Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

Flexing America muscle, making Syria conform to international law, and using Putin as his bitch does not make Obama a neo-con folks.

Now dictators will dictate, and many on the far reactionary right instinctively bow down to their authoritarian poise.
Obama may have become Putin's bitch, but far right?!

Yup, the far right are quite ready to bow down to Putin, Obama's bitch.
Obama wants Syria to stop using chemical weapons, to sign onto the ban, and to get rid of their chemical weapons. Obama wanted Russian cooperation in this.

That is the direction we are now moving. Without airstrikes.

How can you be so stupid as to claim this is not a positive outcome, SO FAR, for the US and for the Obama administration?

Many in the GOP are just hoping that Obama will misstep on this. It is so ironic that he is seeking to take action again a dictator that actually used WMD, while the last GOP President took action against a dictator who he claimed had WMD. Of course that all turned out to be a fabrication and a lie.

Obama is taking the correct action even as some like McCain scream for blood.

Hussein used WMD's repeatedly on the Iranians and his own people, but he didn't have any. You're the liar, and you're a tool.

Your talking about time periods that were more than a decade apart.

You also forgot to mention that the Reagan administration gave Iraq the chemtech and gear to carry out their attacks.
Newt also reminded crossfire viewers that Putin, as a career KGB agent, oversaw the torture and killing of many people. He also had a great point when he said that, regarding getting UN approval for military strikes, Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 without any such permission from the security council. While I don't think Newt was advocating for strikes on Syria, it's clear he was insisting that Putin's op ed in the NY Times wasn't worth the pixel dust it was written with.

What Newt said is true. That just makes Putin's put-down of obama even worse for the USA.

Said another way------Obama is so incompetent that he made a thug dictator look like a world statesman.

Not at all.

It's only in the eyes of you tea party types.

Gingrich is even at a point where he can't stand you folks.
President Putin is obama's bitch. That's why Kerry is in Geneva groveling and obama is struggling to look relevant. Kerry looked so ashen on the news today I felt sorry for him. Then right in front of cameras and reporters the Russian told him he talked too much so poor Kerry shut up.

With every incident of al quaeda atrocities that come out obama gets weaker. Now that his figure of 1,400 dead as a result of the gas attack has been shown to be an outright lie, he looks worse than ever.

President Putin gave obama a noose and obama grabbed it and put it around his own neck.
So maintaining Syria with a "a tenuous hold" isn't a gain when Obama said he was going to take them out ... and didn't?

Not really.

And at this point? It's mutually advantageous.

Given the turmoil that the Middle East is now experiencing, having Assad go down without a solid or at least semi-competent political structure to take over would just add to the mess.

And Obama said nothing about taking Assad out, what he said was he was going to try to stop the use of Chemical weapons.

This is hilarious. You say Assad is on the brink of falling and Obama was going to attack him with the power of the by far strongest military in the world, but that wasn't for the purpose of toppling him.

Putin stopped Obama, still has his Syrian base, still has the oil pipeline blocked and still has Iran appeased. Obama got nothing, you can't name anything Putin lost. Keeping what he was about to lose wasn't a win, and you can't address any of the things I keep pointing out Putin kept.

But ... it was a big win for Obama and Putin was put in his place.


At this point there's no reason to go on.

You're looking at this as a football game.

It's not.
Not really.

And at this point? It's mutually advantageous.

Given the turmoil that the Middle East is now experiencing, having Assad go down without a solid or at least semi-competent political structure to take over would just add to the mess.

And Obama said nothing about taking Assad out, what he said was he was going to try to stop the use of Chemical weapons.

This is hilarious. You say Assad is on the brink of falling and Obama was going to attack him with the power of the by far strongest military in the world, but that wasn't for the purpose of toppling him.

Putin stopped Obama, still has his Syrian base, still has the oil pipeline blocked and still has Iran appeased. Obama got nothing, you can't name anything Putin lost. Keeping what he was about to lose wasn't a win, and you can't address any of the things I keep pointing out Putin kept.

But ... it was a big win for Obama and Putin was put in his place.


At this point there's no reason to go on.

You're looking at this as a football game.

It's not.

Damn, you're a nobody in your company. Business, politics, it's all like a football game.

CNN) – Americans shouldn't let Vladimir Putin's opinions get under their skin because the Russian president is a one-time KGB officer whose primary interest is nationalism, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

"While we have to deal with him as the president of Russia, we don't have to respect his views. We don't have to respect his opinions," said Gingrich, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire."

