Gingrich: Putin is a dictator and a thug

President Putin is obama's bitch. That's why Kerry is in Geneva groveling and obama is struggling to look relevant. Kerry looked so ashen on the news today I felt sorry for him. Then right in front of cameras and reporters the Russian told him he talked too much so poor Kerry shut up.

With every incident of al quaeda atrocities that come out obama gets weaker. Now that his figure of 1,400 dead as a result of the gas attack has been shown to be an outright lie, he looks worse than ever.

President Putin gave obama a noose and obama grabbed it and put it around his own neck.

Got you on the run, Katzndogz, as Obama bitches Putin and Kerry makes the Russian diplomat squeal.

You guys played your cards wrong, and the far right will be destroyed in the primaries next year in good part because of their revealed love for Putin and communism.
President Putin is obama's bitch. That's why Kerry is in Geneva groveling and obama is struggling to look relevant. Kerry looked so ashen on the news today I felt sorry for him. Then right in front of cameras and reporters the Russian told him he talked too much so poor Kerry shut up.

With every incident of al quaeda atrocities that come out obama gets weaker. Now that his figure of 1,400 dead as a result of the gas attack has been shown to be an outright lie, he looks worse than ever.

President Putin gave obama a noose and obama grabbed it and put it around his own neck.

Got you on the run, Katzndogz, as Obama bitches Putin and Kerry makes the Russian diplomat squeal.

You guys played your cards wrong, and the far right will be destroyed in the primaries next year in good part because of their revealed love for Putin and communism.
This is incomprehensible blithering nincompoopery, worthy of a Truthdontmatter or rderp post.

You don't need to be in love with a brutal commie dictator to recognize when he's upstaging the American president and making him look like the hapless bungling fool that he is....Lest we fail to mention our bumbling buffoon of a Sec. of State.

That's not just the opinion of Americans....They both look like a couple of deer-in-the-headlights clowns to the rest of the world.

Prolly best if you quit mixing your Metamucil in muscatel.
Dictator and thug wannabee Newt Gingrich says Putin is a dictator and a thug.
Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How so? Russia and syria are the idea russia came up with a solution is silly. There is a back door deal here as well.

What Putin won

- Assad is still in power buying weapons from Russia
- Russia still has their base in Syria
- Assad is still blocking the Qatar pipeline to Europe Russia opposes because it would compete with theirs and they are building a second one.
- Iran isn't being sucked into a war which is bad for Russian business.

What Putin lost

- nothing

The endless rhetoric by the left that Obama schooled Putin on anything is baseless.

Putin 'won' that? When did Putin not already have all that?
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.
Gingrich is right. All the more pathetic how Obama let Putin make him look like amateur hour in Syria.

How so? Russia and syria are the idea russia came up with a solution is silly. There is a back door deal here as well.

What Putin won

- Assad is still in power buying weapons from Russia
- Russia still has their base in Syria
- Assad is still blocking the Qatar pipeline to Europe Russia opposes because it would compete with theirs and they are building a second one.
- Iran isn't being sucked into a war which is bad for Russian business.

What Putin lost

- nothing

The endless rhetoric by the left that Obama schooled Putin on anything is baseless.
so he gained the status quo.
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.

Only if one is a blind rightist partisan in perpetual knee-jerk opposition to everything Obama.

Conservatives are of course more interested in making an inane rush to judgement rather than giving the situation time to develop.
If Syria Is All About a Qatari Pipeline, Why Are the Saudis Trying to Overthrow Assad?

First, consider the source. This is has been a Syrian propaganda line since very early on.

Second, consider who is flogging this theory, notably Alex Jones and Zerohedge, both of whom are reliable Putin pilot fish, with the former being a notorious propagator of outlandish conspiracy theories involving the US government, including 911 Truther type conspiracies.

Third, and by far most importantly, the theory doesn’t explain one crucial fact: Saudi support for Assad’s overthrow. Indeed, if this reductionist conspiracy theory were correct, the Saudis would be throwing everything behind Assad, not trying to oust him.

Saudi Arabia and Qatar have had a testy relationship for decades, and since the Arab Spring and the ascent of the new Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamid Al-Thani especially, that relationship has degenerated into a shadow war fought through proxies throughout the Middle East. This is most evident in Egypt, where Qatar backed the Muslim Brotherhood Morsi government, and the Saudis backed the military, and bankrolled its overthrow of that government.
If Syria Is All About a Qatari Pipeline, Why Are the Saudis Trying to Overthrow Assad?
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.

