Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

What was Putin NOT going to get if Obama followed YOUR plan,

which was that we simply step away from the whole affair?

That was your plan wasn't it?

Obama wanted to attack Syria. Putin didn't want him to. At least at this point Putin is not going to attack Syria and Putin gave up nothing to get that. And now I'm supposed to say dang, you're right, Obama did win?

Obama wants Syria to stop using chemical weapons, to sign onto the ban, and to get rid of their chemical weapons. Obama wanted Russian cooperation in this.

That is the direction we are now moving. Without airstrikes.

How can you be so stupid as to claim this is not a positive outcome, SO FAR, for the US and for the Obama administration?
Putin really put a lot of people's panties in a wad, didn't he?

Russia and the US are kind of in the same boat, empires who have seen their better days pass them by.

That we are fighting over Syria where neither one of us have anything at stake is kind of silly.

I read every post in this thread and yours is by far the dumbest and most misinformed.

You must be proud
What was Putin NOT going to get if Obama followed YOUR plan,

which was that we simply step away from the whole affair?

That was your plan wasn't it?

Obama wanted to attack Syria. Putin didn't want him to. At least at this point Putin is not going to attack Syria and Putin gave up nothing to get that. And now I'm supposed to say dang, you're right, Obama did win?

Obama wants Syria to stop using chemical weapons, to sign onto the ban, and to get rid of their chemical weapons. Obama wanted Russian cooperation in this.

That is the direction we are now moving. Without airstrikes.

How can you be so stupid as to claim this is not a positive outcome, SO FAR, for the US and for the Obama administration?

Many in the GOP are just hoping that Obama will misstep on this. It is so ironic that he is seeking to take action again a dictator that actually used WMD, while the last GOP President took action against a dictator who he claimed had WMD. Of course that all turned out to be a fabrication and a lie.

Obama is taking the correct action even as some like McCain scream for blood.
that peace loving Obama WHO has that peace prize medal hanging round his neck has been just wonderful for peace hasn't he?

what country hasn't he pissed off against us?

damn we better hope and PRAY with this man in office for another THREE YEARS
that peace loving Obama WHO has that peace prize medal hanging round his neck has been just wonderful for peace hasn't he?

what country hasn't he pissed off against us?

damn we better hope and PRAY with this man in office for another THREE YEARS

Steph, dear, we better hope that he IS is office. Otherwise, we would have troops stationed in Syria at this very moment. Look at McCain beating the war drums...

You seems to have forgotten history.
President Putin might be a dictator, liar and a thug, he's not not nearly as bad a dictator, liar and thug as little o obama.

If obama wants a deal on chemical weapons he better be prepared to give up his dreams of a strike and prepare to accept Assad as Syria's leader.
that peace loving Obama WHO has that peace prize medal hanging round his neck has been just wonderful for peace hasn't he?

what country hasn't he pissed off against us?

damn we better hope and PRAY with this man in office for another THREE YEARS

Steph, dear, we better hope that he IS is office. Otherwise, we would have troops stationed in Syria at this very moment. Look at McCain beating the war drums...

You seems to have forgotten history.
History shows that America's biggest warmongers have been democrats......And the difference between them and McQuisling is nil.
So what do you Obama haters claim would be the better circumstance, at this point in time?

You all claim this is bad, and yet none of you can say how it would be better,

within the realm of possibilities.

CNN) – Americans shouldn't let Vladimir Putin's opinions get under their skin because the Russian president is a one-time KGB officer whose primary interest is nationalism, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

"While we have to deal with him as the president of Russia, we don't have to respect his views. We don't have to respect his opinions," said Gingrich, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire."

"And frankly, we should laugh at him when he tries to lecture America about exceptionalism, because he ain't exceptional. He's just one more in a long tradition of dictators and thugs."
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs



Well--George Bush 1 was formerly the CIA Chief--and I think he was a darn good President. I wonder what Limbaugh would have to say about that--LOL

Frankly, I am surprised that Limbaugh--didn't ad "whore" to his comment about Putin--:lol: Someone really needs to stuff cotton balls in Limbaugh's mouth and tape it shut FOREVER.
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So what do you Obama haters claim would be the better circumstance, at this point in time?

You all claim this is bad, and yet none of you can say how it would be better,

within the realm of possibilities.
A better circumstance would be the American president having more credibility on the world stage than a murderous thug who used to run the KGB.

But he doesn't and it's a coin toss as to whether that is hilarious or terrifying.
Obama wanted to attack Syria. Putin didn't want him to. At least at this point Putin is not going to attack Syria and Putin gave up nothing to get that. And now I'm supposed to say dang, you're right, Obama did win?

Obama wants Syria to stop using chemical weapons, to sign onto the ban, and to get rid of their chemical weapons. Obama wanted Russian cooperation in this.

That is the direction we are now moving. Without airstrikes.

How can you be so stupid as to claim this is not a positive outcome, SO FAR, for the US and for the Obama administration?

Many in the GOP are just hoping that Obama will misstep on this. It is so ironic that he is seeking to take action again a dictator that actually used WMD, while the last GOP President took action against a dictator who he claimed had WMD. Of course that all turned out to be a fabrication and a lie.

Obama is taking the correct action even as some like McCain scream for blood.

Hussein used WMD's repeatedly on the Iranians and his own people, but he didn't have any. You're the liar, and you're a tool.
So far Assad is still in power, still has his weapons, hasn't signed onto anything. obama has been maneuvered into withholding a strike he was never going to get authorization for. John Kerry is in Geneva unable to get a single concession.

If that's winning what is losing?

