Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.
Just when I thought Fake Malarkey couldn't get any more idiotic and so transparent pimp for Dear Boiking, he once again lowers the bar of idiocy....So much so that we need to dig a hole so that the bar can be lowered further. :lmao:

Ideology over Country.

Typical dimocrap
Man, this is just tooo funny.

I've read some seriously detached and out-of-touch-with-reality spin on this whole thing with Putin, but Jake the Fake's "making Putin his bitch"delusion borders the the psychotic.

Somebody needs to size Jakey up for a padded room. :rofl:
You never give a Putin an inch, or a Santorum or Gingrich, for that matter

Giving Putin an inch in this highly sensitive matter by backing off bombing the shit out of innocent Syrian civilians was the right thing to do.

Unless you think Obama should have said" Fuck off Putin, I don't need a diplomatic solution.

I live to bomb people. I'm tired of drone kills. They're chump change. I want the big show."

you missed the bigger point the admin is saying

they are saying Reagan was right all along

and the lefty policies are failures

they say peace through strength worked

that the mere thought of a missile strike scared the Russians and Syria

to cave to our demands rid themselves of the chemical weapons

public information head jay carney doubled down on the Success

of the Reagan policy at a presser yesterday by saying the United states will hold

a Trust but verify position to insure that Syria complies with

losing its chemical weapons

I find myself rarely disagreeing with you, but in this case I must. The threats rang hollow.

Why? Because no one would back his threats.

Obama read the situation all wrong when he wanted to immediately strike Syria. First he didn't think Cameron would be devastatingly defeated in the House of Commons.

Merkel said there wasn't a hope in hell that Germany was going to sign on. Ditto Canada. And then Obama get's stuck with France.

Polling in France showed that 65% were ready to riot in France if Hollande went ahead and joined in the bombing.

And most of the rest sane leaders in the world agreed that any action against Syria should wait until the UN Inspectors issued their findings after a proper investigation.

Putin is savvy. He played chess while Obama was trying to handle a game of checkers.

Epic fail on the world stage. But there is success considering that Putin was able to find a diplomatic solution.
Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.

Did you take a kidrocks pill this morning?
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So Putin is cooperating to get the US what is probably the best possible outcome we could hope for under the circumstances,

which thus is a victory for Obama and the US,

but along the way Putin tosses out a bit of trash talk to save a bit of face for himself,

and the usual clueless suspects feel compelled to conclude that somehow this is a loser for the President.

lol, too funny.
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Giving Putin an inch in this highly sensitive matter by backing off bombing the shit out of innocent Syrian civilians was the right thing to do.

Unless you think Obama should have said" Fuck off Putin, I don't need a diplomatic solution.

I live to bomb people. I'm tired of drone kills. They're chump change. I want the big show."

you missed the bigger point the admin is saying

they are saying Reagan was right all along

and the lefty policies are failures

they say peace through strength worked

that the mere thought of a missile strike scared the Russians and Syria

to cave to our demands rid themselves of the chemical weapons

public information head jay carney doubled down on the Success

of the Reagan policy at a presser yesterday by saying the United states will hold

a Trust but verify position to insure that Syria complies with

losing its chemical weapons

I find myself rarely disagreeing with you, but in this case I must. The threats rang hollow.

Why? Because no one would back his threats.

Obama read the situation all wrong when he wanted to immediately strike Syria. First he didn't think Cameron would be devastatingly defeated in the House of Commons.

Merkel said there wasn't a hope in hell that Germany was going to sign on. Ditto Canada. And then Obama get's stuck with France.

Polling in France showed that 65% were ready to riot in France if Hollande went ahead and joined in the bombing.

And most of the rest sane leaders in the world agreed that any action against Syria should wait until the UN Inspectors issued their findings after a proper investigation.

Putin is savvy. He played chess while Obama was trying to handle a game of checkers.

Epic fail on the world stage. But there is success considering that Putin was able to find a diplomatic solution.

oh you are not in disagreement with me

i was only pointing out the obvious grasping at straws the admin has

with an attempted recovery of the admins flawed position on Syria

no one would back his threats for couple of reasons

1- it really was not very threatening

2- the admins position backs and supports the strengthening of alqeada

then there is the underlying lie that admin makes

that the strikes are not intended to tip the scales for the rebels

which is odd when that is exactly what we are already doing

by supplying arms to them

no what obama really wanted was to be the air support for alqeada

in this mission

but the people saw through that
So Putin is cooperating to get the US what is probably the best possible outcome we could hope for under the circumstances,

and thus is a victory for Obama and the US,

but along the way Putin tosses out a bit of trash talk to save a bit of face for himself,

and the usual clueless suspects feel compelled to conclude that somehow this is a loser for the President.

lol, too funny.

