won this battle of Wills? Go for it. ALL dimocraps are self-deluding anyway.

obama is DONE on Foreign Policy. Finished. He will never again be taken seriously.

Watch, I'm right.

As usual.

Bad guys will thumb their noses at him for the next three years. And the next president will have to pay the price.

Just like when The Rapist ignored the ME for his eight years, the whole Country paid the price.

But you're too stupid to see the connection...

Here, puppy-puppy-puppy.... Time for your snack.... Wiggle for obama, wag your tail, drool for us
These liberals on here are only loving on Newt because he said something anti-putin and therefore supporting Obama by proxy (in thier delusional minds). On any other subject they would be calling him a fat jerk that left his wife on her death bed.
Of course Assad is a dictator and a thug. That was never in doubt at all. He's just not as bad as al quaeda.
You wonder why it's Amateur Hour in the Stuttering Clusterfuck's regime....?

Another Day, Another “Journalist” Heads To Work In The Obama Administration…


Which seems to be the natural career progression these days.

Via Politico:

Richard Stengel, the top editor of Time magazine for the past seven years, is planning to step down as managing editor for a new job at the U.S. Department of State, sources familiar with the situation tell POLITICO and Capital New York.

If confirmed, Stengel will serve as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, the role responsible for leading “America’s public diplomacy outreach, which includes communications with international audiences, cultural programming, academic grants, educational exchanges, international visitor programs, and U.S. Government efforts to confront ideological support for terrorism,” according to the State Department’s website.

Senior U.S. officials confirmed that Stengel is in line for the position.
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These liberals on here are only loving on Newt because he said something anti-putin and therefore supporting Obama by proxy (in thier delusional minds). On any other subject they would be calling him a fat jerk that left his wife on her death bed.

Even though I don't agree with Newt on much, he would be correct about Putin. That doesn't mean Putin didn't punk Obama, cause he did, but Putin is still a thug.
Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.
Just when I thought Fake Malarkey couldn't get any more idiotic and so transparent pimp for Dear Boiking, he once again lowers the bar of idiocy....So much so that we need to dig a hole so that the bar can be lowered further. :lmao:
Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.
Just when I thought Fake Malarkey couldn't get any more idiotic and so transparent pimp for Dear Boiking, he once again lowers the bar of idiocy....So much so that we need to dig a hole so that the bar can be lowered further. :lmao:

Ideology over Country.

Typical dimocrap

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