Did you see Kerry explaining how he wasn't getting anywhere? He looked like would rather be anyplace else. He was utterly defeated. You could almost see the wheels turning on how graceful a resignation he could make.
So what do you Obama haters claim would be the better circumstance, at this point in time?

You all claim this is bad, and yet none of you can say how it would be better,

within the realm of possibilities.
A better circumstance would be the American president having more credibility on the world stage than a murderous thug who used to run the KGB.

But he doesn't and it's a coin toss as to whether that is hilarious or terrifying.

What makes you believe or think that Putin is credible on the world stage? He was given one option and one option only. Get Assad to cooperate. If he fails Russia loose's it's only port in the Mediterranean Sea and the only country in it's only economic and security partner in the area other than Iran and Iran ain't on the Mediterranean. He's getting by on bs and world leaders know it.
So what do you Obama haters claim would be the better circumstance, at this point in time?

You all claim this is bad, and yet none of you can say how it would be better,

within the realm of possibilities.
A better circumstance would be the American president having more credibility on the world stage than a murderous thug who used to run the KGB.

But he doesn't and it's a coin toss as to whether that is hilarious or terrifying.

What makes you believe or think that Putin is credible on the world stage? He was given one option and one option only. Get Assad to cooperate. If he fails Russia loose's it's only port in the Mediterranean Sea and the only country in it's only economic and security partner in the area other than Iran and Iran ain't on the Mediterranean. He's getting by on bs and world leaders know it.
Nobody gives a commie dictator options....Not even the Boiking.

He's doing what he's doing because he sees a percentage in it for him, no other reason.
A better circumstance would be the American president having more credibility on the world stage than a murderous thug who used to run the KGB.

But he doesn't and it's a coin toss as to whether that is hilarious or terrifying.

What makes you believe or think that Putin is credible on the world stage? He was given one option and one option only. Get Assad to cooperate. If he fails Russia loose's it's only port in the Mediterranean Sea and the only country in it's only economic and security partner in the area other than Iran and Iran ain't on the Mediterranean. He's getting by on bs and world leaders know it.
Nobody gives a commie dictator options....Not even the Boiking.

He's doing what he's doing because he sees a percentage in it for him, no other reason.

You are evading an answer. You say nobody gives a commie dictator options and he sees a percentage. What the hell is a percentage supposed to mean? The claim here is that Putin has more credibility on the world stage than the President of the United States of America. Show some kind of evidence. Otherwise your bluff is called. Your a cheer leader for a Russian leader because you hate your President and don't love your country enough to put your hate aside.
The obama regime is starting to waffle on Assad remaining in power. The rebels are more than people can stand.

Little o obama is looking for another way out. Will President Putin help him this time too?
What makes you believe or think that Putin is credible on the world stage? He was given one option and one option only. Get Assad to cooperate. If he fails Russia loose's it's only port in the Mediterranean Sea and the only country in it's only economic and security partner in the area other than Iran and Iran ain't on the Mediterranean. He's getting by on bs and world leaders know it.
Nobody gives a commie dictator options....Not even the Boiking.

He's doing what he's doing because he sees a percentage in it for him, no other reason.

You are evading an answer. You say nobody gives a commie dictator options and he sees a percentage. What the hell is a percentage supposed to mean? The claim here is that Putin has more credibility on the world stage than the President of the United States of America. Show some kind of evidence. Otherwise your bluff is called. Your a cheer leader for a Russian leader because you hate your President and don't love your country enough to put your hate aside.

Love for country has everything to do with hate for Obama. Put your flag down.
What makes you believe or think that Putin is credible on the world stage? He was given one option and one option only. Get Assad to cooperate. If he fails Russia loose's it's only port in the Mediterranean Sea and the only country in it's only economic and security partner in the area other than Iran and Iran ain't on the Mediterranean. He's getting by on bs and world leaders know it.
Nobody gives a commie dictator options....Not even the Boiking.

He's doing what he's doing because he sees a percentage in it for him, no other reason.

You are evading an answer. You say nobody gives a commie dictator options and he sees a percentage. What the hell is a percentage supposed to mean? The claim here is that Putin has more credibility on the world stage than the President of the United States of America. Show some kind of evidence. Otherwise your bluff is called. Your a cheer leader for a Russian leader because you hate your President and don't love your country enough to put your hate aside.
The evidence is the overwhelming negative reaction -both inside America and around the world- to your Dear Leader's foolhardy sabre rattling and subsequent backpedaling on his "red line" chest thumping, versus the nearly palpable relief of people that Putin has come onto the scene.

I'm not a cheerleader for Putin in any way. I'm a cheerleader for our elected representatives acting like statesmen rather than a bunch of morally preening fucking hooligans.

So stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.
Newt also reminded crossfire viewers that Putin, as a career KGB agent, oversaw the torture and killing of many people. He also had a great point when he said that, regarding getting UN approval for military strikes, Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 without any such permission from the security council. While I don't think Newt was advocating for strikes on Syria, it's clear he was insisting that Putin's op ed in the NY Times wasn't worth the pixel dust it was written with.
Newt also reminded crossfire viewers that Putin, as a career KGB agent, oversaw the torture and killing of many people. He also had a great point when he said that, regarding getting UN approval for military strikes, Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 without any such permission from the security council. While I don't think Newt was advocating for strikes on Syria, it's clear he was insisting that Putin's op ed in the NY Times wasn't worth the pixel dust it was written with.

What Newt said is true. That just makes Putin's put-down of obama even worse for the USA.

Said another way------Obama is so incompetent that he made a thug dictator look like a world statesman.

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