And you would too, if the President had an (R) after his name.

Which is why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.

  • Thanks
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So Putin is cooperating to get the US what is probably the best possible outcome we could hope for under the circumstances,

and thus is a victory for Obama and the US,

but along the way Putin tosses out a bit of trash talk to save a bit of face for himself,

and the usual clueless suspects feel compelled to conclude that somehow this is a loser for the President.

lol, too funny.

And you would too, if the President had an (R) after his name.

Which is why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.



You have absolutely no evidence to support that idiotic hypothetical. None. Zero.

Now run along and practice your twerking in the mirror
So Putin is cooperating to get the US what is probably the best possible outcome we could hope for under the circumstances,

and thus is a victory for Obama and the US,

but along the way Putin tosses out a bit of trash talk to save a bit of face for himself,

and the usual clueless suspects feel compelled to conclude that somehow this is a loser for the President.

lol, too funny.

And you would too, if the President had an (R) after his name.

Which is why partisan ideologues have zero credibility.



You have absolutely no evidence to support that idiotic hypothetical. None. Zero.

Now run along and practice your twerking in the mirror


Okay, sure.

For the record, I once "twerked" to tease my teenage daughters, and they made me swear never to do it again.

Putin is a bully and he certainly summed up Obama as a wimp.


How exactly?
Giving Putin an opening to lecture America. I imagine you do understand then word 'wimp'.

No sure what you mean by "opening to lecture America". Foreign leaders have access to our media. We live in a free society.

You may remember both Chavez and Ahmadinejad both had the same sort of access and no one on the left was calling Bush a "wimp".

In fact, we are stronger as a nation when we allow for this.
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How, exactly?

2 + 2 = 4

Wanna argue with that, too?

Putin made obama look amateurish. The whole world knows it.

Except for the stupidest people on Earth.... dimocraps.

You people really are stupid. Not ignorant, not uninformed, I'm talking FUCKING STOOPID

Put this one under the 'L' column and march on. Maybe you'll win the next one.

With the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lying for you ever day, it's pretty likely. But this one? A BIG TIME "L"
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How, exactly?

Well, Putin got everything he wanted. He wanted to block the Qatar pipeline, he wanted to keep his Syrian base. Obviously you don't know anything about the dynamic between Sunnis and Shiites, but to boil it down Russia is heavily invested in Iran and Iran getting drawn into that is bad for Russian business.

Seriously, after all this discussion you don't even know the basics of the situation? Putin got everything his way.
Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How, exactly?

2 + 2 = 4

Wanna argue with that, too?

Putin made obama look amateurish. The whole world knows it.

Except for the stupidest people on Earth.... dimocraps.

You people really are stupid. Not ignorant, not uninformed, I'm talking FUCKING STOOPID

Put this one under the 'L' column and march on. Maybe you'll win the next one.

With the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lying for you ever day, it's pretty likely. But this one? A BIG TIME "L"

Well little lady..why don't you stop your rabid frothing at the mouth and try, for once, to put together a coherent argument that displays your opinion in a more human manner.

It might be a bit hard because it would involve breaking out of your universe of angels and demons, but try.

The exercise might shake out the cobwebs in that shriveled walnut you call a brain.

Well little lady..why don't you stop your rabid frothing at the mouth and try, for once, to put together a coherent argument that displays your opinion in a more human manner.

It might be a bit hard because it would involve breaking out of your universe of angels and demons, but try.

The exercise might shake out the cobwebs in that shriveled walnut you call a brain.


If you had a brain, you would address the endless points on how Putin got his way. If you disagree and see anything Putin didn't get, what about coming up with some examples? Going with "duh, I don't get anything, can you explain it all to me again, and again, and again then lecturing anyone on putting together a coherent argument is sad, and sadly typical for you. But you're not a mindless Democrat drone for nothing.
Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How, exactly?

Well, Putin got everything he wanted. He wanted to block the Qatar pipeline, he wanted to keep his Syrian base. Obviously you don't know anything about the dynamic between Sunnis and Shiites, but to boil it down Russia is heavily invested in Iran and Iran getting drawn into that is bad for Russian business.

Seriously, after all this discussion you don't even know the basics of the situation? Putin got everything his way.

Seriously I answered this nonsense the last time you cut and pasted it.

But in a nutshell.

This is not a "gain". Syria is a Russian client state that is quickly fading into a nightmare.

At best Russia retains a tenuous hold on it.

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