When did going to Congress for the authorization of the use of military force become a bad thing?
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.

The only people in the civilized world who don't know that obama got his ass handed to him by Putin are American dimocraps.

Regardless of whether you want to strike Assad or not, obama got his lunch money taken away from him and bitch-slapped by Putin.

For the left to deny that shows their deep-seated pathology.

More evidence that it is useless to try and work with these people. Their grasp of reality is not even tenuous. It is nonexistent.
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.

When did going to Congress for the authorization of the use of military force become a bad thing?

Its the right thing to do. Bush did it on Iraq. But Obama said he did not need congress, he could bomb any country he wants on his own.

Who was right, Bush or Obama?
The way the 'nuts around here are lurching this way and that way, frantically trying to stay on the opposite side of the issue to where they think the president is...

...someone is going to sprain an ankle.
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.

When did going to Congress for the authorization of the use of military force become a bad thing?

When the Black Guy Did It.

Which is pretty much anything Obama does. The minute Obama does it, it's bad.
While our dimocrap members tirelessly defend the indefensible.... While they constantly and continuously make lame excuse after lame excuse for their pretend, blow-up-doll president...

Here's what the rest of the world is saying..... Even some of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM

9 Times Putin Pwned Obama

Putin Wins a Round From Obama - Ken Walsh's Washington (

Kathleen Parker: Putin?s good time at Obama?s expense - The Washington Post

Analysis: Putin scores diplomatic win on Syria -

Putin Makes Obama Pay a High Price for Syria Escape | Fox News

I could go on for at least another hundred articles.... ALL laughing at the Stuttering Clusterfukk for getting butt fucked by Putin.

And the knob-slurpers on this Board would still defend out lace-panty-wearing president.

In a few Months, when EVERYBODY admits that obama got PWNED, and this is no longer in the news, they'll scream, "Where did I ever say......" With an appropriate amount of self righteous indignation.

Like they always do.

Then, if you want to prove what lying scum they are (and they are) you'll have to go back and spend several hours searching for what they said and when.

And when/if you do that, they'll report you to the Mods for Stalking.

I hate dimocraps
Interesting. Where is the president on this issue? Red lines drawn then erased. Congressional approval for military action sought then forgotten.

Extremely difficult to stay on the opposite side of any position when there is none.

When did going to Congress for the authorization of the use of military force become a bad thing?

When the Black Guy Did It.

Which is pretty much anything Obama does. The minute Obama does it, it's bad.

George Bush Sr. drew a 'line in the sand' against Iraq over Kuwait in 1990, but never acted on it until he got congressional authorization in Jan. of 1991.

I defy anyone to find a conservative complaint about that timeline.

Yawn, guy.

Fact is, no one wanted to go to war with Syria, and Obama took the easy way out of it.

No one also wanted to take the blame for NOT going to war with Syria, which is why the GOP was terrified about having to vote on it.
While our dimocrap members tirelessly defend the indefensible.... While they constantly and continuously make lame excuse after lame excuse for their pretend, blow-up-doll president...

Here's what the rest of the world is saying..... Even some of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM

9 Times Putin Pwned Obama

Putin Wins a Round From Obama - Ken Walsh's Washington (

Kathleen Parker: Putin?s good time at Obama?s expense - The Washington Post

Analysis: Putin scores diplomatic win on Syria -

Putin Makes Obama Pay a High Price for Syria Escape | Fox News

I could go on for at least another hundred articles.... ALL laughing at the Stuttering Clusterfukk for getting butt fucked by Putin.

And the knob-slurpers on this Board would still defend out lace-panty-wearing president.

In a few Months, when EVERYBODY admits that obama got PWNED, and this is no longer in the news, they'll scream, "Where did I ever say......" With an appropriate amount of self righteous indignation.

Like they always do.

Then, if you want to prove what lying scum they are (and they are) you'll have to go back and spend several hours searching for what they said and when.

And when/if you do that, they'll report you to the Mods for Stalking.

I hate dimocraps

Did you want Obama to attack Syria? Is that your problem? That Putin deterred Obama from attacking Syria by initiating a possible diplomatic settlement?

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