"And frankly, we should laugh at him when he tries to lecture America about exceptionalism, because he ain't exceptional. He's just one more in a long tradition of dictators and thugs."
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs


Naturally he fits right in with the right. Two peas in a pod.
This is hilarious. You say Assad is on the brink of falling and Obama was going to attack him with the power of the by far strongest military in the world, but that wasn't for the purpose of toppling him.

Putin stopped Obama, still has his Syrian base, still has the oil pipeline blocked and still has Iran appeased. Obama got nothing, you can't name anything Putin lost. Keeping what he was about to lose wasn't a win, and you can't address any of the things I keep pointing out Putin kept.

But ... it was a big win for Obama and Putin was put in his place.


At this point there's no reason to go on.

You're looking at this as a football game.

It's not.

Damn, you're a nobody in your company. Business, politics, it's all like a football game.

It absolutely is not.

Football is linear, has concrete goals and objectives. The opponents are clearly defined and the game is structured by a strict set of rules.

Business, politics and war are not like that at all. We may try to make them like that, but in the real world there are so many moving parts it makes each discipline wholly unpredictable.
Nobody gives a commie dictator options....Not even the Boiking.

He's doing what he's doing because he sees a percentage in it for him, no other reason.

You are evading an answer. You say nobody gives a commie dictator options and he sees a percentage. What the hell is a percentage supposed to mean? The claim here is that Putin has more credibility on the world stage than the President of the United States of America. Show some kind of evidence. Otherwise your bluff is called. Your a cheer leader for a Russian leader because you hate your President and don't love your country enough to put your hate aside.

Love for country has everything to do with hate for Obama. Put your flag down.

Nonsense. Obsessive hate causes irrational thinking. It caused it with the Bush haters and still does. It prevents objective viewing of issue's. It causes people to accept misinformation even after it is shown to be false and reject fact even when the facts are not in question or dispute. People stand by their beliefs to re-enforce their emotions. Love or hate, take your pick. It works the same with both.
You are evading an answer. You say nobody gives a commie dictator options and he sees a percentage. What the hell is a percentage supposed to mean? The claim here is that Putin has more credibility on the world stage than the President of the United States of America. Show some kind of evidence. Otherwise your bluff is called. Your a cheer leader for a Russian leader because you hate your President and don't love your country enough to put your hate aside.

Love for country has everything to do with hate for Obama. Put your flag down.

Nonsense. Obsessive hate causes irrational thinking. It caused it with the Bush haters and still does. It prevents objective viewing of issue's. It causes people to accept misinformation even after it is shown to be false and reject fact even when the facts are not in question or dispute. People stand by their beliefs to re-enforce their emotions. Love or hate, take your pick. It works the same with both.
Well, thank you for that breakdown of the general mindset of the DNC and its adherents.

Your prescient observation is duly noted.

CNN) – Americans shouldn't let Vladimir Putin's opinions get under their skin because the Russian president is a one-time KGB officer whose primary interest is nationalism, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

"While we have to deal with him as the president of Russia, we don't have to respect his views. We don't have to respect his opinions," said Gingrich, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire."

"And frankly, we should laugh at him when he tries to lecture America about exceptionalism, because he ain't exceptional. He's just one more in a long tradition of dictators and thugs."
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs



And Obama is his bitch.
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

The point should not be to analyze Putin's personality or whether or not Putin is a likable teddy bear, it should be viewed solely on Real Politics considerations.

The point is Putin has shown up Obama for what he truly is: a bumbling amateur surrounded by other bumbling amateur advisers!
Obama and his government are considered so weak that Putin is setting the agenda... and the disaster is that America's credibility is finished, and to fill the superpower vacuum , now largely diminished for the US, Putin is coming forward into the gap.

What Gingrich calls Putin is completely and totally irrelevant, he may or may not be a thug, but regrettably he is winning this new Cold War.

CNN) – Americans shouldn't let Vladimir Putin's opinions get under their skin because the Russian president is a one-time KGB officer whose primary interest is nationalism, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

"While we have to deal with him as the president of Russia, we don't have to respect his views. We don't have to respect his opinions," said Gingrich, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire."

"And frankly, we should laugh at him when he tries to lecture America about exceptionalism, because he ain't exceptional. He's just one more in a long tradition of dictators and thugs."
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs



Gingrich: the broken clock.

What’s amusing is how much in disarray the partisan right is over this – desperate to spin Syria as a ‘failure’ for Obama, they’re even willing to support a Russian tyrant to do so, only to have one of their own correctly identify Putin as a dictator and thug.

Too funny.
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

The point should not be to analyze Putin's personality or whether or not Putin is a likable teddy bear, it should be viewed solely on Real Politics considerations.

The point is Putin has shown up Obama for what he truly is: a bumbling amateur surrounded by other bumbling amateur advisers!
Obama and his government are considered so weak that Putin is setting the agenda... and the disaster is that America's credibility is finished, and to fill the superpower vacuum , now largely diminished for the US, Putin is coming forward into the gap.

What Gingrich calls Putin is completely and totally irrelevant, he may or may not be a thug, but regrettably he is winning this new Cold War.

This has been a lousy couple of weeks for us (regardless of what some -- not all -- of Obama's apologists say), but I think the ultimate effects remain to be seen. Putin is a vile figure, everyone knows it, and I have a tough time believing that any minds have been changed around the world.

If Putin takes this opportunity to make some kind of significant move, then we have a problem. If he doesn't or can't, then we just have an embarrassment.

Bad enough, of course, but better than the alternative.


CNN) – Americans shouldn't let Vladimir Putin's opinions get under their skin because the Russian president is a one-time KGB officer whose primary interest is nationalism, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

"While we have to deal with him as the president of Russia, we don't have to respect his views. We don't have to respect his opinions," said Gingrich, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire."

"And frankly, we should laugh at him when he tries to lecture America about exceptionalism, because he ain't exceptional. He's just one more in a long tradition of dictators and thugs."
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs



Gingrich: the broken clock.

What’s amusing is how much in disarray the partisan right is over this – desperate to spin Syria as a ‘failure’ for Obama, they’re even willing to support a Russian tyrant to do so, only to have one of their own correctly identify Putin as a dictator and thug.

Too funny.
Nobody is supporting Putin, you insufferable hack.

We're aghast at how a brutal goon like him can upstage and appear more the statesman in this matter, than your media myth Boiking.

But knuckle-dragging hacks like you can't even muster the slightest shred of embarrassment.

It would be comical were it not so dangerous.
Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

The point should not be to analyze Putin's personality or whether or not Putin is a likable teddy bear, it should be viewed solely on Real Politics considerations.

The point is Putin has shown up Obama for what he truly is: a bumbling amateur surrounded by other bumbling amateur advisers!
Obama and his government are considered so weak that Putin is setting the agenda... and the disaster is that America's credibility is finished, and to fill the superpower vacuum , now largely diminished for the US, Putin is coming forward into the gap.

What Gingrich calls Putin is completely and totally irrelevant, he may or may not be a thug, but regrettably he is winning this new Cold War.

This has been a lousy couple of weeks for us (regardless of what some -- not all -- of Obama's apologists say), but I think the ultimate effects remain to be seen. Putin is a vile figure, everyone knows it, and I have a tough time believing that any minds have been changed around the world.

If Putin takes this opportunity to make some kind of significant move, then we have a problem. If he doesn't or can't, then we just have an embarrassment.

Bad enough, of course, but better than the alternative.


Putin already won this round.

If Syria gives up its chemical weapons...... yay Putin!

If Syria doesn't give up its chemicals weapons ... yay Putin! ....."I told you so" - will say Putin - Syria never had chemical weapons... and war weary Americans still will think twice before going to war with Syria.

Any way you look at it, Putin is the winner.

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Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How so? Russia and syria are the idea russia came up with a solution is silly. There is a back door deal here as well.

What Putin won

- Assad is still in power buying weapons from Russia
- Russia still has their base in Syria
- Assad is still blocking the Qatar pipeline to Europe Russia opposes because it would compete with theirs and they are building a second one.
- Iran isn't being sucked into a war which is bad for Russian business.

What Putin lost

- nothing

The endless rhetoric by the left that Obama schooled Putin on anything is baseless.
Putin really put a lot of people's panties in a wad, didn't he?

Russia and the US are kind of in the same boat, empires who have seen their better days pass them by.

That we are fighting over Syria where neither one of us have anything at stake is kind of silly.

Huge issue's are at stake.

Really? Which ones?

Which tribe of backward assholes run a particular stretch of desert?

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